Saturday, March 20, 2021

Blair White addresses conversion therapy

Once again Blair White addresses a sensitive topic and makes a lot of sense. Personally, I'm not sure why it would be a controversial subject. When asked her position on conversion therapy, Leslyn Lewis stated that she did not believe anyone should be forced into anything but people should be allowed to go to therapy if they choose. That I agree with and makes perfect sense.

Shock therapy is never a good thing. They used that at Riverview and it always does more harm than good. Beating someone is not acceptable. By the sounds of it, there are problems with some of these conversion therapy clinics partly from ideology and partly from corruption just like many addiction treatment centres that are simply flop houses for addicts to do drugs and be exploited.

Someone being sexually assaulted at a conversion therapy clinic is not acceptable and is a bit Dr Phil. People who do that to patrons need therapy. When I say therapy, I don't mean they need to be sexually assaulted. I mean they need to talk about their feelings and understand what is acceptable conduct and what is unacceptable conduct. Raping someone at a clinic is unacceptable. Raping anyone is unacceptable. Period.

I agree with Blair White in that what consenting adults do behind closed doors is their business. They key words are consenting adults. When a man rapes a little boy or girl, that is wrong. When a man rapes a man or woman that is wrong. There is an absolute truth there. My personal preference is straight up heterosexual. That's me. Yet the reason why I respect Blair White and Brandon Straka is because you don't have to be heterosexual to support low taxes or civil liberty.

Blair White addresses Milo Yiannopoulos coming out as straight. I didn't know who he was and don't really care. Live and let live. I don't support his position on Islam. I believe in religious freedom. I support Blair White and Brandon Straka because they are both smart and sincere.

Therapy is where you go to talk about your feelings and for the most part be validated. If you like to rape children or adults, then I do not believe those feelings should be validated. If you have a different sexual preference, you are free to talk about those feelings in therapy. Yet it should be done in a safe, positive environment not a toxic negative one. A lot of therapists, especially those who follow Freud, do more harm than good. Choose wisely who you listen to and use your brain.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Homicide in Richmond linked to burnt out car in Surrey

This morning the news said the police found a burned-out car on 194th Street and 16th Avenue. As soon as they reported that we said who'd they shoot? Now the Vancovuer Sun is reporting that "On Thursday around 4 a.m., firefighters were called to the 22000-block of Rathburn Drive in Richmond to deal with a house fire. Once the fire was extinguished, investigators combed the charred site and found two people dead inside the home. Few details were released but investigators said circumstances led police to classify the deaths as homicides."

"At this time the two victims have not yet been identified, said Det. Lara Jansen of IHIT. Jansen also said that a burned black BMW SUV was found a short time later, abandoned near 16th Avenue and 194th Street in Surrey, and is believed to be linked to the double homicide and fire in Richmond." Yeah, that's what we thought. CTV posted a news video.

Update: CTV is reporitng that IHIT announced the victims were brothers Chaten Dhindsa, 25 and Joban Dhindsa, 23. Both were known to police. Sounds like they were low level drug dealers that set up shop in Surrey and were capped by the red and white with the assistance of the CFSEU.

81 hand grenades seized in Ontario Biker Bust

The Toronto Star is reporting that "The provincial biker squad says it has dismantled four criminal networks in southern Ontario that were selling illegal firearms, including fully automatic machine-guns, dozens of hand grenades, grenade launchers cocaine and marijuana. Two bikers connected to the Outlaws Motorcycle Club in London, Ont., were among the 10 suspects hit with 268 charges from the eight-month investigation called Project Weaver."

"Police said they seized 31 illegal firearms, 81 hand grenades, two grenade launchers, three explosive devices, 10.85 kg of cocaine and 216 lbs of illegal cannabis, five lbs of hashish, more than $10,000 in other illegal cannabis products, 36 lbs of psilocybin, 715 grams of MDMA, $127,757 in Canadian currency, $2,106 in U.S. currency, eight vehicles and a probationary-level Outlaws Motorcycle Club vest."

Although the article does not say what the other four criminal groups were, the Outlaws have always had far more credibility in Ontario than the Hells Angels in Ontario. Quebec HAs are rock solid. 81 hand grenades is rather shocking. One would think those were from Quebec but in Quebec they normally use dynamite. I have no idea where they would get 81 hand grenades from. Thre article said it didn't come from the Canadian military which is what we would normally expect. Perhaps it was the US military. It must have been a sting.

This is an example of an illegal firearms bust. None of these firearms were legally obtained. No one legally buys machine guns and grenades in Canada. This article shows us two things. Ontario still has a Biker Enforcement Unit and still makes drug busts. BC does not.

The BC Liberals did away with the Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Unit and the BC NDP never brought it back making one no better than the other. The BC NDP just want to profit from crime which makes them no better than the Liberals.

"Wade said the probe highlighted that criminal groups are still involved in the cannabis trade, even though it has been legalized. Criminals can reap significant profits by ignoring Health Canada quality guidelines." Since pot has been legalized there is no such thing as illegal pot just unlicensed pot. No one care about unlicensed pot or black market cigarettes. These do not destroy communities like crack, fentanyl and crystal meth do.
The National Post is reporting that Ryan (Big Red) Daigneault and Jayme Hill are among those arrested. They must have said hey do you want 81 hand grenades and they said sure.
In fact, there is no reason other than military applications to manufacture hand grenades and grenade launchers. There is no practical application of grenade launchers on the street which makes this bust suspicious. I can tell you right now where they came from. They came from CSIS, the CIA or the RCMP. This was a sting.

If organized crime wants to burn out a business, they will use a petrol bomb. A hand grenade isn't going to blow up a building. In the Quebec gang war, they used dynamite. Back in Belfast they would fill an old car full of fertilizer and diesel fuel. Grenade launchers are more of a toy since they have no practical application on the street. It's very difficult to aim a grenade launcher. You need to make calculations and test shots.

I have a friend who bought a black powder cannon from the States. I was like WTF are you going to do with that? Fire it in the bush. It's just a toy. Seemingly they're not regulated. Sure enough he shows me a video on his phone of him and a buddy firing this thing off in the bush. It took trial and error to know how much powder to use. To save money on ammo the just fill old paint tins with concrete. Aiming a grenade launcher is like aiming a black powder cannon. It's very hard to do.

If you're at war and you are firing at enemy lines, well sure. That simply is not practical on the street. Back in Belfast they would use rpgs. For real. Those ya just point and click. Ya see a big military fortress like something out of Mad Max, you aim the rpg and pull the trigger. That has a practical application. Grenade launchers don't. So that means these hand grenades and grenade launchers came from CSIS, the CIA or the RCMP.

I'm certainly not hating on the BEU. They get sh*t done. Bob Deasy was the real deal. However, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out where they came from. It's just like the Surrey Pressure cooker fraud. Jon had no idea how to make a pressure cooker bomb and neither do I. The RCMP had to provide him with them. He casually mentioned you know if you want these things to work you need some C4. So they showed up with some C4 and he sh*t his pants.

It's just like the Toronto Via Rail fraud. Those kids did not have access to those kinds of explosives. The RCMP gave it to them. Just like CSIS and Air India. If CSIS hadn't given them the explosives, the Air India bombing never would have happened.

So in this case the RCMP agent says to the Outlaws, hey you want 81 hand grenades? They were like f*ck off. You can't get any hand grenades. He was like, yes I can. Complete with grenade launchers. Do you want them? Thinking he was full of sh*t they said yeah I want them. Mostly to shut him up or see if he could actually get them or not. Again if the police agent hadn't provided them, they wouldn't have been able to acquire them.

The BEU have been targeting this big Red guy for quite a while. I'm not saying the BEU set him up, I'm saying the RCMP did because that's the way they roll. FBI foil FBI plot only this time it was the RCMP's over funded terror squad. If they found the millions of dollars they lost from their budget, tax payers would be much better off. Losing that much money is organized crime.
You can't walk up to someone or drive up to someone in a car and throw a hand grenade out the window. If you do, it will bring a lot of attention to you and you'll get caught. Remember this Mac10 with the huge silencer they pulled out of the Fraser River in 2009? This is the kind of firearm they use in a gang shootings. The silencer is to make it quiet so they don't attract too much attention. This is not a legally obtained firearm. Mac10's are illegal in Canada. You can't buy one with a firearm license so it wasn't supplied by a legal gun owner.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Cameron Ortis withstands yet another slander attack

They say the first casualty of war is the truth. So we see in the case against Cameron Ortis. Post Media Trash is reporting that "After Ortis took over the RCMP's National Intelligence Coordination Centre, staff said they faced harassment and inappropriate and demeaning comments, causing morale to plummet." That is a bold faced lie. This whole bullsh*t article is trying to blame Otis for the years of sexual harassment at the RCMP which is absolutely ridiculous.

Cameron Ortis was a civilian with a PhD who took over the RCMP's National Intelligence Coordination Centre in 2016. The sexual harassment in the RCMP was well entrenched by the time Bob Paulson took the helm in 2012. Bob Paulson failed to address it because he was part of the FOCCers - Friends of Craig Callen who promoted swingers and sexual harassers like Bill Fordy who performed the dance of the flaming asshole naked in front of male and female staff. Bob Paulson went on a "fishing" trip with Criag Callen and Bill Fordy at the lodge at the other end of Pitt Lake while his most recent wife was pregnant.

The first class action settlement for the RCMP sexual harassment court case was in 2016, the same year Cammeron Otis assumed his position. That means the sexual harassment at the RCMP was well under way long before he became involved. Blaming him for the previous culture of harassment is a bold faced lie with malicious intent. It is simply not true.

Cameron Ortis obviously had nothing to do with the abusive sexual relationships that went on between trainer and cadet at Depot. Blaming him for that is nonsense.

We now have to ask ourselves why would the RCMP make up such a ridiculous lie and why would Post Media Trash print it? It is all very reminiscent of when Chris Horsely threatened Jeff Buziak in Calgary. Horsley told Jeff that if he didn't back off his blog and public campaign to help solve his daughter's murder Horsely would destroy Jeff's reputation publicly. These slander campaigns are all too familiar of any and all intelligence operations.

I called bullsh*t in this case on day one when they first charged him with selling confidential information to Communist China. I said no way. That did not happen. Then we saw them change their story. That's what liars do. They change their story. Actually is was the CIA.

Then they claimed is wasn't China it was for an Al-Qaeda based narco-terror banking network. Again I cried bullsh*t! The CIA is the narco-terror banking netwok. Just look at the BCCI.

After that they said it was Phantom Secure. I missed that one but I'm sure as hell glad they brought it up. Phantom Secure was a Canadian cell phone company that made encrypted BlackBerry cell phones for anyone who wanted them. Gang members and drug dealers jumped at the opportunity because the police couldn't hack their communications.

After they got busted, they were forced to work for the police. Even I knew about that at the time. If Cameron was senior RCMP intelligence, he would have known that Phantom Secure was working for the RCMP. If he was dirty, which he was not, he would not have sold that company intel because he would have known they were working for the police. Once again their lie fails the test of beleivability making their ever changing slander campaign suspect.

Here's the kicker. Phantom Secure was working for the RCMP. The Gang Task Force had copies of Larry Amero's encrypted BlackBerry messages implicating him in several local murders. The CIA drug trafficking kingpins of the world wouldn't let the RCMP use that evidence because it would implicate some of their clients. So instead, the US authorities charged Phantom Secure (the ones working for the police) in the US and Dr. Kim ran with it. That's just like charging Freeway Ricky while letting Blandon off Scott free.

So now that Jamie Bacon and the Surrey Six killers
are working with the police to rat out rivals, where does that leave Gumby? The police are withholding evidence against him for several local murders. There's no telling how low they will go next. I thought they had reached the bottom of the barrel but they keep surprising me. Stay tuned. No lie can live forever. Tiocfaidh ár lá.

We can't see the stars without darkness. When night falls, stars shine.

Woman shot dead in the DTES

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that a woman was shot dead in the Arco Hotel in East Vancouver. A witness claims that the woman was struck by two rounds fired through a door.

CBC previously ran a report on Atira-managed building's stating they were all crack shacks and brothels and that nobody does anything about it. Exactly. That is the root of the problem.
Update: CTV is reporting that "Shania Paulson, 24, was shot inside the Arco Hotel on West Pender Street just before 4 a.m., Vancouver police said in a news release Thursday."

Sunday, March 14, 2021

The murder of Sarah Everard

The Indian Express is reporting that "The disappearance and death of Sarah Everard, a 33-year-old marketing executive from South London, and the arrest of a police officer accused of murdering her, has sparked a national outcry in the United Kingdom over violence against women. On Tuesday (March 9), the police made two arrests—the first was a 48-year-old police constable, Wayne Couzens, on suspicion of kidnapping, and the second a woman in her 30s on suspicion of assisting an offender."

Sky News is reporitng that "The details came at the initial hearing for a Metropolitan Police officer accused of the kidnap and murder of the 33-year-old marketing executive. Wayne Couzens appeared in person before Westminster Magistrates' Court on Saturday following his arrest on Tuesday. The 48-year-old was remanded in custody and the case will next be heard at the Old Bailey on 16 March."

Sarah Everard and Constable Jasmine Thiara - both murdered. The only difference is that in Canada, Jasmine's murder will never be investigated. I believe in law enforcement. That's the problem. I believe the law should be enforced. Lawful assembly is a sacred right protected by law. The tragic truth is the Police Have a Much Bigger Domestic-Abuse Problem Than the NFL Does. Research suggests that family violence is two to four times higher in the law-enforcement community than in the general population. The Secret Epidemic of Police Domestic Violence.

The Daily Mail is reporitng that "Judge Luckraft said a plea hearing would be held on July 9 at the Old Bailey and a provisional date for a trial - which could last up to four weeks - was set for October 25." The Guardian is reporting that "On Friday he was charged with the kidnap and murder of Sarah Everard following a decision by the Crown Prosecution Service, which decides on whether the evidence gathered by police merits the bringing of criminal charges."

Canadian Doctors Speak Out: Fear Not

Canada Health Alliance: "As medical doctors, nurses, chiropractors, naturopaths, pharmacists, and other healthcare practitioners from across Canada whose common goal is to protect the rights of our patients, our first task is stopping the COVID-19 public health policy damage."

"Our objective is to counter the misinformation, censorship, and coercion that is being used by Canadian public health 'experts', government agencies and our elected government representatives to target Canadians during the COVID crisis."

"These coercive measures have been used to ensure acceptance of health policies that have undoubtedly caused physical and psychological harm, with no apparent health benefits. This damage, whether intentional or a result of incompetence, has involved individuals, families, communities, provinces, and the entire fabric of the Canadian nation

Moya Greene - the cat came back

CBC is reporting that "The interim report from the premier's economic recovery team will not be ready by the original Sunday deadline, according to Moya Greene, who heads the task force." WTF? The cat came back? Awk what about ye? I see you're still wearing the living room drapes. It's no wonder mental health is her charity of choice.

Let it be known that Moya Greene is not a Conservative nor is she able to balance a budget. She is not good at business. She is an axe murderer. That's all she does. Oh the stories I could tell...

CBC is reporitng that "Liberal Leader Andrew Furey is alleging 'misinformation' about an impending report from his economic recovery team report, and his political opponents are accusing him of flip-flopping on his intentions to consult the public on its recommendations. On Twitter on Saturday afternoon, Furey said he wanted to address the misinformation out there about the report from the team, led by Moya Greene. 'Damn Moya Greene is not the premier…. The recommendations that Damn Moya Greene and her task force will put forward are just those - recommendations,' Furey said in the tweet. Everyone will have the chance to have a say and we will table that final report in the House of Assembly." Is she still living in Fulham?

I met Moya Grene once when she was hired to privatize Canada Post. NOT. She was speaking in Vancouver and I was standing outside with a sign that said "Save the Dream Stop Moya Greene. Don't let a Banker Derail Canada Post." When it was over her car drove past and she tried to heckle me. She rolled down her window and yelled out "Hey, what do you have against bankers?" I smiled stepped forward and yelled back "How does not picking up the mail on Saturdays increase business revenue?" She thought about it for a second then motioned for her driver to move one. Yeah, that's what I thought. She had nothing to say because she has no idea how to increase business revenue. She's a one trick pony. All she does is slash services and slash jobs. That is what she is paid to do. She has no idea how to build business. Just sayn.

Moya Greene is the reason we have Newfie jokes. Newfoundland is a wonderful place but people like Moya Greene give Newfoundland a bad reputation. She's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Paying for her advice is foolish. That old grey mare was put out to pasture for a reason. Leave her there. If she is still living in England, she should not be advising us on anything.

Delay of interim Greene report casts doubt on its validity, says former team member

CBC is reporitng that "The president of the Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labour has resigned from Premier Andrew Furey's provincial economic recovery team, calling it window dressing without collaboration or transparency." No kidding. When Moya Greene tried to kill CUPW she was anything but transparent. She said anyone who disagreed with her was stupid yet she was the one running around wearing the living room drapes. Buyer Beware.

Marvin Hagler dies unexpectedly at age 66

DAZN is reportig that "The sporting world was left stunned Saturday night as the news of Marvin Hagler’s death at the age of 66 sent shockwaves through boxing. “Today, unfortunately my beloved husband 'Marvelous' Marvin passed away unexpectedly at his home here in New Hampshire,” his wife Kay Hagler announced on Facebook."

The Gateway Pundit is reporitng that "Thomas 'Hit Man' Hearns asked supporters for prayers on Saturday for Marvin Hagler saying Marvin was in the ICU days after taking a COVID-19 vaccine."

World Boxing News reported "Former middleweight rival Thomas Hearns has claimed Marvin Hagler’s death at the age of 66 was linked to the coronavirus vaccine he received recently."

The New York Daily News is rpeoritng that "A Boston doctor has detailed the harrowing experience he suffered in having a severe allergic reaction after receiving his first dose of Moderna’s COVID vaccine Thursday. Dr. Hossein Sadrzadeh is the first person to report such a reaction to the Moderna vaccine, CNN reported. At least six people had similar reactions to the Pfizer vaccine. Sadrzadeh’s heart rate spiked and his blood pressure tanked, he told CNN. He used his EpiPen, and his colleagues at Boston Medical Center took him to the emergency room."

23 people died from the vaccine in Norway. No one has died from remdesivir. Norway reports blood clots in young people with the AstraZeneca vaccine. Denmark, Norway, Iceland temporarily suspend use of AstraZeneca vaccine but circus freak Bonnie Henry says it's just fine.
Update: Marvin Hagler’s wife states that he died of natural causes. What was the cause of death? A blot clot? When did he get the vaccine? I'm not an anti vaxxer but if he did have an allergic reaction to the vaccine like many others have, then denying that to apease the Corporate media is pretty abominable. Just sayn.

The thing that I find so outrageous is how rude his wife is being to his children and the rest of his family. It is suspicious. People have expressed concerns about Marvin's allergic reaction to the vaccine that caused his hospitalization. His current wife, who is not the mother of his five children, insists that the rest of the family don't know how he died as she was the only one present when he took his last breath. Then she had the audacity to say there won't be a funeral because Marvin didn't even like his family. That was cruel and ofensive. He didn't like his kids or she didn't?

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Dr Kulvinder Kaur faces fear with logic

ER Doctor - "We're Being Deceived and Manipulated"

Dr Mark Trozzi states that "There is only one courageous honest doctor in Ontario, who takes the Hippocratic Oath seriously. Both in my regular ER and my 'COVID-19 designated' ER, there were almost no patients, and almost no work. I had multiple long ER shifts without a single patient." "I have never seen a patient sick with COVID-19. My research into the PCR test has convinced me personally that it is misleading, manipulatable, and being used to drain endless taxpayer's money and future debt, to dramatically enrich the very criminals running this scandal."