Sunday, June 28, 2020

Building on Common Ground

Emotions have been high the last six months. People have gone mad. As I have always said, we find peace in this life by shunning the extremes. In the United States Candice Owens is leading Blexit while Brandon Straka is leading the #Walk Away movement. I support both.

In Canada we are seeing a similar awakening and I just want to make a few classifications so that we remain on the same page. No two people agree on every issue but no two people disagree on ever issue either. There is always common ground.

Over the past few weeks I spoke with two local Christian activists who I share many common beliefs with. Yet they are both completely obsessed with Radical Islam and passionately paranoid of the Muslim call to prayer. I do not share that fear simple because "God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

I believe that God is not a respecter of persons and that every nation that feareth him and worketh righteousness is accepted of him, Every nation including Samaria and Islam. When it comes to intolerance, I remind Christians of the parable of the Good Samaritan.

Christ came to a different time period. His parable of the Good Samaritan had three main characters - two bad one good. The two villains Christ chose to use in the parable were religious leaders of the time. The hero was someone everyone there hated at that time. He picked someone from a different race and a different religion that the locals did not like. He chose that character for a specific reason. To show us what hypocrisy is and to show us that God is not a respecter of persons. Anyone who does good is accepted of him.

I see that the LDS Church has posted a modern version of that parable. I performed that skit for a large group of Mormons on two different occasions. One was to a large group of missionaries. In that skit the two religious leaders that walked past the guy who had been mugged was a Mission President and a Stake President. The person that helped the guy who had been mugged was a Jehovah's Witness. The second occasion was at a Christmas party. In that skit the two religious leaders that walked passed the guy who had been mugged was a Mormon Bishop and a young Men's President. The person that helped the guy was an East Indian wearing a turbin. On both ocasions the crowd was dead silent at the end. It had a cutting impact.

That is the spirit of the original parable. To Christians here I have posted the parable of the Good Muslim because I know many. There are good people and bad people in every religion and every political party. I support the freedom of Religion. The two local Christians I spoke with have a passionate paranoia about the Muslim call to prayer. I do not share that fear.

Yet they have launched a petition to allow Christians the right to sing the Lord's prayer at noon on Sundays. If they want to sing the Lord's prayer on Sundays, I have absolutely no problem with that. Likewise, if the Muslims want to say God is Great during Ramadan, I have no problem with that. Radical Islam is not a threat to Canada for the same reason White Supremacy isn't. Muslims see Radical Islam the same way we see Nazi's and White Supremacists. We see them as uneducated hillbillies. CSIS created the National Front in Canada while the CIA created ISIS in Syrria. That is where both extremes really come from.

These individuals can see how the Nova Scotia mass shooting has the hallmarks of a false flag attack to justify gun control. Do you then not agree that 9/11 was also an inside job? Here in Surrey we have a large Sikh community. They are our allies because they share our morals and share our values. So do the vast majority of Muslims. To claim that all Muslims support Radial Islam is as ridiculous as saying all Conservatives are Nazis. Both statements are false.

In Surrey we have seen that when IndoCanadain politicians run for office and go against the values of the Sikh and Hindu Temples, the Temples vote them out of office. Jagmeet Singh does not share our values but the Sikh community does. That is why Jagmeet Singh has played the race card in Quebec. He is trying to distract the Temples from the fact that he is going against their values. Wake Up Surrey saw through Tom Gill. They will see through Jagmeet Singh.

I also support Doug McCallum. Completely. He is trustworthy because he kept his word. The sleazebags who jumped ship broke their promise. That means I can never trust any new promise they make in the future because they are untrustworthy. History has recorded that.

I will now add a word on sovereigntists. In the United States there is a new movement growing that call themselves sovereign citizens. They claim if they renounce their citizenship they no longer have to pay taxes. That is ridiculous. I view it as a cult that makes no sense. You want to drive on the road but you don't want to pay for it. Renouncing your citizenship is like being a draft dodger. It's nothing to be proud of. I cherish my citizenship.

I have recently spoken with two Canadians who support a sovereignty movement in Canada. I do not. I asked them about the Charter of Rights. They say that has never been ratified and that it is a fraud that dates back to the BNA Act. I know of the BNA act and I know of the Canadian Charter of Rights. The Charter of Rights was an act of parliament which I support. All the provinces signed it except for Quebec. It protects civil liberty by law. Throwing that document away by claiming we want to be sovereign is another Marxist lie. Civil liberty must be protected by law. That is what the Constitution and the Charter of Rights does. I do not support any campaign to do away with those documents because that road leads to totalitarianism not sovereignty.

The biggest threat to Canada is not White Supremacy or Radical Islam, those are both driven by the Intelligence community. The biggest threat to Canada is Marxism, ANTIFA and the Chinese Communist Party. Those are real threats that are leading the current attack on our sovereignty and our civil liberty. Muslims are being persecuted in Communist China just like Christians and Buddhists are. We need to come together under the banner of a free republic to oppose the Communist totalitarian State. There are three Muslim families in my complex and they are wonderful. Just so you know, my neighbor who wears a hijab outside just named her youngest son Jesus. They believe Jesus is a prophet so stop hating and start recognizing the real enemy.

Kayaking in Squamish

We found a nice secluded place to lanch the kayaks across from Shannon Falls and the Chief today in Squamish. This time I was the camera man on shore. It's an awesome spot.

You can see Shannon Fall on the hilltop.

Garibaldi is in the distance.

It was nice to see people getting out and getting some fresh air.

Covid1984 at Brandi's Show lounge

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that "Health officials are warning patrons of a Vancouver strip club about possible exposure to the COVID-19 virus on several evenings this past week."

"Vancouver Coastal Health says those who visited Brandi’s Exotic Show Lounge on Hornby Street between the hours of 9 p.m. and 3 a.m. on June 21, 22, 23, 24 and the early morning hours of June 25 may have come into contact with someone with the virus. Several individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 attended the strip club on those dates, according to a VCH news release Saturday. Health officials say there is no risk to anyone attending Brandi’s outside of these dates and times, and there is no ongoing risk to the community."

So if you attended Brandi's on June 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25th you may have come in contact with Covid 1984. If you attended Brandi's on any other date you likely came in contact with a multitude of STDs. Remember how the Hells Angels kicked Brandy out of her own club and killed her?

They must have closed the strip bar down to the public for a Gang Task Force party upstairs at the Swedish Touch since the Garden of Eden closed down. The Gang Task Farce in BC support Hells Angels drugs and prostitution. The Hells Angels run Brandi's now after they killed her.

Leo Terrell addresses Chicago violence and BLM

Fox News is reporting that "Civil rights attorney Leo Terrell joins "Life, Liberty & Levin" on Sunday night where he addresses his issues with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, saying the organization's motivation is money and calling them "profiteers."

"This is why Black Lives Matter is basically, in my opinion, the Al Sharpton of the 21st century. They're profiteers. They are profiting on trying to give a narrative, a false narrative that is white racist cops, deaths destroying the black community," Terrell told host Mark Levin.

"You point out Chicago. No [BLM] presence walking through the neighborhood protesting to stop black-on-black crime. Al Sharpton goes to the George Floyd funeral. You use a funeral to launch a campaign speech attacking Donald Trump. I don't see Al Sharpton in Chicago. That 3-year-old kid who was killed. You know why? Because it's not profitable. There's no money to be made."

The CIA lied again about Afghanistan

Fox News is reporting that "President Trump responded Sunday to a New York Times report about American intelligence learning that Russia offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces including American troops, insisting that no one had briefed him, Vice President Pence, or White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows on this information."

"Nobody briefed or told me, @VP Pence, or Chief of Staff @MarkMeadows about the so-called attacks on our troops in Afghanistan by Russians, as reported through an 'anonymous source' by the Fake News @nytimes," Trump tweeted Sunday morning. Everybody is denying it & there have not been many attacks on us." John Brennan is a professional liar.

Hells Angels Associate missing in Australia

TBM is reporting that "The disappearance of an Adelaide man is being investigated by homicide detectives, after he travelled to Victoria with two people believed to be Hells Angels members. Police say Kerry Giakoumis was last seen at a Hells Angels clubhouse."

With friends like that, who needs enemies. Why does the BC Gang Task Force support them?

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Crystal Meth and Cocaine raid in Quebec

CTV is reporting that "Quebec provincial police said they dismantled a synthetic drug laboratory in Danville in the Eastern Townships of Quebec on Saturday. The bust comes a day after four suspects were arrested in Danville, Montreal and Terrebonne."

"We know that these people are suspected of being important players in a structured network that produced and sold a large quantity of methamphetamines on a regular basis,'' said Surete du Quebec spokesman Stéphane Tremblay. More than $90,000 in cash, several firearms, several kilograms of methamphetamines and one kilogram of cocaine were seized in the raid."

Every province except BC targets drug trafficking. Do the math.

Adam Lee Hall reduced to four life sentences

Massachusetts Live is reporting that "The state’s highest court on Friday made what amounts to a technical correction in a 2011 Berkshire County triple-murder case linked to the Hells Angels. The Supreme Judicial Court upheld the three first-degree murder convictions of Adam Lee Hall and rejected his request for a new trial. But the court also ruled Hall is not guilty of kidnapping one of the victims a year before the killings."

"Hall, whom authorities said was a ranking member of the local Hells Angels chapter, had been serving five consecutive life sentences. With Friday’s ruling, that will be reduced to four consecutive life sentences."

"Hall and his two accomplices, David Chalue, and Caius Veiovis, were all convicted of first-degree murder in 2014. Chalue and Veiovis are also serving life sentences without possibility of parole. The victims — David Glasser, Edward Frampton and Robert Chadwell — were shot at Glasser’s Pittsfield home. Their bodies were dismembered, placed in plastic bags, transported in Hall’s Buick to rural Becket and buried in a ditch. The victims were last seen alive the evening of Aug. 27, 2011. Authorities discovered the mutilated remains 13 days later."

Caius Veiovis is the rocket scientist with devil horn implants and the number 666 tattooed on his forehead. He must have called in sick the day they were handing out brains.

Adam Lee Hall, a member of the Pittsfield, Massachusetts Hells Angels was also charged with child pornography and extortion. Police and prosecutors allege Hall coerced a 16-year-old girl to send him lewd photographs of herself or else she wouldn't see her friend again. He is a POS.

Winnipeg Police seize 3 kilos of cocaine

CBC is reporting that "Winnipeg police made an arrest last week in a cross-country drug-smuggling network they'd been chasing since May. But when they looked in the car the 31-year-old Vancouver man was driving in the early hours of June 19, they felt like something was off: there weren't any drugs inside. That's when they pressed the button on the key fob that was supposed to open the trunk of the 2018 Nissan Murano. They heard a whirring sound, and an elaborate secret compartment rose out of the rear bumper, revealing a stash of three kilograms of cocaine (worth an estimated $270,000) and wads of cash totalling $176,000."

"Waddell said investigators discovered the drug network in May, and police believe the group moved several kilograms of cocaine from Vancouver, B.C., through Calgary, Alta., and then to its destination in Winnipeg." They must have lost their police escort when they left BC.

They did seize 10 pounds of cannabis in Surrey because it was in competition with Andy Richard's Cop Pot network. Pot's legal so they seize pot but they let crystal meth go out of Shakerz freely. There's a special place in hell reserved for you all.

Logan Randall Pahl, 31, of Vancouver faces trafficking charges.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Justin Trudeau and Theresa Tam Wanted for Murder

At the Coquitlam HRMV rally Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson endorsed hydroxychloroquine for COVID. She had been prescribed hydroxychloroquine by her doctor many years ago for lupus. Her doctor told her at the time that is was a safe drug. Others have said the same thing. They give it to pregnant women. I tried to get a prescription from my family doctor and he refused. That is Communism that is not Canada. We have the right to choose our medical treatment.

My doctor is not allowed to prescribe it for COVID because of the pressure he is under from Theresa Tam and the World Health Organization. Costco sells it but you can't get it without a prescription so Justin Trudeau and the Canadian Communist Health Officers won't let you have it. That makes them criminally culpable in murder.

Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson has now posted a video of several medical endorsements of hydroxychloroquine. Obviously it's not a miracle cure but there are many reports that it does help. If someone wants to try it, they have that right. 98% of the people who get COVID recover on their own. If this can help save 2% of that 2% then it will save many lives but Justin Trudeau will not let you try it because he has a political agenda which he has revealed in Ontario.

Justin Trudeau, a dyed in the wool Communist, is now blaming Doug Ford for the deaths in Ontario Seniors homes from COVID because Doug Ford is a Conservative. That is obscene. The World Health organization insisted we keep our borders open with Wuhan and now the servant of Satan is denying sick patients medical aid so he can blame political rivals. God Damn you.

When this life is over, Justin Trudeau and Theresa Tam will be charged and tried for murder. Multiple murders. Until that time, we need to launch two class action lawsuits. One against the Provincial and Federal governments for denying Canadians their choice of medical treatment and the other wrongful death suit for the families who have lost loved ones due to Covid. We need to make hydroxychloroquine available for those who want it. Leave your dirty politics out of it.

Commodus launched this smoke and mirror attack on Doug Ford the moment Canada's credit rating was downgraded because in Justin Trudeau's over spending. We're not talking about the CERB. We're talking about everything else including the extra $600 million to the World Health Organization. Why are we downgrading our credit rating to give more money to a leader in a violent Communist paramilitary organization? Explain that. ,

CBC is reporting that "Fitch Ratings has downgraded Canada's credit rating to AA+ from AAA, citing the federal government's move to borrow about a quarter of a trillion dollars to prop the economy up during the pandemic lockdown." The world experienced a pandemic but Justin Trudeau is leading the world in record debt. It's not his money. All he does is spend other people's money. Fire him. Walkaway Canada - from Justin Trudeau's fiscal irresponsibility.

Likewise, Remdesivir has been around for decades. Like hydroxychloroquine, it was originally for treating malaria. Justin Trudeau is denying Canadians a safe vaccine over an unsafe one from Communist China and the WHO. I refuse to have a vaccine from Communist China and or the WHO but I would take a Remdesivir vaccine in a heartbeat. Canadians have the right to choose their medical treatment but Communist Commodus is pulling a Chairman Mao and denying Canadians that treatment so more people die in order to fulfill his political agenda.

Swedish CV-19 Expert: Lockdown Was Wrong Approach

Principia Scientific is reporting that "The world went crazy’ with lockdowns, says Sweden’s coronavirus expert as he blasts WHO for ‘misinterpreting data’ with set of 11 nations seeing a ‘resurgence’. Sweden’s top virus expert has said the ‘world went mad’ with coronavirus lockdowns which ‘fly facing what is known about handling virus pandemics’. Anders Tegnell, who advised Sweden to avoid full lockdown towards a ‘herd immunity’ strategy, said world leaders caved to political pressure amid panic – and that the long-term downsides of lockdown will far outweigh the benefits. He also hit out at the WHO after it placed Sweden on a list of 11 countries seeing a ‘dangerous resurgence’ in the virus, saying it had ‘totally misinterpreted’ the data."

"Sweden has seen seen its daily coronavirus case totals spike in recent weeks, leading the WHO to warn it really is seeing a ‘resurgence’ of the disease. But the country’s virus expert Anders Tegnell said the WHO had ‘totally misinterpreted’ the info, saying the ‘spike’ is down to improved testing and pointing to falling deaths as evidence Tegnell said a ‘surge’ in cases throughout the last week is really the result of more testing, meaning mild cases that previously went undetected are now showing in the info. He pointed to a steady fall in deaths, hospital admissions and ICU admissions as evidence that Sweden’s outbreak is actually retreating, not getting worse."

The WHO is not credible. It is a Communist Front for the UN's New World Order. No thanks.

Norway Health Chief: Covid Lockdown Was Not Needed