Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Bacchus member murdered in New Brunswick

CBC is reporting that "A recent homicide victim in the Minto area was described in court three years ago as a member of the Bacchus motorcycle club. The body of Ronald Richard, 50, was found Sunday on a rural property in Hardwood Ridge, near Minto. His former lawyer, Rodney MacDonald, confirmed he was the Ronald Richard who'd appeared in court on drugs and weapons charges." Sounds like the HAs were worried he'd flip. With friends like that...


  1. He was a past member and an active member of the gatekeepers so speculate what you will

    1. Gatekeepers are still 81 ass kissers. Same sh*t, different pile.

  2. Only the strong will survive.

    1. Strength has nothing to do with it. Nobody is bullet proof. It's all about the money. Greed will see you betrayed and stabbed in the back faster than you can say et tu brutus?

    2. The real questions then become what is strength and will survive what.

  3. there are a number of different types of strength. In the criminal world being strong would mean a large force defending you and your enterprises and a very nicely cut bullet proof suit. It would also include politicians and police in your pocket, etc.

    Strength is also deciding to live a life where you work for a living at a job or start your own business and stay on the non criminal side of the law, paying your taxes, etc. keeping the 10 commandements, not as a religious things but simply as a code to live by.

    Strength could mean living a subsistence life style in the bush.

    Strength means different things to different people. there is no definitive answer


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