Global is reporting that Christy Clark is resigning as the leader of the BC Liberal party, effective Friday August 4. The Vancouver Sun is reporting that "Clark will also be resigning as MLA of Kelowna West. Premier John Horgan will have six months to call by-election to fill her vacant seat in the legislature." Rich Coleman will serve as interim caucus leader.
Although I've had huge concerns with the Christy Clark government it was nothing against her personally. My concerns were with the corrupt party itself. She tried to lead a grass roots movement to help the party rise above the Gordon Campbell corruption but she failed miserably. She became part of it. Getting rid of her will not solve the problem it will only make it worse.
Rich Coleman is the devil incarnate. He is as dirty as they come. In 2009 the RCMP's Integrated Illegal Gaming Enforcement Team (IIGET) relesed a comprehensive report on organized crime laundering money through BC Casinos. Right after they released the report Rich Coleman got rid of the police task force. He later became the minister responsible for gaming.
"In a 2009 report obtained by The Vancouver Sun through a Freedom of Information (FOI) request, the IIGET warned of casinos' "extreme vulnerability" to money laundering. Many investigations across Canada have found that members of organized crime use casinos for criminal purposes, the report states. A separate internal assessment, obtained by the Globe and Mail through a FOI, advised that Hells Angels members had, in some cases, succeeded in infiltrating the province’s legitimate gaming operations. The 12-member IIGET was dissolved on April 1, 2009 by then-Housing Minister Rich Coleman."
Christy Clark was a disaster who made things great for those in the pay to play crowd and she defunded government by giving more and more money away to the pay to play crowd via all sorts of methods including royalty breaks for the resource industry. Christy and the cabal spend almost $7 BILLION supporting the LNG\gas industry and what did we get for all of this, nothing. the chart can be seen at the Pacific Gazetteer blog, where Ross K quotes the figures from Norm Farrell's blog, In-sigh.ca.
ReplyDeleteChristy clark wasn't interested in providing a decent public school education; more paramedics; more nurses for hospitals or doctors for the province. One could say she helped people die,including those children in care of the ministry. 8 of them on her watch.
Now it would have been nice if she had stuck around, but Christy was never into doing the hard work. If she can't be head cheer leader she is gone. I'm sure some one has provided a soft landing for her somewhere and off she'll go. This will be a good time for the B. C. Lieberal party to get their act together and decide what they want to be in the future. as to Coleman being left in charge, well in my opinion he has been doing all the work anyhow so there won't be any change in the party there. Now that he is out of government he can have a good vacation.
I understand where you're coming from regarding the casino "enterprises". However, that wasn't something he thought up on his own or did on his own. That would have been a government approved plan which included a lot of other cabinet ministers and the premier.