Global is reporting that a 59-year-old Celista man named Richard Allen Williams has been charged with attempted murder in connection with the triple shooting in the Shuswap town Sunday. The victim has died so it is now a murder investigation
Locals claimm Hells Angels associates are terrorizing these small communities whre there is little police presence. However, another source claims that both the primary shooter and one of the people shot were members of the Wanderers and that both were out in bad standing with the Rebels.

Rick was the former president of the Northshoresmen which was disbanded by the Hells Angels in 2012 after they patched over to Kingpin Crew. They were disbanded after the Britney Irving murder. Rick has been labeled N.G. Tragically one of the people shot was Darin Krawat.

Update. It appears that Rick didn't shoot Darin, he drove him to the hospital. Two commenters claim that Rick and Darin tried to rob one of Rick's neighbours but panicked and left when they saw a woman was home with her kids. The husband later brought some friends and confronted them. A struggle broke out where the husband was shot in the neck and Darin was shot and later died of his injuries. Very sad all way round.
Wow, three people shot, huh? With a gun?? Where did they get one of those from??
ReplyDeleteNote to Parliament and other control freaks: Your gun control laws only control people who obey them, ie. law abiding citizens. Criminals don't obey laws, ergo your laws are useless for the purpose you claim you wanted them for.
that certainly isn't going to be good for the tourist trade. Can't they go to Kelowna or some such place. Celista, really. Hardly anyone lives there in the winter. However, I am sure that makes it a lovely place to have a grow up or two and a manufacturing centre of some sort.
ReplyDeleteThe man in the picture just looks like some rather unattractive old man.
Celista is known for its grow ops for sure. It will be interesting what happens to remote towns like that if cannabis is legalized.
ReplyDeleteSadly I don't think anything will change. The HAs will take over the legal grows just like they took over the illegal ones. Don't forget Uncle Joes' grow rip in Salmon Arm: http://gangstersout.blogspot.ca/2011/02/abandoned-grow-op-in-salmon-arm.html
DeleteThese 2 are nothing but goofs aka wannabes. Richard has been kicked out of every club he's been in and Darin was loyal to him till it got him killed. When they couldn't make it in the real world they created their own club called the Wanderers, but were too scared to wear their patch out in public for fear of other clubs. But they still thought they needed to be keyboard warriors getting involved with real club business. And this is where it has got them. Hopefully the other guys who follow these 2 will see the light and get out before they end up the same, in jail or dead.
ReplyDeleteVery sad. Seemingly, Darin was Richards sergeant at arms when they were in the Rebels before they were kicked out. Staying loyal to him all that time and starting a new club with him only to be shot dead for his time is a shameful disgrace. No L&R.
DeleteOK, I just noticed that the guy in the bottom picture is wearing a "SAMCRO-Sons of Anarchy" T-shirt......LOL
ReplyDeleteoh, you are correct. what a looser. its fairy tale world for those boys. SAMCRO,,,,uggh.
ReplyDeleteYes but unlike the shooter he looked like a nice guy and is now dead leaving loved ones behind. Tragic indeed. SOA is a ridiculous show. We need to rise above it.
ReplyDeleteThe picture is 5 years. The tshirt I bought him. Darin has children, a family who are crushed and devastated. He took a wrong turn in his life and paid dearly. We are shocked and don't understand what happened. We knew him as a fun loving happy guy with a good heart. Now he's gone forever.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry for your loss. He looks like a good man. You can see it in his countenance. It sounds like a complete tragedy. At least his children will know they have a good father and will see him again one day. But not yet.
DeleteI know Celista very well, my family lived three miles past the town, which in the day was just a gas-station...
ReplyDeleteI saw top-grade bud, being grown outside, on Crown Land near there, as far back as 1975! Now the bush is full of plants, I hear its worth your life to be wandering around hunting during the early fall...
The Shuswap drug dealers ( now, 18-wheelers come in, with the piping and soil) compete by buying bigger boats, I have heard from my local friends...it's gone crazy up there; lots of white powder around too...
Obviously you don't!
DeleteThank you Dennis. We appreciate your kind words. Healing for us will be long and hard. Never to understand why? We all thought he was up country working. Then the dreaded phone call. No way to say goodbye. Just a memory ! RIP Darin ❤️
ReplyDeleteDarin was never a Sgt At Arms. Wasn't involved in this long enough to get to that level. He thought he was helping a friend not knowing what he walked into ! The only thing he could've done was to punch someone. And that's we he thought he was there for. J
ReplyDeleteYes the tragic loss is heartbreaking. A lot of these scuzz buckets look like two bit criminals but Darin didn't. He just looked like a nice guy who rode motorcycles. A lot of people get involved without knowing what that life is really about. That's why I run this blog. Showing the darker side so people don't fall into it unaware. Peace.
ReplyDeleteRick is a Twisted, Demented goof. He's a rat and a thief!! Hopefully the Brothers in side take care of business and ends the disease! !!
ReplyDeleteI have known Rick for a few years. He is nothing but a low life, energy sucking goof.
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't care whose around, or what harm he can bring to someone or their family. Kids, there's no exception. He will bring loaded guns to your house with your children inside, crying kids and everything.
He rips of his own people. He lures in the innocent and preys on them.
He has never been a decent human being, nor will he ever be.
all I can hope is he is released into general population, and let the "real bikers" get a hold of him.
LOL, how many of the "real bikers" are any different? "lures in the innocent and preys on them". You've just described the average drug dealing patch holder, except they are a few layers above the people that work for them at street level.
DeleteThis is so hard to read. To think Darin trusted and hung around such a person. Darin was nothing like that. He might've talked big but never could he do the things this Rick person is accused of. I sit and wonder what he had over Darin or how he manipulated him into going there ??? It makes no sense to those of us who know and love Darin. I just know my life is upside down losing things left right & centre that we had together ! All gone in a blink of an eye! 💔😞
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine your pain.
DeleteI hope your heartache lessens overtime, I really don't don't how it would. Rest easy knowing karma will take Its toll.
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DeleteDoes anyone know what happened to Richard in his Feb 18 court appearance in relation to all this. Any bit of info is appreciated. It is helping me to try coping and grieving. It's tough just NOT knowing. And please don't make fun of his shirt. It was a gift for his birthday years back from me. . Don't judge him on that please. ���� We are all praying for answers to make sense of this so please understand.
ReplyDeleteThe CSO data base states it was put over to 10:30 AM March 3rd 2016 to fix a date for trial: https://justice.gov.bc.ca/cso/esearch/criminal/partySearch.do
DeleteWhat I have to say defines Rick Williams to a T!
ReplyDeleteHe sucks all of the positive energy to fuel his relentless hunger for negativity, leaving us drained, exhausted, and unhappy. He has wreaked havoc, and will continue to do so. That's what he does, and always will.
This is what we call energy suckers.
In my opinion Rick has a personality disorder, which tends to be intrusive, showing poor boundaries. Overly dramatic, making mountains out of molehills. Argumentive, always having trouble agreeing with others.
Constantly negative. Unable to accept responsibility, always blaming others for his actions!
Limit your contact with this goof !
No matter how much you like to think your going to help this person you won't.
He will only create a new crisis for you.
Nothing good will ever come from this man.
This all comes from experience!
I feel so bad that your family has been broken because of him Avalon. It's a real shame. My heart breaks for you lady. May your husband RIP.
Thank you all for your kind words. It won't get much easier. I've lost my Harley, my pets and clinging to keep a roof over my head. . Tough when I'm on a disability pension. This Rick is someone I'm grateful I never met nor would I be caught with a such a person. Ever!!!
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DeleteWhich Rck guy? I think we all agree Richard Williams is a piece of garbage. It is the guy he shot I said looks like a nice guy. It is hard for me to believe Darin was involved in a home invasion. Sounds more like Rick trying to rationalize his murder.
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DeleteCan someone clarify if the poster named truth is speaking about Rick or Darin. Darin's family is completely in the dark on details of what happened up there. Was Darin and Rick both armed? Sorry for asking we're trying to make sense of all this. I'm truly horrified and am so sorry for the victims involved. The families have not been told about this part at all. And please don't hate his family left behind. We didn't know. It makes it so hard to deal with losing someone but then to hear he went there with children around and armed is completely beyond us. Im horrified for all involved. My deepest sorrow again for all that are left behind traumatized. On both sides of this whole tragedy.
ReplyDeleteIf either Rick or Darin went into this home not knowing anyone Why have the police confirmed that everyone was known to each other. Just asking as that part doesn't make sense.
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ReplyDeleteIt sounds more like Rick dragged Darin along for something and when he saw kids were involved he said yo man I'm not into this and Rick shot him to eliminate witnesses. Rick shot him. Why else would he shoot him during a home invasion?
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ReplyDeleteTruth I from the bottom of my heart am deeply sorry for what has happened to that family. We were never told there were children involved in this either. We've been told very little. And no one has confirmed who shot Darin so nothing has made sense. I'm seeing more info on here then the from police. Believe me when I tell you as Darin's life is revealed I myself am truly disgusted with this. Angry at a person who hid a secret life from friends & family. And devastated even more hearing some of the details. To go where there are children is inexcusable ! And to do that with children present is my worst possible nightmare. Just know we are also deeply wounded and horrified.
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DeleteRick was shot as well? If your friend is in danger if Rick is released on parole what was the motive for the home invasion in the first place?
DeleteDennis was it without a doubt that Rick shot Darin.? The police told us Rick put Darin in his truck and drove to phone 911. This is where I'm thoroughly confused. And if he did shoot him what kind of animal does that to a supposed friend. Fuck me !! It all makes me sick.
ReplyDeleteAll I know is that Rick was charged with attempted murder and that since Darin died, it was reported that it has become a murder investigation.
DeleteThis whole story about a home invasion is something a commenter came up with. They claim Rck was shot as well so it is one big mess. If Rick and Darin were both shot and Rick drove Darin to the hospital, that would imply someone else shot them. Hopefully the truth will come out in court.
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DeleteI run a crime blog. A lot of people send me info. Some of it is true, some of it is false and some of it are blod faced lies. I sift through what is true and false by collaborating stories and putting them to the test of believability.
DeleteI don't have inside information on this case. I simply linked to media reports on the murder. I didn't say you made it up, I said that claim came from you. It is quite possible it is true. However, I have no idea who you are and don't want to know to protect your safety but I can't accept legal liability for what you post.
When I do have inside sources that give me information on a crime I most certainly am not going to reveal my sources under any circumstances. I am no longer anonymous but my sources are.
The truth will indeed come out in court. All I said is that Darin looked like a nice guy and I genuinely believe that to be true.
I've sat back since my original post and watched everyone make assumptions and make judgments on stuff they have no clue about. Here is the hole story on this insistent.
ReplyDeleteRichard and Darin concocted a plan to rob one of Richards neighbors. So the gear up masks guns etc and break into this home to find a women and her children scaring them shitless. The goof troop panics and runs away. The husband of the home broken into finds out what happened and brings his friend to go confront the goof troop. Richard pulls a gun on the husband and his friend shoots the friend in the neck.
Who shot Darin?
DeleteSorry I got cut off.
ReplyDeleteThe husband wrestled the gun from Richard getting shot himself in the maylay. Darin jumped the husband and got shot in the tussle.
Richard shoots husband and friend
Husband shoots Richard and Darin defending himself.
So I am sorry Avalon but Darin may have been a good person in your eyes and yes he was being led by Richard but a man is responsible for his own actions. He was a Warlord for the Rebels and he did things I cannot speak of. I was there. I also know he was getting his nose dirty with many outlaw mc's. The way this ended was inevitable and he was warned so. I saw him less than a week before this went down. I am sorry for the pain this has caused his family. He had many chances to leave but was sucked in by drugs and the lifestyle. Imo the wrong man paid the ultimate price but he knew full well what may happen and chose his path.
ReplyDeleteOk I'm still confused. Which friend shot which friend. Who shot Darin ? Did Rick ? Or was it one of the 2 defending what was just done to them?
ReplyDeleteThe husband defending himself shot Darin. Sorry for your loss but you deserve the truth.
ReplyDeleteTo Arealbiker. Thank you for your honesty and telling me the truth. He betrayed me as well. He knew who I grew up around and who I have as friends. It was unacceptable ! He knew how it would play out if he chose the path he did. I tried so hard to talk sense into him but him working so far away was futile on my part. He couldn't get past the fact that I grew up in a life that he wanted so bad it cost him his life. I moved us away and tried to turn the page for us both. Mostly for him. But here I am. As one member simply put it "you're free now. Free from his chaos and mayhem" He wasn't this person when I met him. Once he went up there I had no clue what he was up to. Leading a double life. Leaving behind family and children trying to wrap our heads around all this. Thank you !!! L&R
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome.
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ReplyDeleteDari's sn was having trouble posting a comment and asked me to post this on his behalf:
ReplyDeleteso from what I understood from it all. Is that yes they went to do a home invasion. it didn't go down cuz of the kids. ok so why would the guy go with friends and confront them about it. to me they went there with deadly intent for my father. and this rick guy. so it wasn't self defense. they went to ricks place or where ever anticipating a violent attack. if the kids were involved the best thing they should have done was call the cops. yes I said it. I am not one to call them myself but you bring my kids into something that is over my head you bet yourself I am going to call the people that are needed in these kinds of situations. so there it is that is what I gathered from it all. my father darin was not shot in self defense he was trying to defend him self and a close friend from harm. regardless of peoples view of rick.
He has a good point. If they left when they saw kids and the husband confronted him after the fact with a friend then it was not self defense. It is however, a complete tragedy all the way round.
Delete1st rule of being a biker and part of the life is never call or talk to the cops. You do this and you are done. I know it's hard to understand if you are not part of it. Also when the confrontation occurred the husband and friend went unarmed. Richard had the gun.
ReplyDeleteA lot of those "rules" are complete lies. Like the no rape rule. Mom Boucher got his patch after getting out of prison for armed rape. The Hells Angels involvement with Piggy's Palace and the Pickton farm is yet another example forcing us to examine the Dianne Rock story more closely.
DeleteIt wasn't really a home invasion. Rick and Pick...the supposed victim of the home invasion was Ricks outdoor growing partner. Rick had screwed him over and because of Rick being a scumbag was trying to twist and extort more $$ from past years.
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ReplyDeleteNo one went to ricks! After the 2 goofs left the house with the kids they blocked the 1 road thats out there and waited for the husband to be driving home. Rick knows when he gets off work. The husband had recieved his wife's frantic call and picked up a friend, they were STILL unarmed and just coming to get her and get the kids out of the house. Rick (blocking the rd with his truck) pulled the husband out of his car and tried to kill him but he the husband struggled and got shot THROUGH the neck he went down bleeding and never shot anyone. (he was in no shape to wrestle OR shoot anyone, he went to intensive care)His friend wrestled a gun and shot rick and darin IN SELF DEFENSE (remember the friend got shot in the head as well but luckily was just a graze) Then after he put the husband in the car and got out of there. Rick put your dad in his truck and brought him home and let him bleed while he and his old lady tried to stage a break in to cover his ass. Neighbors say he didnt really call 911 for hrs After the truck peeled in the driveway. Sorry Darin didn't do anything in self defense. Rick was running his mouth b4 it happened and there is evidence everywhere proving my story. It was all very premeditated. Not like they were pros. I am sorry to his family but he IS the bad guy and it WILL come out in court. The reason everyone is so confused and twisted is because EVERYONE EXCEPT RICK WAS TRYING TO KEEP THEIR MOUTHS SHUT and he was getting twisted in his own lies the dirty prick. As much as cops are not well liked they are not stupid either.
ReplyDeleteArealbiker is the closest but still VERY wrong sorry.again NO ONE went to ricks he made that all up to try and save his ass, so that's the story that originally came out. The crime scene ISNT even on the rd going TOWARDS ricks house.Its obvious the husband and friend were going home for his family STILL UNARMED.The husband DIDN'T shoot anyone. Everyone knows that. He was first to get shot and it wasn't a graze, it went in through the back of the neck and out the front its a miracle hes alive.if ANYONE can fight after that I'd like to see it. They were attacked and KARMA came through. Even with Rick. Alot of people out there wish he died as he has been a plague hurting people and ripping people off for a long time. personally I'm glad he gets to suffer in jail with all those husbands and father's who All BELIEVE IN THE NO WIFE NO KIDS RULE. THAT PRICK KNEW THERE WAS GOING TO BE KIDS INSIDE THAT FUCKING HOUSE!!HE KNOWS THOSE KIDS! IT WAS NO SURPRISE AND HE DIDN'T JUST TURN AND LEAVE HE HARASSED THE WIFE FOR SEVERAL MINUTES IN FRONT OF HER CHILDREN! YELLING AND SCREAMING AT HER PUSHING HER BACK AGAINST A WALL. I WANT THAT INFO KNOWN!!!!!! My poor friend has to live with everything that's happened. Lost their home overnight, her little boy has nightmares and wakes up shaking in cold sweats, "they are going to hurt mommy!" He asks her if the bad guys" are coming again. They had to give up their pets to move, their car, and she says one of the worst parts of all of it.....people making up horrible shit. She can't even show her face out there anymore as everyone looks at her and her kids like criminals. Personally I miss her and her family, they were a wonderful part of playgroup. She brought snacks and crafts and the kids were friendly and fun. What happened was a tragedy. The wife is still confused as to why darin was involved as neither she or her husband had ever even met him.
ReplyDeleteOK so if Rick and Darin set up a roadblock for the husband after they couldn't find him at home, why were they looking for him?
DeleteTruth, you know the Darin guy's widow and SON are reading your comments; yet you keep typing! You said your friends didn't know him; yet you say he was BAD. His family is grieving and trying to understand how he got invloved in all this. Avalon had shown compassion and sympathy to your friend and her family. You just keep going w/upsetting comments. Does the church whose playgroup your kids go to know how unChristianlike you are??
ReplyDeleteI'd like to avoid a battle of the bands if at all possible. I think everyone agrees that Rick is a prick and a liar so his version of the events is indeed suspect. I said that Darin looked like a nice guy and I stand by that observation. One has to question why he would hang around such an idiot for so long. One person mentioned a double life. Perhaps. I think it revolves around the primary concern most people in BC have relating to the gang war and that is the illusion of glamorizing the gang life which television accentuates.
DeleteMy heart goes out to Darin's family and the children he left behind. That sorrow is real and appropriate. If Rick and Darin did a random home invasion with the intent to rob someone and the husband hunted them down after they left then that would not be self defense.
However, if Rick and Darin put up a roadblock and sought out the husband after they didn't find him at home, then that does indeed change everything.
This leads to the primary unanswered question as to motive. If they were looking specifically for the husband and continued to hunt him down when they couldn't find him at home, why were they looking for him?
One person said the husband ran a grow for Rick and Rick was trying to extort him. Another person said that was not true. Extort him or collect a debt? There are definitely unanswered questions. If Darin hid his involvement with this from his family, perhaps the husband did as well. Hopeful the truth will come out in court but that is doubtful.
All we know is that someone got conned into doing something and is now dead and his family is grieving that loss. We also know that the old law of an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. Finding a positive way to move forward and leave that life behind is indeed the ultimate challenge.
Thank you Dennis. We are truly, deeply wounded by all this. Again my heart goes out to all the victims. This was so so wrong. Just know many many people are suffering over this. I will no longer post on here. I'm going to take the time to Grive not only the death but the entire mess of a nightmare. L&R
ReplyDeleteGood luck. I wish you uwell. Peace.
DeleteAny updates on charges? Typical bullshit media for a week then nothing? Did the goof get charged or what??
ReplyDeleteGood question. I haven't heard anything more in the news about the case but the court online database states Richard Williams was in court 11-Apr-2016 to set a date for trial and on April 25th he is scheduled for Judicial Interim Release.
DeleteIs there any follow up or is this just a gossip column?
ReplyDeleteI'm just curious if there's any updates to this story? I haven't been able to find anything. I'm darins daughter. I found out about this month's after he died. The worst news someone could get on their birthday. My dad use to make fun of those guys that wore samcro. He definitely didn't wear that shirt because he loved it.. I'm glad thats what people are talking about on here. No heart. He was who he was and he had his own demands. Just like everyone else. He also had a family that loved him and more heart than anyone I know. I never got to comment on this and thought now is the time. I hope Rick gets what he deserves. No one deserved to die.
ReplyDeleteRichards trial starts at the end of November and goes to Christmas. He's got 5 charges including attempted murder. He will pay for this bs as he should for the rest of his life.
ReplyDeleteIm not one to be so hateful but he should've been the one In that hospital and in his death bed. He's done nothing but rip families apart.
DeleteDid anyone hear outcome of court hearing?
ReplyDeleteThe CSO database states that on December 14 2016 the matter was Ordered to Stand Trial. It doesn't say when the trial dates will be.
DeleteHas anyone heard about that greasy piece of shit? Has the trial started?
ReplyDeleteIs he still in jail?
The "sheep" feel a lot safer now that the goof is no longer darkening doorsteps with his presence on meadow creek road.
ReplyDeleteHe only got 4 years in jail. You can google the article. It was pointed on Sept 17. He got away with most of what he’s done.
DeleteWilliams only got 4 years. The article is online under the heading “Wild West” shootout. No one in the end was charged with the death.
ReplyDeleteHe's a pathetic old wannabe, he put his wife with cancer through it all. He will most likely lose his house he scammed off his old pot growing partner that was shot in the head in the grocery store parking lot. He's watched to much S.O.A, he'll come out of jail broke, old and uglier then when he went in!
ReplyDeleteHaving spent time with him in Ford mountain correctional center. He is doing really well. He is thriving and genuinely improving his life. I am weak. I was the weakest and most heavily victimized person in the bc correctional system; yet he treated me well and made sure others did the same. He may have been garbage, but because of him... I made it through prison.