I'm going to pause for a moment of silence to record my dissent and mourn the Death of Reason in the United States of America and the ushering in of the Age of Treason. The US election has become a circus side show of bizarre insanity that has diminished all of us.
Some blindly overlook all of Hillary Clinton's criminal involvement and passionately support her thinking the end justifies the means. Others blindly overlook all of Trump's racial offensiveness realizing anything is better than the Clinton Criminal Enterprise. I endorse neither. How those two clowns got the nominations shows the system is broken. Either more people need to get involved in the nomination process, or
the process itself has become corrupt.
I agree the main stream media has endorsed Hillary and is biassed towards her. Which in itself is a red flag since the Agency spams the main stream media with disinformation on a daily basis. That means the CIA drug trafficking network wants Hillary for President. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out why.
She was the author of Operation Fast and Furious. Obama used executive privilege to cover it up for her but
she was the author of it just like back in Mena.
When Donald Trump started preaching his racism, I was outraged. How could any group of respectful people support such hate in our modern age? Then when Hillary attained the nomination my heart sunk. How can any group of self respecting individuals support such a dirty criminal? Although I now agree Trump is not as bad as Hillary, I don't endorse either.
That does not mean I am encouraging people not to vote. On the contrary, I am declaring that this is the first time in many years independent candidates have risen to the table providing a voice of reason in this age of treason.
The election dry heaving drama has become impossible to watch. It's worse than a bad soap opera or an episode of the bachelorette. Gag me with a spoon. What has happened to our society? The media is working the e-mail scandal with passionate smoke and mirrors obsessing over a multitude of things that simply do not matter. Hillary Clinton was selling guns to ISIS for God's sake. Nothing else needs to be said. Donald Trump said
the Clinton Foundation is a criminal enterprise. He is absolutely right about that. Stand with any man as long as he stands right, and part with him when he goes wrong. I agree Hillary Clinton is a criminal.
However, I do not agree with Donald Trump's hate and racism. That is what's feeding the CIA's false flag attacks and unlawful surveillance of ordinary civilians for their political beliefs. That hate is contrary to the principles of a Free Republic which when push comes to shove is the ultimate destiny that I endorse. I do not share Donald Trumps hate of the Canadian medical system. I don't have a problem with Obamacare. Only building hospitals in rich neighborhoods is deplorable.
I agree with Hillary Clinton that we should oppose privatized prisons. I just don't agree we should let all her
Bush Clinton Fraud drug dealing partners off and
give them jobs with Fox News.
ABC is reporting that Evan McMullin could tip the 2016 Election. Given the CIA's long history of drug trafficking, I am somewhat
hesitant to endorse a former CIA Operative for the office of President. I am simply saying that given the horrible choice Americans are currently faced with,
looking at Independent alternatives is likely the logical conclusion for all those who cannot in good conscience vote for hate or vote for a criminal.
Although Evan McMullin could win Utah, Gary Johnson, former governor of New Mexico is with the Libertarian party and
could win New Mexico. Yet some of his policies are just as bizarre as the other circus clowns. Dark times are upon us. The good news is that here are still a lot of good Americans that are heartbroken with the choice they have to make and do care about their country. These are as Charles Dickens declared the best of times and the worst of times depending on how you look at it. Sadly, in this election, I don't endorse anyone.
Instead we need to be vigilant about each separate issue when the next president is elected and reassert our right to free speech. Although Justin Trudeau is much more personable than Stephen Harper,
his blind allegiance to Communist China is just as concerning as Hillary Clinton's drug trafficking because it is all part of the same agenda.
Buyer Beware.
To all those undecided, I support
Thomas Paine. Give me liberty or give me death.
With regards to the eloquent writings of Thomas Paine, I will clarify that I suport him in the sense that he clearly defined a Free Republic and suported the freedom of religion both of which I completely support. Many claim he was an atheist but if you read his discourse on religion entitled Age of Reason, you will clearly see he was not an atheist although he was somewhat disillusioned with organized religion. Even if he was an aithest I would still sport him because the freedom of religion protects the rights of atheists as well as all other religions.
Thomas Paine stated “I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of. My own mind is my own church.
All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.”
I respect his opinion just as much as he respects mine and that of anyone else who endorses any of those creeds in the established religions. However, my interpretation of those creeds differs slightly. I do not believe that organized religion are human inventions set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit. I believe that any religion, trade union or political organization can be infiltrated to terrify and enslave mankind but I do not believe that is their original intent. Many politicians are corrupt. That does not mean all are.
All religions contain the golden rule: treat others the way you would like to be treated. If all religions practiced that principle, this world would be a better place. I do believe in the revelations of God. I believe God is good and is the author of liberty. Although I support the US Constitution with a passion, I am Canadian. I also support the Canadian Charter of rights and civl liberty.
At the Peace Arch border crossing it has the words children of a common mother. Indeed we are. My mother was born in Amherst Nova Scotia.
Bill J. Wilms wrote a paper explaining Nova Scotia's neutrality during the American Revolution and claimed it was in part due to the preaching of Henry Alline and the Great Awakening. Nova Scotia chose a different path.
In the movie the Patriot,
Mel Gibson originally said "Why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a King can." Clearly that is the position some Loyalists in Canada took on the American Revolution.
Perhaps as children of a common mother we can reason together and reach out to like minds across the border combining the Age of Reason with
the Great Awakening.
I have no desire to convert someone from one religion to another simply because I beleive adapting a single state religion is just as bad as abolishing religion all together. Both roads lead to the same place. I rather inspire than convert. If you are a Catholic, Muslim or Jew, then be a good Catholic, Muslim or Jew. As I previously said my neighbours are Muslim refugees from Syria. They are wonderful. When I was in Belfast I met a Jewish man who was like a father to me.
I believe in the Hamilton model. I simply aspire to something higher -
a Free Republic. Peace.