Sunday, March 7, 2021

Why are states dropping mask mandates and other COVID-19 restrictions? Because they have a brain.

ABC is rpeorting that "Several states have dropped statewide mask mandates and loosened coronavirus restrictions over the past week." It's about bloody time. "Texas and Mississippi announced Tuesday that businesses could operate at full capacity, joining fellow Republican-led states Iowa, Montana and North Dakota in dropping statewide requirements for face coverings."

"Local lawmakers have cited declining COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, and many have argued that their decisions are aimed at restoring power and freedom to their constituents."

"But Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's leading expert on infectious diseases, called reopening so soon "ill-advised" Thursday on CNN." AYFKM? CNN is ridiculous. Anyone who quotes them has zero credibility. Dr Fauci is an idiot. Aside from bad personal hygiene, his foundation funded the research on Chinese bats with coronavirus in the Wuhan Lab. He should be in jail. Quoting him is absurd. Just Remember what Michael Green from TBM Nation had to say about Dr Falsey.

Texas has a brain. That's why everyone is moving away from the high taxes of Liberal sh*t holes like California and New York to places like Texas and Arizona with low taxes. Rebel News is reporting that "Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is pushing a piece of legislation titled Senate Bill 12, that would prohibit social media companies like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter from censoring Texans based on viewpoints they express.” God Bless Greg Abbott.

Here at home Justan Idiot's Covid hotels are absurd. You need a negative covid test to get on a plane. Making people pay $2,000 or more for a hotel stay when they come back to Canada is a violation of the Mobility rights in the Canadian Charter of Rights. This wasn't warranted when Covid hit us last year and it is certainly not warranted now that covid has lost its strength.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Fatal shooting outside Victoria

CTV is rpeoritng that "Police on Vancouver Island's West Shore are investigating after a 37-year-old man was shot Friday night. West Shore RCMP said in a news release that they were called to the 4600 block of Sooke Road in Metchosin just after 9 p.m. for reports of the shooting. When officers arrived at the scene, they found the man - who was known to police - deceased."

Check News is reporitng that "The victim’s next of kin has been notified" and are confirming reports that the victim was Shane Wilson. His criminal history includes a home invasion while wearing a Hells Angels balaclava. Maybe that's why he was shot. Unauthorized use of the name. BTW I do not trust Shirley Zailo. At all. Just sayn.

Friday, March 5, 2021

BC Gang Task Force Lies Again

We need to pause for a moment and remember who the BC Gang Task Force is and what they do. After the Kelowna Summer Jam in 2012, they stopped arresting Hells Angels associates for selling drugs. They became part of the problem. They don't want to stop crime, they want to tax it.

Now they just send out press releases to the media pretending to be trying to disrupt gang violence when in reality they have Hells Angel associates in the Witness Protection Program who get police escorts to sell drugs. Well that's IHIT but they are joined at the hip. IHIT are the ones that were having threesomes with witnesses in the Surrey Six Trial. It wasn't just one officer it was a climate of unprofessionalism that permeated the force.

They are the ones that convinced the Crown to drop the charges on the guys the Edmonton Hells Angels hired to kill Ali. They are the ones who let Jamie Bacon and the Surrey Six murderers off. They are the ones that refuse to arrest the Hells Angels drug dealers out of Shakerz. Everything they do is suspect and compromised. Now they are pushing for gun control and are lying about the effect it will have on gang violence. They are the problem not legal gun owners.

Post Media Trash is reporting that "A Coquitlam man has pleaded guilty after a months-long investigation found he had been acting as a 'straw purchaser,' buying guns legally and reselling them to others. 'Straw-purchasing and the illegal trafficking of firearms puts firearms in the hands of gang members and those who seek to put the public’s safety at the greatest risk,' said Sgt. Brenda Winpenny of the CFSEU-B.C." The term straw purchasing was made popular by the ATF who were selling guns to the Mexican Cartel and brining back tons of cocaine as payment.

All handguns and ARs are restricted weapons in Canada. That means when you buy one that firearm is registered. It has to be locked in a safe with a trigger lock on it. You may only transport it from your home to the gun range and straight back again. Handguns are not for home defense in Canada. They are strictly for target shooting.

People who do a gang shooting will not use a gun that was registered because it will be traced back to where they got it from. Often we hear that a firearm was recovered at the scene of a gang shooting. This means they are using a throw away. One that can't be traced. To say that legal gun owners are supplying gangs with guns is a bold-faced lie with malicious intent.

This may be a problem in the US because handguns are not registered but it is not a problem in Canada. Gang members aren't going to use a legal gun owner to buy them restricted firearms because they can be traced back to the person they bought it from.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Adventure 2021: Life is Life - Live it.

I see there's an interesting documentary on Amazon Prime called Paddle to Seattle: Journey Through the Inside Passage. It's about a couple of guys who kayak from Alaska to Seattle. Finally, something worthwhile to watch. I'm pretty fed up with Amazon Prime already. All this political bullsh*t is leading me to tune out. Yet, I want to use this as a new theme for 2021.

I know two young adults who are living their dream. They aren't traveling the world per say but they have traveled to the other side of the world and are enjoying traveling around their respective countries they are visiting. With all this Covid bullsh*t going for a two-week holiday and having a two-week quarantine before and after is unrealistic.

However, if you move to another country, it's far more realistic. Justin Trudeau was all "come back to Canada" when Covid hit. Yeah, why? Other countries are doing better than we are and if you keep wasting our time with lockdowns, we'll go somewhere else. However, I don't think anyone's gonna be visiting Communist China with their anal swabs and what not.

So, whether it be at home or abroad, 2021 is the year of adventure. F*ck the Fraud. There was no second wave. When a virus replicates itself, it gets weaker not stronger. The media is criminally insane. Cut the cable and enjoy an adventure. For me it's a new kayak trip this summer. Imagine where you will be and it will be so. Stop wallowing in depression over a fake pandemic. This has gone on long enough. Get out there and get some - adventure. Carpe Diem.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Cross examination of Officer who shot Hudson Brooks

The Peace arch News is reporting that "The police officer who fatally shot Hudson Brooks in South Surrey in July 2015 shared her version of events publicly for the first time Tuesday (March 2), in giving evidence at a coroner’s inquest into the incident."

"Cucheran, an officer since 2008, said she was among those on duty at the South Surrey RCMP detachment, in the 1800-block of 152 Street, in the early morning hours of July 18, 2015 when police received a report of a male walking down the street yelling kill me.”

False. She did not hear Hudson say that. She is repeating what dispatch told her. The witnesses who called 911 said he was screaming THEY are trying to kill me. He was running away from a mob at the same park Dario Bartoli was fatally beaten at.

"The moment that Mr. Brooks was aware of my presence… he launched himself at me, she said, describing the 20-year-old at that point as so fixated on me. Cucheran said she believed Brooks was going to kill her, and said that when she shot him, he didn’t react.”

That is a bold-faced lie and it contradicts the known facts.

Hudson was frantically running away from a mob trying to kill him. The rookie officer drew her weapon and ordered him to stop. As se drew her weapon she shot herself in the foot and Hudson ran past her. She then radioed for help stating she had been shot. Dispatch sent the wolves out thinking an officer had been shot by a suspect. She then radioed dispatch and said I think I shot myself. That was recorded on tape for all of us to hear.

She was not the one that shot Hudson. Another officer did after he caught up with him. She claims Hudson came at her and she shot him multiple times. Was that before she shot herself in the foot or after? She drew her gun, shot herself in the foot and Hudson ran past her.

The tape also recorded how the other officer who caught up with Hudson shot him several times without ordering him to stop because he though Hudson had shot a police officer when he hadn't. It was a complete tragedy but lying about it will not help anyone.
This is why you're not allowed to wear a shoulder holster at the tactical range. It is theoretically possible that you could shoot the person beside you when you draw from a shoulder holster. If you draw from a side holster the worse you can do is shoot yourself in the foot. Notice that while this youtuber is drawing from a shoulder holster, his finger is not on the trigger.

Now look at this other female officer in the DTES that shot a suspect in the leg while he charged her with a knife. She showed great composure and self control. She draws the firearm but tilts it slightly down ready to raise or lower it in an instant. Everyone is trained to shoot the suspect in the chest yet with all the mental health issues out there this officer went above and beyond.
In Hudson's case the officer claims that after she panicked and shot herself in the foot, she regained her composure to pull down a bead on him and shot him several times in the chest. That did not happen. Her people told her to lie for two reasons. They are mad at her and blame her for the shooting. They claim if she hadn't shot herself Hudson would still be alive. It's also their best chance at getting off. If Hudson did attack her, it would have been self defense. He didn't. That means the alpha wolf shot an unarmed civilian dead without giving him a chance to surrender because he thought Hudson had shot a police officer when he hadn't. That's murder.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Site C Dam overruns and SNC Lavalin

The Vancovuer Sun is reporitng that "When the New Democrats increased the Site C budget by 50 per cent last week, they provided no detailed breakdown for how they came up with the new estimate of $16 billion for the troubled project."

The Narwhal is reporitng that "BC Hydro handed out more than $171 million in no-bid Site C dam contracts over an eight-month period ending in July 2020, including to the beleaguered engineering firm SNC Lavalin, The Narwhal has learned."

Why is John Horgan awarding no bid contracts to SNC Lavalin? Because the SNC Lavalin scandal is nonpartisan. They're all in one it. This story has even made the New York Times.

SNC Lavalin is just as dirty as Bombardier and Lockheed Martin. They all underbid and over charge government contracts and keep getting away with it because they give kickbacks in political contributions. This is tax fraud and needs to be addressed..

Outlaws move into Nova Scotia

CBC is reporting that "Nova Scotia law enforcement officials are worried about possible increased friction between rival motorcycle gangs with the opening of a new Outlaws Motorcycle Club prospective chapter in the Halifax region - an area the Hells Angels consider their territory."

"The Hells Angels haven't had an official chapter in Nova Scotia since 2001, when their Halifax chapter was shut down by police. But their power base in the province has remained largely intact through their 10 support clubs." Buttkiss vs the Outlaws. My money's on the Outlaws. This is what you call a natural consequence. Sometimes in life you just have to step back and let nature take its course.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Nicolas Sarkozy sentenced to jail for corruption

CTV is rpeorting that "A Paris court on Monday found French former President Nicolas Sarkozy guilty of corruption and influence peddling and sentenced him to one year in prison and a two-year suspended sentence. The 66-year-old politician, who was president from 2007 to 2012, was convicted for having tried to illegally obtain information from a senior magistrate in 2014 about a legal action in which he was involved. The court said Sarkozy is entitled to request to be detained at home with an electronic bracelet." OK that's pretty lame. He was involved with far worse. Take the Karachi affair and the desecration of Moammar Gadhafi.

The Karachi affair involved kickbacks in the sale of submarines to Pakistan. It also involved a false flag terrorist attack in the 2002 killing of 14 people - including 11 French engineers - in the Pakistani city of Karachi when that kickback contract was cancelled.

The Desecration of Moammar Gadhafi earned Sarkozy the title le chien sal for setting up and betraying Gadhafi after accepting millions of dollars in campaign contributions from him. Sarkozy was trying to convince the world we could trust Gadhafi with nuclear weapons as long as Gadhafi was going to buy a French nuclear reactor. Then as soon as Gadhafi decides to buy a reactor from Argentina instead of France, Sarkozy convinced the world Gadhafi was a dictator they needed to invade and execute. That was shameful.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Indo-Canadian Mountie takes her own life under the Oak Street Bridge

Desi Buzz Canada is reporting that Constable Jasmine Thiara, a member of the Richmond RCMP, committed suicide under the Oak Street Bridge with her own gun last Monday.

This is absolutely tragic. Facing personal demons? At work? A picture is worth a thousand words. This was a wonderful person who was proud to be a member of the force. Constable Thiara was a longstanding member of “D” Watch in Richmond. Something's not right.

Tom McDonald Canadian rapper from Edmonton

This guy looks a little bit like Mad Child but his message is very different. This guy has a brain.