Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Supporters confront Trump's political trial

Gov. Burgum, Vivek Ramaswamy and others spoke outside the courthouse in New York today exposing the absurdity of the proceedings against Trump. The judge is a Democrat donor and is in a complete conflict of interest. Byron Donalds nailed it. He asked where is the crime?

Stormy Daniels was in legal proceedings with Donald Trump and accepted an out of court settlement. The Democrats are trying to break the terms of the settlement by calling it hush money. Vivek is right. Paying legal fees is not unlawful. Stormy Daniels is a cheap whore.

Brandon Police seize 100 kilos of Crystal Meth

CTV is reporting that "The Brandon Police Service (BPS) discovered nearly 100 kilograms of crystal meth during a traffic stop last week. The investigation began around noon on May 8 when officers conducted a traffic stop on a commercial vehicle on the Trans-Canada Highway.

"During the check, officers became suspicious that the driver may be in possession of an illicit substance for the purpose of trafficking. Due to these suspicions, BPS brought in a police dog named Storm, who indicated the presence of controlled substances. Police said they searched the cab of the vehicle where they found two large duffel bags under the bed in the sleeper berth. According to police, the bags contained 100 kg of what’s believed to be crystal meth. The drugs have an estimated street value of $800,000." Drug sniffing dog, nice.

Justin Trudeau falls 20 points behind Conservatives

Clinton Jaws posted a video of Laura Stone a reporter from the Globe and Mail asking Justin Trudeau why doesn't he resign as leader for the good of the party since the Liberals are now 20 points behind the Conservatives. She says the public seems to have an overwhelmingly negative view of you personally. Ya think? All bad things must come to an end. No lie can live forever.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Page Eight on Netflix is timely and well done

Kerri Krysko on A&E Secrets of the Hells Angels: Update

OK here it is. Episode 5 of the Secrets of the Hells Angels on A&E is about Sonny Barger and is called Leader of the Pack. It has some pictures of Sonny's wife Noel when she was young (3:26) and she tells her side of the story. She said Sonny was very romantic and it all started off well but after the first a*s kicking she should have left. (36:07)

I remember when George Christie was beefing with Sonny Barger. George said Sonny dialed 911 and Hells Angels aren't supposed to dial 911. George was referring to an incident where Sonny had beat up Noel so bad he called an ambulance to come and get her. I was like I don't think that counts. I'm far more concerned with the fact that he beat up a woman so bad she needed an ambulance than about the fact that he called an ambulance to come and get her.

In steps Kerri Krysko (36:32). Kerri is local. She wrote two books. We know the story. I know some things that weren't written in the book. I don't like her ex but there was good in him and I don't like the best man her ex had at their wedding. I respect her bridesmaid and I respect the Master of Ceremonies they had at their wedding. It was all very high profile so it was.

I think that situation was abnormal. Overall, I think most Hells Angels treat their wives fine. Better than most cops who have a worse record for spousal abuse than the Hells Angels do. That's not to say the Hells Angel don't mistreat the patch pounders, the groupies or the prostitutes that work for them. In that situation I think the Margo Compton story was the norm but wives in the club, for the most part, are different. Most Hells Angels treat their wives better than most cops.

Noel said I think the fists came into play because I can be lippy. (38:46) There was a little bit more too it than that. Don't get me wrong. I don't like Sonny Barger but that article George Christie made reference to about when Sonny beat up Noel and called an ambulance for her contained a few missing pieces to the puzzle. She was punching him. In the Phoenix Magazine article Noel admitted accepting money from the FBI. She claimed the FBI tricked her into signing a nondisclosure agreement and stated she never testified against anyone.

The article explained that the assault occurred after they had separated. Noel was furious that Sonny had started a new relationship with someone else. She was yelling at him and hitting him so he beat the sh*t out of her. The article also admitted that Noel was bipolar. "Under cross examination FBI agent Stephen Smith admitted that Noel told him she took several medications for her mental health problems." Agent Smith testified in court that when he visited Noel in the hospital on the night of the fight, he saw no visible injuries on her.

I'm not saying what Sonny did was right because it wasn't right. I'm saying there's more to the story. There is no excuse for a man to hit a woman. Ever. Yet if a woman thinks she can rage on a man and hit him while he does nothing, that is an unrealistic expectation. In that situation the innocent victim image disappears and it simply becomes a toxic inappropriate fight.

As I learned in the Guardian Angels, domestic violence situations are very dangerous to get involved with. One time another member and I were returning to headquarters at Harlem in the middle of the night. We're in the subway and we hear a woman scream. We see a man had pinned her against the wall. We rush over to her aid and she starts screaming don't hurt him. It was her boyfriend and they were having an argument. I was like AYFKM? I looked at my buddy and said I'm out of here. Let's go. That chick is crazy. We can't help her so we left.

I'm not going to get into the Dr Phil reasons why women stay in abusive relationships. That's beyond me. I'm just saying that there is good and bad in everyone. Many marriages break down. We all need to move forward. Kerri's kids are awesome only they're not kids any more they are capable grown men that would make any parent proud. Trials don't define us they refine us.
As for the Sonny Barger 911 tape, he called an ambulance not a cop. The show cut out the part where the dispatcher asked him if there was a firearm on the property. That was a trick question because he was under a firearm ban. If he said no and they found one he would have been charged. They asked him is there a firearm on the property? He said Noel has one in her car. They asked him is it in the car? He said yes, I believe it is. He didn't call the cops saying she tried to shoot me. That didn't happen. His involvement with Margo Compton's case was far worse.

Download the Phoenix Magazine article about Sonny and Noel

Update: After rereading the article in the Phoenix magazine there's even more background to the story about Sonny's fight with Noel the night the ambulance was called. One page 83 the article states Just after midnight July 14th 2002 Sonny's neighbor called 911 because Noel was outside Sonny's house banging on the windows screaming and she had a gun. The neighbor said Sonny was a really good guy and was trying to avoid her.

The Deputy Sheriff shows up and sees Noel has a 9mm handgun sticking out of the front of her jeans which she had a conceal carry permit for. Noel gives the sheriff her gun and tells him she lives at the house. Noel later admitted to the journalist that she lied to the Deputy Sheriff about living at the home. She clarified that she and Sonny were separated at the time and she lived at a different residence Sonny paid for in Glendale.

According to the police report Noel looked into the garage and saw Sonny's motorcycle wasn't there so he wasn't even home at the time. The deputies told Noel to leave the property to avoid a fight which she did. But just a few minutes later Noel spotted Sonny and a girlfriend named Michelle Scott on the highway.

The police interviewed Michelle who said Noel started following them in her car. Sonny made two U turns to try and lose her but she kept following them and literally ran them off the road in her car. Sonny got off his motorcycle and argued with Noel. He got back on the motorcycle and rode home. Noel followed them to the same home after the deputy told her to leave the property.

Sonny tells Michele to stay in the house while he went out to try and calm Noel down. He was unsuccessful and ended up calling 911 saying that he kicked Noel because she was going for her gun in her car. When the police arrived they found a handwritten note on a piece of cardboard addressed to Slut that said stay away from my husband and my house.

When the deputies arrived they found another gun in Noel's Camero. It was the second gun they had confiscated from her that night. I'm sorry but that is batsh*t crazy and the A&E episode didn't mention any of that. The A&E episode tried to make Sonny Barger sound like a common wife beater but when you look at the facts a very different story quickly emerges.

As I said when I first posted the in-depth article about Sonny and Noel in the Phoenix magazine, after reading that article I have more respect for Sonny than I had for him before I read it. It's sad. When you see the picture of Noel on her Harley when she first met Sonny she was hot. (3:26) I'm not saying now she's not. I'm just saying that there were a lot of outside influences trying to destroy that marriage. The FBI were grooming her and the club 86'd her. Sonny displayed an incredible amount of patience dealing with her. That showed he really did care.

Oh one other thing. The next day Noel told the reporter over coffee that she was strung out on crystal meth at the time. Noel admitted to the reporter she and Sony were separated at the time and that she was living in a different residence. Noel explained that she was upset when she saw Sonny with some other groupie after they were separated. Hell hath no fury...

Israel killed UN aid worker in Rafah

Update: American medics trapped in Gaza after Rafah border closing

The Yong Turks is confirming that Israel has killed a UN staffer in a clearly marked vehicle. Global has some footage that shows bullet holes in the windows of the vehicle. That means the marked vehicle was intentionally targeted from relatively close range.
One could argue that Israel gave warning to evacuate but we need to look at the big picture and see what they are really doing. The City of Gaza was in the north on the right side of the picture. Israel gave all the civilians in Gaza notice to leave which created a mass Exodus. They moved in with tanks, bulldozers and bombs destroying everything in their path.

Then they went to the next city and the next and the next until everyone was forced into Rafah. They closed the border to Egypt and ordered everyone in Rafah to leave. That is a sick joke. They clearly have no place to go. As Israel has been clear cutting south they have been bombing and sniping hospitals, cutting off water, electricity and aid. They've even been exhuming graves and bulldozing over cemeteries for the new Canal's access road. This is an abomination.

So they have driven all the civilians south, closed the border into Egypt and are now driving them west into the Ocean. God is watching this and this is ungodly. They had the audacity to claim this new Port is for humanitarian aid. That is an offensive lie. The new Port is to steal their natural gas reserves and to force all the civilians out and disperse them around the world so they can't regroup and return to the land and resources they are stealing from them.

Hamas has nothing to do with this. When they said Hamas is ISIS that was a red flag. The CIA created ISIS to draw the US into the rival pipeline war in Syria. Then after the US assassinated the Iranian general responsible for defeating ISIS the CIA brought back ISIS K. Likewise Mossad created Hamas to push Fatah out of Gaza and to justify this genocide.

When they said Oct 7 is Israel's 911 that was another red flag. Everyone in Israel knows that the Oct 7 attack was orchestrated. It could not have happened unless Benjamin Netanyahu facilitated it by issuing a stand down order and taking everyone guarding the border off that assignment. That is why Israel is having mass protests demanding Netanyahu resign.

US Army Major Quits Intel Agency Over Unqualified US Support Of Israeli Ethnic Cleansing

Canadian Freedom Coalition & Independent Candidates

Since Bonnie Henry is refusing to evolve and move past the dysfunction I thought I'd throw out a link to a local coalition in Maple Ridge who hold town halls and social events for like minded freedom fighters. It's called the Canadian Freedom Coalition. They have health care workers on their team that are still out of work. One of their supporters is a guy trying to network with independent candidates in the next BC Provincial election called Independent BC.

Dr Roger Harrington is running as an independent MLA in Peachland. Perhaps Dr Stephen Malthouse can run as an independent. He's a far better candidate than anything that Barbie girl recommends. It was sad to see the BC Conservatives hijacked so quickly. Perhaps a coalition of independents can keep them honest. Chuck Cadman made a difference as an Independent.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Fire Bonnie the Despot Henry

Castanet is reporting that "B.C. Supreme Court Justice Simon Coval has sided with provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry on vaccine mandates for health-care workers, largely dismissing claims they are unreasonable and unconstitutional. In a May 10 ruling, Coval states that the province’s top doctor was justified in extending COVID-19 vaccine mandates from October 2021 via two renewed orders made on Oct. 5, 2023."

Bonnie Henry is a punitive b*tch. BC is the only province in Canada that still has Covid Rna vaccine mandates for health care workers despite the fact that the pandemic is over.

This court decision is nothing to celebrate. In my interview with Dr Steven Pelech, who is a specialist in the field, he pointed out that the courts have not been hearing evidence based research yet. I say yet because Bill 36 is going to change all that.

Dr Steven Pelech is a professor of virology at UBC. Vaccines are his specialty. He expressed his concerns with the BC NDP's draconian Bill 36 which outlaws medical opinions. Bonnie Henry is a Freak. Bill 36 is her attempt to ban, censor, fine and criminalize any specialist in the field who proves her wrong. The upside of that Orwellian power grab is the simple fact that if they are going to throw medical doctors in jail for expressing their medical opinions, the court will be forced to hear evidence based research. Something it hasn't been doing.

Up until now, the court has been accepting political Medical Officers' testimony without challenge. Bill 36 is going to change that. So finally some of these Orwellian court decisions will start to be reversed. However, the fact that these raging lunatics introduced Bill 36 needs to be addressed.

They don't just want to censor doctors they want to throw them in jail. Not only that but Bill 36 completely changes the structure of the College of Physicians. As Dr Pelech explained, the college used to consist of specialists in the field elected by a group of their peers. Bill 36 changed all that. Now they are no longer specialists in the field and they are no longer elected by a group of their peers. They are simply appointed by the highly politicized government. That's insane.

Australian power couple arrested for drug trafficking

The Daily Mail is reporting that "The newest power couple of Sydney's underworld have been arrested in a dramatic early morning drug raid just a month after they got married. Lone Wolf bikie widow Jade Heffer, 28, and Trent Jeske, 26, made headlines last month following reports the couple had tied the knot in an Islamic ceremony following his recent release from prison. The newlyweds were woken by heavily armed officers from NSW Police's Raptor Squad banging on the door and storming into their Merrylands home in western Sydney on Thursday morning."

OK so before we dive into the criminal history I just want to say this was kind of slimy. The police brought the media with them in an early morning raid waking the suspects out of bed and took unflattering pictures of them. They posted a picture of the guy sitting in a chair in his underwear. Yeah he's heavy, we get it. Waking people up in the early morning and posting pictures of them in their underwear? That crosses the line. The woman was sitting with her back to the camera in shorts and a bra revealing the tattoos on her back. There's a whole lot going on here.

The woman is a biker widow recently remarried after seemingly became Muslim. She wears a hijab now. That means posting pictures of her in police custody without her hijab are offensive. I'm not saying she is Muslim. Drug trafficking is Haram. The other summer I was helping one of the Muslim kids in my neighborhood with his bicycle. He looked at my tats and very Innocently said Muslims aren't supposed to get tattoos. I just said oh that's interesting. I didn't know that.
OK let's start with the woman. She was married to a Lone Wolf bikie named Yusuf Nazlioglu who was gunned down in front of her less than two years ago. Yusuf had been charged and acquitted of murdering his former friend Comanchero boss Mahmoud 'Mick' Hawi. Hawi was born in Beirut and joined the Comancheros when he was 18. He became national president of the gang in 2003 when he was just 22. The jury didn't believe Yusuf killed Mahmoud due to a falling out after a fishing trip. Yusuf was raised in Sydney by his parents, who were originally from Turkey.

It was reported that after witnessing her husband's murder, Jade Heffer converted to Islam and started wearing hijabs but there is a picure of her wearing a hijab with her former husband. In 2023 Jade started dating Ahmad 'Alan' Alameddine who is a sketchy looking member of the notorious Alameddine clan which is a drug trafficking organization in West Sydney.

"The pair made headlines in August that year when Heffer allegedly hindered police who turned up at Alameddine's Greenacre home, in Sydney's west, to check if he was complying with a firearms ban. Alameddine allegedly escaped and went on the run for a month while Heffer remained in jail - until he was arrested on September 6 after being busted engaging in a sex act with another woman inside a ramshackle unit in South Coogee."

Normally I don't give a rat's a*s about all this dating drama. The only reason I'm throwing it out there is because I find it suspicious. The Daily Mail in the UK has an awful lot of tabloid details about this crime family. Is it because they are tabloid trash or is it because MI6 is feeding them information? This crime family at war in Sydney is tied to Lebanon and as we all know the CIA have a long history of drug trafficking in Lebanon.

The Daily Mail is also reporting that "While her new-found flame, Jeske, has a chequered history, he recently gained notoriety for his inspiring weight loss journey - with photos revealing the stunning transformation. Jeske was able to shift the considerable amount of weight after having lap band surgery, which involves putting a ring around the top part of the stomach."

WTF? This isn't Princess Dianna or Randy Andy. Fast forward to Trent Jeske. The Daily Mail is reporitng that "Jade Heffer and Trent Jeske got married in an Islamic ceremony after the 'Ready 4 War' enforcer walked free from jail in February, having served 20 months for drug dealing, the Daily Telegraph reported. The street gang distributed drugs for the Alameddine network and were busted in 2022 in sweeping raids." Alameddine is an Arabic surname that its origins in Lebanon.

OK so that is a long criminal history tied to a drug war. Don't worry, It gets even weirder. In 2022 the Daily Mail reported that "Accused Alameddine gangster allegedly filmed a sex act with a DOG as he's hit with a string of charges including animal cruelty - months after dramatic lap-band surgery weight loss." WTF? Did they just make that sh*t up? Was that AI or was that real?

Turns out it was fake. Big surprise. Trent's mother was arrested and charged with producing a fake Covid 19 vaccination certificate for work. AYFKM? Half a dozen tactical officers for that arrest? They trashed her house. Her lawyer said the charge was false and made up.

Turns out the dog sex act was fake just like the fake Covid certificate was fake. I do not support drug trafficking especially crystal meth but I don't support lying either. The fact that this involved drug trafficking and Lebanon means the CIA is directly involved. F*ck the Five Eyes.

Ton of Crystal meth seized in Thailand

The Straight Times is reporting that "The Thai authorities intercepted about a tonne of crystal methamphetamine in one of the kingdom’s biggest ever single seizures of the illegal drug, the police said on May 12. The haul, with an estimated value of more than US$25 million (S$34 million) on the international market, was found when officers stopped a pickup truck in central Nakhon Nayok province on May 10. Acting national police chief Kittharath Punpetch said police, military and local officials had been monitoring several smuggling gangs and learned of a plan to move a large amount of the drug, commonly known by the street name Ice."

"Mr Kittharath told a news conference that 40 bags of the drug, weighing about a tonne in total, were found in the truck. Its driver was arrested but investigators believe the head of the smuggling network is a Thai national based in a neighbouring country. The kingdom is a major transit route for illicit drugs produced in the so-called Golden Triangle region where northern Thailand, Laos and Myanmar meet. Myanmar is a major source of amphetamine, much of it produced in illegal labs in border areas controlled by ethnic minority armed groups. AFP"

We have seen several Australian Hells Angels arrested in the past for selling crystal meth in Thailand. They even killed one of their on guys over it. The Toronto Sun reported that a BC Associate was arrested in Bangkok back in 2019 trying to smuggle heroin in shock absorbers destined for Canada. Historically it was the CIA that created the Golden Triangle. The CIA has been deeply involved with opium and Crystal meth out of Myanmar formally known as Burma. Video: Bo Grtiz on Morton Downey Jr.

Lt. COL Bo Gritz Discovery of US Involvement in Golden Triangle Opium Trade

Australian Man Faces 20-Year Jail, $600,000 Fine For Selling Meth In Bali

NDTV is reporting that "An Australian man faces up to 20 years in prison on the resort island of Bali and a fine of more than $600,000 for allegedly attempting to sell crystal meth, police said Monday. Indonesian police said the 49-year-old suspect -- named by his initials TAS and identified by Australian media as Troy Smith -- was arrested on April 30 at his hotel on the popular tourist island. He was allegedly found with 3.19 grams of crystal methamphetamine and his wife, a foreign national only identified by her initials TIM, was also held but found not to be involved."

The suspect had received a package carrying the meth sent by a friend in Australia, Indriyo said. A Bali police press statement said the package contained "one Colgate toothpaste tube containing 3.15 grams of alleged crystal meth". A long sentence for a small amount of drugs.

"Indonesia has some of the world's toughest drug laws including the death penalty for traffickers. There are dozens of traffickers on death row in Indonesia, including a cocaine-smuggling British grandmother and a Philippine woman accused of smuggling heroin."

There is an Australian by the same name who is a member of the Finks MC.