Tuesday, April 28, 2020

"Constitution Isn’t Suspended" for COVID-19, Attorney General Barr Warns Public Officials

The Heritage Foundation is reporting that "Attorney General William Barr on Monday publicly released an official memorandum he sent to United States attorneys and to his assistant attorney general for civil rights. The subject of the memo was “Balancing Public Safety with the Preservation of Civil Rights."

The text of the memorandum states " If a state or local ordinance crosses the line from an appropriate exercise of authority to stop the spread of COVID19 into an overbearing infringement of constitutional and statutory protections, the Department of Justice may have an obligation to address that overreach in federal court. I am therefore directing the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, Eric Dreiband, and Matthew Schneider; the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan, to oversee and coordinate our efforts to monitor state and local policies and, if necessary, take action to correct them. They should work not only with all Department ofJustice offices and other federal agencies, but with state and local officials as well.

AG Bill Barr orders US attorneys to pursue legal action against ‘overbearing’ COVID-19 rules

Monday, April 27, 2020

NYC Vet defies lockdown - God bless him

Likewise, the Oathkeepers are reporting that a Wisconsin sheriff declares that he Won’t Assist in Destruction of Businesses or People’s Constitutional Rights. Well done. Keep your oath.

Australia's COVID-19 Tracking App

Here's another one for the Orwellian state. Covidsafe app: how to download Australia's coronavirus contact tracing app and how it works. The Guardian is reporting that "The Australian government has launched Covidsafe, an app that traces every person running the app who has been in contact with someone else using the app who has tested positive for coronavirus in the previous few weeks, in a bid to automate coronavirus contact tracing, and allow the easing of restrictions." Is this really something you want to voluntarily download and participate it?

Look at the screenshot above. Look what it says. TBM sent that to me from some of their Australian members. "The COVIDsafe ap has detected that you are now 20+ KM from your nominated home address. Please register your reason for travel by calling 1300 1MY GOV within 15 minutes of receivin gthis SMS. Thank You." My reason for travel? It's none of your f*cking business you Communist POS. Go f*ck yourself.

This is illegal in Canada because we have mobility rights. In fact, this is an act of war anywhere it's implemented. Why do you think China launched this pandemic on it's own people first? So they could install this kind of tracking app on their phone that tracks everywhere they go AND everything they say. It's time to wake up and smell the coffee. Don't sleep through the revolution.

Please not that the screenshot was not taken by someone who tested positive and was under mandatory quarantine. It was just someone who downloaded the app in Australia. F*ck the app and F*ck the World Health Organization. Take your Communism and cram it up your a*s.

Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy with Exemptions

I'm going to speak on vaccine hesitancy. It turns out a lot of people are talking about this as there is a high percentage of people in Europe that have concerns with vaccines. You can't really blame their inherit mistrust of the government. Historically they went from Hitler to Stalin.

I was somewhat surprised to read that 20% of parents in Toronto have concerns with vaccines. Although I don't personally share those concerns I do emphatically believe that vaccines should always be voluntary. End of story. Forcing people to be vaccinated against their will is Orwellian.

Recently TBM sent me a video of a guy getting vaccinated against this will in the United States. They said we don't think you are of sound mind to make your own medical decisions. Oh really. Well who the f*ck are you? You have no right to make that kind of a declaration over something so trivial. Denmark is talking about coming to your house with the police and forcing you to be vaccinated. WTF?! That isn't just wrong. That is from outer space.

Governments are elected by the people for the people. Nobody likes or trusts politicians because they are inherently dishonest. That is why governments need to remain accountable to the people who elect them and pay their wages. CBC is reporting that "Health Canada, the World Health Organization and a vast majority of health experts consider vaccinations a safe and effective tool at preventing the spread of harmful illnesses."

First of all, don't even quote the World Health Organization. We don't give a f*ck what they think. Given their history, whatever they tell us to do, we should do the opposite. The Director of the World Health Organization is not a medical doctor. He was a leader in a violent Communist paramilitary organization and has an agenda to promote that has nothing to do with making people healthy. Likewise, Health Canada is deeply connected to the pharma fraud. Their advice is in a conflict of interest.

It's like Vancouver Coast Health in the DTES. They do not promote health, they do the opposite. They promote addiction for the same reason the WHO is promoting pandemics - to give themselves a reason to exist and a reason to embezzle tax dollars.

OK so lets briefly touch on the reasons for vaccine hesitancy. One concern is autism. Google is obviously burying all the antivax articles in their search results and the provax articles are written by those in a conflict of interest. I knew a young woman from Arizona. She got married, had kids and brought her family up to visit. Wonderful family with several children. Two of the children had autism. She told me they got it from vaccines. I was somewhat shock as I had never heard about that before. Both kids weren't autistic before being vaccinated and both became autistic after the vaccination I asked? She said yes. Now I have no way of confirming that. She was not political. She was not on a campaign. She just said it as a matter of fact.

In Kenya, one doctor alleges that the tetanus vaccine was spiked with an abortion causing drug that resulted in forced sterilization as a form of population control. Kenya’s Catholic bishops claim it effected 2.3 million girls and was administered by the World Health Organization. The same group we should stop funding and stop listening to.

There are a lot of people out there that think mandatory vaccines are part of a future genocide and that Bill Gates is tied to it. I personally find that hard to believe as I fail to see his motive. However, anything coming out of the World Health Organization is far less trustworthy because of their undeniable ties to revolutionary Communism.

Arizona lawmakers are advancing vaccine exemption bills which I support. NCSL is reporting that "There are 45 states and Washington D.C. that grant religious exemptions for people who have religious objections to immunizations. Currently, 15 states allow philosophical exemptions for those who object to immunizations because of personal, moral or other beliefs." That is fair.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Harrison Lake

Today wasn't a great day for a ride but I was getting stir crazy and rode out to Harrison. It clouded over and started raining but then it cleared up a bit after I started. It was nice to see some of the late blooming cherry blossoms out. It was also nice to see people golfing.

The idiots have closed off the main road to trafick but you can still park and walk in.

So you can buy some take out and sit on a bench and eat it but the washrooms are closed so you can't wash your hands first. If our government had half a brain they would be dangerous. They have forgotten who pays their wages and who they work for. The gas station at the roundabout on highway 7 on the way to Agassiz right off the freeway near Bridal Falls has a Tim Horton's connected to it. That gas station has a public washroom that's open.

Someone posted a funny meme about the four stages of quarantine. First it's fun. Then it's boring. Then it's unhealthy. People need to exercise. They need to get outside and get some fresh air. That is what they need to do. The fear freaks need to STFU and mind their own business. BC Parks should be open. The WHO is not promoting health.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Senator Rand Paul recovers from Coronavirus and tells the Senate to open the economy - he's the hero

One brave man can change the world. After Trump's second term, he will drain the swamp.

How Sweden Beat COVID19 Without Imposing A Lockdown

"Future generations will point to Sweden as the nation that exposed the utter insanity of shutting down the world’s economy to halt the spread a novel coronavirus epidemic. While more than 150 nations imposed medical martial law to compel citizens to give up their right to leave their homes, go to work, play with their kids in parks and just socialise with relatives and friends one Scandinavian country refused to surrender to panic porn."

"Politicans and citizens alike should be very wary of Big Pharma’s expensive solutions to problems that can be solved with old fashioned, low cost remedies. Healthy lifestyles, varied diets, being outdoors, practicising common sense measures are the way forward. Sweden stayed strong and is now unburdened with the billions of dollars of societal debt that leaders of other nations have imposed on their citizens. Let this be a lesson we never forget."

10 Subtle Signs You've Already Had Coronavirus: "Could you have had COVID-19 and not even realized it? Possibly. The majority of people who contract the coronavirus will experience mild symptoms, the most common being a high temperature and a new, dry and continuous cough. A smaller percentage of people will experience more severe symptoms. However, because the coronavirus actually has a spectrum of symptoms-some so mild they are barely noticeable or easily confused with something else-it can go unnoticed or undiagnosed."

21st anniversary of China's persecution of the Falun Gong

This is the 21st anniversary of the Communist Party of China's persecution of Falun Gong in China. The CPC throw them in jail for their religious beliefs and execute them to order for organ harvesting. This atrocity needs to come to an end. Here is their press release: World Leaders should not enable the Chinese Communist Regime with silence to its Criminal Behaviors

On April 25, 1999, more than 10,000 people who practice Falun Gong peacefully petitioned the Chinese central government in Beijing for their right to practice their faith, after dozens of fellow practitioners were arrested in a neighbouring city.

For the past 20 years, April 25 was marked with vigils in front of the Chinese Embassy and consulates worldwide to commemorate the courage of the Chinese practitioners for standing up for their belief.

This year, a virtual candle light vigil by those in Canada on the internet practicing social distancing, captures an important message to the world in touching detail (also see https://youtu.be/8G4OzfrY4gM).

Till now the brutal persecution of Falun Gong has lasted over 20 years. Credible evidence has been reported by Freedom House that Falun Gong practitioners are the largest contingent of prisoners of conscience in China and that they are being “forcibly killed for their organs on a large scale.” An independent people’s tribunal headed by Sir Geoffrey Nice QC, has found that this illegal organ harvesting amounts to a crime against humanity.

"For over 21 years that the persecution of Falun Gong has continued in China, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has deceived the world and used every means to keep the international community quiet in the face of this brutal persecution,” said Xun Li, President of Falun Dafa Association of Canada.

“Now the same nature of deceit and recklessness of the CCP has caused this deadly pandemic throughout the world, by lying to and deceiving the world about the virus outbreak and delaying response, " added Li.

During the Virus outbreak, at least 17 deaths of people who practice Falun Gong and 747 cases of abuse and arrest were reported. In 2019, over 6000 people who practice Falun Gong were illegally arrested and 96 people were reported killed in police custody.

Canadian Citizen and business woman, Ms. Sun Qian, who has been illegally incarcerated for more than three years, has faced abuse, torture and intense brainwashing sessions. nine others with Canadian ties are also suffering in prison in China.

“On this Anniversary of Falun Gong’s peaceful appeal for freedom and justice, we call on Prime Minister Trudeau and the Canadian government to condemn the CCP for the illegal persecution of Falun Gong and to release all of those suffering in China including Canadian Citizen Ms. Sun Qian,” said Li.

COVID-19 Gin and Tonic

Remdesivir is the proper vaccine for COVID-19 which the Communist Party of China stole form the Americans and successfully copied before they launched this chemical attack on the world's economy and civil liberty. It was originally for Ebola which China stole from a Canadian lab in Winnipeg. The World Health Organization is passionately trying to kill the vaccine and discredit it because it would restrict the billions of dollars in research being donated to it. The WHO is led by someone who is not a medical doctor and was with a violent Communist paramilitary organization in Ethiopia before China appointed him to lead the global spread of the pandemic.

Likewise the WHO is passionately trying to discredit the use of hydroxychloroquine which is an ancient treatment for malaria. The WHO wants to promote the spread of the disease to promote the UN's globalism agenda. Any money for research it receives they can funnel into the Communist paramilitary organizations the director of the WHO is tied to.

Remdesivir and hydroxychloroquine are helpful in the treatment of COVID-19 but the WHO does not want you to think that. Consequently, the mainstream media is completely f*cked. They are still passionately promoting the COVID-19 fraud in a desperate attempt to destroy our economy and our civil liberty because that is what their corporate sponsors are paying them to do.

Let's not forget that COVID-19 test kits the UK received from China were contaminated with the virus. China is still trying to promote the spread of the plague even though summer is on it's way and the coronavirus will thereby die out naturally. The mainstream media is attacking Donald Trump for trying to save the American economy. That shows you how out of touch with reality they are and how deviant their deceptive agenda really is. Even fresh garlic and Buckley's cough syrup is helpful for obvious reasons. It's just a f*cking flu. Fraud's over. Get back to work.

Great Game India posted an interesting history behind hydroxychloroquine. The British soldiers kept getting malaria in India but found the treatment too bitter to swallow until they found it went down better if they mixed it with gin thus the name gin and tonic. Rise and shine yo.

Martin Luther King: Don't sleep through the revolution

We all know of Martin Luther King's I've been to the mountain top speech which predicted his own murder. Today I want to cite a parable from his last sermon since it is just as applicable now as it was then. In that final sermon Martin Luther King quoted the Rip Van Winkle story. How when he went to sleep there was a picture of King George. Then he awoke 20 year later to see a picture of George Washington and was shocked. He had slept through the American Revolution. Dr King went on to say Don't sleep through the revolution. Those prophetic words echo today like thunder.

Right now we are under attack. We are in the middle of a Communist Revolution designed to steal our liberty and our economic stability creating global slaves of everyone. It is, as Michael Green from TBM Nation said, essential that we wake up and fight for our freedom or we will end up a slave in a new and different world. Those prophetic words echo like thunder.

Michael Green spoke about about Dr. Fauci who is an idiot that works for Communist China. Likewise Theresa Tam and Justin Trudeau also work for Communist China not for Canada. The fact that the mainstream media is playing the race card on this shows us the depth of their culpability in the COVID-19 fraud. Derek Sloan's concerns with Theresa Tam and Justin Trudeau have nothing to do with race. Derek Sloan is defending Canadian sovereignty against the UN and China's World Health Organization which is led by someone who is not a medical doctor but was a leader in a violent Communist Paramilitary organization in Ethiopia.

Kicking Derek Sloan out of the conservative party for wanting to defend Canadian sovereignty is Orwellian and is proof that the Communist corruption within Canadian politics is non partisan. After all, Justin Trudeau is in bed with Communist China but so was Stephen Harper.

Don't sleep through the revolution. Those prophetic words echo today like thunder.

The satanic slogan used to deceive the world has been Stay home save lives. That is the fundamental lie we need to confront. South Korea confronted COVID-19 without a lockdown. Now more than ever they are getting out and exercising to strengthen their immune system.

Here they would call that nonessential travel. It is essential travel for our physical health and our mental health as Dr Phil correctly emphasized. Getting fresh air and sunshine is essential to overcome COVID-19. Don't sleep through the revolution. The lies from the mainstream media are flaxen cords that keep wrapping around our neck to choke out our financial freedom from mass debt. We need to reopen our economy because we never should have shut it down.

Wade into the water. That is the only way we shall over come. Martin Luther King said the belief God will do everything for man while he himself does nothing is not faith but superstition. Faith is the moving cause of action within us. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together knowing that one day we will be free. Don't sleep through the revolution. Those prophetic words echo today like thunder.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Justin Trudeau is spending $1 billion to track our DNA

Global is reporting that Justin Trudeau has announced more than $1 billion for medical research and testing to battle the COVID-19 virus. It's not his money. It's not even our money. Justin Trudeau is spending our grand children's money because he has already spent ours.

There is a vaccine. It's called remdesivir. The Communinst Party of China stole it from the Americans before they launched this pandemic. So now Justin Trudeau is spending $1 billion to track our DNA. Is this for China's organ harvesting program? It's time to Stop Organ Harvesting.