Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wolf Park Roll on Zone 43

CTV is reporting that "Police in Vancouver say a 14-month investigation into a Quebec-based organized crime group has led to the arrests of five men and the seizure of two handguns and 24 kilograms of drugs. The Vancouver Police Department said in a statement Tuesday that its organized crime section had been probing the local operations of Zone 43 – a gang originally from Quebec – for more than a year before the seizures."

"Investigators say the drugs included seven kilograms of fentanyl, 11 kilograms of cocaine, two kilograms of methamphetamine, and four kilograms of mixing agents." That is significant. Was this part of Damion Ryan's latest plea deal? OK so let's talk about the elephant in the room.

The VPD claim that this was a 14 month investigation into a Quebec based gang known as Zone 43. They fail to mention the obvious. The Wolf Pack hired them after they rolled on Lil Man from the Driftwood Crips. So why won't the VPD and the fake news admit Zone 43 work for the Hells Angels though the Wolf Pack? This is like the recent shooting in Surrey by a Driftwood Crip.

Last Friday there was a fatal shooting in Surrey. Almost immediately four suspects were arrested after they had successfully torched their vehicle. How is that not suspicious? Three brown guys and one black guy from Ontario who happens to be a rapper for the Driftwood Crips who Damion Ryan and the Wolf Pack have contracted before. The three brown guys were obviously with BK who are aligned with the Driftwood Crips. Lil Man was a Somalian but he had a BK tat.

So it's really concerning that this quick arrest refuses to mention the Wolf Pack. Just like how this article about Zone 43 fails to mention a word about the Wolf Pack. Are we getting scammed again? It sure looks that way. This is the reoccurring problem with E Division. The police have the people ordering the hits in police protection so they roll on the people they hire. That way the police get a bust and Damion Ryan continues business as usual. You guys are all dirty.

Damion Ryan and his uncle are trying to take over Haney chapter. They're politicking up a storm. Jesse is a good guy. Damion Ryan is not. He's a heat bag that rats out people he hired and all his sweetheart deals with the PoPo won't change that.

Suspect charged in Edmonton fatal shooting

The Edmonton Journal is reporting that "A 46-year-old man is facing second-degree murder charges in connection with a 36-year-old man’s death in central Edmonton earlier this week. On Monday at around 5:15 a.m., police responded to a report of gunshots near 109 Avenue and 96 Street, finding a man with serious, life-threatening injuries. Officers said emergency crews responded, but the man was declared dead on scene."

"Tuesday’s autopsy determined that Habib Abukar, 36, died of gunshot wounds in a homicide. Police said they arrested and charged Mahad Ismael Elmi, 46, with second-degree murder. Investigators believe the victim and suspect knew each other."

Looks like the Edmonton Angels are rolling like Damion Ryan and the Wolf Pack.

Did you know that one of the guys the Edmonton Angels hired to shoot Ali in Surrey was black? He was caught pretty quick too. Imagine that. They killed Ali to have their debts forgiven.

Edmonton Police seize 25 kilos of cocaine

The Edmonton Police are reporting that "In October of 2023, the Edmonton Drug and Gang Enforcement (EDGE) Section initiated an investigation into the activities of the accused, Jeremy Manuel, 23. The investigation culminated in search warrants executed at a residence in Leduc, Alberta, two storage facilities in Edmonton and Calmar, Alberta and two vehicles."

"As a result of these search warrants, police seized approximately 15 kg of cocaine, almost 11 kg of MDMA, 270 tabs of LSD, 21 grams of methamphetamine, 863 oxycodone pills, and 6 kg of the buffing agent phenacetin. Indicia of trafficking, including a hydraulic press, were also seized. The street value of the drugs is estimated to be approximately $1.5 million."

This kind of a bust is highly unusual for the EPS. That's something we'd expect from ALERT.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Hunter Biden Found Guilty On Bogus Gun Charges

I am not a fan of Hunter Biden but I am not a Hunter hater and obsessor either. I think the gun charges were stupid and nothing compared to his dirty business deals in the Ukraine with the Biolabs. Some of those crack videos with prostitutes were just plain nasty. My Son Hunter.

As Colion pointed out, one of the charges against Hunter was lying on a form to obtain a firearm. The question asked have you ever used pot and are you addicted to any controlled substance? That questions shouldn't even be on the form. Define addicted. If you drink alcohol does that mean you're an alcoholic? If you are an alcoholic, are you banned from owning a car even if you have never driven while under the influence? I agree crack addicts probably shouldn't oen a firearm but this question opens the door for more government intrusion.

Sometimes when crossing the border they ask have you ever smoked pot before? If you lie, you're in trouble but if you said yes, 20 years ago I smoked a joint, they write that down and ban you from entering the country. They have no business asking that question and recording that.

Busting a nice drug dealer

In this video clip from the Last Narc, Hector Berrellez shares one of his intense and chilling stories about how he busted a drug dealer and became a DEA Agent. It's intense alright. It's also heartbreaking. He said on his first undercover op he was young, had short hair and looked like a cop. He was sent in to buy an once of heroin for $10,000. Hector speaks Spanish.

The drug dealer looks at him and says are you sure you're not a cop? Hector was like no man, I don't even have my papers. I'm not even legal. Then he asks the drug dealer if it's pure heroin. He says they'll kill me if it's not pure. Then he tells the drug dealer, look, I don't know anything about heroin. My mother is sick. She has cancer. I'm trying to get some money to pay for her medical bills. The drug dealer assures him it's pure heroin and completes the transaction.

The the drug dealers says now I have something for you. He pulls out a bag of cocaine and puts it on the table. He said this is my gift to you. He said sell the cocaine and pay the medical bills for your mother. You don't belong in this business. I don't want to see you around her any more.

Hector leaves and the police come in and bust the drug dealer. That was harsh. Don't you feel the slightest bit guilty? That guy was really nice to you. People will always sell drugs. Those are the kind of guys you want in the business. They're not lacing their cocaine with fentanyl and they're not trolling rehab targeting people trying to get off drugs. As soon as the guy did that I would have pulled off the wire and said yo man, this is a set up. Run out the back door.

It's pretty rare to find a drug dealer who is going to give someone a gift with no strings attached. The HAs would be like now you owe us and turn you into a slave for the rest of your life.

It I was in Hector's position, after that first experience I would have said, sorry guys. I'm not cut out for this. I'm not going to do this any more. Hector said after the drug dealer was arrested he walked past him and said oh you're good kid and Hector said thank you.

Good at what? Lying? That;s not something to be proud of. I realize Hector is a good person and is very sincere. However, this whole glorification of lying is a slippery slope. This is how the Agency recruits good people to do bad things. They rationalize it by claiming the end justifies the means. First of all it doesn't. Second, they are lying about their real intent.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Last Narc on Amazon: Iran contra never stopped

Felix Rodriquez is the sleazebag Tucker Carlson recently interviewed. Felix Rodriquez worked for Allen Dulles and was an associate of Barry Seal. "DEA Witness Testifies Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo told him that he believed his narcotics trafficking operation was safe because he was supplying arms to the Nicaraguan Contras." Félix Gallardo was arrested in 1989 for ordering the murder of Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agent Enrique "Kiki" Camarena.
Allen Dulles was the author of Operation Northwoods. The fake news claims the Last Narc is a hit with QAnon. QAnon was a CIA op designed to discredit the resistance and lead it astray. I do not support QAnon but I recognize the CIA's long history of drug trafficking.

George Bush Senior was Reagan's VP. George Bush Senior was the one that got the CIA addicted to drug trafficking in Vietnam. George Bush Senior and William Casey were directly involved with the October surprise. They are the ones that bribed the Iranian Hostage takers to keep the hostages until after the election with the money Earl Brian embezzled. .

Judge Bonner claimed that when he was a DEA agent, the CIA smuggled a plane loaded with a ton of cocaine into the United States which ended up on the street. Over and over again the agency passionately denied it. Judge Bonner stood firm. He even went on 60 minutes and documented everything. When confronted with the facts, the CIA finally admitted he was right but then spun it by claiming it was the only time and it was a mistake. They were trying to catch a drug trafficking ring. Only just like in Operation Fast and Furious, they made absolutely no attempt whatsoever to track the drugs and make any arrests. We also know it wasn’t the first or the last time they were caught trafficking drugs in Military aircraft.

US pier for humanitarian aid used in Nuseirat Massacre

Update: Right after Benny Gantz resigned the staged hostage rescue is orchestrated

Inside Nova is reporting that "In a recent escalation of violence in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military allegedly utilised a US-constructed pier, originally intended for aid delivery, to conduct an operation against the Nuseirat refugee camp. This operation, which reportedly resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Palestinians, has drawn international condemnation."

The Guardian is reporting that "Israeli attacks in central Gaza killed scores of Palestinians, many of them civilians, amid a special forces operation to free four hostages held there, a death toll that has caused international outrage." The hostages are being used to justify a Palestinian genocide.

Benjamin Netanyahu let his operatives with Hamas take the hostages. He took all the soldiers guarding the border off that watch then issued a IDF stand down order. If he didn't do that, there would have been no hostages. Mossad created Hamas to push Fatah and the PLO out of Gaza because the PLO signed a cease fire and agreed to the Oslo accord. The CIA is ISIS and Benjamin Netanyahu is Hamas. This operative is not Palestinian. It's all theatrics.
The is a scam like the staged Iranian hostage rescue which was part of the October surprise. Mossad and the CIA committed investment fraud to bribe the hostage takers to keep the hostages until later the election. In this case, Mossad facilitated the hostage taking on October 7th and increased civilian casualties on October 7th due to friendly fire. Let's examine that.

Israeli News confronts IDF Friendly fire on October 7th

After the IDF was caught shooting Israelis on October 7th, they claimed they were implementing the Hannibal directive. Kill the hostages and the hostage takers yet that doesn't make sense. We had inside reports that claimed that Netanyahu issued an IDF Stand Down order during the orchestrated raid and hostage taking. If the IDf were engaging the Hannibal directive, the IDF would have called for back up and the Hamas operatives would have been annihilated. Let's talk about the USS Liberty. That wasn't Hamas that was the IDF. If the Russian spy ship hadn't witnessed that event, it would not have stopped and they would have blamed Hamas.

Why does this matter? Because 9/11 was an inside job and October 7th was Israel's 9/11.

Benjamin Netanyahu is Hamas, Gill Rosenberg is Mossad

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Judge corrects lawyer's bad gun safety

Kenshin: Reflecting on Change and the Silk Road

I started watching Rurouni Kenshin on Netflix and they started talking about his past. Then I realized there was an episode before that called the Beginning so I watched that to catch up. It's a very thought provoking plot so it is with elements of tragedy woven into it. I guess for me it illustrates how seeing something from a different perspective can change our understanding of it.

I started watching the first episode of the New Hells Angels series on Vice TV and I turned it off. I'm so done with that. I want to do something different. In the second episode Kenshin vows to never kill again and becomes a traveler with a reverse blade designed to protect life not take it. We can't change the past but we can change the future. Looks like there's a new Shogun out.

Don't get me wrong. The Vice series on the Hells Angels is well done. It interviews Julian Sher and Jerry Langdon who are competent Canadian authors. Julian wrote the Road to Hell a few years before I started the blog. Back then everyone was in denial about the Hells Angels. Rainbow Ricky would lie and deny everything. Now everyone knows what they are involved with.

Having said that, I still think government overreach since Covid is a far worse problem than the Hells Angels. While I was catching up on Kenshin's past history I also watched Dragon Blade with Jackie Chan about the Silk road. I really liked that. It wasn't so dark and started off like a typical Jackie Chan movie with martial arts and comedy. It was a little lighter and positive. Then it got a bit intense. It was very well done and had a good message.

Which leads us to the rebuilding of the Silk Road. I don't see the meaning of life as America First. I see it as People First. It's not about East versus West it's about Slavery versus Freedom. If China wants to rebuild the Silk Road, let them. If Iran wants to sell their oil, let them. The free market is the key to freedom. Edward Snowden exposed the NSA. Edward Snowden is a patriot. The Five Eyes are enemies of civil liberty and the Constitution. We need to face those domestic demons before we confront any foreign threat. Power to the People.

The CIA set up the CFO of Epoch Times

Meanwhile, back on the ranch, Fox News is reporting that "A Georgetown University professor who spent 12 years as a CIA intelligence analyst is warning that diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts and the overall politicization of the intelligence community have become a "significant" problem and that he is confident those agencies will attempt to interfere with the 2024 election similar to their efforts in 2020."

"My guess is that the the proverbial deep state within the intelligence community will reemerge because presumably a Republican candidate will again be seen as a threat to the internal policies that many intelligence people like," Dr. John Gentry, author of the new book, "Neutering the CIA: Why US Intelligence Versus Trump Has Long-Term Consequences," told Fox News Digital.

OK this is the tip of the iceberg. Judicial Watch interviewed Dr. John Gentry about this. It's no secret that the CIA promoted Joe Biden over Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton over Donald Trump. It's no secret that the CIA rig election in foreign countries like Honduras while Mossad rig elections in Africa. QAnon was a CIA op designed to infiltrate Trump's support base and discredit it. John Brennan represents everything that's wrong with the CIA.

John Brennan voted Communism before he joined the CIA and still actively promotes Communism long after he left the CIA. The CIA are proud sponsors of the WEF and the UN's New World Order. That is the root of the concern. The CIA don't oppose Communism they endorse it. That leads us to the recent set up of the CFO of Epoch Times.

The New York Post is reporting that "The chief financial officer of the Epoch Times newspaper — a New York-based weekly critical of the Chinese government — has been charged by the feds with money laundering, according to US officials. Weidong “Bill” Guan — CFO for the news site that also distributes papers across the US, UK, France and Canada — is alleged to have laundered $67 million in the alleged scheme, according to a Monday indictment by the US Justice Department. Guan, a 61-year-old resident of Secaucus, NJ, used a cryptocurrency platform to buy up prepaid debit cards at a discount after they were loaded with money that was obtained from fraudulent unemployment insurance claims, court papers said.

That is bat sh*t crazy. Look at how the other fake news outlets are misrepresenting the story. MTN is reporting that "DOJ Says MAGA Favorite Epoch Times Is A Massive Money Laundering Scheme." The Defector is reporting that "Feds Accuse America’s Weirdest Media Company Of Being A Money-Laundering Front For The Falun Gong." What is Epoch Times crime? They support Donald Trump and they opposed Organ Harvesting in China.

Those two positions justify a mainstream defamation campaign and a CIA led sting operation. It is no secret the CIA has funded and has tried to influence the Epoch Times in it's anti China campaign. The problem is, Epoch Times supports Donald Trump and the CIA does not. That's why they set up this sting operation against the CFO.

The Falun Gong are honest, hard working people. They don't get involved in investment fraud but the CIA do. The CIA used investment fraud to raise money for Iran Contra. They still do. These allegations against the Epoch Times CFO don't sound like the Falun Gong. They sound like the CIA. The CIA has set him up to discredit their support for Donald Trump. "

In response to the CIA set up the Epoch Times states that "The Epoch Times was founded to counter the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of innocent people. The Epoch Times has a guiding principle that elevates integrity in its dealings above everything else. The company intends to and will fully cooperate with any investigation dealing with the allegations against Mr. Guan. In the interim, although Mr. Guan is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, the company has suspended him until this matter is resolved."