Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Seven Virtues of Bushido

We've talked about the compassion of Buddha, the truthfulness of Tao and the five virtues of Confucius. Now let's talk about the seven virtues of Bushido: Righteousness, Respect, Courage, Honour, Compassion, Honesty and Loyalty. This is nobility as Rob Roy explained to his kids.

"Honour is something no man can give you and no man can take away."

"Any man with honour is a king but not all kings have honour." Rob Roy

Be a simple kind of man - Lynyrd Skynyrd. You can't buy the Stairway to Heaven yo.

All that glitters is not gold. There's still time to change the road you're on so there is.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Green Justice endorses Ken Sim and the NPA for Vancouver civic election

Tragically, Ian Campbell, the Hereditary Chief from Squamish First Nation has withdrawn his candidacy for mayor of Vancouver. Vision Vancouver is left with no vision. Even though Mayor Moonbeam was an idiot, I would have endorsed Ian Campbell not the party. Now that he has withdrawn the choice is clear. Green Justice endorses Ken Sim and the NPA.

The Tyee is reporting that "Ken Sim Could be Vancouver’s First Chinese-Canadian Mayor. NPA candidate has heavyweight backing, community support and an uncertain field of competitors."

We've once again come full circle. Politics in BC is tidal. It's a jump to the left, then a step to the right. Let's do the Time Warp Again. Ya see in politics, power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Mayor Moonbeam was an idiot. He was not fiscally responsible. His spending was out of control. Years ago I remember debating with a NPA candidate at First United in the DTES during the Woodward's Squat. They were kicking the homeless out from under bridges and stealing their possession. That was extreme. Sadly we have gone to the other extreme. Harm Reduction has become Harm Promotion and drug overdoses are at record levels.

Although Ken Sim's nationality is not relevant, it would be nice to elect a Chinese mayor for once. Only he's not Chinese, he's Canadian. He was born and raised in Vancouver just like I was. His parents were immigrants. Hard working immigrants.

My daughter's husband is an immigrant. When my daughter told him we only work 40 hours a week in Canada he said only 40 hours? I can get two jobs then. She said no, you're OK. We'll be fine. Immigrants have work ethic. Millennials don't. Yeah I just went there. Immigrants are what makes America great. Unless we're First Nations, we are all immigrants in Canada.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Rachel Notley is a liar and a lunatic

Rachel Notley took out a full page add in a Metro Vancouver Newspaper claiming that "Trans Mountain's delay costs Canadians $40 million every day." That is a bold faced lie. The pipeline already exists. A delay in twinning the pipeline for the tar sands oil that Chicago and Detroit don't want represents a new market not an existing one. It's not our fault Chicago and Detroit kicked Alberta out because of all the petroleum coke byproduct. That pipeline already exists as well.

The delay is Rachel Notley's fault. She single-handedly killed the deal. John Horgan asked how do we control the volume of tar sands oil that passes through BC and our port? She responded by saying you don't. We can send as much as we want whenever we want and you have absolutely no say if we start sending too much for the tanker traffic to handle.

John Horgan asked who pays for the clean up in the event of a spill? Raging Rachel said you do. We won't spend a dime on clean up. That is just bad business. A conservative would have negotiated a fair deal. Raging Rachel did not. Justin Bieber is just as bad because he enabled her insanity by insisting he was going to proceed with the pipeline without our consent.

The full page add represents a bad corporate tactic. The employer comes up with a bad contract and the Union says no. Instead of bargaining in good faith the employer tries to con the members into accepting the bad deal the Union rejected. John Horgan is our bargaining agent. You need to negotiate with him and tell him you will split the cost of clean up and that we can restrict the amount of tar sands oil that flows through the port if the tanker traffic gets too congested.

The newspaper add pretends Raging Rachel is concerned about the welfare of the rest of Canada when she obviously is not. She wants to be able to turn the oil tap off at will to the East and the West to extort the rest of the country for her own gain. She doesn't care about anyone else on the planet. She just pulled out of climate change agreements. She basically said f the world because she is a raging lunatic that needs to be replaced in the next election. Bring someone with a brain to the table next time. Rachel Notley is a lunatic.

Raging Rachel's full page add was paid for with tax dollars. The add complains about the court decision. The court simply pointed out that Kinder Morgan failed to do an environmental assessment of increased tanker traffic in Vancouver's port. They didn't do the assessment because they said our liability ends at the pipeline. Raging Rachel once again wants to con Vancouver into breaking the law so that we can take all the risk and get none of the rewards.

There is absolutely no reason whatsoever Alberta doesn't refine the tar sands bitumen in Alberta and send the refined oil through the existing pipeline to Vancouver. If they refined it in Alberta they could also use the existing pipeline to Chicago and Detroit.

The only reason they won't is because they have no way of getting rid of the petroleum coke byproduct that is created when the tar sands bitumen is refined. Chicago and Detroit finally got rid of their mountains of petroleum coke by shipping it off to India. India won't take it any more because it is even more toxic to burn then coal. We need to figure out what to do with the petcoke. Grind it up and put it in concrete. Make bricks out of it for all I care. It's not freaking radioactive. The point is, if you refine it at source, there is no need for a new pipeline.

There is no emergency. The only emergency is the fact that Rachel Notley is going to lose the upcoming election. That is why she's so frantic. She knows she screwed up and only cares about getting elected. She cares nothing about the environment or anyone else on the planet.

Why Rachel Notley will need an even bigger miracle to win again: "The longer the Alberta NDP are in power, the harder it will be to repeat the shocking victory that won them the province."

United Conservative Party on track to win big in Alberta, says poll

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Larry Amero denied bail but was he?

Update: After the delay Larry Amero's bail hearing resumed. A month later not a word on the results of that decision. Was he released and the court imposed a publication ban? The delay is concerning. The court need to be accountable to the public who pay their wages.

As of November 16th 2018 it *appears* that he is still in custody and is awaiting the pretrial conference of the conspiracy to commit murder charges although nothing official is in the file. October 24th 2018 the court imposed a Section 517 (1) publication ban on the bail hearing. October 19th 2018 the court imposed a section 648 (1) publication ban jury not present. That means you can't publish evidence submitted in court when the jury ws not present to hear it.

Keith Fraser is reporting that "Larry Amero, who is accused of conspiracy to commit the 2012 murders of rival gangsters Sandip Duhre and Sukh Dhak, appeared in B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver Tuesday for the first day of what was expected to be a three-day bail hearing. But the matter was adjourned after the judge was told that Amero’s lawyer had fallen ill. The next court appearance for Amero and his two co-accused, Dean Wiwchar and Rabih “Robby” Alkhalil, is set for Oct. 19." Bail? Wouldn't that be a farce. Flight risk? No kidding. Just like Skelator was.

These aren't just more drug charges. These are murder charges. Dean Wiwchar was a hitman for the Hells Angels. He worked directly for Larry Amero. Just as every murder he committed had to be approved by the local executive, Larry Amero was the one that asked him to commit each murder. Dean also sold drugs for Larry just like Robby Alkhalil did. Robby Alkhalil sold drugs for Larry Amero. The Alkhalil's were in charge of a huge drug network and were also affiliated with the Bacon brothers. Larry and Jonathon attended one of the Alkhalil weddings before they were shot in Kelowna. Robby Alkhalil was also involved with several murders for Larry.

Just as every murder Robby Alkhalil committed had to be approved by the local executive, Larry Amero was the one that asked him to commit each murder. The same goes with Jamie Bacon and the Surrey Six. Jamie didn't orchestrate the Surrey Six, Jonathon Bacon did because Larry Amero asked him to. That is the truth. Larry Amero is not a role model. He is a piece of garbage.

Crosstown residents fed up with crime and violence

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that "North False Creek residents fed up with discarded needles, open drug use and what they say is increased violence in their neighbourhood are issuing a desperate plea for help." Open drug use, increased crime and violence. Go figure.

Harm promotion isn't working. Stop it. Treatment is the answer for addiction not promotion.

Open drug use unacceptable near elementary school

It's time to rethink harm reduction.

Remembering 911 for what it was

One of the slogans for Remembrance Day is lest we forget. On the anniversary of 911 it is imparative that we remember it for what it really was. The third tower did not collapse into it's own blueprint at free fall speed due to heat and fire. The only way any steel framed tower can collapse into it's own blueprint at free fall speed is if the load bearing beams are blown out like in a controlled demolition. That is the truth. Operation Nothwoods was real. That declassified document actually does exist. Many more such documents were destroyed in the third tower demolition. Loose Change 911 - 911 Explosive Evidence - Kill the Messenger

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Give it up for Daryl Dela Cruz

Local super hero Daryl Dela Cruz was on global today speaking out against LRT in favor of Skytrain for Surrey defying John Horgan, Justin Trudeau and Linda Hepner. God Bless him. On Daryl's twitter he points out that "Another LRT collision in Calgary today. Pedestrian vs train. Over 2 hours of delays/disruption to service."

Daryl is also pointing out that "Peter Fassbender, the former TransLink minister, who thinks SkyTrain would likely be better, is running for Mayor in Langley City." Daryl also pointed out that everyone who showed up at the LRT "celebration" in Surrey worked for the city or for LRT. People who drive cars prefer Skytrain because Skytrian does not impede traffic. LRT SUCKS.

LRT is a line to nowhere

Another fraudulently fake add

I just noticed this fake add that slipped through on my blog. If you look at the screen shot they use GQ's logo pretending to be an article on GQ but if you look at the url, it's not GQ it is a fake. This is a criminal act of fraud as well as a flaming copyright violation.

Here's another one fraudulently claiming to be CBC when it's not.

Yet another fake ad. This one about Shania Twain impersonating Entertainment Toady.

Why we left Surrey First

The Peace Arch News / Surrey Now - Leader is reporting an "exclusive" interview why three of the Surrey First counselors jumped ship. Let's start with Bruce. "Hayne was the first to step off after what he described as a real shift, operationally and philosophically from when Dianne (Watts) was mayor.” Sadly, Bruce isn't being completely honest here.

It is true Linda Hepner's popularity has nosedived due to her arrogant defiance over Hawthrone Park and the LRT plowing a road right through Hjorth Road elementary. That part is true. Tom Gill's popularity is nonexistent especially after he started sharing private text messages with the media. Here's the crutch: Dianne Watts, Linda Hepner and Tom Gill are all connected at the hip.

Surrey First isn't a political party like most others. It is a non profit (yeah right) society run by Dianne Watts and a handful of people she controls. Dianne Watts chose Linda Hepner and Dianne Watts chose Tom Gill over Bruce Hayne. That is a fact. There has been no policy change because Dianne Watts was the author of the original fraud back in Campbell Heights.

Twenty-year Councillor Barbara Steele has been at the root of the problem. From Campbell Heights to the money laundering remix at the Mega Casino, Barbara Steel was there in the front lines defying the public interest every step of the way. Even when Dianne Watts choked at the overwhelming opposition to the Casino Gate on rural land flip, Barbara Steel defiantly drove her new car right over the public will to satisfy her own interests.

Think about it. Rich Coleman is Satan incarnate. Barbara Steele was considering running with him until he decided not to run. That shows you what kind of a person she really is. There isn't a fiber of integrity in her entire body. Her history clearly shows that.

Bruce Haynes didn't support the Casino Fraud Flip but he did support the road through Hawthorne Park. That means the residents don't trust him. Dave Woods left when Tom Gill started rambling about more gun control. That was a wise decision. Tom Gill is a complete idiot. That's why he was chosen to be Dianne Milan's puppet on a string. However, the article states Dave Woods is tormented by his decision to leave Surrey First. Truth be told, the only thing that is tormenting him about it is the fear that he won't get reelected without them. Don't lose any sleep over it. It was a no win situation. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Just ask Judy.

This is why Green Justice supports Doug McCallum for mayor of Surrey. His crime prevention competence is tried tested and proven. There is no argument about that. It's time to Wake up.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Eagles nest protest in Surrey

There was a protest at the site of the eagles nest the city of Surrey destroyed organized by David Hancock from the Hancock Wildlife Foundation. The developer is obviously the prime suspect in the initial vandalism of the tree. Penalties need to be enforced for the violation of the Wildlife Act.

Holly Arntzen from a band called the Wilds sang a powerful song. The chorus asked if you were ready to pound the skin drum? Holly and her partner Kevin Wright have a wide selection of ecco friendly music posted on their website called Artists Response Team that is worth looking at.