Wednesday, November 11, 2020

A Declaration of War: Defy the Lie

Gentlemen may cry peace, peace, but there is no peace. The war is already begun. In Canada, Remembrance Day is celebrated on November 11th in remembrance of the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 when the First World War came to an end. It is only fitting that on November 11th 2020 the Provisional Government of Canada makes a formal declaration of war against the global fraud that seeks to destroy our economy and rob our liberty.

John Horgan is a scoundrel just like Jason Kenny and Rob Ford. These villains have forgotten who pays their wages. They work for us. We do not work for them. They are all bound by the Canadian Charter of Rights which is the highest law of this land. In Canada, civil liberty is protected by law. Rocco Galati is a Constitutional lawyer leading the legal challenge to the lockdowns through the Constitutional Rights Centre.

Rebel Media is leading the legal challenge to Covid fines at In Ontario we have patriots like Chris Sky and The Line leading the ground assault, while here in BC we have patriots like Ryan Kulbaba and Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson. We will not accept another lockdown. We will fight it and defy it because the cure is worse than the virus.

Earlier this month Drea Humphries from Rebel Media reported on a protest in Victoria outside Bonnie Henry's office calling to Ban Bonnie. I second that motion. This is a woman who used to work for the World Health Organization which is not run by a medical doctor. It's run by a leader of a violent Communist Paramilitary Organization. You can't get any more George Orwell than that. Bonnie Henry is in a conflict of interest. Another lockdown is not acceptable.

Businesses need to operate. The bold faced lie about the medical system becoming over run is ridiculous. Covid swept over us in February. Now we are getting a mild watered down remix of a replicated virus that has lost it's strength. When Covid was at it's peak, hospitals were empty. People were dying from having surgeries cancelled. The medical system was certainly not being over run by covid patients and in Edmonton the media lied about ICU numbers.

Banning nonessential travel is not acceptable. It is a violation of the Mobility Rights protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights which is the highest law of the land. I am quite capable of socially distancing while driving on the freeway. People need exercise and fresh air to stay healthy.

Therefore, be it resolved that the Provisional government of British Colombia in conjunction with the Provisional Government of Alberta, Ontario and Quebec, officially declares war are on these villains who are attempting to steal our civil liberty and destroy our economic prosperity. From Vancouver to Montreal, this is a 1965 remix. Liberté, égalité, fraternité. Je me souviens.

A Quebec politician who is leading the cause is Maxime Bernier. In Ontario it's Randy Hiller. He publicly defied Rob Ford's insanity to test the law in court and Ford wouldn't charge him.

Canada is run by the people not politicians who break the law. They are bound by the law just like everyone else. They want to wage war? We will wage that war. We did not fight a war on foreign soil to bend over and cower to the exact same tyrants here at home on our own soil. Defy the lie. Defy the lockdown. Assert the rights and freedoms protect by law.

Listing the lies to see the truth. Civil disobedience is defying the unjust law to challenge it in court.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Remembrance Day 2020: Remembering the murders of Mao and the atrocities of Communism

Remembrance Day 2020 is a special time since we can now see things much more clearly. We have entered the age of enlightenment where the light exposes the lies if we chose to see it. Some rather walk in darkness due to their fear of the light. Not me. I've seen where the darkness leads and I reject it completely. I was born a free man and God willing, I will die one.

In Canda when we think of Remembrance Day we usually think of the First and Second World War since that was Canada's coming of age so to speak. The same with Australia. The atrocities of Fascism shocked us so we rose up to oppose it. Yet something happened after the war that showed us how Fascism was a stepping stone in slavery's ultimate plot: the Berlin Wall.

Hitler was a Socialist. He named his political party the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Although Communists and Fascists hate each other they are the exact same thing.

Ammo dot com recently posted an interesting article about Cultural Marxism. Antonio Gramsci was an Italian Communist who wrote a blueprint for infiltrating Western Democracy from within to subdue and overthrow it. "Marx's original idea was that Communism was a historical inevitability" due to the poverty and exploitation of the working class.

"Gramsci, on the other hand, held that such a revolution was unlikely – particularly in the West, where general prosperity and the lassitude of relative contentment would tend to dull the working class’ passion for a bloody, bothersome overthrow. In successful Western nations, a Marxist state was far more likely to develop through a slow, patient process of incrementalist takeover of the cultural institutions – the arts, entertainment, and news media, and most especially the schools and universities." Exactly what we are seeing now in North America.

The CIA has been infiltrated by Communists and the CIA along with the Chinese Communist Party, own and control the media while the Confucious Institute has invaded the Western Universities with bold faced lies. When Post Media News took over the National Post, they published an obscene article claiming that Chairman Mao did great things. Mao murdered more people than Hitler. The cultural revolution in China was not a cultural revolution, it was a cultural genocide. Then they rewrote that history just like they did with Tiananmen Square.
Ultimately Cultural Marxism is the boiling frog syndrome. Frogs are cold blooded. The fable claims that if you put a frog into hot water it will perceive the danger and instinctively jump out. Yet if you put the frog in cold water and gradually turn up the heat, it will not notice the change until it is too late. So to with Cultural Marxism. After taking control of the mainstream media and bombarding the public will lies, eventually they will start to believe it. Especially if you completely remove the truth from social media and most of the Internet.

The end game of socialism is slavery. History has recorded that. All we have to do is look as East Berlin after the war and how they deceived Poland to make their slavery complete.

Globally the CCP has taken over the UN and the World Health Organization.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Qanon: Mission Accomplished

Like I said, Q is CIA. QAnon was a PSYOP to infiltrate and distract the movement. Q would tell the sheeple nine truths to get them hooked on one lie. Well, a few truths to get them hooked on many lies. "Trust the Plan" he said. "Everything is in control." Indeed it was.

In Honduras, the people's candidate was winning so they stopped counting the votes. The military took over and all the votes they counted were in favor of the Iran Contra candidate, so they successfully flipped the vote. Here they called the obvious states and stopped counting the swing states. Then they mysteriously found just enough mail in ballots to flip the results in Bidens' favor.

Q's mission was a complete sucess. John Brennan is and was a Communist. Just say'n.

No doubt Ezra Cohen-Watnick will be rewarded for the PSYOP in Biden's caucus.
Donald Trump now becomes the Official Opposition. Hear Him.​ We're gonna have to bookmark his own website because Twitter censorship sucks. Yet time is on the side of truth.

Statistical Impossibilities in Wisconsin and Michigan:

"In both Michigan and Wisconsin, several vote dumps occurred at approximately 4am on Wednesday morning, which showed that Joe Biden received almost 100 percent of the votes. President Trump was leading by hundreds of thousands of votes in both states as America went to sleep, and turnout in the state of Wisconsin seems to be particularly impossible. With absentee ballots, former vice-president Joe Biden was also up 60 points in Pennsylvania and almost 40 points in Michigan According to the New York Times. Comparably, Biden was only up single digits in absentee voting in most other battleground states."

"According to NBC News on election day before the polls opened, In Michigan, Republicans led 41% to 39% in Mail-in Ballots requested. Republicans also led 42% to 39% with Mail-in and in-person ballots returned. In Wisconsin on election day before the polls opened, Republicans led Mail-in Ballots requested 43% to 35%, and Mail-in and early in-person ballots returned 43% to 35%. Almost ALL of the ballots found, while most in the country were sleeping, after they officials stated they would stop counting, were for Joe Biden."

BBC's tell-tale signs of third world election fraud applies to the US election in 2020.

The Fake News and the Fake Fact Checkers are reporting that conspiracy theorists on social media are claiming Wisconsin had more votes than registered voters which is untrue. No one said that. ABC reported that Donald Trump received 1,610,030 votes while Joe Biden received 1,684,726 votes with 99% of the votes counted. When you add that to the number of votes received by the other 4 candidates, the total is 3,297,473.

The elections website states that the total number of registered voters in Wisconsin is 3,684,726.
That makes for a 89.49% voter turnout which is substantially higher than any other year for the past 60 years. That falls under the BBC definition of an inconsistency that points to voter fraud.
The Fake News and the partisan Fake Fact checkers are worthless. I saw one live Mainstream Media source claim that in one area, Joe Biden received 87% of the mail in votes. That would be another inconsistency that would point to voter fraud.

True Electoral Count Showed Trump Winning

George W. Bush congratulates Biden

So did Mitt Romney. Romney's Spook is in bed with Hunter Biden over in the Ukraine. lol the Bush Clinton Fraud continues. These are globalists not patriots. Iran Contra never stopped.

Barr Tells DOJ to Probe Election Fraud Claims if They Exist

US News is reporitng that "Attorney General William Barr has authorized federal prosecutors across the U.S. to pursue “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities, if they exist, before the 2020 presidential election is certified."

Friday, November 6, 2020

Michael Stone eligible to apply for release from prison

The Belfast Telegraph is reporitng that "In 1988, Stone killed three people in a gun and grenade attack at Milltown Cemetery in Belfast." He can now apply for early release from prison. I thought he had already been released. Evidently "Stone was freed early from prison in 2000 under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement. He was sent back six years later after attempting to attack Sinn Fein politicians at Stormont."

Most of us over here have no recollection of the event but I do. I remember it well because I was there. I didn't attend the actual funeral. I was ordered not to and it was one of the few times I actually obeyed a direct order. I was close by and saw the army helicopter hovering over top and felt the dark evil in the air during the event.

This is the POS that went to an IRA funeral and started throwing hand grenades into the crowd of mourners. He then had a handgun to ward off attackers. I had a young friend who faced the bullets, chased him down and started giving him the boots until the helicopter came down and saved him. That was deplorable. Just say'n. He was no loyalist.

Later on in the day, a mob retaliated by getting a hold of an undercover British soldier and showed him the Irish definition of SAS - Stripped and Shot. They would stip them to their underwear, shoot them and dump them in an alley.

When I first arrived in Ireland I was in Dublin when a member of an IRA splinter group kidnapped a dentist and sent his fingers to his family with the ransom note. That was no republican. The victim wasn't a Protestant or a British soldier. He was just a local Catholic who had a career, so they decided to kidnap him for ransom. It was a criminal act of extortion. That is all.

The Irish Proclamation states "We place the cause of the Irish Republic under the protection of the Most High God, Whose blessing we invoke upon our arms, and we pray that no one who serves that cause will dishonour it by cowardice, inhumanity, or rapine." What Dessie O'Hare did was a direct violation of the Irish Proclamation. It epitomized cowardice, inhumanity and rapine. He should have been executed by his own people. Ah yes, the town I loved so well.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

A salute to the patriots during this deception

During this mass deception I would like to pause and salute the patriots. Rand Paul, Candice Owens, Brandon Straka, Lynzee Domanico, Blair White, the Hodge Twins and Simone Gold. These are the patriots I support. In Canada we have a few patriots as well. Chris Sky, Rocco Galati, Kulvinder Kaur, Ryan Kulbaba, Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson and Rebel Media. Thank you for your service. The world is a better place because of you.

In this struggle, I have no doubt where I stand. None whatsoever. There is no hesitation, reservation or equivocation. I believe in Conservative values. I support law and order. I oppose anarchy. I support civil liberty and fiscal responsibility. I oppose the slavery of Communism. That is where I stand on this battlefield of life. In the end, natural justice declares that truth will prevail.

The Bright side of the US 2020 Election Fraud

OK so although the Hodge Twins are still hopeful and claim that it ain't over until the fat lady sings, I'm not as hopeful. I think the fraud is in the works just like back in the 2000 election. Instead, I will try to look at the bright side of the fraud.

First things first, since the Democrats were using the Covid fraud to make Trump look bad, we can now finally get back to business. That will be in everyone's best interest. Since the Media is so absurdly biased against Trump, we won't have to listen to their ridiculous bullsh*t anymore. Since Nancy Pelosi is an Anti Christ, she won't have to spend every waking hour trying impeach Trump. She can go back to laundering money with her son in the Ukraine just like Joe Biden and John Kerry with their sons. Think of all the crack and prostitutes Hunter will be able to buy now.

As long as we get everyone back to work and the Democrats STFU this could be a win win for everyone. I will simply record my dissent and say there is no way farmer joe won that election. Think about it. As despised as Hilary Clinton was by Republicans, she had a name and a huge following on the far left. Joe Biden doesn't. He's kind of anti climatic. He even mocked the military. There is no way he received more votes than Hilary anywhere. No way.

DEAD people registered to vote in Michigan database. Trump doesn't have the manpower to fix an election like the CIA does. DEFUND the CIA. Bernie Sanders once urged abolishing CIA.

Joe Biden was put there because he was the CIAs candidate just like George Bush and Bill Clinton were. That cabal of globalists never ended. The China Syndrome has taken root.
Another plus is that after Joe Biden raises taxes to what he pledged, all those businesses will move to Canada to find tax relief. This will make Canada great again so it will. Buyer Beware: Marxism ends in slavery and the CIA is on the wrong side of that conflict. Mark my word.

The CIA steal another election

In the 2000 election. George Bush was the CIA's candidate. In this election, Joe Biden is.

Ask Jesse Ventura why the CIA is involved with American elections. They integrated him after he became governor. They aren't supposed to operate on American soil. That's what the FBI is for.

The CIA practiced this election fraud in Honduras. The people's candidate was winning, so they stopped counting the votes. After the military took over, they only found and counted votes for their Iran Contra candidate. History repeats itself until we learn from it.

Larry Amero and West Point - the OxyMoron revealed

Before I dive into a synopsis of the US election results, I want to expand upon something a former CIA director said about West Point. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said when he was a cadet at West Point, the motto was "You will not lie, cheat or steal or tolerate those who do." Then he admits when he was the Director of the CIA they lied, cheated and stole all the time. That was their method of operation. It is the same with Larry Amero and the Surrey Girl Chapter of the Hells Angels who call themselves West Point because they'll get capped in Surrey.

I refuse to call the Surrey Girl Chapter of the Hells Angels West Point because they are the exact opposite of everything the real West Point stands for. The closest they will ever come to valor is on Xbox. Mike Pompeo stated West Point's real motto was "You will not lie, cheat or steal or tolerate those that do." Let's compare that noble motto with Larry Amero's pathetic life and see the contrast. Let's start with stealing since that's how gumby got his start.

Larry Amero is not from Surrey or the hood. He was a rich yuppie from Langley. He went to Walnut Grove. I know someone who went to high school with him. After I got kicked out of high school in Surrey, my parents moved to the other side of Walnut Grove and I went to Mountain. Every day on my way to school I'd drive my Triumph Spitfire past Walnut Grove to Mountain since the Walnut Grove high School hadn't been built yet. Mountain was academic.

After I got kicked out of Mountain I had to go back to Surrey. My point is, Walnut Grove was a rich suburb. There is nothing ghetto about it. Larry's father was a longshoreman. When Larry was in high school Larry got his first aid ticket and his Dad got him a cushy job riding around on his boat. Larry wore designer jeans that would have got him shanked in Surrey. Since Larry was a social reject with money and a car, the thugs used him as a driver for their B and Es. Larry would brag about it by bringing stolen stuff to school. He was the epitome of a loser from day one. He stole because he thought it was cool not because he was poor.

Since Larry was picked on in high school, he started taking steroids. He became involved with the Hells Angels though his father's longshoreman's contacts. Needless to say, the yuppie was empowered by the club and he became quite arrogant. One time he was hitting on a boxer's wife in front of him. The boxer warned him to back off. Then Gumby comes out with, do you know who I am? I'm involved with the Hells Angels. The boxer said IDGAF who you are with. Leave my wife alone. Larry refused so the boxer beat him up. The next day a couple of members of the club took the boxer for a drive and said if he ever did that again, they would kill him. This reveals Larry's true character or lack thereof.

OK so Larry got his start doing B & Es as a petty thief. A low life Surrey Jack as we would say locally. A couple of young ladies from Surrey posted a funny Miley Cyrus parody of Party in the USA and changed it to Dirty Surrey. One line says someone stole my bong, so I pulled out my knife and the Surrey Jack ran away. Another line says someone then stole her blow, so she pulled out her gun and the Surrey Jack ran away. No one likes a thief or a Surrey Jack. That is why we mock them. They are two-bit losers. Just like Larry. Money does not buy respect. Not here.

Before we get into infidelity, let's look at the straight up dishonesty because no one likes a liar. During the 2009 Vancouver Gang war Larry played both sides. He worked with guys in the UN while he supplied the Bacon brothers who were at war with the UN. To prove his loyalty to the UN at the time, he even had one of his exs, Sara Trebble, ride in a car with the shooters who did a hit on a Bacon Brother Associate outside of Shakerz. That was pathetic. Larry Amero was in bed with Jonathon Bacon from day one. Larry was the driving force behind the Surrey Six yet he passionately denied it at the time. Until his coming out party in Kelowna where he got shot.

There's a funny story about how Jemma would react to Larry's perpetual infidelity but that is a story for someone else to tell. Perhaps the local Dali Lama will reveal that in due course. It's not my call. My point is, there was nothing honest about Larry Amero. He is and was a lying POS.

Yet once again his arrogance has consumed him. Doing business with the Quebec charter was way out of his league. Yet capping Quebec members was absolutely uncalled for. As they say in Rome, Pride cometh before the fall and great shall be the fall thereof. Word.

As we approach Remembrance Day in Canada we reflect upon the nobility of military service. Note the key word, service. Military service reflects selfless sacrifice. The willingness to die for someone else. That is something the real West Point exemplifies while Larry Amero is left clueless in Seattle about. Larry's greed exemplifies selfishness. Service and sacrifice are unknown to him. When it was his turn to take the fall for a couple of Quebec members, he said no just like Jason Wallace did. Gumby is the same. Let it be known that there is nothing noble about Larry Amero. He is nothing but a two bit Surrey Jack. History has recorded that. Drive on.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

US Election Results

Time Magaizine is reporting that "Votes are still being counted across the U.S. after election day failed to deliver a definitive result, with the outcome set to be determined by final tallies in a familiar handful of battleground states. In the political balance of power from coast to coast, little has seemingly changed since 2016. So far, President Donald Trump has won in states he needed to protect his narrow path to an electoral college victory, preventing former Vice President Joe Biden from flipping a large number of states Trump won last time."

The Fake News graphic has Joe Biden ahead but shows no states have changed from last election so it is all still very suspicious. Neither candidate has come close to the 270 electoral votes needed yet. Relying on the MSM to report a projected win is dubious at best.

Pollsters' predictions once again proven inaccurate - big surprise. "The election night has once again defied expectations raised by the opinion polls, which had largely predicted a clear win for Democrat Joe Biden. On a night where Democrats were hoping to flip Republican states in their favour, the reality is a much tighter race that could go down to the results in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, where counting will take more time."
Trump won the last election in 2016. Many more people who didn't vote for him last election are voting for him this election. Candace Owens led Blexit and Brandon Straka led # Walk Away. Trump has gained a surge in support since last election. People who voted for him last time certainly aren't going to join the Marxists. That makes the propoganda​ questionable.

The ebb and flow of life's tide