Speaking of Calgary cocaine, let's revisit Lindsay Buziak's murder. She was the realtor that was viciously murdered after showing a couple a home in Saanich in what police described at the time to be an 'intentionally targeted' attack.
A year and a half later police release video footage to the public it had given to the TV show Dateline which did an episode on the murder. Saanich police did not see the Dateline show before it aired.
Sgt. Dean Jantzen said while some of the information may have been new to the public, it was not new to police. That information includes a trip to Calgary Buziak took six weeks before her killing. She visited her father who lives there, and also caught up with an old friend. That man, Erickson Lopez Delalcazar, was charged a few days before Buziak's murder in the largest cocaine trafficking case in Alberta. Delalcazar, then 28, is from Victoria.
It was speculated that some idiot thought she was the rat and fell to the same fate Britney Irving did in Kelowna. That kind of paranoia is disturbing. Even more disturbing is murdering someone for being a rat when they weren't.
Operation High Noon, which began with a raid in January 2008, netted 42 kg of cocaine from a safe in a home in the 300 block of Hawthorne Dr. N.W. Calgary. Police also found 25 kg of the drug in the same home a week earlier. It was the largest cocaine bust in Calgary and in Alberta's history.
Graham Scott Taylor, 30, of Calgary and Erickson Lopez Delalcazar, 28, of Victoria, B.C. are both charged with possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking and possession of property obtained by crime.
So the new information released to the public in the Dateline segment that the police confirm is true, was that Linda took a trip to Calgary to visit her father and met up with an old friend named Erickson Lopez Delalcazar who was charged a few days before Buziak's murder in the largest cocaine trafficking case in Alberta. Delalcazar, then 28, is from Victoria.
Lindsey met an old friend in Calgary right before he was busted and they were both from Victoria. It is an interesting coincidence. The criminal organization hasn't been named but it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out who runs the cocaine trade in Calgary and who runs it in Victoria.
No one thinks Lindsay was involved in the drug trade. No one thinks Lindsey ratted out her old friend during that short visit. However, given the timing of the visit and the frenzy of the vengeance it is highly possible someone affiliated with that drug bust decided to blame her and that was why she was murdered. Tragic.
Round up every 1%'er, striker, and hangaround. Add in all convicts doing time for multiple offenses of violence, career criminals, and all those convicted of possession of over a certain amount of any poisonous drug. (crack, meth, etc)
ReplyDeletePut them on a boat, tow it out to where it can serve some useful purpose such as an artificial reef, and open the seacocks. Problem reduced by 90% in one move.
The lives of all those I just named are not worth that of this innocent girl who was butchered by people who think nothing of selling poison to our children to turn their lives and futures into cash to put in their pocket. They are evil. The only sensible solution to evil is to destroy it. It is not a pleasant thought, but when you have cancer, you get a surgeon to cut it out, distasteful as the experience may be, because if you don't you will die.
Enough of this stupidity of considering their "rights". They use this foolishness against us, laugh about it, and grow fat on society's carcass. All it takes is the will to raise our hand against them, although admittedly this would be easier did not the government and the police, whom we are paying 'protection money' in the form of taxes, deprive us of the means to do so. If they will not do the job we pay them to do, there is no shame in doing it ourselves. We actually have the right to do this, but have had it co-opted so that now we will be thrown in prison by the same people we pay to protect us if we are so bold to attempt to reclaim the monopoly on use of force that we have ceded to them.
Your comment shows the low level of education and "intelligence" you received and possess
ReplyDeleteThe only flaw in your theory is that they bought the throw away phone 3 months in advance. Is it possible she saw or heard something she wasn't supposed too when she visited the friend? They got busted before her death and then they took it out on her thinking she snitched?
ReplyDeleteYes that's entirely possible they thought that. However, she didn't. It is highly likely the real rat blamed her instead because she was in the process of breaking up with him.
DeleteJustice for Lindsay Buziak
Thanks for the updated link.
DeleteOne thing I find a bit curious after reading the blog. It's about her going to Calgary and visiting her Father and then looked up an old friend from Victoria, Mr. Erickson Lopez Delalcazar...did she not know that her friend was a coke dealer? And if she did, what was she doing hanging out with him??
ReplyDeleteLindsay was not trying to make contact with Erickson. She was trying to contact a relative of his. The cops know who he was and that's all that really matters.
ReplyDeleteLindsey was friends with Erickson. She had dated one of Erickson's friends. Jason Zailo was friends with Ziggy Matheson;
You must be talking about Lindsay's ex-boyfriend of 5 years Matt MacDuff. He was tight with the Delalcazars and Vid Acevedo. Hard to believe that Matt didn't know about the drug run to Calgary?
DeleteMy understanding is that Matt was a good guy. A lot better than Jason.
DeleteVid and his crew did it.
ReplyDelete1. if the murderers came over on the ferry the day before are there no ferry records identifying passengers or ticket buyers or vehicles or CPTV.?
ReplyDelete2. where did the murderers stay in Victoria after getting off the ferry?
3. did investigators they try to find the manufacturer of the dress and where it was sold in Vancouver and to whom?
4. Wouldn't the killers have left by ferry back to Vancouver soon after the murder? Have ferry records for their return to the mainland been investigated.
5. if Lindsay shook hands with her clients wouldn't she have touch DNA on her hands?
@ bellringer
ReplyDeletewho knows . This blog and buziaks blog are so one track minded it makes you wonder if its just one or two people there, inventing other names to circulate mass misbelief.
Hey Chris Horsley. I hear you've infiltrated VPD now.