Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Tamara Lich and Chris Barber's Kangaroo Court begins

HelpTamara.com - This is my May 16th interview with Tamara Lich
Kennedy Stewart and Elizabeth Aay arrested protest for defying court order
They knowingly and intentionally defied a court order. They were not held for 18 days without bail. They were given a fine and no jail time. Peacefully defying court orders banning protests is a very Vancouver thing to do. Tamara and Steve's trial should not be happening. There was no court order other than honking and Tamara wasn't honking. This Kangaroo court trial shows the world how Justin Trudeau has politicized the department of justice for his political gain.

Trial of Tamara Lich and Chris Barber shows an endangered democracy


  1. Jail time ,they want to make an example

    1. That would be an example of why the Convoy is still necessary.

  2. “Intimidating parliament” charge … WTF.. is that even in the CC?
    And why isn’t crown exercising their ultimate power & ridiculous ‘excuse’ to NOT prosecute? You know, the “A reasonable prospect of conviction” rationale they use to let murderers get away with murder.

    1. Two very good points. Intimidating parliament doesn't even sound like a real charge. By that definition, anyone standing outside parliament with a sign could be deemed intimidating parliament. That charge would be a violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights which the police have sworn an oath to uphold.

      Which brings us to your second point. Crown should not even be proceeding with this case. This is what Tulsi Gabbard would say is the politicizing of the DOJ.

    2. Two very good points. Intimidating parliament doesn't even sound like a real charge. By that definition, anyone standing outside parliament with a sign could be deemed intimidating parliament. That charge would be a violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights which the police have sworn an oath to uphold.

      Which brings us to your second point. Crown should not even be proceeding with this case. This is what Tulsi Gabbard would say is the politicizing of the DOJ.

  3. its one rule for Government and another for civilians. RCMP are Kurrupt.

    1. All RCMP aren't corrupt. Just upper management who are taking their marching orders from Justin Trudeau. This case is a clear example of how the Crown Prosecutors are being politicized. One rule for ANTIFA and another rule for supporters of the Charter of Rights.

  4. How to we categorize the fact that the vast majority do what they are told by upper management? That they don't do wrong themselves, but tolerate those who do? When that kid was shot at the skate park a few years back the coverup happened at Surrey RCMP, not in Ottawa.

    1. Oh don't get me wrong. The Surrey RCMP are f*cked. That's why they need to be replaced. I'm talking about Police on Guard. The Hudson Brooks case was a complete tragedy. He comes running to the police for help yelling they're trying to kill me and a female cop shoots herself in the foot as she draws her pistol. Then they send the dogs out thinking the kid just shot a cop.

      Then she lies in court and tells the court she shot him nine times after she shot herself in the foot. She did not. Someone else shot him nine times. She made the mistake and she covered up for the alpha dogs who took matters into their own hands. A complete tragedy all way round.


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