Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Shingles Vaccine - Moving Forward

I'm back from a road trip and just got my shingles vaccine. My mother got shingles when she was older and I always thought getting the shingles vaccine was a good idea. Until all this Covid rna genetic vaccine nonsense. So I asked Dr Steven Pelech if the shingles vaccine had rna in it and he said no. Since the shingles vaccine didn't have rna or use live viruses I decided to get it.

A coworker who is also anti rna genetic vaccines also got his. It's about informed consent and the freedom to choose. I was at the gym today doing cardio and the View came on. That show is absolutely ridiculous. The View is the Spew. It is a toxic sh*t hole of partisan puke. Watching the View is like digging for gold at the bottom of an outhouse. You're not going to find anything good there. It is unhealthy. Tulsi Gabbard however, is a breath of fresh air. She should be RFK's Vice.

I've been working on a new project that I'll be ready to launch next week.

It's time to turn the page and move forward.


  1. You’re truly a moron if you took the shingles vaccine. Time to grow a brain. That’s like voting for Trudeau as he is a new man since his divorce. Wake up!

    1. Are you going to tell me the earth is flat too? I'm not voting for Justin Trudeau. This is where we have to draw the line. Crazy affects both sides if taken to the extreme. All the virologists support traditional vaccines. It's the synthetic rna genetic vaccines that they have justifiable concerns with.

      My arm's a bit sore but that's normal and is actually a good sign. A traditional vaccine is supposed to stay in your arm. Your body sends anti bodies to that arm to build immunity to the virus. RNA vaccines bypass the immune system and sends the virus right into your organs. That's why young people can get myocarditis. The rna sends the virus right into your heart.

    2. "All the virologists support traditional vaccines". That is appealing to authority, and is a blatant lie. You haven't learned anything from the whole "covid" scam, and you truly deserve what's coming (enslavement). I don't know how you even saw through any of the "covid" stuff, because your discernment is incredibly poor.

    3. I'm sorry but you are the other extreme. You sound like a flat earther. I am not you. We are all free to choose. I chose an alternate route. I support Dr Steven Pelech:

    4. Wow - those flat earthers loved the lockdown as it gave them groups and individuals as potential audiences. Most are agents and plants with the mission to drive away any rational thinking person.

    5. "That is appealing to authority, and is a blatant lie". Love when morons selectively apply logical fallacies in situations like this.

  2. Dennis don’t know which way is up. And when we call him on it, he goes flat earther. Classic spin.

    1. Actually what I said is totally relevant. I oppose extremism and I support the freedom to choose. If someone wants to get a RNA vaccine that's their choice. My daughter got two because she wanted to travel. My son didn't because he's a runner and was concerned about adverse reactions affecting the heart. They are adults who made their own choices.

      I had one reader who emailed me for years about QAnon stuff. I was shocked to find out he was also a flat earther. This post may or may not be him but it illustrates how toxic the extremists are. They are no different than the Trump haters who obsess over him. As soon as soon as you disagree with one thing you're cancelled. I don't have time for that nonsense.

  3. Lol I love watching you realize that when you become a dumbass antivaxx Trump supporter, being reasonable is no longer an option. They fucking hate you just for taking a shingles vaccine you moron. This is the monster you've been feeding dutifully with your brain-dead propaganda blog. Fuck you Dennis, you deserve it.

    1. OK this is Blaze. He spams me with insults and lies every day. He blindly endorses Justin Trudeau, lockdowns and mandates. He disagrees with absolutely everything I say simply because he likes to argue. If he can catch me on one error he will use that to claim the things I said about him are false when we all know they are true. He doesn't want me to move forward because he wants me to give him and his bed pal Jamie Bacon a reason for existing. I will not. I will move on and leave them behind in the dust.


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