No, we're not talking about a new Harper policy. Jack Layton announced today that although his treatments for prostate cancer are doing very well, he has been diagnosed with a new form of cancer and is taking a leave of absence for treatment. He is hopeful he will be healthy enough to return when Parliament reconvenes in September.
I don't care about his politics. I admire him as a human being. The values he has and the vision he imparts is very inspiring. Indeed that kind of vision can and does inspire optimism. Chuck Cadman had cancer. That certainly isn't a sign of weakness. Look at Terry Fox. Indeed people with personal challenges can be very inspiring.
Our values include equality and love not division and hate. It's like comparing Carol James "Because everyone matters" with Gordon Campbell's drunk driving selfish indulgence. It means supporting Small Business and free enterprise. It doesn't mean multinational corporations have more power than elected governments as they launder the public purse.
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