Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring except for a rat. So the stage was set in Vancouver, Christmas 1995. Two well dressed hit men arrived at the front door of a Burnaby home bearing festively-wrapped gifts four days before Christmas.
Newly wed Michele Uyeyama answered the door, peering over the safety latch to ask what they wanted. They said they had presents from the "boys." She told them to leave the packages on the porch, but hit man Bobby Moyes said it was too wet. So Uyeyama reluctantly undid the chain and opened the door.
Once the door was open, Moyes said he stepped inside and stuck a gun in Michele's face. He told Mike to take care of her, then went down the hall and found Eugene Uyeyama in bed. "Police!" Moyes recalled yelling, pointing the gun at the man and telling him to get out of bed.
Moyes grabbed Eugene by the hair, got him face-down on the floor and tied his hands behind his back with an electrical cord. He said Mike found a wad of cash, then strangled the woman, who fell to the floor in front of her husband. Moyes said he strangled Eugene while Mike held his legs.
Moyes then unwrapped one of the "Christmas gifts" to reveal a can of gasoline. He poured gasoline on the couple, left a flammable trail to the front door and lit it as they left. That was Christmas in Vancouver 1995.
It’s really not hard to figure out who “the Boys” were that sent the Christmas gift of gasoline and hired the hit men to murder police informant Eugene Uyeyama and his wife Michele.
Bobby Moyes, the hired hit man said in court that Christmas of 1995, Salvatore Ciancio asked him for a favour: kill Eugene Uyeyama because he was believed to be a "rat" I.E. a police informant after a large cocaine bust tied to the Hells Angels.
Moyes said he agreed to do it and it was arranged that a man named Mike would help do the "job." He said Ciancio wanted Mike killed at the house after the couple was murdered.
But Moyes said he did not kill Mike because things became screwed up. Besides, he said, Mike was watching him closely the whole time and things became so hectic he just wanted to get out of the house.
Moyes plead guilty in 2002 to seven counts of first-degree murder, including the Uyeyamas and five people killed at an Abbotsford farmhouse in 1996.
Ciancio was involved with Hells Angel associate Anthony Terezakis,
Big Tony. Salvatore Ciancio got off after two hung juries and two brain dead judges let him walk. To this day there has been no justice for that Christmas of 1995.
Before I dive into my Christmas message I want to reiterate two things. Hiring someone to kill someone and their wife four days before Christmas with fake gifts is rat like. Asking the hit man to kill his co accused after the murder was completed is also rat like.
Eugene Uyeyama is not the rat in this story. In this story the real rats are the ones who hired his murder. I submit that the gift from the Boys was indeed from the Hells Angels.
In court lawyers make submissions. They present their side of the story and a judge and or jury weighs the evidence and tries to determine if that submission is true or false. Not every submission is true. It’s up to the public and the jury to weigh the evidence and decide for themselves if they think the submission is true or false.
According to the police the Hells Angels run the drug trade in Prince George. Kim Bolan discovered that the Game Tight Soldiers in Prince George are affiliated with the Renegades who are clearly a Hells Angels puppet club. That association would implicate the Hells Angels for being involved with each of the drug dealing puppet clubs in Prince George – the Renegades, the Crew, the Independent Soldiers and now the Game Tight Soldiers. They all work for the Hells Angels in Prince George.
If someone was to say they have a message from the Boys in Prince George, then that clearly would mean on the street that the message was coming from the Hells Angels. I submit that term has the same meaning in Kamloops as well as throughout the Province. I submit that the Hells Angels are the rats responsible for this heinous Christmas murder.
As John Wayne once said "There's right and there's wrong and ya gotta do one or the other. Ya do the one and you're living. Ya do the other and you may be walking around but you're dead as a beaver hat." (or a leather jacket)