Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Understanding Justin Trudeau Hate

Since hate for Justin Trudeau is at an all-time high, I thought it would be worthwhile explaining why to some of our friends who don't live here. I want to be clear in that I did not hate Justin Trudeau when he was first elected. I didn't support his selfish and irresponsible spending habits, but I was hopeful. Stephen Harper was an as*hole. We wanted something better.

Sadly, time revealed that he was worse than Harper. Harper admitted he was an as*hole. That was his MO. Justin Trudeau pretended to be something he wasn't. The term fake feminist is trending. He pretended to support women but we saw how many strong women he threw under the bus because they spoke their mind. He just wants women who do as their told.

He pretends to oppose Islamophobia, yet he admires the Communist genocide of Muslims in China. Everything about him is fake. He is nothing like his father. That's why I call him Commodus from the movie Gladiator. He's a wannabe dictator who covets power. His father protected civil liberty by law. Justin does not. Harper was an enemy of the Charter of Rights but so is Justin.

Justin Trudeau is completely irresponsible with money. He leads the world in pandemic debt. That is selfish and thoughtless. He doesn't care about our children's future. He's spending it.

By the end of Stephen Harper's tenure, hate for him was high just like it is now for Justin. We remember the famous page who boldly stood in the House of Commons with a sign that said Stop Harper. Now we see a whole Stop Justin movement. Lockdown protests have been well attended across the country. In all of them Justin Trudeau hate was high and it continues to grow.

Part of the problem is his obsession with Communist China. It spills over to his selling out our sovereignty to the UN and the WHO in the name of Globalism which is simply Communism rebranded. That is sheer insanity. We saw what happened in Cambodia, Poland and in East Berlin. That is a place none of us want to go.

Normally hate is pretty toxic but as the Birds declared, everything has it's time and place. Christians are taught to love their enemies but they're also encouraged to teach their children an everlasting hatred of sin. Hate the sin, love the sinner. For most of us it's pretty hard to distinguish between the two.

Often in cases of abuse, people feel anger or hatred which is a normal response to that evil. Yet we are told to forgive and forget so when we feel anger, we feel guilty. Instead of processing our anger we supress and deny it which leads to self-blame and addiction.

My father used to say feeling are neither right or wrong they just are. Everyone has a right to their feelings. How people express those feelings can be appropriate or inappropriate but everyone has a right to their feelings. Don't get me started on displaced aggression.

In fact, a councillor once told me it is important to get in touch with our feelings because our feelings are trying to tell us something. In cases of abuse, anger or hatred would simply mean something horrible was done. It's important for abuse victims to recognize that so they don't blame themselves and keep repeating the cycle.

Hate is toxic but it does have its time and place. There's a term righteous indignation. There's another term fury which can be the expression of righteous indignation. All I'm saying is that people have a right to be angry with Justin Trudeau. People have a right to hate him. How they express those feelings can be appropriate or inappropriate but they have a right to their feelings because in this case they are completely justified. Civil liberty is what wars are fought over. Justin Trudeau is a liar and a thief. Where there is no justice, there will be no peace.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Fatal shooting in Vernon

The Vernon Morning Star is reporting that "One person is dead and one man is in custody after a shooting in Vernon Monday morning. Vernon North Okanagan RCMP was called around 11:30 a.m. on Sept. 20 with reports of a possible shooting and a vehicle fleeing the area."

"Search for the vehicle resulted in the discovery of a dead person in the 4500 block of Enderby Road. The vehicle, a blue 2008 Kia Sportage was located near Armstrong through coordinated efforts between Vernon RCMP, a police helicopter and the emergency response team. A police vehicle was damaged by the suspect vehicle but no injuries resulted." A suspect is in custody.

Canadian election results 2021

Update: Complete results by riding

South Surrey, Pitt Meadows, Abbotsford, Mission and Chilliwack all re-elected Conservatives. Conservatives were re-elected in 8 of the 9 ridings in the Interior of BC.

Leslyn Lewis elected MP in Ontario

Bloomberg is reporting that as of 3:00 AM the Liberals are leading in 158 ridings, the Conservatives 119, the Bloc 34, the NDP 25, the Green 2 and the PPC 0. That means Liberals would gain 1 seat, Conservatives would lose 2, Bloc gain 2, NDP gain 1 and Green lose 1.

The only possible explanation for the Liberals gaining a seat and the Conservatives losing 2 seats would be the fact that the PPC split the vote. Justin Trudeau hate is on the rise and this election has not changed that. It's only entrenched it. Justin Trudeau's new mandate: We hate him.

The Liberals popularity vote was 32.2%, the Conservatives 34.0%, the Bloc 7.7%, the NDP 17.7%, the Green 2.3% amd the PPC 5.1%. That means the PPC has twice the popularity vote as the Green Party. Justin Trudeau's popularity went down 0.8% from his last fall to a minority government even though he gained a seat. The Green dropped in popularity while the PPC rose.

In Nova Scotia two Liberals lost their seat to Conservatives. Tories won their provincial election.

The good news is that since Erin O'Toole lost ground Andrew Sheer made, they can now pick a Conservative leader this time instead of a Globalist. That won't split the vote again. If Maxime Bernier was leader of the Conservatives , we would make huge gains.

Remember when Stephen Harper betrayed Jean Charest and blocked him from the Conservative leadership bid in favor of his pet Globalist Peter McKay? That was a dirty deed. We are not going to win a federal election without Quebec and we are not going to win Quebec without someone who can speak French properly. Jean Charest could do that. Peter McKay could not.

I love the expression on his wife's face seeing him wear a cowboy hat in Calgary.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Election Day 2021

Update: Canadian election results 2021

Since Monday is election day in Canada, I thought I'd review what happened last election. Last election, Andrew Sheer received 34.4% of the vote while Justin Trudeau received 33% of the vote. Although the Liberals got more seats compared to the Conservatives despite the fact that the Conservative received a higher popularity vote, the Liberals lost 20 seats. The NDP lost 15 seats while the Conservatives gained 26 seats and the Bloc gained 22 seats from the previous election significantly weakening Justin Trudeau's minority government. That was just two years ago. This time I think the Conservatives and the Bloc should form government.
People ask me why Justin called an early election? He saw it worked for John Horgan so he thought it would work for him. Not. John Horgan tricked us. The BC NDP were pretty nonconfrontational with overstepping from Covid. Until they got a majority, Then we saw their true colours. Socialists remove freedom. That's what they do. We can see that now. We won't get fooled again. As I said, Justin Trudeau hate is on the rise because he is a Socialist.

When he was first elected, he promised us the world and had a rock star popularity. Then people started to see through him and started really becoming vocal about their hatred of him. That's why we saw him lose so many seats last election. This election is even worse. More people hate him now than two years ago. The guy is a lying freak. He's a fake feminist, fake environmentalist and a fake person. All the does is spend other people's money. People are getting sick of it.
Sabrina Maddeaux explained that millennials are older now. They have jobs, families and mortgages. They care about the economy and taxes. Nova Scotia's last election saw a surge in Conservatives. Covid's attack on civil liberty has started to wake people up.

Supporting local business: a kaleidoscope of colours

Speaking of supporting local business, one local artist who happens to be a blog reader that passionately opposes mask and vaccine mandates, has posted art prints and T-shirts online. The colours are very vivid. The T-shirts are: It Is To Laugh of Thee in a Musical Rhythm - Into the VOID of Mystery - Madness Revisited - Love Lost Forever Known - Frozen Magnetic Calm
As we know, Clay Roueche is quite the artis as well and has hired someone to post his prints and T-shirts online. This is what we are allowed to do in a free market. Communism opposes the free market because they want people dependant on the government. When people are dependent on the government, they can't complain when the government takes their rights away.

Covid has been a full-scale attack on small business. The virus that was launched out of Wuhan has an objective. We have seen our rights taken away like never before. This domestic attack on our civil liberty is unprecedented as is the attack on our financial independence. Resist it.

Friday, September 17, 2021

More books about Justin Trudeau the fake feminist

Update: Bill Morneau: A Path to Canadian Prosperity

Latest Liberal candidate caught in sex assault charges - Sabrina Maddeaux nails it.

Can you hear me now? by Celina Caesar-Chavannes:
Indian in the Cabinet by Jody Wilson-Raybould:

BC Schools on lockdown after parents expressed concerns about vaccination of minors without parental consent

This is another example of media misrepresentation. A group of parents went to two shcools where they were having pop up vaccination clinics without parental consent. They went inside their children's school to talk to the principal. The media spins that to read schools on lockdown after crazed protesters enter school - Global's Postmedia News.

Is a parent allowed to enter their child's school? Schools need parental consent for their children to go on a field trip but they are vaccinating children without their parents consent. That is a criminal offense. 100 young people were hospitalized in Ontario because the RNA vaccine gave them cardiomyopathy - a virus in the heart. The RNA bypasses the immune system.

Vaccinating children without their parent's consent is crazy. Quoting the Socialist Party as though it was credible is crazy. The media misrepresentation is obscene. That road leads to a bad place.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

First Responders protest vaccine mandate in Toronto

Canada: Police officers, firefighters and paramedics have gathered at Queen's Park, Toronto for a silent protest against mandatory #COVID19 vaccinations. Just like in Calgary.

Voices Of Silenced Okanagan Health Professionals

The Easton Spectator ppsted an open letter to Bonnie Henry from a concerned group of health professionals who dare to question the B.C. government narrative on COVID-19 policies.

The letter contains many links and raises the obvious concerns about the misrepresentation of cases and the fact that the PCR test is worthless. It also confronts the Fakestream media's false narrative that the hospital protests are an attack on health care workers. In reality, misrepresenting their concerns are an attack on health care workers.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Fatal shooting at Vancouver high end hotel parkade

News 1130 is reporting that “A man was killed in a targeted shooting at the Fairmont Pacific Rim Hotel parkade Wednesday afternoon, according to the Vancouver Police Department.”

The Georgia Straight is reporting that there were two shootings in Richmond on Monday.

CTV is reporting that the victim of the fatal shooting is 35-year-old Amandeep Manj.

The CFSEU claim he had affiliations back in 2009. Dr Spin is spinning it once again.

Update: Kim Bolan reported that the CFSEU claims Amandeep Manj was a suspect in Randy Naicker's kidnapping ten years ago. He has no criminal record. It is quite possible the Hells Angels killed him for something he might have done ten years ago. It's also quite possible that the CFSEU were the ones that told the Hells Angels she was a suspect in Randy's kidnapping. They likely mentioned it to some of the Hells Angel associates in the Witness Protection Program. That would make them culpable in his murder just like they are in Juel Stanton's murder.