Saturday, May 25, 2024

Investigative Journalism and White Collar Crime

It'a nice to see investigative journalism return through the back door after the mainstream media abandoned it. To reduce costs the mainstream media keeps laying off staff and just parrots press releases from the intelligence community without fact checking them. That's because the fake news has an agenda. They're pushing Globalism which is Communism re branded.

Trafficked with Mariana Van Zeller is stunning. Joe Rogan mentioned it and interviewed her. It's not just one episode it's two seasons. Maria is Portuguese and speaks several languages. She does high risk investigative journalism and it's put out by National Geographic.

This Secrets of the Hells Angels series on A&E interviews former members who speak out for the first time. These outlets are bringing back the freedom of the press after it was lost in space.

Simona Weinglass broke the story about Investment fraud in Israel. It's even worse than the Vancouver Stock Exchange was. In an interview about her story Simona expressed her frustration that the police weren't even investigating the rampant white collar crime.

There's a reason for that. She was grateful that law enforcement in the US was finally willing to do something about it. Only they didn't do much. All they really did was damage control like with Earl Brian. Earl Brian embezzled $50 million from Nesbitt Thompson clients. However, that fact has been removed from Wikipedia. All wikipedia says is that he was convicted of conspiracy and fraud in 1996 and sentenced to four years in prison. Wikipedia claims for inflating the value of FNN and UPI in an attempt to secure loans to shore up the companies. Not a word was mentioned about the 50 million dollars he embezzled from Nesbitt Thompson.

Why has that true information been deleted from the Internet? Because he embezzled it for the CIA. That's why he just got a slap on the wrist after he was caught. Now let's compare that to the Wolves of Tel Aviv bust. In that case 7 people were convicted and 21 were indited yet no one in Israel was indited. Yet the Mariana Van Zeller report stated that there are literally thousands of these fraud companies in Israel so this high profile bust barely scratched the surface.

That's because it was damage control. The Israeli police aren't investigating it for the same reason they aren't investigating the Tal Hanan election fraud task force. They both work for Mossad just like Earl Brain worked for the CIA. White collar crime is huge.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Israeli Investment Fraud and Jamaican Scams

OK let's talk about this. In my last post someone mentioned a TV series called Trafficked with Mariana Van Zeller. One episode talked about the prevalence of investment fraud in Israel and it is frightening. They also highlighted fraud in Jamaica. They said the fraud in Jamaica brings in millions while the fraud in Israel brings in billions. This is the full episode. 26:40 is on Israel.

Update: OK the first half of the documentary is about call centre scammers in Jamaica conning seniors like the Canadian Israeli in the IDF did. Evidently it's big business and the scammers make more money than the drug dealers. It's one thing to commit crime to put food on the table. It's another thing to exploit seniors for a new Rolex and gold jewelry. That is deplorable.

I suppose back in the day, street rats would mug an old lady or snatch a purse. That's pretty low life. These scams target the elderly who have slight dementia and are robbed of what's left of their life savings. When they say how low can you go? You can't get much lower than that.

Part two talks about the investment fraud in Israel and states that the story first broke by an investigative journalist in Israel named Simona Weinglass. Her work became a BBC documentary called the Billion Dollar Scam. The Trafficked documentary with Mariana Van Zeller highlights the binary options fraud and the Wolves of Tel Aviv. Sadly, scamming is here to stay.

Vancouver used to have it's own stock exchange but it was full of fake pump and dump stocks so they got rid of it. Crime and fraud exist everything but the Israelis have mastered it and the reason is Mossad. Organized crime that organized is tied to the intelligence community.

Former Navy Intelligence officer Al Martin wrote a riveting book called the Conspirators. In it he revealed how Jeb Bush instructed him to commit investment fraud as a way to raise money for Iran Contra. They would default on loans, crash banks and guarantee government bailouts. The Bush cartel were deeply involved in that over in Texas. All these ransomware attacks are CIA.

London Drugs confirms it was victim of ransomware attack. This happens all the time.

When you think of corrupt countries usually a place like Mexico comes to mind where the cartel has infiltrated everything. You don't normally think of Israel but sadly enough this is nothing new.

When I was young I did quite a bit of traveling. That was before direct debit. I didn't even have a credit card. I had money in mutual funds and gave that bank card to my parents. They'd withdraw money and wire it to me en route. I got scammed in Egypt. I was supposed to report in to Lisa Sliwa when I was in London but didn't have time so I called her collect from Cairo.

After the phone call I got a call from the lobby. They were demanding I pay 58 Egyptian pounds for the collect call. I said what are you talking about it was a collect call. They started screaming no collect calls in this country you pay 58 pounds now. I was like if there are no collect calls in Egypt why did you put it through when I asked to place a collect call.

They just kept screaming demanding I pay the money. I told the tour group leader and he kept saying to them Malash which means never mind. I was like that's bloody easy for you to say. They're trying to drag me into that back room to pay them 58 pounds which I don't have and the police outside have assault rifles are were just rioting last week. I was a bit stressed. The tour group leader lent me the money, paid the bill then I had my parents wire me the money so I could pay him back. Lesson learned disaster avoided. Then I get to Israel.

I toured Jerusalem for a week then I worked on kibbutz Einat between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. I loved it. It was great. I contacted my parents and asked them to withdraw some money from my mutual fund so I could go back to London. They said they can't. For some reason none of the banks here will wire money to Israel. I was somewhat shocked. This was 1985.

I asked them why and they said seemingly Israel is too corrupt. I was like are you kidding me? Wiring money into Egypt was no problem. I was stuck and asked them to keep trying. Finally they found a bank that was willing to do it. They sent the money and each week I would call the bank to see if it had arrived. Each week they kept saying no it's not here yet and I was like are you sure? They sent it a long time ago. They kept stalling week after week.

Finally I call them and they said no it's not here. Then I said yeah? Well this is the number of the bank draft. This is the date it was sent and this is the date it was received by your bank. They pause and say oh yes Mr. Watson, it's been here all along. Why haven't you picked it up. I didn't argue I just said I'll be right there. I was pissed.

I was so upset I wanted to leave an empty suitcase in the bank but I knew if I did that I'd go to jail or get shot. Any unclaimed baggage they would shoot in case it was a bomb. I was just really disappointed that the so called Holy Land was so dishonest. That is not holy. Evidently the problem has only gotten worse. In Egypt you might find a scammer try and scam you but you wouldn't get scammed by the bank. The high level fraud in Israel is tied to Mossad.

German prosecutors take aim at Israelis behind 77 million euro fraud ring

October surprise: Who’s who in the unprecedented wave of investment scam raids

26 Israelis arrested for alleged crypto fraud scheme

Three Israelis Arrested for Ties to Forex Fraud Following an International Investigation

Israel arrests 6 men wanted by the US over alleged $148m binary options fraud

SEC charges Israel’s main binary options firm, and its 2 chiefs, with vast fraud

With criminals moving online, fraud is now Israel’s top illicit cash crop

Foreigners file slew of lawsuits against alleged Israeli investment scammers

Hungary busts massive Israeli-led fraud and money laundering ring

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Why did Mossad hack so many elections in Africa?

This post comes with a heavy heart because partisan politics mean people tend to believe what they want to believe. So let's look at the facts. Recently I made a post about Gill Rosenberg, a Jewish Canadian who joined the IDF and was convicted of scamming seniors. My point in that post was she did not act alone. She was one of 11 Israeli nationals who systematically defrauded seniors out of 25 million dollars. I submit that she was doing it for Mossad just like Tal Hanan.

Tal Hanan led a team of Israeli contractors who claim to have manipulated more than 30 elections around the world using hacking, sabotage and automated disinformation on social media. Tal Hanan, a 50-year-old former Israeli special forces operative who now works privately using the pseudonym “Jorge”, and appears to have been working under the radar in elections in various countries for more than two decades." Former Israeli special forces operative - he is Mossad and this was a Mossad op. SHFTV covered the story. Rebel News did not.

Haaretz reported that "While it took less than a year for French authorities to investigate the case and file indictments, the Israel Police did nothing about Hanan's chaos factory, which is still operating – even though he was documented allegedly committing criminal offenses from his office on Israeli soil." Just like Gill Rosenberg's fraud team did.

At the time I was wondering why they spent so much time hacking elections in Africa. Was that just practice to hack elections in Israel or the US or was there another agenda? Then all of a sudden it made sense. Gill Rosenberg admitted training Kenyan soldiers for the IDF. That's when the light went on. Kenya was a Mossad op. As I was trying to figure out why Mossad was so interested in Kenya one article explained it was because Kenya has a seat and a vote at the UN.

Mossad wanted to win Kenya's support for their Palestinian genocide. That's why they have been hacking African elections. The term Palestinian genocide is a little bit offensive and very political but that is exactly what it it. In fact, Netanyahu admitted it was a genocide when he mentioned the Amalekites justifying his Palestinian agenda. When Candace Owens interviewed Norman Finkelstein on Gaza, Norman cited Netanyahu invoking the law of the Amalekites.

The Amalekites were one of the former inhabitants of Israel who were completely evil. They were so far gone, God commanded them to wipe them out completely, every man woman and child. So when Netanyahu invoked the law of the Amalekites he admitted it was a genocide and cited that law to justify it. The problem with that absurd claim is the simple fact that the Palestinians are not the Amalekites. Not even close. After the Holocaust the Palestinians welcomed Jewish refugees into their home. After the Oslo accord, the PLO agreed to recognize Israel's right to exist.

That's when a new operation was launched to sabotage the peace process which began with the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. Then Mossad created Hamas to replace the PLO and push Fatah out of Gaza. The intent was to create a monster that would justify invoking the law of the Amalekites. The October 7th event was completely orchestrated just like the attack on the USS Liberty was. When we heard bizarre claims of beheading babies we knew someone was wrong.

It was reminiscent of when ISIS started beheading people. It was too crazy to believe. The CIA created ISIS to draw the US into the pipeline war in Syria. Mossad didn't just create Hamas which then grew out of control. Mossad created Hamas and continued to direct it just like the CIA continues to direct ISIS K. This music video Mossad created mocking the Gaza genocide claimed that while Palestinians in Gaza were suffering the leaders of Hamas were living large in Qatar. That part was true but they're living large in Qatar because they are on Mossad's payroll.

The music video advertised Hamas,com which is a horrifically extreme form of defamation repeating absolutely bizarre allegations one again trying to make the Hamas which they created, look so evil they are justified in invoking the law of the Amalekites on all Palestinians.

If Hitler used the same argument to rationalize the Holocaust would that justify it? No it would not. Genocide is never justified. Never again means never again. China uses defamation to justify organ harvesting of the Falun Gong. The defamation of the Falun Gong is false and even if it was true, that would not justify organ harvesting. Defamation and genocide go hand in hand.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Robert Pickton attacked in prison

Update: Robert Pickton is dead

Janice Edward's court trascript about Dianne Rock

Legal application opposing an RCMP bid to destroy Pickton investigation evidence.

Global is reporting that "Notorious B.C. serial killer Robert Pickton has been the victim of a brutal attack in prison. Pickton was attacked on Sunday in Quebec’s maximum security Port Cartier Institution." Post Media fake news is reporting that "Pickton told other inmates that he was writing a book blaming the murders of women, for which he was convicted, on someone else."

That is not true. He already wrote a book and it was pulled from distribution. Someone sent me a copy. It didn't say or reveal anything new. He did not mention the Hells Angels in it. He trashed the Hells Angels associate that ratted him out but he didn't say anything about the club.

The timing of the attack is suspicious as is this fake claim about his new book. He was eligible for day parole last February and will be eligible for full parole in 2027. Why attack him now?

Dianne Rock was gang raped on the Pickton Farm. That would implicate more than one suspect. She was gang raped by bikers and cops. When the lawyer for the original missing women's inquiry mentioned a picture of Dave Pickton in a threesome with former RCMP officer Jim Brown, the Coquitlam RCMP kicked in the whistle blower's door, seized all his hard drives and deleted the evidence. Wally Oppal then shut down the inquiry and turned it into a panel discussion.
A while ago someone contacted me and said they were in contact with Robert Pickton. They were all excited and said the case is going to be blown wide open. I said I hate to rain on your parade but I don't see it happening. That story is dead and buried. I said if he names the club they will kill him and there's no venue for his story to get out. He already wrote a book and they had the book removed from publication. I said if he names anyone the police won't give him witness protection because the police don't want that story to get out. I said he could have Jim Brown. I said if he names Jim Brown the club won't kill him. That's not to say the cops won't.

In the last episode on the Secrets of the Hells Angels on A&E Pat Matter revealed something he did when he was prospecting for the club. Pat said one of the members called him up and told him to pick up his GF and bring her to the clubhouse which he did. Then the member said to Pat now I want you to f*ck her which he did.

A&E had an author on that said women in the club are just property and are frequently mistreated. Wives aren't but patch pounders and prostitutes are. The member told Pat to punch his GF in the head. That was f*cked up. Pat did it. That was f*cked up. The member then told Pat to rape his GF which he did. That was f*cked up. Now that you told that story I'm supposed to somehow respect you? Not. On top of that Pat ended up ratting out his brothers to get a reduced sentence. There is nothing there that is admirable. What we do in life echoes in eternity.

Update: The very Fake News is going off about how the Devil is gone quoting relatives of the victims saying they are happy Pickton was assaulted. If he's killed, the truth is buried with him and the devil lives on. I can tell you right now Robert Pickton wasn't one of the men who gang raped Dianne Rock. If Jim Brown was having threesomes with Dave, I highly doubt he was having threesomes with Robert. The cops and the fake news want to pin this all on one person and make it all disappear. In the first missing woman's inquiry, as soon as other suspects were mentioned Wally Oppal shut it down and said the inquiry was not mandated to investigate other suspects.

That was deplorable. Dave Pickton knew where the bodies were buried. CSIS gave Dave a free pass. The judge told the jury they could convict Robert even if he wasn't the main suspect just an active participant. That means all the family members of the victims would want to know who those other suspects were. The Vancouver Sun doesn't want to you know or even consider it.
Global is reporting that "As serial killer Robert Pickton remains in hospital in Quebec following an attack by a fellow inmate, thoughts turn to the victims and their families and their pain. Alan Mullen, a former corrections officer at the Kent Institution in Agassiz, B.C. when Pickton was incarcerated there, told Global News on Wednesday that some of that pain comes from knowing that if Pickton dies now, some of the truth will die with him."

“It’s no secret that Robert Pickton didn’t act alone here,” Mullen said, speaking of the many missing and murdered women believed to have been killed on the Pickton farm. “If you talk to (Pickton) or listen to (Pickton), it’s pretty obvious that he did not act alone,” Mullen added.

“If he dies, yes, a lot of information and truth that we may be able to garner from him through further investigation, dies with him and that’s concerning to me,” Mullen added.

Knowing that, the RCMP wanted to destroy the evidence they have on file.

Loved ones of Edmonton-area Pickton victim hope pig farm evidence can be saved

Search for truth goes on, regardless of killer Pickton’s fate

ICC seek arrest warrants for Hamas and Netanyahu

The Guardian is reporitng that "The chief prosecutor of the international criminal court has said he is seeking arrest warrants for senior Hamas and Israeli officials for war crimes and crimes against humanity, including the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and his defence minister, Yoav Gallant. This is the problem, reaction, solution paradigm at work.

I told you the UN was going to betray Netanyahu after they empowered him. Netanyahu is a bad man with a bad agenda but so is the UN. The UN's New World Order is bat sh*t crazy. This is reminiscent of how Communism took over Poland to resolve a manufactured emergency. Fascism and Communism are both bad just like Netanyahu and the UN are both bad.

The International Criminal Court has no jurisdiction over sovereign nations. They failed to mention in their strategic press release that Netanyahu is Hamas and the UN are supporting both.

Benjamin Netanyahu is Hamas, Gill Rosenberg is Mossad

Update: Tal Hanan is Mossad as well as Gill Rosenberg.

Israeli firm meddled in more than 30 elections

Revealed: the hacking and disinformation team meddling in elections

Israeli Investment Fraud and Jamaican Scams

The lies never stop in the propaganda war on Gaza. They recently brought Dr Phil in to see the trauma Hamas inflicted on the kibbutzes near the border on October 7th. They keep replaying that same narrative despite the fact that rag tag attack couldn't have been possible unless Benjamin Netanyahu facilitated that attack. Everyone knows that the Gaza border is the most heavily monitored border in the world. He took the soldiers guarding the border off that watch.

Instead of talking about how Israel has repeatedly intentionally killed aid workers they keep replaying the 911 narrative. Instead of talking about Israel's unprecedented attack on civilians in Gaza starving them as they are pushed south against a closed border and driven into the sea, they perpetuate a propaganda war justifying atrocities. Remember Mossad and the CIA are drug dealers.The CIA created ISIS to drag the US into the rival pipeline war in Syria. Mossad created Hamas to justify obliterating the Oslo accord after the assassinated Yitzhak Rabin.

The PLO agreed to recognize Israel if Israel recognized Palestine. Mossad created Hamas to push Fatah out of Gaza and replace them with ISIS extremists. ISIS and ISIS K work for the CIA just like Hamas works for Mossad. Recently Mossad just put out a really offensive music video mocking the Hamas they created. They correctly pointed out that the leaders of Hamas are living large in Qatar while the people of Gaza starve. Why are they in Qatar?

They're in Qatar because Saudi works for the CIA. Saudi profits from the WEF oil monopoly. Qatar armed ISIS. Qatar armed Hamas. Qatar is where the rival pipeline through Syria is from. The people of Israel understand that if it wasn't for Netanyahu, there wouldn't be any hostages.

The people of Israel understand that Netanyahu refuses to negotiate a hostage release because he has an agenda. What the people of Israel don't understand is that Hamas works for Netanyahu. They will kill all the hostages to justify wiping Gaza off the map.

When Dr Phil is in Israel examining the damage Hamas did on October the 7th, show him the damage the IDF did on October 7th through friendly fire. Netanyahu took all the soldiers monitoring the border off that assignment to facilitate the attack. He also issued a stand down order. Yet the IDF was caught firing on Israelis on October 7th just like they fired on the USS Liberty. When they were caught they claimed they are firing on Hamas and some civilians were collateral damage. Yet that lie doesn't make sense.

If Israeli soldiers were firing on Hamas on October 7th, then they would have notified the rest of the army and there is no way that rag take group of operatives would have made it in and out with hostages. The whole thing was a set up just like the USS Liberty was.

Shielding US Public from Israeli Reports of “Friendly Fire” on October 7
Let's not forget about Gill Rosenberg, the Vancouver born female Israeli soldier who was falsely reported kidnapped by ISIS. Turned out she was alive and well with a history of fraud. The Times of Israel said she was a convicted grifter. "Before joining war against jihadist extremists, Canada-born Gill Rosenberg served 3 years in prison for cheating elderly out of their money."
"Rosenberg and the 11 other members of the ring — all Israeli nationals — were believed to have stolen up to $25 million, according to Channel 10." An investment fraud tied to 11 other Israeli nationals. Sounds like Mossad to me. She "had tried in vain to join the Mossad spy service."

The Jerusalem Post reported that "Just five months before she made headlines, Rosenberg says she was still living on house arrest with a Satmar rabbi in the hassidic village of Kiryas Joel, when a New York court sentenced her in July 2014 to time served for her role in a highly-sophisticated phone-based scam run out of “boiler rooms” in Israel that bilked hundreds of US senior citizens out of what investigators believe was more than $25 million, between 2005 and 2009."

"Before her house arrest, she’d spent more than four years in jail, while her co-defendants fought extradition back in Israel. A month after her court date in July 2014 she left the US for Israel, and touched down in Jerusalem, living with a friend and just hanging out.” "In Israel, she joined the IDF, serving as an instructor for Kenyan soldiers." Kenya was a Mossad op.

This brings us back to Fundraising fraud in times of war. The CIA and Mossad embezzled $50 million from Canadian investors for the October Surprise. The Dark Side of Mossad.

Secrets of the Hells Angels 5: Midwest Meth Madness

Episode 5 of the Secrets of the Hells Angels on A&E entitled Midwest Meth Madness is out. This one is about Pat Matter who was a methamphetamine dealer that rose through the ranks to become President of the Minnesota Hells Angels. He wrote a book called Breaking the Code. It's pretty mseed up. A lot of people are rolling. I have a few comments to make.

Pat got caught because he threatened some young punks who stole some Harleys. That gave the police grounds for a search warrant. He threatened the kids who stole the motorcycles. He was right in doing so. What about when members of the club steal motorcycles? Nobody likes a thief. Treat others the way you want to be treated means if you don't want someone to steal your sh*t don't steal theirs. There's nothing noble or admirable about stealing cars or motorcycles.

Police raided the clubhouse and gathered enough evidence to charge Pat with continuous criminal enterprise. He was found guilty and sentenced to 17 and a half years. He then rolled and ratted out his supplier and his vice president to get time shaved off his sentence. There's nothing noble about that. Ratting out your friends to get a reduced sentence is sleazy.

As I consistently say, if you want to leave the live leave the life but don't cooperate with the police. That is the safest way for you to leave. This guy is not a role model. He used and sold crystal meth. He ratted people out to get time shaved off his sentence. There's nothing else to say.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Iranian president dies in helicopter crash

Update: Iran news: President Raisi found dead at crash site

Speaking of the CIA, CBC is reporting that "A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his foreign minister made a rough landing on Sunday as it was crossing a mountainous area in heavy fog on the way back from a visit to Azerbaijan, Iranian news agencies said."

The Business Recorder reported that "Iranian President Dr Ebrahim Raisi said a key decision to increase bilateral trade volume to $10 billion has been reached as he addressed a high-profile joint press conference with Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif in Islamabad on Monday."

Last month I reported on the Natural gas pipeline from Iran to Pakistan.

Saudi's oil monopoly and the World Economic Forum

Bonnie Henry is a Freak and Adrian Dix has lost his mind

Machine guns used in France to help prisoner escape