Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Harper and MacKay endorsing Trudeau Majority

CBC is reporting that Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum will try to trigger another election if Tweedle Dum wins the conservative leadership. I supported Andrew Scheer and I supported Jean Charest but I do not support Peter MacKay. Since Stephen Harper sabotaged Jean Charest's leadership bid and prevented the conservative party from rising above it's dark extremism, he must now face the consequence of his decision. His dinosaur ideals will become extinct. You will fail without Quebec. Quebec will not endorse Peter MacKay.

Stephen Harper's insistence his pet idiot win the leadership bid has ensured Justin Trudeau's reelection. That is sadly unfortunate. Nevertheless, if Justin Trudeau leans towards Andrew Scheer and away from Jagmeet Singh the country will be in good hands.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Lindsay Buziak Petition in the Vancouver Sun

The Vancouver Sun is reporting on the Change.org petition asking that Mike Farnworth, the minister of public safety, remove the Lindsay Buziak murder investigation case from Saanich police department and turn it over to another agency.

"In an emailed statement, Const. Markus Anastasiades said Saanich police would not speak to media. Anastasiades said Saanich police has been in a partnership with the RCMP that began at the initial crime scene. That partnership continues to this day. Anastasiades said the RCMP has conducted two comprehensive reviews of their investigation, one in 2008 and another in 2019, and that Saanich police are moving forward with the recommendations of the most recent review.” It sounds like they are frantically trying to cover their a*s instead of solve the murder.

Given the conflict of interest, Saanich PD should hand that file over to IHIT. That would be in everyone's best interest. Their stubborn refusal to do so forces us to examine the merger campaigns. Catherine Holt is the CEO of the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce. She wrote an article for the Times Colonist regarding the amalgamation of the Sanaach and Victoria police force. After attending the recent Lindsay Buziak Rally in Victoria, it became crystal clear how close Saanich and Victoria are. They are both part of the same community.

We walked from the Saanich City Hall which is right beside the Saanich PD to the Parliament buildings in Victoria. They are two small communities right beside each other. Surrey, New Westminster, Vancouver, Langley, those are all separated by a geographical distance. Saanich and Victoria is not. The CEO of the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce supports the merger of the Victoria PD with the Saanich PD and so do I. That is the logical solution to the conflict.

The Sooke News Mirror reported that "Victoria councillors unanimously endorsed a resolution that calls on the province to establish a regional police, with funding following established Capital Regional District (CRD) guidelines. Leading officials in Victoria starting with Mayor Lisa Helps as well as Chief Del Manak of the Victoria Police Department, which serves both Victoria and Esquimalt, favour the idea of creating a regional police force, and Victoria’s resolution reads like an attempt by that municipality to ratchet up the pressure on would-be resisters like Saanich."

The mayor of Saanich opposes the plan as he could be out of a job. His concerns are self interest. "Bruce Kennedy of the Grumpy Taxpayer$ of Victoria applauds Victoria’s appeal. 'It has bewildered us why Mayor Haynes has voiced opposition of a consolidated police force,' he said. 'We would call on the Saanich Mayor and [council] to be proactive and to ask their residents through a series of town hall meetings and online surveys whether they support this idea.'”

Amalgamation Yes is reporting that there was a referendum in both Saanich and Victoria. Victoria voted: 66% YES and Saanich voted: 56% YES. So the yeahs have it. It's time to move forward.

Remembering the Aboriginal misrepresentation before the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics

The recent Aboriginal misrepresentation in the Natural gas dispute reminds me of the Aboriginal misrepresentation right before the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. For those of us who were here, everyone remembers the Vancouver Winter Olympics as being a very positive experience for the entire city. Most of us don't even remember the wingnuts trying to stop it, but I do.

I was with a volunteer group at the time when the Anti Poverty Committee from the DTES started disrupting family events leading up to the Olympics and even started throwing rocks at civilians who attended the pre Olympic functions. They were the Anarchists we warned you about.

I brought my daughter to one of these events with a friend of mine at City Hall in Vancouver. There were hereditary chiefs there from the Squamish First Nations and surrounding areas in Whistler where the Olympics were going to be held. The thugs from the Anti Poverty Committee were there and started yelling "No Olympics on Stolen Native Land!"

We all wondered WTF they were on about. The Hereditary chiefs there were in support of the Olympics and signed an agreement where they financial benefited from them and were permitted to showcase their culture at the event. When the elders started speaking the thugs started heckling them. Even during a song on the prayer drum. That's when I lost it. I started heckling the hecklers and yelled out real Natives Respect their elders.

My point is the clowns from the anti poverty committee did not respect the Hereditary Chiefs from the Squamish First Nations and surrounding areas. They had their own agenda and they were using violence and abuse to exploit and misrepresent the First Nations community just like the fake environmentalists are doing now. In hindsight, nobody remembers that. Everyone just remembers what a positive event the Olympics were for all who attended.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Proposed arrangement in pipeline dispute reached

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that a Wet’suwet’en hereditary chief and senior government ministers say they have reached a proposed arrangement in a pipeline dispute that has prompted bullying and lawless extortion across Canada in recent weeks.

"Fraser says that while the Coastal GasLink natural gas pipeline at the heart of the dispute is already approved and underway, the talks have helped develop a protocol to deal with such projects in the future. Chief Woos, one of the Wet’suwet’en hereditary leaders, says the proposal represents an important milestone for everyone involved. But he says the hereditary chiefs remain opposed to the pipeline in their traditional territory." OK so nothing has been achieved.

This is the typical example of bad hippie parents. You do not reward unacceptable behavior. If a child throws a temper tantrum you give the child a time out and you ignore them. That is what you do. The natural gas pipeline is already approved and underway. John Ridsdale refuses to listen to his own elders and his own clan members. He shouldn't even be at the table.

3 Hereditary chiefs who supported the pipeline were stripped of their title

Alaska highway News is reporting that “There’s one chief that talks for the whole nation and that’s not our way,” said Gary Naziel, a hereditary chief. “In our feast hall, each chief gets up and talks for their own clan. And this one chief goes around saying he speaks for all the chiefs. And it’s not the Wet’suwet’en way. We need to include all the other house chiefs, all the wing chiefs, in the decision-making. Democracy is in our feast halls. That’s where decisions are made. We need to restructure the office [of the Wet’suwet’en].”

“Looking at how this has blown up into a national media event ... it would be appreciated and respectful to our culture if people would leave us to our own devices.” Troy Young Moricetown

“The Wet’suwet’en Nation being publicized in the media right now, it’s only a small group that does not represent the nation,” said Bonnie George of the Witset First Nation (Moricetown), one of five Wet’suwet’en bands. “Traditional law is clear and it’s not being respected,” Dovgal said. “That’s coming through universally. “Every single person we’ve spoken to, whether they are named chiefs … all the way through to children of house chiefs, the traditional laws – the unwritten constitution that exists in this community – has just been flagrantly disregarded.'

“There has been this confusion that has been created about who has the rightful claim to a name.” Hereditary chief titles are not automatically conferred on someone as a birthright. Recipients are groomed for the title and must earn it. It is given to them at a feast, at which the members of that house confirm the title. Three female hereditary chiefs who support the pipeline project, and tried to form a coalition that would bring the Office of the Wet’suwet’en and elected band councils together, were stripped of their hereditary chief titles for their efforts."

"Those titles were then given to male members who oppose the pipeline. So, whereas only five of 13 hereditary chiefs originally opposed the project, a majority of hereditary chiefs now oppose it." After they stacked the deck. Stripping three female hereditary chiefs who support the pipeline project then giving their titles to male members who oppose the pipeline was a dirty deed done dirt cheap. Helping these gangsters oppress their own people is not the right thing to do.

The elected chiefs and Band councils all support the natural gas project. John Ridsdale is the one that should be stripped of his title not the three women who listened to the Band councils and Clan members. 3 Hereditary chiefs who supported the pipeline were stripped of their title.

Talking stick tradition comes to B.C. legislature

"On the west coast of British Columbia, Talking Sticks are traditionally used during potlatch ceremonies. While the history and design of each Talking Stick is unique, they often take the form of a carved wooden staff that resembles a small totem pole. Talking Sticks are a powerful symbol and communication tool used to foster an atmosphere of active listening and respect. Only the bearer of the Talking Stick has the right to speak, and those present must listen quietly to what is being said. The Talking Stick is then passed on to other speakers in turn."

I know about the talking stick tradition because I was born here. My father had close ties to the Squamish First Nation and taught me to respect the ancestral heritage of Vancouver. He had one. Here they are tall thin, and have a Thunderbird on top like a totem pole. All my relations.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Conrad Black on Law and Order

I guess Hell just froze over. Conrad Black and I actually agree on something. Historic grievances Indigenous Canadians have had with the Canadian government has nothing to do with opposing the democratic will of the Natives living in Wet’suwet’en territory who have approved the natural gas pipeline as benefiting both them and the environment. It's not about Past History.

The Communist extremists that are determined to overthrow the democratic will of Canadians is disturbing and needs to be opposed. People have the right to protest but they don't have the right to prevent other people from going to work. We support free speech as well as law and order.

"Our sorrow does not mean we must accept the claim by some Native leaders that the government of Canada has no right to set foot on designated territory. Indigenous Canadians have the same rights against trespass as any other Canadians, but the government of Canada can deploy federal police and where appropriate, the armed forces, everywhere in the country as necessary to enforce federal laws and rights." Indeed, so send in the Canadian Rangers.

When Anarchists and Communists say RCMP out that means there is no law enforcement and that is their real agenda. All people are equal. Everyone deserves equal protection of the law including natives on reservations being bullied and abused by Anarchists and Communists.

3 Hereditary chiefs who supported the pipeline were stripped of their title

Rich Coleman retires from politics before going to jail

CBC is reporting that "Long-standing British Columbia politician Rich Coleman, Liberal MLA for Langley East, has announced he won't run again in the next provincial election, slated for 2021." Oh Happy Day. "In a written statement, B.C. Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson thanked Coleman, saying he was instrumental in the accomplishments of successive Liberal governments." Yeah right. He personally facilitated organized crime's ability to launder money in BC Casinos.

As soon as the NDP announce that their money laundering inquiry is going to determine who profited from money laundering, Richie Rich retires from politics. Imagine that. How's that price fixing inquiry in the gas industry going? Jason Kenny is the next rodeo clown that should go to jail. Toronto still pays way less for gas than we do.

Previously, Laila Yuile called for a corruption inquiry in BC instead of a money laundering inquiry. That would be much more productive because as I said, as soon as you announce you are *going* to crack down on money laundering in BC Casinos, the drug dealers will launder it somewhere else. Making that public announcement is like publicly announcing you are going to do a drug raid before you do it. It tips off the drug dealers.

A corruption inquiry would be far more productive and that is the root of the New York Model. The Mollen Commission was set up to investigate police corruption in New York City after Michael Dowd and several other officers were charged with cocaine trafficking. The success of the New York Crime Reduction model never would have happened if they didn't root out the police corruption first. The Documentary the Seven Five is very enlightening.

On that note, Laila Yuile announced that despite the NDP's song and dance about a money laundering inquiry, their own government expanded gaming with the BCLC approval of a new casino in Ladner run by the Gateway corporation. The same group that mysteriously "lost" $1.5 billion in a debt restructure scam. That's why Gateway Casinos started contributing to the NDP.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Presidential candidates must also condemn election interference by US intelligence agencies

Tulsi Gabbard wrote and article in the Hill which states: "Reckless claims by anonymous intelligence officials that Russia is “helping” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) are deeply irresponsible. So was former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s calculated decision Tuesday to repeat this unsubstantiated accusation on the debate stage in South Carolina. Enough is enough. I am calling on all presidential candidates to stop playing these dangerous political games and immediately condemn any interference in our elections by out-of-control intelligence agencies."

"A news article published last week in the Washington Post, which set off yet another manufactured media firestorm, alleges that the goal of Russia is to trick people into criticizing establishment Democrats. This is a laughably obvious ploy to stifle legitimate criticism and cast aspersions on Americans who are rightly skeptical of the powerful forces exerting control over the primary election process. We are told the aim of Russia is to sow division, but the aim of corporate media and self-serving politicians pushing this narrative is clearly to sow division of their own - by generating baseless suspicion against the Sanders campaign."

"The FBI, CIA or any other intelligence agency should immediately stop smearing presidential candidates with innuendo and vague, evidence-free assertions. That is antithetical to their role in a free democracy. The American people cannot have faith in our intelligence agencies if they are pushing an agenda to harm candidates they dislike."

"If our political leaders and those in the media were really concerned with protecting the integrity of our elections from outside manipulation - instead of just making money from manufactured hysteria - they would presumably devote more coverage to proposals to institute backup paper ballots, which would ensure that no malicious actors can ever alter our votes or hack into our election infrastructure. The bill I reintroduced last year, the Securing America’s Elections Act, does exactly that - but the media has never shown much interest because it would not generate the so-called bombshell headlines they so desperately crave."

God Bless Tulsi Gabbard. Those allegations against Bernie Saunders are ridiculous.

Surrey allowed to proceed with its own police force

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that "Surrey’s controversial plan to replace the RCMP with a municipal police force has received approval from B.C.’s solicitor-general, setting in motion a transition process that will see hundreds of RCMP officers forced to make a career choice in the coming months." It's not controversial. Stop saying that. Surrey is the largest city in Canada without it's own police force. It's a natural consequence of growth.

"Setting up a Surrey police force was one of the key pillars of McCallum’s municipal campaign platform, and council voted at its first meeting in November 2018 to proceed with the transition." Yes, that is true. It was the campaign promise of Doug McCallum and the Safe Surrey Coalition. Jack Hundial and Brenda Locke broke their election promise. Doug McCallum did not. He kept his word. Since Jack Hundial and Brenda Locke broke their promise no one can trust anything they say or any new promises they make in the next election.

“My job as solicitor-general is to ensure that a transition plan is in place and that transition plan ensures safe, adequate policing for the City of Surrey,” Farnworth said. “The decision is Surrey’s, and those costs are borne by Surrey. The Police Act and the police contract allow for them to make that decision.” Exactly but Wally Oppal is useless and should be in prison.

City of Surrey has been authorized to set up its own city police force

Communist yells at Aboriginal woman for supporting the pipeline outside the Wet’suwet’en offices in Smithers, BC

The Globe and Mail posted this picture of a protester yelling at an Aboriginal woman outside the Wet’suwet’en offices in Smithers, BC yesterday because the woman was holding a sign in support of the natural gas pipeline. This is what Communists do. They bully and abuse people who disagree with them until they are too afraid to express their opinion. That is how the belligerent minority overpower the silent majority.

The protester has a right to their opinion but so does the woman she is abusing. The protester refuses to recognize that. The protesters think they are the only ones that have a right to an opinion. The rest of us don't matter. That's not how a democracy works. That is why the Red Braid Alliance for Decolonial Socialism supports them. They're Communists and they oppose democracy. The majority of the Wet’suwet’en First Nation members support the natural gas pipeline as it will greatly improve air quality and their lives. It's a win win situation.

The Hereditary Chiefs are refusing to listen to their own elders and clan members. They want people outside the territory to help them overpower and oppress their own people. That is shameful. There is no honour in it. We do a lot of talking about standing up to bullies. Now we have to do exactly that. We have to stand up to the bullies trying to hold the rest of us hostage.

U.S. court grants extradition of Brandon Teixeira

Global is reporting that "a U.S. judge certified the extradition of Brandon Teixeira on Thursday in a Sacramento, Calif. court room. Teixeira is facing charges of first-degree murder in the shooting death of Nicholas Khabra in Surrey in 2017, and attempted murder charges related to a double stabbing in Maple Ridge in 2015." He is hardly notorious. That's kind of ridiculous.

He sold cocaine in Haney. Interesting. Things that make ya go hmmmm...

Brandon Teixeira has been charged with the murder of Nicholas Khabra in South Surrey. “Witness B told police that he had participated with Teixeira in the planning for, and preparation of, N.K.’s murder,” the court documents state. AYFKM? Is this Blaze and the rat pack again? How come all of Blaze's former associates keep getting busted all of a sudden. Do the math.

Brandon Teixeira is a person of interest in Ryan Provencher and Richard Scurr's murder. No doubt Blaze will make up all kinds of charges against this guy. Brandon Teixeira was a low level drug dealer the club would be happy to cap. Cory Vallee did not shoot Kevin LeClair.

Back in the day, the club would pay guys in Surrey Pretrial to plead guilty to things they didn't do so the real perp could get off. Now they just have Blaze lie in court for the Popo and the Teletubies will pay him for it. It doesn't cost the club a dime. Shame on you.

Brandon Teixeira was charged with stabbing a bouncer in the neck at the Taphouse. This guy is Surrey trash. He's not a high level dealer. He's been betrayed by the Cubpack. Maybe Mike Ross' crew hoe will testify against him again since IHITit is banging her now as well. Mike Ross orders the hit and Morgan Nicholson testifies against the shooter they hired. This is really getting old.