Monday, July 13, 2020

COVID Numbers are FALSE

I just want to briefly pause to point out the obvious. The COVID numbers coming in from the US are FAF - Fake as F*ck. So are ours. If you test positive, that means you could have COVID or you could have the common cold. The test can't tell the difference. It's also posibble that you simply ate some kiwi fruit or curry goat since those both tested positive in the fake test.

Ron Paul said the Second Wave fraud is fake because the number of deaths are decreasing. Dr. Scott Jensen, a US state senator and Dr. Annie Bukacek, MD blew the whistle on the falsified death counts. The political motivation for the fake news has become obvious which I shall highlight in my next blog post. This medical doctor puts the science into perspective.

Abbotsford shooting victim Identified

The Abbotsford News is reporting that "Karmjit “Jazzy” Sran, 43, was shot dead Friday night at around 8 p.m. in the 2700 block of Lucern Crescent in Abbotsford. The Integrated Homicide Investigation Team released his name Sunday night, and said Sran was known to police and that the shooting had all the hallmarks of a target hit.”

"The Abbotsford News reported in July 2019 that Sran had applied to the courts to be released from prison while he awaited a hearing on whether he should be extradited to the U.S. to face charges there for conspiracy to traffic in cocaine. Sran had been in prison since April 24, 2019, but the courts denied him interim release the following month. There are no court documents indicating when, or why, he was later released from prison."

"Sran was arrested following an undercover investigation that started after a truck driver was arrested in November 2013 at the Sumas, Wash. border crossing after 19 kilograms of cocaine was found in his vehicle. That man, who later became a cooperating witness with U.S. investigators, stated that he had intended to smuggle the drugs into Canada. The truck driver said he was working for two organizations, one of which had a boss he knew as Jazzy, the ruling states." If he worked for two organizations one was the red and white. So of course they bust the other one and he ends up dead. Big surprise.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Lynzee Domanico and The Closet on the Right

OK I'm a little bit slow but I've finally figured this one out. Candace Owens is leading Black Exit and Brandon Straka is leading the #Walk Away movement. This all started before COVID but I've just caught onto it now. Lynzee Domanico broke our hearts with her coming out video and has launched The Closet on the Right. This was started two years ago and I'm just catching onto it.

Lynzee Domanico is posting on this new blog along with several others. She described herself as a Gay Conservative who is in a committed relationship. She's married. She has moral values that we all aspire to. She also makes a lot of sense with her critical thinking in response to the leftist narrative which is so far left it is now in the realms of inter galactic space. With my Green Justice website I tried to create a balance between the extremes. Yet I do have conservative values.

In the #Walk Away Hispanic town hall the Conservative Latina made reference to Faith, Family and Freedom. She said those Hispanic traditions are Conservative values. I share those values. She makes reference to the White House Hispanic Prosperity bill Donald Trump signed on Thursday. The racist left is boycotting a Latino company for supporting the bill.

In the Closet on the Right blog, you can see who made each post under author. Lynzee Domanico has made some recent posts that are very relevant. One recent post, Radicals Breed Radicals, talks about the golden rule of humanity. Treat others as you like to be treated. She refers to how people all over the nation are taking up arms to protect their businesses and communities from violent radicals determined to destroy America and their livelihoods. She states that these individuals only respond to equal shows of force. I agree with Lynzee.

In another blog post Lynzee said "The LGBT movement is so powerful these days that anyone in need of some social justice points can add their letter to the acronym. Hence, “LGBT” is now “LGBTQRSLMOP+,” and what everyone else sees is a bunch of jumbled letters. In other words, a bowl of alphabet soup." I can kind of relate to that. BTW this is her YouTube channel.

LGBT- I can understand that: lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. My brain can process that. Recently the hijacked Missing Women's Inquiry added a whole list of abbreviations and I was like WTF are they taking about. They made reference to violence against Indigenous women and girls which I can understand. Then they added a whole list to the equation: 2SLGBTQQIA [two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual]. now I'm like WTF? That is too much for my brain to process let alone remember. Surely all of those fall under the LGBT umbrella. That whole alphabet soup is just too much to swallow.

It's really sad that the second Missing Women's Inquiry was hijacked by political extremists who had a political agenda that did not include protecting Aboriginal women from violence. That's why Marilyn Poitras resigned from the commission. "We had people tell us if you want to know who the problems are and how to fix them you go talk to the sex trade workers. They're going to tell you who they are. It's not a mystery. This isn't some person coming out of the blue and randomly taking women off the street. People know who they're threatened by. Lets go talk to them. We weren't doing any of those things." It comes right back to the drug dealers exploiting addicts.

Mike Harlow was part of the #Walk Away LGBT town hall in New York City. He mentioned how the left called them white supremacist, homophobic, transphobic, Nazis. That accusation was ridiculous and exposes the leftist extremists for what they really are. If you disagree with Communism then you're a Nazi. No, we disagrees with Fascism and Communism because we support freedom and we oppose totalitarianism. We do not support a single party system. We support diversity of thought.

Blair White is an important member of that Conservative LGBT coalition and get this, she outed local predator Jessica Yaniv. Jessica is not transgender. She is a guy who likes women and dresses in drag so he can sexually harass them. As I prevdiously said, Jessica worked for the same company I do at a different location. When I did work at the same location I remember when he was fired for sexual harassment of a women. He started dressing in drag so he could continue to sexually harass women. Blair White exposed him on YouTube. Blair White is another superhero in the coalition. Diversity makes us strong.

Treatment is not available for those who want it

On the subject of drug treatment I will point out the obvious. Drug treatment is not available for those who want it. The Portugal model included mandatory drug treatment. Although it was very successful, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with mandatory anything unless someone commits violent crime. If someone commits violent crime then locking them in prison for three months without drugs is in their best interest.

If someone isn't violent then we should go after the predatory drug dealers not the addicts. They are the root of all evil. All too often we hear of a parent losing a child to a drug overdose as drug dealers become more and more deceptive in lacing their drugs with fentanyl.

When the Surrey strip was at it's peak, most addicts there wanted treatment but couldn't get in. Treatment is not available for those who want it and we should make it so. We also need to enforce the law and arrest the predatory drug delaers who are brutalizing the addicts. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Arrest the drug dealers selling at treatment centres.

Woman robbed and raped near Surrey SkyTrain

CBC is reporting that RCMP in Surrey, B.C., are warning people about a sexual assault and robbery that took place in the Whalley area on Friday night. Police say at about 10:45 p.m. a woman walking under the SkyTrain's Expo Line near King George Station was approached by a man with a weapon. The man robbed her, officers say, then pulled her into the bushes and sexually assaulted her." We want to defund the police for this? So criminals can rob and rape?

Where are the feminists protecting woman's rights? I believe in law and order. I believe this kind of conduct is unacceptable, That is what I believe in. Wherever we see illicit drugs sold openly, we see violent crime increase exponentially. Closing the Surrey Strip was a step forward. Letting the Hells Angels continue to sell drugs along King George Hwy out of Shakerz is not.

This crime was not committed by an immigrant. This crime was committed by local white trash. Immigration has help improve Surrey's quality of life. Hard working immigrants have values and work ethic. Drug addicted white trash do not. In Portugal they made drug treatment mandatory. We should do the same for repeat offenders of violent crime.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Fatal shooting on Hamilton highway

The Toronto Sun is reporting that "One man was killed and another injured by gunfire in Steeltown Friday night - a shooting that unfolded just hours after longtime Hamilton mob boss Pat Musitano was gunned down in Burlington. Hamilton Police say the deadly shooting happened in the southbound lanes of Red Hill Valley Pkwy., near King St., around 10 p.m. The dead man has been identified as 27-year-old Matar Abouchere."

CHCH News is reporting that "27-year-old Matar Abouchere is dead and another received serious injuries in a shooting last night on the Red Hill Valley Parkway. It happened around 9:30 p.m. Police say shots were fired while two vehicles were travelling southbound on the RHVP. They say the shots came from a dark coloured SUV, into the second vehicle, a blue BMW sedan. Matar was driving the BMW at the time of the shooting. He and was able to bring the vehicle to a stop on the shoulder of the roadway where he died. The other passenger in the vehicle was sent to Juravinski Hospital. The SUV fled from the scene, exiting the RHVP at Greenhill Avenue."

Main Street violence and drug use are on the rise

CBC is reporting that "Some residents of the neighbourhood around Vancouver's Main Street-Science World SkyTrain station say violence and drug use has been getting worse in recent months, and they're calling on police and the city to take action."

The picture is from a surveillance camera of a man punching a woman in the back of the head before she falls to the ground. Not only is this unacceptable violence, it is violence against women. Just down the street from where the ANTIFA fecal matter was blocking the road to the Georgia Street viaduct in their mobile rape camp.

These bullies are predators and want to defund the police so they can commit crime and exploit women. When we hear the term feminism we normally think of woman's rights. What about a woman's right not to be raped? What about a woman's right not to be punched in the head? Those are human rights that don't exist in anarchism. There are no laws to enforce in anarchism. I will also add that there are no legal drugs within Communism. They will lie to you, use you, then execute you to accomplish their hidden objective. In a heartbeat.

Putting this location into perspective, it is just down the street from Main and Hastings the epicenter of drug violence. Main and Hastings is the root of Vancouver's violent crime problem. This is where illicit drugs are publicly sold without restraint. What happens when you let a forest fire burn uncontrolled? It expands and consumes everything in it path.

Statistically, wherever you let illicit drugs be sold in public, violent crime in that area increases exponentially. We have seen that in Surrey. We have seen that in Victoria. We have seen that in New York and South Seatle. This problem is nothing new and neither is the solution.

Vancouver has abandoned the Four Pillars program. That is the problem. When you throw away three critical pillars, harm reduction becomes harm promotion. Right now Vancouver refuses to enforce the law and as a result promotes crime and violence. That is not social justice.

The Four Pillars are: Harm reduction, Prevention, Treatment and Enforcement. One without the three does more damage then good. We have a right, a duty and a legal obligation to enforce the law. That is the New York Model. That is what I believe in. Enforcing the law mean arresting this man that just punched that woman in the head and charge him with assault. That is what that means. That is real feminism. Justin Trudeau is a fake feminist.

In the past, Chinatown has served as a buffer between Main and Hastings and the Main Street Science World Skytrain Station. Chinatown is clean, industrious and well kept. It is the heartbeat of Vancouver. The DTES is not. The DTES is a clogged toilet that needs to be flushed.

The reason why drug related violence is increasing around the Main Street Skytrain Station is because of the Cobalt and the American hotel which are cesspools for the Hells Angels drug trade. These hotels are Juel Stanton and Tony Terezakis' stomping grounds. Juel Stanton took over while Tony was in prison and was murdered when Tony got out of prison. Do the math.

Big Tony videotaped himself beating the life out of drug addicts at the Cobalt who owed him money. When his ex wife got a hold of the videos and it was played in court, Tony couldn't hold back the laughter. This is the sick f*ck who worked the door at Piggy's Palace. He's sick not sic.

Man in his 40s dead after Abbotsford shooting

Global is reporting that "Abbotsford Police say they have identified a man in his 40s who died as the result of a shooting in an East Abbotsford residential area Friday night."

Update: Abbotsford shooting victim Identified - Karmjit “Jazzy” Sran.

Port Moody police seize rival pot

The Vancouver sun is reporting that "Port Moody police has released details about an arrest last month a 50-year-old woman and the seizure of more than $800,000 worth of drugs, cash and weapons from two properties in the Tri-Cities. Police seized 110 pounds of dried cannabis and other cannabis products, such as edibles, with a combined value that police estimated at $390,000. Also seized was $420,000 in cash, three firearms, ammunition and five vehicles."

Pot's legal now and former Port Moody Police officer Andy Richards has teamed up to sell cop pot. So the Port Moody police seize a whole bunch of pot from Andy's rival. Now that is conflicted.

Brandi's reopens Orange No 5 shuts down over COVID

The Vancouver sun is reporting that "One Vancouver strip club is reopening, even as another has been shuttered by health authorities after a repeat customer tested positive for COVID-19. Brandi’s Show Lounge said it plans to open its doors again at 10 p.m. Wednesday with a 'safety first' plan. The reopening comes as another strip club, No. 5 Orange on Main Street, is temporarily shut down." Both strip bars are run by the Hells Angels.

No. 5 Orange is a sh*t hole in the DTES. Stephanie Lange was a stripper from Number 5 Orange whose remains were found on the Pickton Farm. It's somewhat bizarre the BC Government is bending over backwards for the Hells Angels once again. Kinda like how the City of Vancouver bought the Drake from the Hells Angels to turn it into social housing. The city gave the Hells Angels $2 million more than it was worth. Things that make ya go hmmm...

I have no problem with the Hells Angels being involved with legal activities. I have a problem with their use of violence to maintain a monopoly on those legal activities and I have a problem with them murdering women. They killed Brandy Sarionder and Stephanie Lange. Since they made Brandy's murder look like a suicide, the police never investigated it.

After Robert Pickton took the fall for the Hells Angels, the police refused to investigate Stephanie Lange's murder along with 33 other missing women found on the farm. Dianne Rock was gang raped on that farm. Gang raped would implicate more than one suspect. Robert Pickton was convicted based on the fact that he was not the only suspect or the main suspect, just an active participant. He disposed of the bodies. Wally Oppal shut down the Missing women inquiry as soon as the Hells Angels were mentioned.

Stephanie Lange had a drug debt. That's why the Hells Angels killed her. Brandy committed the mortal sin of opening up a new strip bar after they kicked her out of the one named after her.

After Brandy died, a troll lied to the newspaper and said she was depressed after leaving her club because she was unable to find an investor to open a new one, That was a bold faced lie and the newspaper printed it. Brandy did find an investor and had opened a new club. Business was booming. So much so another troll wrote a review online complaining about the long lines at her new club, the Granville Strip, saying that the strippers were much better at the Number 5 Orange which was the dive run by the Hells Angels. The Granville strip is still closed over COVID.

Brandi's is a strip bar while the Swedish touch is a brothel. The recent closure was more likely for a BC Gang Task Force staff party now that the Garden of Eden has closed down.

I will admit that the Swedish Touch is a lot nicer than the Number 5 Orange but how long will it stay that way? Remember King Midas? Everything he touched turned to gold. In contrast, everything the HAs touch turns to sh*t. Brandy cared about the girls and had them take fitness classes. She cared about their health and well being. The HAs do not. They feed them drugs and cast them aside like an old shoe once the drugs have eaten them alive.

If you spend your entire life swimming around in a toilet, the only thing you're ever going to find is e coli. You need to climb out of the toilet, get some fresh air and see what life in the real world is like. You need to discover the beauty beyond proper sanitation because outside of that sh*t hole, it really is a wonderful world. Don't let life pass you by. Climb out of the toilet and discover it.

"Thy mind, O man! if thou wilt lead a soul unto salvation, must stretch as high as the utmost heavens, and search into and contemplate the darkest abyss, and the broad expanse of eternity."

I saw the depths of hell but I chose not to dwell there because life has more to offer then that. Hell is a state of mind and we can leave it whenever we choose to do so. The choice is yours. Own it.