Thursday, April 23, 2020

NS Police shot suspect dead before alerting the public

The police are taking fire from the discrepancies in their reporting of the mass shooting in Nova Scotia. There are many. I will take this into two directions. First is the obvious contradictions. One report said that Gabriel Wortman first shot his ex and her boyfriend then went on a rampage shooting various people he knew and did not know.

Another report claimed he took his girlfriend to a party then got mad at her after the party, tied her up and started to abuse her. These two different reports contradict each other which comes as no surprise because the media is accepting calls from anyone who claimed to know the suspect and will print whatever lies they tell them because they want to get the exclusive.

Since Blaze is spamming me with bullsh*t about this case first pretending to be from Nova Scotia and personally knowing the suspect, it comes as no surprise that he too is contacting the local media in Nova Scotia and telling them lies. He lies for the police in court. That is what he gets paid to do. This brings us to the murder of Brandy Sarionder on the West coast.

The Hells Angels murdered Brandy Sarionder for setting up a new strip club in competition with theirs after they kicked her out of her own club. They made it look like a suicide and had someone contact the media claiming to be her friend. The fake friend told the media Brandy was broke and depressed because she wanted to open a new strip club but was unable to do so. The media printed that even though it was a lie. Brandy did open a new club called the Granville strip that bragged about having the world's tallest stripper pole. Business was booming.

Business at the new club was so good, HA trolls were making fake reviews complaining about the long lines out front saying the strippers there were all old and weren't as good as the Orange Number 5 which was a Hells Angels dive in the DTES. This is where we do the math and connect the dots putting statements to the test of believability. The accusations about Brandy were false.

Likewise, the contradictory statements about Gabriel Wortman fail the test of believability. The police still refuse to answer whether or not he had a valid firearm licence.

The second point I'd like to make is that the police shot the suspect. Let's remember the last time the police committed an extrajudicial execution of someone they thought had shot a cop here in Surrey. Hudson Brooks was being chased by a mob who had previously killed one of his friends. He was frantically running to the community police station for help. He was screaming they're trying to kill me. A rookie cop commanded him to stop running and he keeps running past her. She pulls out her gun and accidentally shoots herself. She radios in saying she's been shot. Then later admits she shot herself. Dispatch set the wolves loose and they shot Hudson Brooks dead because they thought he had shot a cop. He hadn't. They murdered and innocent kid.

I'm not saying Gabriel Wortman was an innocent kid. I'm saying an American intelligence agency framed him and they are using compulsive liars like Donnie McWhirter to perpetuate that lie. Gabriel Wortman did not shoot 23 people. That is what I am saying.

Flip over to the Boston bombing suspects. The police shot one of the suspects dead because they were throwing pressure cooker bombs at them. Oh really. How much does a pressure cooker weight? About the same as a shot put? They couldn't have thrown them very far. It's not like a hand grenade. The police's claim did not make sense. At the Boston Bombing two Blackwater contractors were seen wearing similar backpacks. Those were the prime suspects not the two kids from the boxing gym. Graham Fuller funded the Chechen terrorists.

9/11 was a game changer. We didn't know about Operation Northwoods before 9/11. We didn't know the American Intelligence agencies were willing to kill Americans on American soil as a pretext for war. Now we know better. Now we know about Operation Gladio. We also know about Watchtower as well as Operation Fast and Furious. We can see much more clearly now.

Update: Turns out that it appears the gunman did not have a valid firearm license and did not obtain his firearms legally which shoots down Justin Trudeau's gun control agenda. I believe there was a specific reason the police did not use the provincial alert warning.

Now that Communist China is executing political prisoners for organ harvesting and have clearly taken over the UN and the World Health Organization, this is not the time to start talking about gun control. It's bad timing. Gun control appears to be the only known motive for the shooting.

Does Dr. Tam work for Canada or China?

The Canadian Press is reporting that "Derek Sloan, an MP from rural Ontario and one of four candidates in the leadership race, sent an email to supporters about chief public health officer Dr. Theresa Tam, asking 'does she work for Canada or China" in guiding this country's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.'

"His allegations are connected to Tam's work with the World Health Organization, which has come under suspicion for basing its guidance on how to respond to COVID-19 on reportedly false information from China about the emergence and spread of the novel coronavirus there. "Dr. Tam must go!" he wrote. "Canada must remain sovereign over decisions. The UN, the WHO, and Chinese Communist propaganda can never again have a say over Canada's public health!"

That is very true. It has nothing to do with racial profiling because Dr Tam is originally from Hong Kong not China and they are bitterly oppressed by the Community Party of China who are trying to extradite political prisoners from Hong Kong to mainland China so they can be executed to order for their organs like the other political prisoners in Communist China.

We're not sure who Dr Tam works for but we are sure who Post Media News works for. They run full page ads from the Communist Party of China all the time. The Canadian News industry caters to their corporate sponsors. We also know who Justin Trudeau works for. He's in bed with Communist China because he wants a seat on the UN's security council at a time we should be withdrawing from the UN because of it's defiant Communist agenda. It's not his money.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Clay Roueche's COVID-19 face masks

In response to the global pandemic, Clay Roueche's associates have posted inspirational face masks and bandannas for purchase online. The Canadian ones say Wear it Strong while the American ones say Unite the Fight. Both feature the signature 888 logo as well. I understand they are starting to make inmates wear face masks in some of the prisons now.

Update: They also have Canadian ones that say Unite the Fight as well as one with the Mexican flag along with three different camo ones as well as green leaf patterns for girls. Stand Strong.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The UN's Dark Agenda: Part One

I'm going to throw a couple of posts out there on the UN's dark agenda just because I can. I'll post part two first so you can read them in order. I'm going to start with the obvious, then dive into the less than obvious and tie them together just so we are all clear on where we stand.

We now know that the Communist Party of China has taken over the UN and drives it's dark agenda of globalism. That is now obvious. The directer of the World Health Organization got that position because he was backed by Communist China. Communist China picked him because he was a leader in a violent communist paramilitary organization in Ethiopia. That is true.

That places this whole pandemic in perspective. The Communist Party of China launched this pandemic for a specific purpose and that purpose ties in with the UN's dark agenda of globalism which is a more palatable term for Communism. The UN's vision of world peace is Communism. I do not share that vision. As I said, there are no human rights in Communism.

China's presence on the UN's human rights council is an abomination. China executes political prisoners for organ harvesting. They launched this pandemic to oppress Hong Kong.

The lie claims that we have to give up individual rights to promote collective rights. IRL once you give up individual rights, there are no collective rights. Collective rights begins with individuals.

Globalism is Communism. The complete removal of civil liberty. This is not what James Connolly believed in. James Connolly believed that true socialism can only exist within a free republic where individual rights are protected by law. Without that you are simply creating another totalitarian government.

For all practical purposes, Communism is tyranny imposed by force while socialism is tyranny imposed by deceit. However, I do believe that Che Guevara and James Connolly were sincere. They sincerely believed in the lies of socialism. Whatever you call what they believed in and what they aspired to, it wasn't Communism, it was something else.

Communism is what we saw in East Berlin where the machine guns we pointed inwards so the people couldn't escape. That is not what James Connolly and Che Guevara aspired to.

When I was involved with the Canadian Union of Postal Workers I was quite vocal against Darrell Tingley's bold endorsement of Revolutionary Communism in Cuba. I made buttons that people could print up online that said No FARCing Around. Needless to say Darrell didn't like me.

At a CUPW Area Council a National Union Rep came up to me in the hospitality suite and said, the communists of red square and eastern Europe call themselves Communists but they aren't really Communists. I was startled and said then what the hell are they because that's what Communism is. Then he says Cuba is the best model of socialism we have. No it's not I said. They have political prisoners and practice religious discrimination. The best model of socialism we have is the kibbutz movement in Israel. People are free to come and go as they please and all the profits go to raising the standard of living for everyone.

That's not what Globalism is and that's not what the UN is trying to achieve. The UN is trying to destroy civil liberty to pave the way for the Communist Party of China to hijack social justice and crush human rights around the globe. That is globalism. Civil liberty is the antidote to globalism.

Aside from mobility rights, property rights, and the right to due process, Communism seeks to remove one other fundamental right because it is essential for them to implement their hijacking the movement without opposition. Communists support gun control. If the Jews in Europe had guns, the Holocaust never would have happened. Communism supports gun control because they are mass murders. If people had guns it would be harder for them to commit mass murder.

The UN's Dark Agenda: Part Two

Communism supports gun control so it can commit mass murder and Communism uses lies and deceit to convince people to help them remove individual rights. The question is how far will they go to lie and how deeply have they infiltrated the intelligence community to help them accomplish their dark agenda? The question really is, do you really want to know?

Most people don't want the truth simply because they can't handle the truth. Isaiah saw our day when he said the people said speak not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits. Don't tell us the truth. Tell us what we want to hear. Tell us lies.

For years the CIA has been deeply involved with drug trafficking. Gary Webb was right. Iran Contra never stopped. At the time the CIA claimed the end justifies the means. They claimed they were selling drugs to raise money to fight the communists. Only that was a another lie since lying is their MO. In Iran Contra they were selling arms to both sides to make money for the same reason Stalin told Poland to launch an attack on Hitler.

Hitler invaded Poland and Stalin told the resistance within Poland to launch an attack from within and they would attack from without thereby outflanking Hitler's forces and liberating Poland. Not. The reason Stalin told the Polish resistance to attack was so that Hitler's forces could wear them down so Stalin would have no resistance once he took over. It was the ultimate deception.

Likewise, the CIA arms both sides of various conflicts so they have less resistance when they take over. McCarthy may well have been extreme but he was right about one thing. Communists have taken over the CIA. Corporate Communists. This is where the fat cats of Bilderberg hijack social justice and crush civil liberty.

9/11 was an inside job. The CIA approved the Saudi passports. That is a historical fact. Operation Northwoods was real. No conspiracy theorist made that up. That declassified document is treason on paper. Deception is their method of operation. Murder to get gain.

When we look a the UN's dark agenda of globalism, we see that the CIA is actively involved with it. That is why the media is so aggressively promoting it. The media prints whatever press release the CIA sends them. The CIA isn't fighting China, the CIA is in a bidding war with China because they want to be the ones in control after civil liberty has been destroyed.

This leads us to the recent mass murder in Nova Scotia, my mother's home. Gabriel Wortman did not kill 23 people. He did not make a fake RCMP car and steal a RCMP uniform. There was more than one shooter and Gabriel Wortman was not one of them. This mass murder was beyond CSIS. CSIS provided the explosives for Air India but this calculated conspiracy was conceived by foreign intelligence. It was too well orchestrated for CSIS.

I'm not saying these murders didn't happen. They did. I'm saying that Gabriel Wortman did not kill them. He had no motive. That is what I am saying.

What did people see? They saw someone dressed as a RCMP officer driving a RCMP police car shoot a bunch of people. That is what people saw. They claim Gabriel Wortman, a mild mannered good Samaritan denturist snapped and somehow stole a police car and uniform to go on a mass murder rampage. That does not make sense. There is no motive. Justin Trudeau's subsequent drive for more gun control is the only motive. This is part of the UN's dark agenda of globalism.

Now they claim Gabriel Wortman bought a used police car at an auction and put new police decals on it. No he did not. Where did he get the decals and the uniform from? That is ridiculous.

Did he have a firearms license? Yes or no. Answer the f*cking question.

Michael Green's official statement on Anthony Fauci

This is an official statement from Michael Green, the International Spokesman for TBM Nation:

PEOPLE WAKE THE FUCK UP........ This is the MAN advising people everyday all over the WORLD about the DANGEROUS Covid-19, and then the FUCKHEAD is wiping his nose and touching US Vice-President Pence on TV⚕️ Anthony Fauci is ONE big JOKE & FRAUD - FUCK him and his Covid-19 BULLSHIT 😈 We All Got A Life To Live - So Don't Let Them Fool YOU. Fight For Your Freedom Or YOU Will End Up Being A SLAVE In A New & Different WORLD. FUCK THE VIRUS Michael Green - TBM Nation

Monday, April 20, 2020

Adrian Dix describes protesters as marginal

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that "Susan Standfield, inspired by the Operation Gridlock movement south of the border, decided to join a small anti-COVID restrictions protest on Sunday afternoon. Standfield - who co-founded the Hope in the Shadows calendar that raises money in the Downtown Eastside - said her household income had dropped by 80 per cent since a state of emergency was declared in British Columbia last month to try and curtail the spread of COVID-19 infection. “I saw something going on in Ohio, and then D.C., with Operation Gridlock. So I thought let’s go,” said Standfield. It's OK no one pays any attention to the Vancouver Sun either.

"The following day, B.C. Minister of Health Adrian Dix described the protesters as “marginal” and asked that they be ignored." Marginal or marginalized? Adrian Dix is too left wing for me to trust let alone endorse. Here he is saying voters and protesters should be ignored. I think he just deemed himself nonessential. The mayor says the city of Vancouver is ready to go bankrupt.

The National Post is reporting that Strict COVID-19 travel restrictions could prove the tipping point for many Canadians. Indeed they are. The Canadian Charter of Rights includes mobility rights which the UN Globalists are trying to remove. I certainly don't agree with that. It's time for us to withdraw from the UN and withdraw supporting politicians who are obsessed with cramming globalism down our throat against our will.

Susan Standfield believes countries like Sweden, South Korea and Belarus have done a better job than Canada and British Columbia with managing the COVID-19 pandemic and so do I. South Korea succeeded without a lock down. Even DR Phil is showing the other side to the story.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

China arrests protest organizers in Hong Kong

The Hill is reporting that "Top US officials are condemning the arrests of more than a dozen leading organizers of the anti-governments protests that swept Hong Kong last year. Police made at least 14 arrests Saturday, including activist and ex-lawmaker Martin Lee, media owner Jimmy Lai and protest organizers Albert Ho, Lee Cheuk-yan and Au Nok-hin."

“Beijing and its representatives in Hong Kong continue to take actions inconsistent with commitments made under the Sino-British Joint Declaration that include transparency, the rule of law, and guarantees that Hong Kong will continue to ‘enjoy a high degree of autonomy,’” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a statement, referencing the 1997 agreement under which the British handed over the city to China, with the Chinese government agreeing to grant it more autonomy than mainland China."

As we previously reported, Hong Kong is defending its basic law. They are defending Hong Kong's Constitution which was created by the Sino-British Joint Declaration.

"The Sino–British Joint Declaration is an international treaty signed between the People's Republic of China and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on 19 December 1984 in Beijing. The Declaration stipulates the sovereign and administrative arrangement of then-British Hong Kong after 1 July 1997, when the lease of the New Territories was set to expire according to the Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory."

The BBC reported that "When Hong Kong was handed back to China on 1 July 1997, following more than 150 years of British control, the 'one country, two systems' principle was established as the foundation of the relationship. While Hong Kong is part of China, the policy has given the Special Administrative Region (SAR) a high degree of autonomy."

Supporting the extradition and execution of political prisoners for organ harvesting is evil.

There were no bats sold at the Huanan Seafood Market.

We knew this was coming. After China launched this pandemic thanks to Dr Fauci's grant, they arrest the organizers of the Hong Kong protests. Shame on you. Communism SUCKS!

Rural shooting in Nova Scotia: Motive Update

There was a rural shooting in Nova Scotia and there is something very shady going on about the way it is being portrayed in the mainstream media. I'll wait for more facts to come forward before I comment. The RCMP will hold a news conference at 6 p.m. AT Sunday.

Justin Trudeau is untrustworthy. I did not vote for him and I will not take advice from him in any emergency be it real or manufactured. Commodus needs to listen more and talk less. Justin Trudeau is more concerned with supporting the UN's dark agenda of globalism than he is with supporting the civil liberty his father gave us in the Charter of Rights. It's time to fire him.

The New York Times is reporting that "A police officer and a 51-year-old gunman were dead after a shooting rampage in Nova Scotia in which multiple people were killed, the authorities and a police union president said Sunday." Something very fishy is going on here.

Is the shooter dead or in custody? Which is it. The Albertan that shot that cop in Abbotford after stealing a mustang looked shady. Gabriel Wortman does not. No one knows what goes on behind closed doors but something about this just doesn't sit right.

Wortman is the owner of the Atlantic Denture Clinic at 193 Portland Street in Dartmouth, N.S. According to Nova Scotia property records, the same man who owns the Atlantic Denture Clinic owns three properties in Portapique, N.S.:

"Police first reported the incident Saturday night just after 11:30 p.m., saying they’d responded to a firearms complaint in the area of Portapique Beach Road, Bay Shore Road and Five Houses Road. Just after 8 a.m., they were advising residents to remain on lockdown and stay away from the area bordered by those three roads and the No. 2 Hwy."

"The number of injuries or deaths and the motive for shooting is still unclear."

Nova Scotia gunman shot dead after killing 17 people in 'senseless' and 'random' rampage

I find that VERY hard to believe. Every crime has a motive. Dead men tell no tales.

“It’s absolutely unbelievable this could happen in our community." Indeed it is.

Update: And now the true motive finally emerges:

Go F*ck Yourself. Justin Trudeau is an anti Christ. Take your gun control along with your UN led Communism and cram it up your a*s. You shame your father by trampling the civil liberty he gave us. Gabriel Wortman did NOT kill 23 people. That is a lie. Someone else did. God damn you all.

Where the f*ck did he get a "fake" police car from? He didn't. It wasn't fake it was real. Someone from the RCMP's terrorist creation task force drove that vehicle and shot all those people then blamed it on Gabriel Wortman and shot him dead. The UN wants gun control as well as China.

Antonio Guterres is a freak

The mainstream media isn’t just lost in space, they are actively promoting China and the UN’s dark agenda. They’re not lost. They know exactly what they are doing. They are on a mission to deceive the world and promote Globalism at all costs in support of their corporate sponsors.

Antonio Guterres is a freak. He is the Secretary General of the United Nations who is in bed with Communist China and publicly commended China's handling of the COVID-19 virus. AYFKM? They are the one that launched this on the world. Do you think India is going to get an unbiased decision from the UN on their complaint about China's legal liability in launching this chemical attack on the world's economies? Not likely.

In contrast, "Australia on Sunday added
to growing pressure on China over its handling of the novel coronavirus, questioning its transparency and demanding an international investigation into the origins of the virus and how it spread. The coronavirus is believed to have emerged in a market selling wildlife in the central Chinese city of Wuhan late last year. It has spread around the world infecting some 2.3 million people and killing nearly 160,000 of them, according to Reuters calculations." Wildlife? There were no bats sold at the Huanan Seafood Market.

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) gave $3.7 million to scientists at the Wuhan Lab to fund experiments on bats from the caves where the virus is believed to have originated. Anthony Fauci is another doctor of death that helped launch this pandemic to promote the UN's dark agenda of globalism.

Since the mainstream media is so actively promoting globalism by portraying fake news as real and real news as fake, let's take a peak at what the real Socialists have to say about COVID-19.

The Socialists oppose the privatization of health for the profitability of minority groups. I don't have a problem with that. I don't see public health care as a communist plot to take over the free world. I see public health care as a British tradition. IMO a civilized society that only builds hospitals in rich areas and turns away people who can't afford treatment isn't a civilized society.

However, everything else they say I take issue with. The Socialists who actually call themselves the Communist and Workers parties call for immediate measures to protect the health and rights of the people. Rights?! What rights?! Under Communism the people have no rights.

Under Communism do the people have the right to own and control property? Of course not. That's the first thing their totalitarian government takes away from you. Communism is not consecration. Communism is confiscation. There is no freedom in it.

In Communism do the people have the right to free speech? No they do not. Do they have the right to lawful assembly? No they do not. Do they have mobility rights or the right to a fair trial or to legal representation? No they do not. Do they have protection from unlawful arrest and the freedom from unnecessary searches and seizures in a Communist system? No they do not.

These are the rights the Communist party of China and the UN want to take away from us. They will use lies and deceit to take them away to accomplish their dark agenda where the fat cats of Bilderberg hijack the workers movement after using them to accomplish their objective.

Truth crushed to the earth will rise again because no lie can live forever. Mark my word.