Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Rob Ford strikes again

Well Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is at it again. He was caught talking on his cell phone while driving and a mother told him to get off his cell. She claims he gave her and her daughter the finger. He denies giving he the finger but his office admits he was on his cell.

This is another one of Stephen Harper's drunk drivers. He had a dui charge in Florida and was caught with marijuana then came out to endorse Harper in the election. He admitted to lying about yelling and swearing at a couple while he was drunk at a hockey game in 2006.

The more I read about this guy them more it becomes clear he is a psychopath. Yes he is a fat f*ck. He looks like Java the hut. But that's no crime. The crime is being an abusive liar and that is what he is. He was charged with assaulting his wife. This is Team Harper. God help us.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Jack Layton battles new form of cancer

No, we're not talking about a new Harper policy. Jack Layton announced today that although his treatments for prostate cancer are doing very well, he has been diagnosed with a new form of cancer and is taking a leave of absence for treatment. He is hopeful he will be healthy enough to return when Parliament reconvenes in September.

I don't care about his politics. I admire him as a human being. The values he has and the vision he imparts is very inspiring. Indeed that kind of vision can and does inspire optimism. Chuck Cadman had cancer. That certainly isn't a sign of weakness. Look at Terry Fox. Indeed people with personal challenges can be very inspiring.

Our values include equality and love not division and hate. It's like comparing Carol James "Because everyone matters" with Gordon Campbell's drunk driving selfish indulgence. It means supporting Small Business and free enterprise. It doesn't mean multinational corporations have more power than elected governments as they launder the public purse.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Great Divide

The Vancouver Sun ran a profound article about a civil war reenactment called North-South divide still runs deep. The civil war reenactments help open up the dramatic reality of the event. It was a huge struggle with a huge loss of life. One participant said there are lessons to be learned from the civil war.

"What is the lesson of Iraq and Afghanistan?" I ventured. "We shouldn't be there," Bishop said. "You got to read the book of history. He who doesn't remember history is destined to repeat it. Look what happened to the British. Look what happened to us in Iraq, and we were in cahoots all along with Saddam Hussein, that no-good son of a bitch."

Interesting analogy. I don't think the invasion of Iraq was wrong because it was a long and hard struggle with many casualties. I think it was wrong because it was based on a lie. Yes Saddam Husein was yet another CIA asset who was sold chemical weapons to use on Iran. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Bush said they had Weapons of Mass destruction. He was wrong. Then after all the carnage of a foreign invasion based on a proven lie, his final pep rally displayed a banner that said Mission Accomplished. Mission accomplished alright. The oil companies and Dick Cheney's Haliburton made a fortune which the American taxpayers are now paying for.

Afghanistan was different. If Bin Ladden really was responsible for 9/11 then something had to be done. Yet Bin Ladden was found in Pakistan not Afghanistan. The CIA confession video didn't even look like Bin Ladden. The third tower collapsing into it's own blueprint at free fall speed due to heat and fire is simply unscientific.

There were many irregularities that tainted the Afghan mission. Unicol was one. Not only was the Taliban trained by the CIA to fight the Russians, Unicol were wining and dining them over in Texas trying to win them over so the Taliban would give them the contract for the Central Asia gas pipeline through Afghanistan. Shortly after the Taliban ended up giving the contract for the oil pipeline to an Argentina firm named Bridas, Afghanistan was invaded and that decision was reversed.

The invasion of Iraq was just plain wrong and the war with Afghanistan became very confused and tainted. Handing over prisoners to be tortured and harvesting opium pretty much confirmed the mission went bad. Very bad.

Yet the article was about the historical civil war which it claims was over the issue of Slavery. I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks that is what the war was about. I had always concurred with the brother from Boston who asked, who wants a Union with people who fought a war for the right to keep slaves?

I got in an argument with a biker from Tennessee who used the Southern flag as part of their logo and said it was racist. He claimed many Confederates fought in the civil war for independence not slavery. If that is true that would soften my heart towards the south. Yet the historical realities of the time are hard to deny.

The Irish had sympathy for the Abolition Movement. They opposed British occupation of Ireland and supported the American Revolution. Daniel O'Connell sent word to the Irish in America inviting them to support the end to slavery because it was a cause they as a people supported through their own struggles.

I personally, can't see any good in fighting a war for the right to keep slaves. If the south wanted to be independent then that's fair enough but slavery is nothing to boast about or endorse.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Oslo Tragedy

A Norwegian gunman disguised as a police officer beckoned his victims closer before shooting them one by one, claiming at least 84 lives, in a horrific killing spree on an idyllic island teeming with youths that has left this peaceful Nordic nation in mourning.

The island tragedy Friday unfolded hours after a massive explosion ripped through a high-rise building housing the prime minister's office, killing seven people in a scene some likened to the aftermath of 9/11.

The same man - a blond-blue eyed Norwegian with reported Christian fundamentalist, anti-Muslim views - is suspected in both attacks. His name is Anders Behring Breivik.

I had a close friend from Norway. He used to say he was born with skis on his feet. He had served in the military before I worked with him. I found him to be a very honest, trustworthy and hard working man. I am indeed shocked and saddened with the news of an individual fruit loop who has completely lost touch with reality.

I was shocked and concerned when I saw photos of him with a Freemason apron on. I was even more shocked and disappointed to see a bizarre video claiming to be from the Knights Templar calling for a new crusade to decimate cultural Marxism. The gunman opened fire on a youth retreat for young members of the labour party. He killed them for their political beliefs. That is not something St George would endorse.

I know this looks bad and it is bad. I want to clarify two things. Freemasons promise to keep their religious rituals secret. They don't promise to keep the crimes of other Freemasons secret. George Washington and Ben Franklin were Freemasons. They were good and noble men aspiring to something higher.

The Knights Templar, aside from being portrayed in the movie Da Vinci code, is the highest degree of Freemason in the York Right. Shriners are Freemasons. This individual's twisted view of Freemasonry is not what Freemasonry or the Knight Templar teach. He is a wacko who committed mass murder.

Perhaps this tragic event is a good lesson for all of us. Not all Muslims are terrorists just like not all Christians are crazed gunmen. The freedom of religion and the freedom of political affiliation are fundamental rights is a free and democratic society.

The young victims in this shooting spree were not Marxists, they were members of the Labour party. This is why Harper's name calling and labels are so offensive. The crazed gunman was a member of a right wing political party that campaigned against immigration.

Harper and Xenophobia

The Vancouver Sun ran an article yesterday claiming Civil rights groups say the (Harper) government is stoking the fires of xenophobia and vigilantism by making public a list of 30 foreign men in Canada suspected of war crimes. I had to look up what xenophobia meant. Xenophobia is defined as the "hatred or fear of foreigners or strangers or of their politics or culture. I'd have to admit, the Harper government is very much guilty of that. Just as fear and ignorance are the seeds of racism, so too are xenophobia and hypocrisy.

Harper's media machine has recently released three stages of finger pointing distractions. First we hear that new Canadian citizenship applications are way down. Then we hear the Harper Government is planning on revoking 1800 Canadian citizenships. Then finally we hear the Harper government has 30 men on a war crimes wanted list, looking for them to revoke their citizenship.

Personally I find this information inherently hypocritical. Yes acts of torture are wrong. They do in fact constitute war crimes and yes we should be vigilant in opposing war crimes. Yet Harper's Canadian Most Wanted list missed the three biggest offenders. George Bush vetoed the bill to stop torture at Guantanamo bay. He didn't just lie and cover up the fact that they were torturing prisoners at Guantanamo bay. He didn't just fire the whistle blowers that leaked out the information that they were torturing prisoners at Guantanamo bay. Everyone knew they were. That's why congress passed a bill stopping it. George Bush vetoed that bill. You can't get any more war criminal than that. If we are to pursue the 30 men on Harper's Canadian Most Wanted list, then we have to arrest George Bush when he comes to speak in Surrey this October. It would be pure hypocrisy not to do so.

Obviously Harper failed to add himself and Peter MacKay to his list of wanted war criminals. Yet they are much larger scale offenders than the 30 petty war criminals on his list. Peter MacKay did what he does best when asked if the Harper government knew Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan were handing over prisoners to be tortured, he lied. Just like he lied about calling Belinda Stronach a dog in Parliament. Why lie about that? It was a funny dig after what she did. Why lie about it when he was caught on tape and did so in a house full of witnesses?

How can we place Peter MacKay in a position of trust if he is a progressive liar? I say progressive because lying about making fun of his old girlfriend is a small lie. Lying about the Harper government's knowledge about prisoners being tortured in Afghanistan is a huge lie. As is refusing to release the documents which proved it on state security claims and then heavily censoring the evidence with a giant black felt marker.

Peter MacKay was most certainly not acting alone in that capacity. He was Harper's right hand man. Harper assumes legal liability for MacKay's cover up because he was acting under Harper's direction with the goal of protecting Harper. Stephen Harper slandered and fired the whistle blower for leaking the fact that we were handing over prisoners to be tortured in Afghanistan.

If the Harper government is going to pursue the 30 war criminals on their Canadian Most Wanted list, then he is under legal obligation to release the uncensored documents proving his knowledge and participation in the torture of prisoners in Afghanistan and he needs to put himself in one of those nice new cosy jails he plans on building after he cut funding for the RCMP and the Gang task Force. That would be justice. Privatizing prisons is wrong.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Conrad Black on the Prison System

Speaking of prisons, I found this article about Harper's Roadmap to Strengthening Public Safety written by Conrad Black somewhat interesting. I am by no means a fan of Conrad Black. I think he is a liar and a crook. Yet just as no two people agree on every issue, likewise no two people disagree on every issue either. Conrad raises a good point about human rights.

Back in the day we had prisoners of war. Understandably, there is a certain amount of animosity directed toward a prisoner of war. After all, they were caught trying to kill you. Yet they are human beings and are entitled to basic human rights. I'm not going to ramble about prisoner's rights as though it is some kind of demand they are entitled to. I'm going to speak from the position that since we are human beings, treating prisoners like human beings is something we owe ourselves if we are to continue claiming to be members of that race.

I will add that since crime should be punished according to the nature of the offence, I am glad Conrad Black was finally incarcerated for Investment Fraud. Just as we need to address the issue of violent crime, we also need to address the issue of investment fraud since it poses such a legitimate threat to the market and pension security. Robbing a bank is wrong. Whether you come into the bank with a gun, or if you come in with a suit and tie and defraud it, both acts are the same.

Concerns have been raised about Harper’s Corporate Prison Plan and indeed they should. California's prison crisis came about because of the privatization of prisons just like Enron. A privatized prison is a conflict of interest. A privatized prison mandated to make a profit has no regard for rehabilitation or human rights.

Obviously, rehabilitation is not the primary objective of incarceration. Public safety is. Nevertheless, in the spirit of public safely, rehabilitation is a factor. It's not the primary factor but it is a factor nonetheless. After all, "Christians" are taught to visit those in prison and equate it with visiting the sick, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and housing the homeless.

The Cost of Incarceration

Canada's annual prison costs jump 86 percent to $3B in just five years. As we contemplate raising taxes, reducing deficits, and prioritizing expenditures we do need to examine how much tax dollars we spend on what and why.

We have expressed the concern that the current Judaical system for violent crime is flawed. If you commit murder or if a group of people swarm and assault an individual, that crime needs to be taken seriously and have some kind of legitimate consequence to it. House arrest for trafficking cocaine for the Hells Angels is nonsense. Crimes committed with firearms need to be taken seriously.

Yet often our world is full of extremes. Mandatory minimum sentences for violent crime is one thing. Mandatory minimum sentences for possession of pot is another. When we look at the crisis the California prison system is in, it becomes clear that we must be prudent and prioritize our expenditures.

The California prisons are desperately over crowded. Three to a bunk is excessive. As a result of the privatized prison system refusing to adequately address the issue, the courts ordered them to release one quarter of the prison population. That is significant. The most basic and obvious concern is that the release of prisoners has almost become a lottery as they aren't necessarily releasing nonviolent offenders first which is absolutely absurd.

Equally absurd is Harper's promise to get tough on crime then cut funding for the RCMP and the Gang task force. Crime prevention is an important factor in dealing with crime. Having police officers walk the beat in East Vancouver and in Surrey Central is a good thing. A police presence in those areas can help reduce crime. You don't have to spend a lot of money on Crime Prevention for it to be effective. Block Watch is a volunteer program that effectively gets the community involved in reporting crime and being aware of suspicious behaviour. Surrey Place and Guldford mall have volunteers to help patrol which has dramatically helped reduce the amount of car theft in those areas.

In California they incarcerate deadbeat Dads. No one likes a deadbeat Dad but throwing him in jail costs taxpayers money. Garnishing his wages costs the deadbeat Dad money. It really is that simple.

Yes there is crime associated with grow ops but the real problem is when the gangs take the BC pot and trade it in the US for cocaine to be sold here as crack. As soon as you bring cocaine into the picture the violence increases exponentially. As soon as you start selling crack or meth on the street the violence is off the hook.

Enforcement means not letting the gangs sell crack in public. That is the New York model. Mandatory minimum sentences for selling crack are needed. Mandatory minimum sentences for selling pot is disproportionate and since it would be so costly, it would prevent us from being able to incarcerate the violent criminals and in essence shoot ourselves in the foot.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Bush Lies, Palin is an idiot

Talk about brain dead drama queens. Sarah Palin twisted the slogan about Bush's invasion of Iraq from Bush lied people died to Obama lies the economy dies. That is an insanely offensive statement from a brain dead idiot.

Bush lied about Iraq's WMD. He lied. MI 6 were caught red handed giving false information about Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction to the media in Operation Mass Appeal. It was a malicious premeditated lie that not only cost thousands of innocent lives, it wasted millions of taxpayer dollars.

Palin the Air head claims Obama is over exaggerating the debt so he can raise taxes. Hold the door. Bush lied about how much debt there was and he was instrumental in the crash of the economy with all the investment fraud his family was involved with.

Bush lied about how much debt there was. Both Bushes. The day before 9/11 Rumsfeld warned that the Pentagon has misplaced $2.3 trillion. Misplaced! Trillion! That was before Bush kept sucking money out of congress for his lies.

Obama has said if the US doesn't raise it's debt ceiling, they will have to raise taxes. That is pretty fundamental math. He prefers to raise the debt ceiling. That's why he made the comparison. Obama is not lying or over exaggerating the seriousness of the unprecedented debt the Bush regimes incurred. It is serious and we need to look at it because if the US doesn't get it under control, they will suck us down with them.

Nevertheless, as tax increases are discussed it's important to remember the massive public rallies in England. Raising taxes, stealing pensions and cutting hospitals and education because of reckless and fraudulent military spending is absolutely criminal. In more ways than one. We do need a Canadian Arab spring in this country. Just ask the Rogue Page from Ottawa.

Harper plays clueless cop

Gag me with a spoon. Stephen Harper is taking a role as a clueless cop on the TV show Murdoch Mysteries. Somewhat offensive since he promised to get tough on crime if he was given a majority government only to slash funding for the RCMP and the Gang Task force after he was elected. Maybe we should have an episode where he gets tar and feathered instead. That would sure boost ratings.

And on a matter of personal privilege, Brian Mulroney was a director on Barrick gold's international advisory board along with George Bush when Barrick gold was involved with Bre X in that fraudulent gold mine in Indonesia. If anyone is going to get sued it's Brian Mulroney for committing perjury when he sued the Canadian government for slander and accepted a $2.1 million settlement. Turns out he lied about not getting kickbacks from Airbus and thereby defrauded the Canadian taxpayers of that $2.1 million settlement. Let's recoup that before you steal our pensions.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Opium production spike in Afghanistan

I don't want to flog a dead horse but I think it is important to look at the facts for us to really understand the big picture. NATO’s presence in Afghanistan has coincided with a sharp rise in opium production, leading to a global revival in heroin use.

According to UN figures, much of the blame lies with a 15-fold increase in Afghan opium production since 2001, the year Canadian soldiers helped the U.S. overthrow the country’s Taliban government. Afghanistan now supplies 90 percent of the world’s opium.

2001. That was indeed a pivotal year. By February of 2001, U.N. drug control officers said the Taliban religious militia had nearly wiped out opium production in Afghanistan - once the world's largest producer - since banning poppy cultivation last summer.

We know that the US soldiers in Afghanistan are now helping cultivate and harvest opium there. We were told that it was because if they didn't do it, the Taliban would but think about it. The Taliban are Muslim extremists. Sure hypocrisy exists within any religion but they are religious extremists who frown upon drug use. They had brought opium production to a grinding halt. NATO troops came in and have brought it back in a new heroin revival seen here at home.

Now that Canadian soldiers are pulling out of Kandahar and handing over control of that opium producing hub to the American soldiers who are admittedly cultivating and harvesting opium, we need to take the next step. We need to stop buying their opium for insite.

And we need to remember Julie Couillard's claim on national television that Maxime had said “the war in Afghanistan has nothing to do with building democracy in that country but has to do with the global control of the opium trade. It’s a drug war.”... "the War In Afghanistan was about the control of the global opium trade, not democracy". The oil pipeline was a factor as well.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Harper Day

Are we allowed to still call it Canada Day or has the slimy little bastard re branded that too? Some how I think we've all been diminished and have a lot less to celebrate this year.

A Dark Day

Well the mighty have fallen. I was reading through an editorial in the Vancouver Sun about the HST and I started to gag. I thought to myself who on earth would write such a bullsh*t column for the Sun. It's a bold faced lie and sounds like another paid add for the HST. Then I noticed it wasn't a columnist at all, it was Stockwell Day.

Well isn't that a big surprise. A conservative MP who supports Harper and supported Campbell also supports the HST. How the mighty have fallen. You would think a former freedom fighter like Stockwell Day would be in the trenches supporting Bill Vanderzalm on this issue. Not on the wrong side of the treason.

In the article he claims voting to extinguish the HST is a vote for raising taxes. That is a bold faced lie. 10% tax on something that wasn't previously taxed is a tax increase. Large Corporations like the HST because they are the ones that will be paying less tax while the consumer picks up the slack and pays the corporate tax for them. No wonder big corporations love the idea.

Get this. Stockwell Day has resigned as MP and has set up a consulting company that helps private clients develop a “government relations strategy” called Stockwell Day Connex. Sounds more like Conmen to me. It's OK. It's not a conflict of interest because the ethics commissioner said so. Gag.

The Office of the Conflict of Interest is a conflict of interest. It's simply a biased arbitrator appointed by the government to investigate itself and clear itself of any wrongdoing without having a real judge in a real court do it. Harper appointed Mary Dawson to the office of ethics commissioner. She was a Tory who worked with Brian Mulroney. Now she has been given this magical wand and title to repeatedly clear the Tories of conflict of interest charges without a trial. It is just another scam.

It's a dark day for all of us so it is. Stockwell Day has fallen from grace and Dolores Umbridge has been appointed ethics commissioner. If that's not conflicted, I don't know what is.

Monday, June 27, 2011

HST Ballots

Make sure you get your HST ballot. Canada Post resumes services Tuesday June 28 2011. If you don't receive a ballot in the mail you must call Elections BC at 1-800-661-8683 (toll-free) to request a voting package.

No doubt Harper and the BC Liberals are hoping for public apathy to slip this one past us. Let's just have a quick peek at some of the bold faced lies about the HST campaign.

The HST is not a reduction in tax. They would not be spending millions in advertising to convince us to lower taxes. It is NOT 10%. The Liberals have promised to drop it to 10% in 2014 after the next election. It will not be possible for us to repeal it if they don't.

PST did not apply to any services or to environmental consumer goods. Adding HST even at a reduced rate of 10% is still a tax increase because 10% on services or products that were not previously taxed is clearly a tax increase. It really is that simple.

The HST supports big corporations not small business. The HST crushes small business and unload corporate tax unto the consumers. The HST is bad for business.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Gordon Campbell's Private Personal Assistant

Speaking of Gordon Campbell's drunk driving charges in Hawaii, who was with him in the car anyways? There has been a lot of whispering going on about it. The first media report came out that there was a passenger in the car with him when he was pulled over for DUI yet that information was erased from subsequent reports.

One source claims that it was his Private Personal Assistant yet other reports claim it was someone else. One source claims his Personal Private Assistant had a child a year later yet other sources claim that is simply untrue. There has been a lot of speculation about the nature of his relationship with his long time advisor Lara Dauphinee.

Let's look at what we do know. We know Gordo's blood alcohol level was 0.161‏, which is more than twice the legal limit. The old legal limit not the new legal limit. Which means he had more than 8 drinks not just two.

Not only that he was speeding and nearly crossing into a lane toward another vehicle. Campbell was fined $500 for the petty misdemeanor of driving under the influence of alcohol. He also was ordered to pay $50 for failure to drive on the right side of the road, $50 for disregarding lane markings and $125 for speeding, going 70 mph in a 45-mph zone.

What I don't get is the oily skin mentioned in the police report. What on earth would cause that? Toronto mayor Rob Ford is another one of Stephen Harper's supporters.

The question I have is, why are Harper's associates such drunken pigs? OK Bruce Carson wasn't a drunk. He was just a pig and a crook.

So here we have a drunk like Gordon Campbell getting promoted to represent Canada at the 2012 Summer Olympics who changed the drinking driving laws from .08 to seize your car after two drinks.

Here we have a mayor who had a dui charge in Florida and was caught with marijuana support Harper's plan to introduce mandatory minimum sentences for the possession of marijuana.

Here we have an old pervert with a criminal record of fraud hooking up with young escorts and not only bringing them to Sussex Drive but get caught channeling money from conflicted government contracts into her account to pay for her services.

All this while Harper pimps the church and family values. It all looks so hypocritical. Sure people change but Rob Ford's assault charge against his wife wasn't that long ago. He admitted to lying about yelling and swearing at a couple while he was drunk at a hockey game in 2006. What can ya do with a drunken sailor? Give him a chauffeur in London. Now that is a travesty of justice.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Stephen Harper rewards Gordon Campbell

Gag me with a spoon. Stephen Harper nominated his partner in crime Gordon Campbell to be Canada's next High Commmissioner to the United Kingdom. In exchange for selling BC out to the HST lie. I guess Harper had to renege on the promise of giving Campbell a senate seat. The term Harper's Promise is going to become as famous as the term Lyin Brian. Looks like Harper's Taser lobbyist has them tasering deer in Toronto. What will they think of next?

The Duplessis Orphans

This case has nothing to do with gangs but I fund it shocking and tragic. During the reign of Quebec Premier Maurice Duplessis in the 1940s and 1950s, an alarming number of healthy children living in sanctuaries were hastily diagnosed as mentally incompetent, psychotic patients. The diagnoses were always swift — the children went to bed orphans and woke up psychiatric patients.

The reason? Shrewd fiscal planning; federal subsidies paid out more to hospitals than to orphanages. Some children allegedly endured lobotomies, electroshock, straitjackets and abuse. For the rest of their lives they would struggle to bring attention to their story and demand compensation. They called themselves the Duplessis Orphans.

So here we have a politician who wants to scam the system. His jurisdiction is provincial which orphanages fall under. Mental institutions get federal funding. So he takes these kids in orphanages and labels them mental patients to get more funding from the federal government. Not only was it a scam but it was a complete tragedy what kind of horrible things these children had to endure.

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights for Canada and the Commission for Victims of Crimes against Humanity held a press conference at the Montreal Atwater Library to demand that an independent public investigation be held to shed light on the psychiatrists behind the crimes committed against tens of thousands of Orphans.

Back in the day psychiatrists did some pretty bizarre things in the name of science. Shock therapy was horrible and I am astounded that it appears to be making a come back. Sounds more like an overture to the Rocky Horror Picture show.

That's why I'm so against the new tasers that fire an electrode into the suspect and let the police send ongoing electric currents through their body. It causes brain damage. The fact that longtime Stephen Harper ally Ken Boessenkool became a registered lobbyist of Taser International is an insane conflict of interest.

I am equally shocked that anyone with an education would cite Sigmund Freud theories as being anything but deranged. Freud was a freak. blaming problems in life on how you were toilet trained by your mother. Claiming women who were raped or abused because they secretly wanted it. His theories were anything but educated and I find it absurd individuals who like to pretend to be educated still cite his theories as though they weren't something to be ashamed of.

The current controversy with the Duplessis Orphans is the existence of a graveyard where many of the children who died were buried. The orphans' group claims children buried in an abandoned cemetery in east-end Montreal may have been victims of medical experiments performed at the old Cite de St. Jean de Dieu insane asylum, now Louis-Hyppolite Lafontaine Hospital.

Albert Sylvio, 62, was a Duplessis orphan who lived at St. Jean de Dieu in the 1950s. He said that during that time, he transported about 60 bodies of fellow orphans from the operating rooms to the basement morgue. "I undressed them and washed them and prepared them for burial," he said. "We put them in cardboard boxes. Some of them were children." He said the bodies were then taken to the cemetery and buried in unmarked graves.

A Quebec law passed in 1942 allowed the nuns to sell unclaimed bodies to medical schools for $10. Many dead orphans, whose names and identities had been changed or erased, were dissected. What was left of their bodies was buried in cemeteries such as St. Jean de Dieu.

One government registry indicates there were about 2,000 bodies buried at the St. Jean de Dieu cemetery, which locals called the "pigsty" because it was next to a hog farm owned by the nuns. At least 42 were children.

Abandoned cemeteries in New Westminster also raises concerns about similar testing of metal patients in Riverview(Essondale). We know that New Westminster had a bad reputation at the time for building on human grave sites. In fact the Picktons originally owned a hog farm right beside the Essondale cemetery.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

RCMP probes G8 spending

I don't want to be cynical of everyone, much, but I find it interesting that the RCMP would make news investigating the lavish spending of the G-8 fake lake party after the Harper government has dramatically cut funding for the RCMP.

Nevertheless, it doesn't change the fact that spending a vast amount of tax dollars on the lavish G-8 exclusive party is somewhat bizare when they then turn around and dramatically cut funding for the RCMP and the gang task force. In fact, I'd go far as to say that cutting funding for the RCMP and the gang task force after campaigning on a tough on crime platform is simply fraud.

Taking police officers off the street then spending $33 million on advertising to promote the RCMP brand is absolutely bizarre. Welcome to the Harper majority. We will say we told you so because we didn't vote for him.

The RCMP probe appears to be in the President of the Treasury Board's riding Tony Clement. His riding got all the handouts. Yet Clement claims the RCMP probe is just a Liberal PR stunt. Well cutting all the funding for the RCMP wasn't a Liberal PR stunt. The Harper government did that all by themselves. Comparing those cuts on one hand with lavish spending on the other hand is called public accountability and has merit when considering future elections.

The Tories claim they have done nothing wrong but I beg to differ. Cutting funding for the gang task force and taking police officers off the street then spending that money on an exclusive party and advertising is clearly a misappropriation of funds. Didn't Jack Layton say he would spend more money on more police? Isn't it ironic that someone Harper calls a socialist would be tougher on crime than he is. That sounds more like Lyin Brian to me.

What ever happened to that RCMP probe over the $9-million contract for Parliament Hill renovation that was tied to the Hells Angels? Did that ever go anywhere or did they just promote another one of the accused to the Supreme Court?

The RCMP were probing the nature of the relationship between construction firm LM Sauvé and long-time Conservative organizer and business adviser Gilles Varin. Investigators are focusing on lobbying rules and anti-corruption laws. I'm not concerned about the insider trading about how another Conservative insider got another government contract. I'm concerned about what another conservative insider is doing involved with the Hells Angels.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

HST Dishonesty

The amount of money the government is spending on HST advertising is shameful. Everyone knows that adding a 10% tax to something that was not previously taxed is a tax increase. The government wouldn't be spending that much money on advertising trying to trick us into keeping the HST if it wasn't a tax increase. Yet not only are the adds clearly biased, they are also clearly dishonest.

The HST is not 10% it is 12%. They claim that some time in the future they will reduce it to 10%. Yet once it's in there is absolutely nothing stopping them from keeping it at 12% or increasing it after they dropped to 10% for a few months.

Then the adds come out with the most outrageous statement in recorded history. Paid actors saying "I have no reason to believe they won't drop it to 10% like they promised." If that is not the most absurd thing I have ever heard, I don't know what is. Just because they lied to us consistently about everything else, that doesn't mean they will keep lying to us about dropping the HST.

Harper lied about not taxing income trusts. He's already forming a long list of proven lies. Gordon Campbell lied when he was elected on the promise to oppose the MLA gold plated pension. Forget recall. We need to hold politicians criminally responsible for breach of contract when they consistently break their election promises. Letting a politician get away with lying is no different than letting an anarchist get away with setting a car on fire. They are the same thing. Both are wrong and we need to hold both parties accountable.

They lied when they said the adds wouldn't be biased. Why wouldn't they lie about dropping the HST? Regardless, the amount of tax dollars they are spending on HST advertising is a scandal, a scam and a sham. They would send out a bogus survey asking us how we want to spend the increased revenue from the HST if it wasn't increased revenue. I tell ya one place I don't want them to spend the increased revenue. On more prisons for nonviolent crime like possession of pot. Or for enforcing a non patriot act that removes our civil liberties.

Monday, June 13, 2011

RCMP and Sheriff Cut Backs

Sheriff cut backs have resulted in trial delays and adjournments. "Just days after Attorney General Barry Penner claimed there was no money to pay for more sheriffs for B.C. courts, several cases were adjourned in both Surrey and Vancouver Provincial Courts Monday because of staff shortages."

As one poster pointed out, this is the same time the RCMP are spending more money on advertising to promote their "brand." That sounds so corporate. Cut down on services and spend more money on advertising. Sounds familiar.

The California prisons are in complete turmoil. As a result of the three to a bunk over crowding the courts there ordered them to release one quarter of their prisoners. Only they can't remember who's in for what and aren't releasing the nonviolent offenders first they're accidental releasing violent offenders into the public.

So if our prisons are over crowded and if we are cutting down the services provided by the RCMP, how can we afford to send more people to jail for nonviolent crimes like possession of pot without raising taxes? If we spend that money on sending nonviolent criminals to jail, how can we possibly afford to imprison violent offenders and people who traffic hard drugs like crack or meth?

It really looks like the Harper government has it's priorities somewhat confused. Since the Harper government got elected on a tough on crime promise and since they bungled the anti crime bills and instead introduce an unpatriotic act that removes civil liberties while they cut funding for the RCMP, the Sheriffs and the Gang Task Forces, does that mean we can sue them for breach of contract? Didn't Jack Layton say he'd spend more money on more police? Isn't that ironic.

Monday, June 6, 2011

HST Advertising

Every day we see a full page or a half page add advertising for the HST in the newspaper. It's pretty obvious that if the government is spending that much money on advertising they want us to vote yes for it. It's pretty obvious the reason they want it is because in the long run it will increase taxes. The government doesn't have to spend money on advertising trying to convince us to lower taxes.

Due to the overwhelming opposition to the tax, the Liberal government has proposed a temporary reduction in the combined tax to encourage the public to vote in favour of the tax. 10 % of something that wasn't previously taxed is still a raise in taxes. There will be absolutely nothing stopping them from raising the percentage of the HST once the public has approved it.

The Tyee reports that the BC liberals have committed another $5 million to the HST add campaign. A left wing newspaper opposing government waste and raising taxes. Imagine that. Kevin Falcon said the adds will be neutral but they aren't. They are clearly slanted. The point is the government shouldn't be spending tax dollars on advertising telling us how to vote. Instead they should be listening to the voters on how to spend their tax dollars.

Fight the HST

Vote no to the HST