Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Riley Gaines Keeping it Real

Riley Gaines on Twitter. What ever happened to woman's rights? Don't they matter any more?


  1. Why care about the trans crap if you’re gonna go take a shingles Vax? You must be losing your mind.

    1. Again this is another example of extremism. No two people agree on every issue but no two people disagree with every issue either. Dr Steven Pelech is a virologist. He is most certainly not a maroon. These kind of comments just aren't worth my time. I'm too busy doing other things.

      Agent provocateurs brainwash people with this kind of nonsense so normal people won't listen to people who questions lockdowns or RNA genetic vaccines.

    2. FREEDOM to choose is not losing your mind! Informed consent has a very different meaning from mandate, totalitarianism, communism and dictatorship. Remember, our soldiers died so we could be FREE to choose, speak & liberty.

  2. I like Bill Maher for giving us a chuckle amongst the insanity. I just don’t get what the hold up is in ousting this violent aggressive group of perverts and pedophiles. Why are there so many deniers?

    1. Because the people pushing the trans insanity are very powerful long term congresswomen from the San Francisco district.

  3. All the higher ups are satanic pedos, they’re protecting their own by trying to normalize it.

  4. https://tnc.news/2023/08/09/gov-lgbtq-marketing/

    RYFKM… Canadians are hungry, cant pay rent/mortgage and this!
    Yet another layer of disgust and disgrace to Trudeette


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