OK so everyone is freaking out about the fact that Robert Pickton wrote a book about how he was set up and everyone panicked and got it taken off amazon. That wasn' very bright. We know two things. We know Robert Pickton isn't innocent and we know that Robert Pickton didn't act alone. Censoring that fact yet again is not in the public interest.
In the trial, the judge gave instructions to the jury. He said the jury could convicted Robert Pickton of murder even if he wasn't the only suspect. Not only that, the judge said they could convict "Willie" even if he wasn't the main suspect, just an active participant. I.E. disposed of the bodies other people murdered. When the Hells Angels were mentioned in the Mission Woman's inquiry Wally Oppal shut it down and turned it into a Panel discussion where he could more easily censor evidence. Like how Willie was picking up prostitutes to go to a "Biker" party on his farm.
Wally Oppal also denied evidence claiming that a well known Hells Angels hang out called the Surrey House of Horrors had a bus that went to the Pickton Farm for parties with free drugs. All that evidence was censored by Wally Oppal.
The fake inquiry was suposed to hear evidence that off duty police officers attended parties at Piggy's Palace. Wally Opal prevented that evidence from being submitted. He should be in jail for the obstruction of justice. He claimed that the purpose of the fake inquiry was not to discuss the possibility of other suspects. Given the instructions of the judge to the jury which Robert Pickton's conviction was based on demands other suspects be examined. The fact that Dianne Rock was gang raped on the farm means we are morally bound to investigate other suspects.
HGH is a popular steroid used at the gym and in the UFC. When it first came out it was made from human cadavers. Another new book about the Pickton farm is called Jesus of Vancouver: The Left Coast Memoirs by Michael Goodliffe. It’s not a religious book. It talks about the young boys involved in the Vancouver sex trade. It also talks about a steroid called Human Growth Hormone, or, HGH. Prior to its production by recombinant DNA technology, it was extracted from the pituitary glands of cadavers (dead human bodies). Goodliffe claims he was told at the time Pickton sold body parts to make the steroid.
Was Robert Pickton capable of extracting the pituitary glands of cadavers? Yes he was. Was he capable of making HGH? No he wasn't. Once again that implicates other suspects as well.
Robert's brother Dave knew where the bodies were buried. There is no way he could have known that without being an accessory. We can thank CSIS for giving Dave Pickton immunity despite the fact that he was also charged with sexual assault on the same farm and convicted of a previous sexual assault. Dave Pickton's association with Jim Brown still needs to be addressed.
Of course the other definitive boo on the Pickton case is On the Farm by Stevie Cameron.The book was revised after the publication ban was lifted and contains references to evidence submitted in the trial. That's where I heard about Diane Rock's friend Janice Edwards testimony. I actually obtained a transcript of her testimony and posted it online.
The book On the Farm is very clear about the Hells Angels prolific involvement with Piggy's Palace and the Pickton farm. Page 137 of the book On the Farm states: "But the truth is that almost all the people in the community knew the Palace as a wild party place with drugs and prostitutes. And everyone knew that the bikers who attended usually finished the parties at their own place across from the Pickton farm, a clubhouse that had become infamous as a booze can serving alcohol and drugs to members and friends. By the end of 1996 the neighbourhood became known in criminal circles as a biker area, one controlled by the Hells Angels."
"Off duty police officers attended the parties and so did city officials." (p 136) "He was worried they were going to get busted at the Palace... But the place was full of cops too, lots of them, all in plainclothes." (p 138) Dave Picktonm as we all know, was a Hells Angels associate.
Pickton isn't the sharpest tool in the shed and the "construction" worker who "typed" it doesn't appear to be one either. It does make one wonder how the idea really came about and who really took care of all the details to get it published. It take a bit of work and know how to self publish a book in Colorado when you live in B.C.
ReplyDeleteThe news hasn't mentioned the ex convict who was to have received the monies from the sale of the book, so no comment can be made about his state of mind. However, given 2 out of the 3, I would not be surprised if someone else was involved in this. That it has more to do with pressuring some one or several some ones about the actual case.
If Pickton were to write a "tell all book" or allude to that, there might be a whole lot of nervous people in this province and that maybe the intent of the book.
It might be Picton's attempt to suggest he wasn't the only one involved, as the Judge alluded to, with his charge to the jury.
The Oppal inquiry wasn't an inquiry. It was a show case to appease people. People wanted an inquiry but the government set it up to fail and had one of their "faithful" in charge. The families weren't happy and they were placed in a terrible position. The communities where it happened weren't given an opportunity to participate and there was little to nothing involving the lack of police action when the women started disappear. By the time Ms. DeVries had disappeared, many of us, who had nothing to do with the life style or the DTES had already concluded there was a serial killer at work. Why the police couldn't figure that out was always beyond me, except they didn't want to know.
When you look back on it, the only reason they had a case, was a rookie took some action by asking............Now why couldn't an experienced cop have done the same thing.
I wouldn't pay a nickel to purchase the book, but it might be very interesting if some one interviewed Pickton to find out why he "wrote" the book, if he did.
If Pickton wrote a tell all tale he'd be dead. I don't see that happening.
DeletePerhaps, but he may also not have thought previously about being in jail for this long and what it would be like. he may have decided dead might be better than in jail for the rest of his life or that he ought not to be the only one in jail. it is not as if he belonged to any group which had extreme loyalty to the group as a principle.
ReplyDeleteat least 49 women were murdered. he was only tried for 6. Now it is expensive for a trial of that magnitude, but my preference would have been to spend the money. each of these women and their families are owed that. We might also have come across more information so that others might have enjoyed their day as a defendant and society could have dealt with them also.
The Pickton case once again clearly demonstrates how little value is placed on the lives of women, especially women not of the top 5%.
I'd buy a copy of that book.....just so I could cut it up, scan every page, and post it for free on the net as a downloadable .pdf file....so no one else would ever have to pay to read it to find out what Wally Opal wanted to hide...
ReplyDeleteI think that's the logical conclusion. If people are concerned about him making money off of the murders then he should post the book online for free. That would get his story out.
DeleteI always believed Willie couldn't have done this alone and I wondered what happened to all the stories about Piggy's Palace and those who frequented it. Police, Hell's Angels and even politicians Funny how all the real story material disappeared and all we ended up with was Willie. How convenient.
ReplyDeleteIndeed. He was mentally diminished. He was not the mastermind that eluded police.
DeleteYes the water crimes blog has been fighting the good fight for many years.
ReplyDeletethe people that help willie was the crowns witness in the trail pat casanova and diana i knew them both as well a willie the had protection from being prosecuted if the they testified willie may of deposed of some bodies sure i could believe that but it was his and they other sick perversions that led to the majority of the murders what i would like to know is why not a single other person was charged with anything realted to this
ReplyDeleteAny links on how to purchase book I've contacted Michael Childres who published it and no reasponse, I am very curious as to who else was involved clearly pat and David were in my opion.
ReplyDeleteAs far as I know it was pulled quickly after being released and has not gone back on for resale. Unless someone who already bought a copy posted it, I have no idea how to get one. You can try and contact the editor but it sounds like he has washed his hands of it. No doubt *someone* threatened him as well.