Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The Global News Fraud is Ridiculous

How low can they go? Since Post Media News has destroyed Global's long history of credibility we can't in all fairness call it Global any more. We need to just call is Post Media News so we will consider the source and throw it out with everything else they destroy.

Post Media News is reporitng that "Perfect storm: Is Canada headed for a third wave of COVID-19?" Nope. End of discussion. There was no second wave. When we all got sick last year they refused to test us unless we were a health care worker. Now everyone and their dog is getting tested. On top of that the measurements for a positive reading are wrong. So we have a lot more people getting tested and a lot more false positives.

The new variant is another scam. Viruses often replicate themselves. When they do, they get weaker not stronger. The purpose of this fear mongering is to damage our economy. Consider the source. This fake news is being reposted by the Microsoft News Network - Bill Gates. Bill Gates is a whacked out Communist like George Soros and the Rothschilds. The reason they suport Communism is not to share their wealth, it's to turn people into slaves. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Rebel News on the Saudi Prince of Bel-Air

This is a blast from the past. Ezra Levant from Rebel News is going off about how the Saudi prince donated $25 million to the Clinton Foundation to support Hilary's failed attempt at the oval office. Aside from commenting on Trump and the Saudi's prince's pissing match on Twitter, he points out that Saudi owns Twitter and Fox News. That is interesting. It reveals an unholy alliance between an oil baron dictator and the Communist Party of China. Kinda like a Rothschild déjà vu.

Lovin Saudi reported that "The Saudi prince is known for his profile investments around the world, among which include companies like Citigroup, Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, News Corp and of course Twitter. Prince Alwaleed has increased his holdings in Twitter considerably making him the 2nd largest shareholder in the company. According to online portal Quartz, Prince Al Waleed now owns 5.2% of Twitter, which is more than its CEO and co-founder Jack Dorsey who holds 3.2% of the company. The only shareholder owning more of Twitter than the Saudi Prince is the social media giant’s other co-founder Ev Williams."

I have no Saudi hate but I do have Saudi concerns. Mecca is magnificent. There's no disputing that. Yet wherever there is good, evil always tries to conquer and corrupt it. The CIA has used Saudia Arabia for arms dealing and money laundering for generations. They have single handily armed more terrorists than any other country in the world including Iran. That concerns me.

What I'm wondering about is why the CIA is hating on Mohammed bin Salman. It's as though John Brenna killed the journalist in Turkey and is trying to frame the Prince because they want to replace him with someone they can control. That's what it looks like. The CIA is the root of all evil.

Israel bombs Syria

The Times of Israel is reporitng that "Israeli airstrikes targeted a number of sites in southern Syria after midnight Sunday, Syrian state media reported, in the latest in a series of attacks attributed to the Jewish state. The attack came amid a reported uptick in efforts by Iran to transfer advanced weapons to its proxies in the region through Syria."

"The strikes hit facilities in the area of Damascus International Airport, through which Iran has reportedly been flying advanced munitions — most recently on Saturday — as well as military sites around the Damascus suburb of el-Kisweh, a long-time base of Iranian operations."

"The strikes came days after drones reportedly bombed a shipment of advanced weapons that were being transported through Iraq into eastern Syria by Iranian proxies."
OK so that is the official version. It is plausible. My question is, what were those weapons to be used for? Were they to be used for bombing Israel or were they for defending Assad and his elected government from a military coup over a rival pipeline? After all, that is what the war in Syria is really about. That is why the CIA created ISIS in Syria. Assad wants to build a pipeline from Iran while the Saudis want to build a pipeline from Quatar. The very ones arming ISIS. I realize there is a whole lot of hate and disinformation coming from all sides of this region due to past history. I do not support blind obedience to Israel nor do I support blind hate for Israel either. Israel has a right to exist as does everyone else. I'm an old man. As Simon and Garfunkel once said "I am older than I once was but younger than I'll be. That's not unusual."

As Martin Luther King once said "I've seen too much hate to want to hate and every time I see it, I say to myself that hate is too great a burden to bear." I worked on a Kibbutz in Israel when I was young. I'm familiar with the Oasis of Peace. I support liberty for everyone. That is what I believe.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Surrey landmark torn down to make way for new tower

The Surrey Now Leader is reporting that "Surrey’s former Stardust building was torn down on Saturday, Feb. 13. An excavator ripped through the City Parkway structure as part of site preparation for a 49-storey tower." I realize the vast majority of you have no idea what this was and likely don't give a rat's a*s, I will cite it because it was such a longstanding landmark in Surrey. I'm pretty sure the rats from the Surrey Girl chapter of the red and white (now working for the boys in bluie) have no idea what it was except for Randy Jones. He might know.

Stardust was an old roller-skating rink that was in the heart of a bus loop known as the Whalley Exchange for many years. My daughter had a birthday party there when she was young. Anciently the Whalley Exchange was a low life hang out for young criminals back when the Walley Burnouts were a thing. That was long before the Hells Angels. The Hells Angels drug dealers started turning young girls into crack hoes outside there until they were moved down the street to the Front Room when the new City Hall moved in. That's where they killed Janice Shore.

Unlike Pancho's which was a toilet in desperate need of flushing, Stardust carries many fond memories. Yet new towers mean more work, more immigrants and more economic prosperity. That's progress. That's what we need right now. The more people that move here the more work there is for everyone. That's how an economy thrives. If of course the government steps back and minds it's own business so commerce can prosper. We just have one more toilet to flush.

Love is the absence of judgement but is it really?

Every year I buy a Zen Calander because I like the positive pictures and the positive quotes. This month the quote reads "Love is the absence of judgement" by the Dalai Lama. Now I have mad harsh respect for the Dalai Lama and totally support his struggle to free Tibet from the yoke of Communist bondage. That is why I think we need to put the quote into proper perspective.

For the most part I think that statement is true. We've all heard the term unconditional love. Parents need unconditional love for their children. However, in the world we witness good and evil. We see that there is acceptable behaviour and unacceptable behaviour.

Everyone makes mistakes and we do need to look past those mistakes when someone recognizes them and practice forgiveness because as Martin Luther King taught, the old law of an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. Yet we are not called to accept unacceptable behaviour. I've heard the term, hate the sin but love the sinner.

Since this is Valantines day it is worth asking ourselves what is love? Christ said "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Now that's as real as it gets. That's not fake, sentimental or selfish. That involves the ultimate sacrifice. Putting someone else's needs above your own. Yet I do not believe that means allowing yourself to be abused.

We've heard it said, judge not least ye be judged. For the most part, I believe that to be true. I have also heard it said make no unrighteous judgement because every day we are called to discern between good and evil which involves making a judgement and making a choice. Let's once again look at the Dalai Lama. He's in exile because Tibet is in bondage.

Tibetans peacefully protest for their right to be free. That's a moral obligation. Organ harvesting of political prisoners is a great evil we now face. Confronting that is a moral obligation because as Martin Luther King said, noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good. That is what I believe. That is what real love is.

Real love does not tolerate or promote evil. Sometimes we have to walk away from the hate like Brandon Straka has. When we do that, we find peace. Inner peace that comes from knowing we did the right thing in a difficult situation which one day might make a difference. Hate is a burden. It's unhealthy. Yet so is evil. We need to shun both. Charity is love in action. That's real love.

An Overview of Trump's second Impeachment Trial

I want to post a brief overview of Trump's second impeachment trial partially because when I post a link to more than one video, no one bothers to click on the second video but mostly because it is of such profound significance to clarify the nonpartisan fraud we now face.

Kennedy talked about the secret societies we need to confront. He was not talking about the Freemasons, he was talking about the CIA. Likewise, Ezra Taft Benson recommended a book None Dare Call it Conspiracy and talked about the secret combinations that would threaten the US Constitution. He wasn't talking about the Freemasons. He was talking about something else. Ezra Taft Benson specifically mentioned the UN. Now we know why.

The primary charge against Donald Trump in the second round was the claim that he incited the Capital hill riot. That was ridiculous and the very fact that the farce went as far as it did implore us to examine it. Unlike all the ANTIFA and BLM riots, all the MAGA rallies were completely nonviolent. Except for ANTIFA thugs trying to single out individuals to beat them up and steal the American flag. In contrast, the MAGA rallies supported the police and peaceful protest.

Donald Trump's speech on January 6th 2021 clearly showed that he called for a peaceful protest just like all the others. The agent provocateurs at the Capitol hill protest were ANTIFA and BLM. It was a set up. To blame Trump for that was ridiculous and the fact that the Impeachment trial went as far as it did was insane and cleary demonstrated who the enemies of the Constitution and the Free Republic really are. Since that charge had no merit, they tried bringing other things up.

They claimed Trump called the white supremacists in Charlottesville fine people. That was a quote the Mainstream media took completely out of context to defame him. When his lawyer played the full quote in context, the truth became clear. The fact that they brought that false allegation up clearly demonstrated the absurd witch hunt Trump was placed under.

As the Hodge Twins pointed out, Trump must have been doing something right for the media to relentlessly attack him the way they did. Indeed he did. Under Donald Trump's leadership the nation saw record growth. He even got the US off Saudi oil. Biden has already reversed that in another crushing blow to the economy. What was Donald Trump's real crime? He confronted the shadow government in Washington and they crushed him for it.

Tulsi Gabard understands her oath of office. John Brennan does not. Neither does Nancy Pelosi or Sarah Palin. I cite Nancy Pelosi and Sarah Palin because it shows that the secret combination is nonpartisan. Globalists from the Republican party are teaming up with globalists in the Democrat party to form one party - the Communist Party of China. John Brennan clearly shows the CIA's involvement in that plot. The CIA is the secret society Kennedy warned us about.

Now I'm going to say more about Mitt Romney. The Rolling Stone set the stage but I will put it in perspective. Mitt Romney is a globalist in bed with Joe Biden and the Clinton Foundation. That does not mean the Mormon church is. In fact many Mormons believe that one day Salk Lake will become evil before the second coming. That would not have happened under Ezra Taft Benson's watch because he was a man like unto Moroni. He supported the title of liberty. So should we.
Jon McNaughton is a patriot from Utah. Hear him. A picture is worth a thousand words. '

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Mitt Romney is NOT a Patriot

I will once again reiterate that Mitt Romney is not a Patriot, he is a Gadianton Robber. Ezra Taft Benson was a Patriot. Mitt Romney is not and Nancy Pelosi is an Anti Christ. Just sayn.

Election Fraud and the Impeachment Farce

Update: Trump has been acquitted. Again. It was another shameful farce.

The impeachment farce is outrageous. I do not beleive Joe Bden won Arizona.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Fatal shooting in Burnaby, Suspicious death in Surrey

The Burnaby Now is reporting that 44-year-old Neal Pratap was shot dead last night in Burnaby shortly after 10:00 PM. Last Wednesday 32-year-old Chris Kenworthy shot to death in his vehicle around 8:00PM in the same neighbourhood. The next day Shana Harris-Morris was shot dead.

The Voice is reporitng that "Friday, February 12, at approximately 7:17 p.m., Surrey RCMP responded to an incident at 19300-block of 66 Avenue where police located a deceased male. Surrey RCMP say they are treating the death as suspicious at this time, and are currently in the evidence gathering phase."

Global Television: A Comedy of Errors

I just want to pause and point out the obvious. If you're still talking about Covid, you're an idiot. I don't want to be mean but you are downright stupid. Covid swept over us last year. We all got sick and we all got over it. None of us were tested. There was no second wave. That was a lie. When we were all sick last year, they refused to test us unless we were a health care worker. They said assume you have it and quarantine for two weeks. That was it. .

Now everyone and their dog is getting tested but the measurements are wrong and produce a 97% false positive. So more people are getting tested and more false positive results are being tabulated. If you are asymptomatic and test positive that's a good thing. It means you've built up antibodies to the virus like you're supposed to. That's heard immunity.

The other day Gobal was going off about a teenager who was in a car accident and went into a coma before Covid only to wake up now. Instead of savoring the miracle of life, they were crying about how do we explain to him how the world has changed in his absence? Actually, it's really easy. You give him a copy of George Orwell 1984 and say there it is.

CBC was caught lying about the hospitalization rates in Manitoba. It was not a mistake. It was a bold-faced lie with malicious intent. The Mainstream media has no conscience and no accountability. This change happened from media mergers. When you merge all the media outlets, they become easier to control. Change the ownership and you change the news

In January 2018, 80,00 people died from the flu in the US. In Canada most of our Covid deaths have been in care homes. While I have no doubt some of those people did die from Covid just like 80,000 people died from the flu in the US, I also have no doubt most of those people died from natural causes and they lied. They claim they died of Covid when they didn't.

In 2018 a Monmouth University poll found that 77% of Americans think Traditional Media is FAKE NEWS. That was a 14% increase from the previous year and before Covid's absurd misrepresentation. In Canada, Post Media News has been actively destroying the newspaper industry's credibility and their aquistition of Global Television has turned that network into a comedy of errors. The false propaganda on television has become absurd.

Rebel News is reporting that the Radisson hotel next to Toronto's Pearson International Airport is one of the government run COVID quarantine facilities in Canada and is owned by the Communist Party of China. To ignore or deny the CCP's control and influence over Justin Trudeau and our media is sheer stupidity. I can confront evil but I can't fix stupid.
I will say this about masks. If you wear a mask outdoors, you're an idiot. Wearing a mask outside is a sign of stupidity. However, wearing a mask in a crowded store where you are in contact with seniors is a sign of respect. Even though we are asymptomatic, we could still be carriers of the virus and that virus could in theory be fatal to a senior just like any flu virus could. When my mother lived in a care home, we had to get a flu shot or we couldn't visit the care home.

In Canada most of our covid deaths have been in care homes. While I have no doubt some of those people did die from Covid just like 80,000 people died from the flu in the US, I also have no doubt most of those people died from natural causes and they lied. They claim they died of Covid when they didn't. That is what the numbers show. The same number of seniors died this year as the year before and the year before that.

I also realize that some people sit at home and believe everything they see on TV. They are stupid but stupidity is not a crime. They have a right to believe whatever they want to believe. It's like the idiots on Facebook that forward nonsense without checking the source. The Facebook fact checkers are fake. They are partisan trash funded by the Communist Party of China.

Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson posted a video clip of a customer in Costco standing on a chair delivering a bizarre rant about masks. Buddy you look like an idiot. Sit down. None of the employees at Costco have the authority to change a company wide policy or provincial legislation. It's not their fault. Raging on them is dysfunctional. We need to elect politicians like Maxime Bernier with the End the Lockdown Caucus. That is what we need to do.