Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Follow up interview with Kerri Krysko

In November I did an online interview with Kerri Krysko and said if anyone has any specific questions for Kerri to e-mail me and we'll get her to answer them in a follow up interview in the New Year. There was quite a lot of traffic and interest in the interview and I did get people e-mailing saying to wish her well but no one wrote in with any specific questions.

Kerri on the other hand has been getting swamped with fan mail making it difficult for her to respond to each one personally. To simplify things Kerri took a list of common questions from her fan mail and we turned that into the online follow up interview. Here it is. As I said in the last post, I'm working on another kind of story for the Surrey Winterfest. Cheers.

1. Are you scared of your ex coming after you or hurting you?

I am so far away from my ex that if I was to make any sort of impact on someone who has or is going through something similar then it wouldn’t help anyone if I was scared. I wrote for one reason and one reason only to help others. Now on another note I had to overcome a lot of my own self built prison walls in order to gain confidence in writing my true story. That took time, a lot and I mean a lot of self-healing. It never happened overnight, in a day or even in a year. It took years, but strength is everything, I still have self-doubt at times and that doesn’t lay with my ex , that just lays within myself and on completely unrelated matters.

It took me breaking the cycles where they started. So there is your answer: I am not and am no longer under his thumb or anyone’s for that matter.

2. Are you scared of retaliation? Or, why aren’t you scared?

It’s sort of like the same question as above, once again for another, I will answer in a way to explain where I am coming from. Those tell all books have all been written before: informants, infiltrators, reporters, cops or even members themselves have written Hells Angels books and maybe they did have to be worried. I don’t. Is mine a tell all book? Only each Individual one of us can be the judge.

Life in that fast lane or life behind the scenes, hustling, bustling, blinging and banging. Why would I need to write that, that’s WAY over written and personally not who I am. I’m leaving those books to be written by others, but I ask this,” Aren’t people who aren’t even gang members and are part of society, still doing the same? Hustling, blinging and banging”.

Remember these people were my family, my only family for a huge part of my life, I am not going to throw them under the bus and purposely try to hurt them in anyway and for what a quick buck… think about it!

Life as a wife has never been written before so yes I do have a story, and perhaps this is why my book (series) is for everyone and why I have officially landed worldwide, and also why, without me even in the media very much, it is still flying off the shelves, because it is a first time ever written book that is very raw, very real and very much part of a lot of our lives.

I am not here to judge, hurt, ridicule and bastardize another person’s way of life. I am here to give a voice to someone who needs to hear it or someone who is enthralled or even intrigued. I also have many and I mean many men interested in what I wrote because they are now dating a woman who was abused or with a bad boy or has a mother who was abused or maybe just maybe they think I am cute…lol…

Girls are intrigued by the rough and tough ~ honestly who could blame them, when they’re in turn looking for “THE ONE” to sweep them off their feet and feel safe. “Just remember ( with any powerful individual) the party only lasts so long and eventually the same way you get them, is the same way you lose them. Your choice”. Unlike others I won’t ridicule or judge you. I guess it’s a complex question and extremely hard for me to answer.

No I am not scared or worried. By the time you get to the last page of “Kerri On”, you will see why I do not worry or maybe you will just automatically think I should be, but I am not doing anything wrong , if anything I am helping others or quite simply satisfying an intrigue in them. Leave it at that. “What I need only be concerned about is making the same mistake twice or repeating a cycle that should not or will not ever be repeated”.

3. Are you single? Do you want to get married if you’re not?

That’s hard to answer, if I answer yes I am, is it then I am going to start having stalkers and if I answer No, then everyone is going to want to know who it is. That’s very personal but as I type my answers and I think of how others in the public eye would answer that, they would just be for real, honest and upfront.

Yes, I am single, completely 100% . I had to heal within before I could ever date or even think about dating another person again. I am proud to say I took that time to find me and be me.

Life has plans for everyone, I am not searching for anyone or looking , it’s about my career right now and maybe one day I will meet mister wonderful but until then I am quite happy finally being me. No I am not interested in dating another bad boy again , been there done that. Final answer to last question, whomever sent it ~ “No, I do not want to get married, I do not know you!” lmao.

4. Are you a stripper?

Here’s the thing, I am going to answer some of these questions and others I am going to have to laugh at and leave in suspicion. I will only answer these certain questions for Gangsters Out or GQ Magazine or another magazine that specializes in this sort of field, or is it star magazine…national enquirer ….lol! “A pole would knock me in the face before I could ever swing around it and dance”. No, never, nor would I, its just not me, sorry!

5. Did you write your book for money? Did you make money?

Oh my word…really is that seriously a question! First that’s ridiculous if that’s the best you have to ask. Rephrase that question and ask me something along the lines of, so what is it like the income from a book? There is where you might get a roundabout answer, that is private and really there are certain things that are better left in confidence are confidential.

I will say this~ “I gave a lot to write my book and it was never about money”.

6. What type of success have you had?

I have broken a few records, and it makes me quite proud. I have landed Nationally in ALL Chapters/Indigo locations across Canada as well as Nationally available and officially in libraries across Canada as well. I hear that is almost unheard of for an independent book. I also am in Barnes N Noble in the USA, at select locations. Reaching as far as UK and Australia, for only a printed book in circulation and not an e-book that’s extraordinary. Yaaaaa :0

I have had people reach out to me that you would never expect bringing me to my own tears. It’s been amazing to say the least and also opened doors that would otherwise be shut. Writing is such a journey, as an author you need to be able to stand beside your book and be a brand, now that’s true success!

7. When are you releasing your e-book? Or better yet, when are you releasing your 2nd book?

Will update you within a few weeks for release date. Soon :)

8. Are you exchanging Intel with Agent K?

This is the best question!!!! Noooo, nor have I ever been asked, grilled or even squeezed for information. That’s not how I roll. I know him through a nice article he had done on my book.

Here’s a good laugh. I thought for sure if anyone could’ve knocked and degraded my book before its release, I knew it would’ve been him, or gangsters out blog. ( I swear there is a few people running this blog) I remember way back when thinking okay, prepare yourself for the one person who is brazen enough to stir up trouble.

I could not believe when my neighbour said to me one day, hey there was a nice article that was done on you recently that I read online. We chatted for a bit and I asked from who, it was at that point I heard it was this gangsters out blog. I was floored after reading what it said.

I hummed and hawed for a few days wanting to send an email and say thank-you for the nice article, but I didn’t know if that was wise. I just wanted to be me and who I am. So, after I thought about it over the week, I did leave a thank-you and I really did mean thank-you!

It feels good when you have your community support you, after stepping out and sharing such a personal life experience in every way, you need their support. I have had such wonderful support throughout all of Canada and beyond. I really mean it when I say if not for people reaching out to me, I do not know if I could’ve continued believing in myself. Everyone has given me such strength, care and love. Thank-You to everyone for that.

Since then I agreed to do a few interviews for his blog and that is the extent. Behind all that rough talk there is still a human being there and for that I appreciate what he has done in promoting “a worthy cause” as he puts it.

Kerri will be on the CTV Morning Show in Saskatchewan in the next few weeks.

NDP MLAs meet to discuss crime in Surrey

Well this shatters another sterotype. NDP Leader Adrian Dix, along with Surrey MLAs Harry Bains, Sue Hammell and Bruce Ralston met in Newton today to propose strategies to address challenges facing Surrey that support progress towards a safer, healthier community.

The stereotype is that the right cares about crime and fiscal responsibility while the left doesn't. However, we are now seeing the opposite. Bruce Ralston has always shown up at meetings in Surrey where the public have gathered to express their concerns about crime in Surrey. Penny Priddy and Sue Hammel were at Dianne Watts crime prevention coalition meeting when Dianne Watts was first elected and promised us the moon.

I spoke with Penny Priddy at that previous meeting and was mentioning my past affiliations with some trade unions. She just raised her hand in the air for me to stop and said I am here today as a mother who cares about crime in her community just like any other parent. When it comes to crime, I'm more right wing then my political opponents. Even Adrian Dix was concerned about crime in his community when a mugger was targeting older Asian woman at the 29th Street Sky Train Station in his riding years ago. Harry Baines was at the recent rally in Newton.

No doubt politicians will exploit opportunities to promote themselves. Just look at the Party Quebecquois in Quebec. They supported all the striking University students when they were in the opposition, then turned around and did the exact same thing the ruling party did when they were in power. The kids were all left saying wft. Yet saying something about crime when it is a public concern is better than saying nothing or in Dianne Watts' case saying it's not my fault and not my problem. That sure isn't what she said when she ran against Doug McCallum. Quite the opposite.

This is what was said at today's Press Conference:

Today three Surrey MLA's held a press conference at the Newton Cultural Centre along with opposition leader Adrian Dix to launch their proposals to help reduce crime in Newton called the Surrey Accord. There was no mudslinging, name calling or finger pointing. They simply raised some very constructive ideas to help address the increased crime in Surrey.

Harry Baines stepped up to the plate and talked about how under Wally Oppal there was a lot of talk about establishing a Surrey Community court to help expedite the overloaded court system but nothing ever happened with it. He said he felt that was a good idea that should be followed up on.

Sue Hammel raised the very real concern about the deregulation of recovery homes. That was done ten years ago and that has created a huge problem with shady business owners running recovery homes and exploiting the patients. There was media coverage about that in the past. It is a huge problem that has progressively gotten worse. Once again, people's complaints about the problem have been falling on death ears. She was told there are at least 67 unregistered recovery homes in surrey. I think everyone would agree that helping people get off drugs is a good thing. The problem is the deregulation of these homes which has seen drugs turn up in the homes where tax payers are once again getting fleeced while patients are getting exploited.

This was a very positive, proactive proposal. Sadly, the first question from the media scrum was where is the money going to come from for all this? In fact that was the second and third question as well. In fact the third person that asked the question would not let up. The question got answered and they kept asking it again. It was pathetic to see journalists feeding stereotypes.

Finally I asked Sue Hammel, as a former city councilor how she felt about the new $59 million City Hall being built after 19 million was just spent on upgrading the old city hall. I find out now that it's much more than $59 million. Everyone claims the NDP like to tax and spend but you mentioned priorities, isn't that an example of missmanaged priorities in government spending?

Brunce Ralstron answered the question claiming he was the one that used to be on city council. Actually I has Sue Hammel mixed up with Penny Priddy who used to be on Surrey City council then became an MLA. Bruce was very positive and said he supporting business development in the City Centre and talked about SFU and other projects which I also support. He said as for the city spending that's best brought up with the City itself. No doubt but it is a huge concern with voters in Surrey. Especially when the price tag for the new city hall that we dont need is much more than $59 million. Everyone claims the NDP will tax and spend but Dianne Watts is doing a great job of that herself only she's not spending it on police. Global, The Globe and Mail as well as the Vancouver Province are also reporting on the press conference.

Deregulation of recovery homes has been a disaster and is a huge concern. It's like deregulating the banks which opened the door for banking fraud that caused the S&L crisis in the States. Or how deregulating Wall Street opened the floodgates wide open for investment fraud which taxpayers had to bail out. Fraud caused the Greek financial crisis. Deregulation results in increased crime and increased costs to tax payers. Sue Hammel made a good point. I don't care what party she is from. We need to set the left and right stereotypes aside. We all care about crime and fiscal responsibility. It's time we did something about it.

Save the trees

Evidenty they are eagerly butchering the trees in Newton today. I know some people made a call for them to cut down the trees in Newton after the brutal murder of a hockey mom there but we really need to rethink that one. Whenever there is a high crime area cutting back underbrush and adding extra lighting is always a good proactive form of crime prevention. However, these are a tiny pocket of old cedar trees. I really don't think we want to remove them.. They add a sense of serenity to the area.

Grand Central Park in New York City was at one time famous for crime and muggings. The New York Model didn't involve clear cutting the park. It involved arresting the drug dealers that was causing all the associated violence. If we cut down every tree in Surrey, that will not stop any crime there as long as we let drug dealers sell drugs in public. We need to cut out the crack dealers not cut down the trees.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Charges laid in 2012 Kamloops murder

The Vancouver Province is reporting that charges have been laid in the 2012 Kamloops murder of 16 year old C.J. Fowler. "Damien Lawrence Taylor, 22, has been charged with murder. Taylor had been dating Fowler at the time of her death. The two were both from the Terrace area, and had traveled to Kamloops to meet friends. Summer Star Elizabeth Krista-Lee Fowler, a member of the Gitanmaax First Nation, was last seen leaving a Kamloops hospital in the early morning of Dec. 5, 2012, and walking down a street to catch a bus back to Terrace."

Kamloops this week posted a picture of the girl and the accused. Last seen walking home from the hospital? Another tragic case of domestic violence. I'm concerned that the first homicide of the year in Surrey will slip through the cracks like the Jammie Keyhoe murder and the Kyle Yellowbird murder. That would be the third obscene travesty of justice in Surrey.

The name of the 19 year old woman that fell from the Tower in Surrey 1:00 AM New Years Day was Maurine Arogie. There have been several reports that the police were responding to a 911 domestic assault call when she fell to her death. There have been reports that the police had visited the apartment before for domestic violence calls. The Surrey Leader reported that Maurine had called her father earlier saying she was being beaten. A family member then called the Surrey RCMP.

On the initial post one blog reader was quite rude and was sluffing the case off as a suicide. I deleted the comment because I don't want to entertain that kind of offensive disrespect. I saw the sorrow in her fathers eyes the next morning when he came to see the spot where his daughter died. He was a good man who genuinely cared about his daughter. The sorrow in his eyes haunts me like the expression on Britney Irving's face when she was found dead from being shot in the back by someone she cared about and trusted. It takes me time to process those kind of images.

I'm going to post the follow up interview with Kerri Krysko and take some time off. I still have to catch up on stories from Victoria and PEI but with all these murders it's easy to become desensitized to the tragic senselessness of it all. These aren't numbers these are people. Lives cut short. Families left to mourn. Something has been taken from them that can never be returned. Life does not end at death and justice will not sleep forever. Yet I want to take some time to pause and emphasize the brutality of murder and once again point to a much better place. I'm working on another story that will become the climax of the kaleidoscope for the Surrey Winterfest. Peace.

Tax payers getting scammed

Front page of today's' Vancouver Province was an interesting article that claims: "In sophisticated frauds, a number of provincial government workers have teamed up with dodgy businesses and contractors to steal from you, the taxpayer.

"The government has so heavily obscured these files, Bateman said, that it is impossible to know how much money was stolen in these cases, how many public servants are guilty, and what consequences they face. In The Province’s estimation, more than 20 public servants are implicated in these schemes, and not a single identity is revealed."

This is really serious and really important. Let us not forget that according to Al Martin investment fraud was used as a way to raise funds for Iran contra. Let us not forget that as we saw in Operation Fast and Furious, the Iran contra scams never stopped. Just look at the Wall Street bailout and the Greek financial crisis. These were the result of fraud that stole from taxpayers at an unprecedented level. Just like the Canadian bank bailout they didn't need and deny happened.

Tax dollars spent on advertizing is another huge concern. It's called propaganda.

Harper government spent $2.5M on ads for non-existent Canada Job Grant.

Richmond Homicide

The Richmond Review is confirming a scan BC report a blog reader sent in about Richmond RCMP investigating a homicide after a male was found dead in the driveway of a house at 8300 Steveston Hwy. CTV is also reporting on the incident. In addition, Vancouver Police are on scene at 429 W Pender St with 1 male stabbed in the chest and a second male shot.

Red Scorpions still in Business

The recent murder of a member of the Red Scorpions in Abbotsford has been fairly big news. However, it certainly doesn't sound like they're done regardless of their ridiculous red lobster logo and their unpopular affiliation with the Bacon brothers.

Kim Bolan reported that another member of the Red Scorpions was arrested on Vancouver Island after he left a meeting with a few Red Scorpion associates in Mission the day after the murder. In October CBC reported that 5 tied to the Red Scorpions were arrested in a Nanaimo drug bust on the Island. They were caught with crack, heroin and crystal meth.

The Nanaimo Daily news pointed out that was the second bust that year involving the Red Scorpions in Nanaimo forcing them to conclude that the Red Scorpions are still in business for the Hells Angels of course. The Red Scorpions have new aprons now instead of support shirts.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

News from Mexico

Two kinda stranger stories from Mexico. First there's the group of armed vigilantes seize a town outside Acapulco and arrest local police officers after the leader of the vigilante group was murdered and dumped in the street. It sounds like a complete mess.I can understand the local concerns. Mexico is in chaos right now with the brutal violence related to the drug cartels fighting each other. The same cartels that the US government supplied in Operation Fast and Furious and the HSBC were laundering drug money for.

Equally absurd is the fact that heavily armed marines and government tax agents stormed eight marinas on Mexico's Pacific and Caribbean coasts and initiated seizure orders against 338 boats it accused of lacking a $70 permit. The office says it has four months to decide whether to release the boards or sell them at auction. These weren't boats that had drugs on them, they were tourists who didn't have some crazy permit. You can't get any more corrupt then that. I guess when you look at the rest of the world things here don't seem so bad after all.

Being Uncle Charlie: A Life Undercover with Killers, Kingpins, Bikers and Druglords

Former OPP undercover police officer Bob Deasey has put out a new book called Being Uncle Charlie: A Life Undercover with Killers, Kingpins, Bikers and Druglords available on Amazon. I understand he will be in Vancouver on January 20th and 21st to promote his book.

I understand the book is mostly set in Ontario which would give a good background into the Hells Angels / Outlaws struggle for the drug trade there and the respective alliances with various other mafia groups which as we see are also tied to the Montreal violence.

In Chapter 11 Outlaw Bikers, he states "For people who don’t live in Canada, it’s hard to convey the significance of outlaw biker gangs and the criminal influence they exert here. A biker gang like the Hells Angels is quite possibly the most efficient criminal organization in the history of the world. Their presence in Canada is ubiquitous, which means that they show up in almost every project I’ve ever been a part of."

One old timer who opposed the Para-Dice Riders patch over who had been a biker his whole life, tried to tell the younger guys they had no idea what they were in for; once the HA rolls in. He said it’s all about them and not about you. Very true as we see the slash and burn trail of people they have used and tossed aside like an old shoe.

For me, the most important thing about this book is how it explains the inner working of the Ontario Biker Enforcement Unit which has been very active and successful in dealing with the drug trade associated with the Hells Angels in Ontario. One of the things he says is that a constable walking a beat will get to know his constituency. I cannot emphasize how true and how important that statement really is.

That is one practice the RCMP have generally abandoned. Back in England Bobbies walk the beat. That historical tradition is longstanding. It is the most proactive form of crime prevention known to man. If a drug dealer is selling drugs outside a business and refuses to leave, watch what happens when a cop stands on the corner beside him making a note of every car that drives up and person that talks to him. It makes a huge difference.

I remember one law enforcement officer explaining that the RCMP changed that tradition and adapted a new reactive policy. They distanced themselves from the public and became reactionary. They storm in after the fact to deal with the emergency and then remove themselves from the scene. It's kind of the robocop mentality. Personally I think it's a tragic policy change that weakens public trust as well as police effectiveness. Walking the beat is a good thing. I have seen it work.

You get to know the public and they begin to trust you. If you're not an arrogant prick that is and you do in fact build a relationship of trust with the people you serve. Once that trust is established and maintained, crime is dealt with much more effectively. An increased police presence in Newton and outside the Front Room would do wonders at curbing the drug trade there and the subsequent trickle down violence it creates all over the city.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Alex Tsakumis called Barinder Rasode a whore

On a matter of personal privileged, I will clarify that Alex Tsakumis did indeed call Barinder Rasode a whore. That is a true statement. He defamed her. In my opinion he is a bully because not only did he refuse to apologize for making the statement, he boldy wrote into the paper saying he stands by what he said. I guess since his facebook contains adult content he's going to need to put a Warning attack poodle sign on it. Say Hi to Cameron Ward for me. He did a great job with the Pickton file. He and Grant are getting erroneously sued for defamation by yet another bully.

Step Back Baby G - Let's give it up for New York.

Newton Rally

There was a noon rally at the Newton Exchange today in Surrey in response to the increased crime and the murder of a hockey mom in the area. This one was planned by a regular citizen who said it was the first time she ever planned a rally. Several local residents are concerned about the increased crime in their neighbourhood.

Many local residents expressed their concerns about the cost of the new extravagant city hall and think it's a waste of tax dollars compared to proper policing.

I spoke with Harry Baines and I think I saw Barinder Rasode trying to be inconspicuous.

This stalwart longtime resident of Newton sporting the latest Surrey Shirts design had a lot of concerns about political corruption and was very informed. Surrey Strong is a positive message from people who care about their community.

Steven King in court on crack charges

The Pentiction Western News is reporting that Steven King was in court for possession of crack back in 2010 when he was a member of the Game Tight Soldiers striking for the Renegades.

This is another example of a flaming idiot. Take a look at his new facial tattoos. They're all over the map and look stupid. He claims he's innocent and that he has left his old life behind. Oh really? Like when? In 2012 he was with the Rock Machine kissing Outlaws ass. So just when did he leave his old life? When they kicked him out of the GTS and shot at his fat ass? Or when the Rock Machine and the Outlaws tossed him to the curb?

If he has left his old life behind then he was dealing drugs in 2010 when he was charged. Some girl is trying to take the fall for the loser. In court he claimed he wasn't the leader of the GTS but that's not what he told Kim Bolan and the police when he was striking with the Renegades. This guy definitely gets loser of the week. He's the Sofa King alright. He's sofaking stupid it's hilarious.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Newton Crime: Are Judges the Problem?

It was nice to see Verne Penner front and centre in the media sporting his Revolving Doors Makes Judges Accomplices T-shirt at the Newton rally. I’ve seen him a couple times at local rallies. I agree judges are part of the problem in Newton but I wouldn’t say they are THE problem like they are in Aldergrove where Verne is from.

Verne started his campaign when he and his neighbors were plagued by a prolific offender name Jamie Pool. He was stealing from them to support his drug habit. Every time the police would arrest him, the judges would let him out right away and he would go right back to stealing from them again.

The VPD launched a campaign expressing their frustration with prolific offenders. The more property crime they committed, the less time in jail they served. It was completely backwards. No doubt that is part of the problem in Newton. Prolific offenders just going through a revolving door judicial system. The half way houses in Newton for criminals as they get out of jail are another part of the problem. We need to make those half way houses drug free. Helping addicts sell drugs and steal to support their habit isn’t doing anyone any favors.

The problem is the police allowing the drug dealers to sell crack there. Pot isn’t the problem. Crack and crystal meth are the problem. We need to get our priorities straight. Dianne Watts claims the city needs more police and she would hire them today but there just isn’t enough money.

This is one of those times where she should just say nothing. Like the old adage declares, it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

One Newton resident responded in a letter to the Vancouver Province: “A few years back, Surrey spent $19 million upgrading city hall, which has been at the same location since anyone can remember. It has served us well and should remain where it is. But Watts just flushed $95 million on a new city hall that was not needed and is a waste of our taxes. That money could have gone a long way toward extra policing and cleanup of Newton. It might have even saved the life of Julie Paskall.” Indeed.

Dianne Watts’ life of the rich and famous has been anything but fiscally responsible. She is the last person to say there’s no money left for police. Alex Tsakumis, the latest raging lunatic to join the Surrey Monster Mash, boldly declared that city hall can do nothing about crime in Newton that’s the police only and called Barinder Rasode a whore for claiming the city should look at new ideas to solve the problem.

Strange, since he’s one of Dianne Watts registered attack poodles. That’s not what Dianne Watts said when she ran against Doug McCallum for mayor. When she ran against McCallum she rode into town on a red carpet with a full fanfare talking about a crime prevention coalition. At the time it sounded magnificent. Unfortunately she promised us the world and delivered nothing.

Now all she says is it’s not my fault, it’s not my problem. While Barinder is saying we admit something isn’t working. Let’s look at some possible solutions to solve the problem. Can you see the difference?

The problem is policy. The Vancouver Province wrote about one business owners struggle with as drug dealer selling crack outside their business and refused to leave. If a business owner calls the police and reports a drug dealer selling crack outside their business and the police do nothing about it, it doesn’t matter how many more police you hire. You need a change in the policy.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Surrey Rape

On Sunday, January 5th a 25-year-old Surrey woman was physically and sexually assaulted in the Fleetwood Park area in the 15700-block of 80 Avenue while walking home from a local restaurant between 5 and 6 p.m. The sketch of the suspect looks a lot like a high risk sexual offender recently released in Surrey last June.

Update: Two sexual assaults on High School students in Delta 8:00 AM Friday morning on their way to school. The suspect is described by police as a white man in his 40s, with long blond hair and a scruffy blond beard. At the time of the incidents, he was wearing a black leather jacket, jeans, and a black and white toque with a hint of red.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Dianne Watts vs Barinder Rasode

Well, well, well, trouble in Paradise I see. In case you missed it, the front page of the Surrey Now is about how Dianne Watts apologizes for clicking like on a facebook comment calling her fellow Counselor a coward. Only the original comment didn't say coward it said something else.

One would think that no one would care who does what on facebook. I don't. However, this is rather significant because it shows two things. It shows that there's trouble in paradise and that Team Godzilla contains a split. It also shows Dianne Watts perpetual bullying outside of her denial. Vancouver 24 hours is now reporting that Surrey’s mayor looks vulnerable. Perhaps that's why they are so nervously attacking others.

What Dianne Watts did was click like on an act of cyber bullying. Isn't that ironic? Insert I told ya so here. Not only was it attacking and bullying a fellow city counselor, but an independent blogger as well. I wish I could say this kind of conduct is shocking but it's not. When an independent blogger stands up against the main stream propaganda, they often set themselves up for bullying and character assassination. Why just ask Gary Webb.

What I'm shocked about is that the comment originally came from Alex Tsakumis. I didn't know much about his background but I've heard his name as a local blogger. That kind of cyber bullying from another blogger is shocking and disappointing. Don't get me wrong. I do think Barinder Rasode is a raging lunatic and I will explain why after we get this all out in the open first.

The attack on Laila Yuile is not only a blatant act of cyber bullying it was done under false pretense. From everything I've read, I can't see Laila supporting Rasode. Laila was against the mega casino and Rasode is for it. So the fear based bullying is unwarranted. Tsakumis' credibility has been diminished.

The Vancouver Sun is reporting on part of the facebook post Dianne Watts clicked like to. Only it's missing the coward part which didn't say coward it said whore. That's right folks. Dianne Watts clicked like on a Facebook comment calling her fellow counselor a whore. That is what it originally said. First it said whore then it was changed to read media whore. I have several blog readers that have sent me copies of the original post.

This is the original facebook post Dianne Watts clicked like to:

"So very disappointed by Surrey Councillor Barinder Rasode's histrionics, division and lack of leadership. For the latter part of this week, since the utterly tragic death of Newton hockey mom Julie Paskall, Rasode (shamefully aided and abetted by Surrey gadfly, 24hrs columnist and avowed Dianne Watts hater Laila Yuile) has been using the death of a woman whose body isn't even cold, to score points for herself. Surrey has a crime problem, today, no differently than Abbotsford did years ago and Vancouver before that. This is the drug business correcting itself. There is NOTHING anyone but the RCMP can do to help. But leave it to two shameless women (Rasode and Yuile) to use the death of a hockey mom in an attempt to advance their respective careers--and take veiled, cowardly shots at Watts and the rest of Surrey council in the press. As a former resident of Surrey and long time (current) Surrey business owner, I think both Yuile and Rasode (particularly Rasode) should be held with the utmost contempt for their disgusting conduct and outrageous statements. Making positive statements based on fact is one thing, but being a whore is quite another." by Alex Tsakumis, liked by Dianne Watts.

One of the blog readers that sent in the original quote asks: "If Dianne Watts apologizes for clicking like on a facebook posts that called Rasode a coward, does that mean she's not sorry for liking the post that called her a whore?" Please advise.

I will add that I don't even know Laila other than having noticed she supported Ross Buchanan in the last civic election and that her blog is very well written and well researched. That's why I linked to it on my blog a long time ago. Her being bullied is further evidence of what I was saying about Dianne Watts' bullies. Catherine Austin Fitts refers to them as the attack poodles.

Update: It's rather stunning to see Alex Tsakumis boldly declaring in writing he stands by his post calling Barinder Rasode a whore. This guy is a bully and a freak. Since he blindly endorses Dianne Watts that means he supports the public scam involved in Campbell Heights. That not only puts his credibility into question but his integrity as well. Welcome to the Surrey Monster Mash.

Shooting at Macs in Surrey: Updated

There was a shooting last night at Macs in Surrey on 152nd Street and 100th Avenue around midnight. Not to make light of the situation but this one is kind of funny. Two guys walk into a Macs. They start looking around then all of a sudden one of the guys gets shot in the leg. The guy's friend who shot him takes off and leaves. The police are reporting that an altercation broke out and that the victim was shot in the back. The Vancouver Province is reporting he was shot in the pevlis and groin. OK that's nasty. Maybe it was a "domestic" dispute.

I'm not disputing that version much but that's not what I heard. I spoke with someone who works there and saw the surveillance video. They said they were friends, one guy had a gun in his hoody and the other guy got shot in the leg. They seemed kind of baffled by the motive and thinks it may have been an accidental discharge. Which if true would be rather amusing. Two Surrey guys shoot themselves in the leg by accident. Not very bright.

No doubt with further investigation it will determine whether or not an argument did in fact break out and the shooting was in fact intentional. One would think that if an argument broke out, that would be seen on the surveillance video. Maybe it was just an argument about buying Coke or Pepsi? If it was an intentional shooting, why would he shoot the guy without a mask on knowing he was on surveillance video? Either way it wasn't very bright. Surrey what?!

Update: The Vancouver Province is reporting that Surrey RCMP have released the name and photo of a suspect wanted in connection with a convenience store shooting that took place earlier this week. Harpal Dhaliwal is wanted on outstanding warrants for criminal negligence causing bodily harm, carrying a concealed weapon, unauthorized possession of a firearm, careless use of a firearm and possession of a prohibited or restricted firearm with ammunition in connection with the Jan. 7 shooting.

He's described as a 30-year-old South Asian man who stands about six feet, weighs about 160 pounds and has black hair and brown eyes. He may be sporting a beard and has tattoos of a spiderweb on his right elbow and flames on his upper left arm. CTV is reporting he has now been arrested. He looks a lot scruffier and dopier in the surveillance video.

Careless use of a firearm? I don't see attempted murder in the list of charges. If he really did shoot his friend in the groin by accident he might as well keep on running. That is one complete idiot. He must be a clin klun prospect. Since he was in possession of a restricted firearm, we better check what else he was invoked with. Remember that Kelowna copy cat shooting in Surrey? The one where the guy tried to torch the car he used in the drive by but burned himself instead. That sounds like it's right up this brain surgeon's alley.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Suspicious death in Surrey

The Surrey Leader is confirming reports that a woman's body was found inside a home at the 14300-block of 115 Avenue about 9:45 p.m. last night. It was determined the death was sudden and suspicious and the coroner was called in to investigate.

Shooting inside Burnaby Catus club

The Vancouver Province is confirming reports a blog reader sent in from ScanBC that there was a shooting inside the Burnaby Cactus Club at 4600 Kingsway today at 1:50 PM. CTV is reporting that the man is expected to live. One would think that people going into clubs now get searched with a metal detector. I guess that's a cafe not a nightclub.

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Newton Community Meeting was a Farce

Tonight at 7:00 PM there was supposed to be a public forum about the Newton murder and drug related violence but Dianne Watts bullied the president of the Newton Community Association into letting Bill Fordy and Karen Reid-Sidu highjack the meeting and tell everyone what a wonderful job they're doing instead. When Bill Fordy got up to speak I had to leave the room to be sick. Transfer. That guy was not supposed to speak at that meeting. He was supposed to listen. Something that political sleazeball is incapable of doing.

There was limited seating and over 300 people were turned away. The media was not allowed in. They had to stand outside and speak with some of the people who didn't get in. This woman explained her concerns about not feeling safe in the neighborhood. Note the guy in the back sporting one of the famous "Revolving Door Makes Judges Accomplices" T-shirts.

Karen Reid-Sidu is from the Surrey Crime Prevention Society and is a personal friend of Dianne Watts. Her husband is a cop. She is paid to oversee the volunteers. There is no question that the volunteer patrols the Community members do in Newton and elsewhere in Surrey is a good thing. These volunteers show that the Community members care about their community. This was not the time and place to tell everyone what a wonderful job you're doing.

These are volunteers. Most of whom work during the day. It is a good start but they don't have the authority to arrest drug dealers. They just report crime to the police. Hell the businesses are doing that and they claim the police aren't doing anything about it. They are letting crack dealers sell crack there. That is the problem. All their Laura Balance bullsh*t won't change that simple fact. So yeah, the meeting was a compete waste of time and nothing has changed in Surrey from the 2008 Crime Prevention Meeting. Nothing has changed. They still aren't listening.

It's the same problem from June 2013 when the police and the city were letting crack dealers sell crack in a Surrey trailer park and refused to do anything about it. Let's not forget how Dianne Watts was caught lying in the Surrey Leader. When people wrote in and confronted her bold faced lie the Leader had to print a retraction. Go Godzilla.

Carjacking Rampage

Another nutbar went on a carjacking crime spree last night. CTV is reporting that the 30-year-old man was allegedly involved in three stabbings, two carjackings, a robbery and home invasion – all in one night. On the news it originally said the guy was from Surrey but the Vancouver Province is now reporting he's from Delta. A blog reader sent in a play by play as it was happening from ScanBC on twitter. Sounds like a pathetic loser on crystal meth.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Words of Wisdom from Trevor Greene

A blog reader just sent me a link to a recent article written by Trevor Greene about How the Harper Government Committed a Knowledge Massacre. I said Is that written by The Trevor Greene? The Canadian soldier that was wounded in Afghanistan and said he'd go back and do it all over again? That's impressive.

Trevor's heart warming tale is about a soldier exemplifying heart. Like Bill Turner a reservist from Edmonton who was killed in the line of duty in Afghanistan. He's be like "Hi I'm Bill. I'm here to help." This is what Canadian Peace Keeping used to be. Soldiers with heart who believed in a cause so passionately they were wiling to die for it. These weren't mercenaries for Drug lords or the big oil companies.

Trevor took off his helmet and sat down with some Afghan elders to meet with them and build a relationship of trust with the people he went to serve. He was attacked from behind and hit in the back of the head with an axe which paralyzed him and resulted in a long road to recovery. Turns out that inspiring tale was recorded in a book entitled March Forth that was release last year.

I remember reading an article quoting another soldier who had murmured about the incident claiming when he heard what happened he knew who it was. Implying he was criticizing Trevor for taking off his helmet and sitting down with the local elders. I guess that soldier didn't understand what heart means and how important developing a relationship of trust with the people you serve really is. I guess that soldier didn't take time to think that maybe while he was sitting down pouring his heart out to the local elders, another soldier should have been watching his back.

It turns out that Trevor has written a few powerful articles. Two about FIPA. What he refers to as The Trade Deal That Could Conquer Canada. Here we have a dedicated war vet talking about how a bad trade deal that has nothing to do with free trade could in fact destroy our liberty. The same liberty he risked his life to defend.

No doubt his book March Forth is well worth the read. His wife seems to be just as an amazing pershon as he is. Clearly a match made in heaven. They share a powerful blog called March forth. In one post about Eco Terrorism Trevor writes:

"I am shocked, outraged, and embarrassed by the government’s proposal to prosecute environmental protesters as terrorists. Embarrassed because I fear that our country’s stellar reputation among nations—which dates back to Vimy Ridge in 1917 and burnished by Lester B. Pearson, who won the Nobel Peace Prize 40 years later for basically inventing peacekeeping— would be irreparably damaged if the cherished democratic ideal of peaceful protest were to be criminalized."

This is not the ramblings of a leftist kook. This is the passionate warnings of a true patriot. He points out that Terrorism is defined by the International Convention for the Suppression of Financing of Terrorism as an "act intended to cause serious bodily injury to a civilian, or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities in a situation of armed conflict, when the purpose of such act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population, or to compel a government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act.”

He concludes that "CSIS and the RCMP have identified Greenpeace and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals as ‘ multi-issue extremist groups’ and a threat to Canadians, according to the Globe and Mail. Putting Greenpeace and people like David Suzuki on a par with Al-queda and the brutal thugs of the Taliban is an act I would expect from a Margaret Thatcher or George W Bush, or, for that matter, Moammar Kaddhafi." Well said.

No doubt the Harper Government will claim the soldier received brain damage from his axe attack and has lost it. Despite the fact that he is sounding very rational and making perfect sense, he is right. No doubt the Harper government will also claim that Trevor Greene is not a patriot when in reality he exemplifies patriotism.

Yes he had a heart before he went to Afghanistan. That's why he went to serve there. Before Afghanistan he wrote a book about the women murdered in the DTES called Bad Date: The Lost Girls of Vancouver's Low Track. Thank God Canada still has a few real patriots left.

The Red Scorpions: Who's left?

With the recent murder of a member of the Red Scorpions in Abbotsford, blog readers are starting to ask who's left? Most of them are either dead or in jail. One blog reader said they should be referred to ask the dead Scorpions now.

Another blog reader came up with a suggestion. They remembered when my blog first started the purpose was to post pictures of gang members to warn he public. At first we had a lot of people send pictures in. Not so much now. Most of the gang members have clued in and set their facebook profiles to private. Yet people still send in pictures because they have some of these clowns on their friend's list. Just not as often.

Since there's a bit of confusion as to who's left in the Red Scorpions they suggested I post an inquiry asking people to send me an update of who's left in the various gangs. It's certainly worth mentioning. After the Bacon Brothers took over the Red Scorpions and made that ridiculous Red lobsters logo that looked like a cheap Karate school Jason Brown was caught with Red Scorpion gear in 2009. He was a Hells Angels associate in E Pandora.

In June 2010 Castanet reported that Cole Wyatt Smith and Danielle Ehmann were caught in Kelowna with AK 47 ammunition and GHB. They also reported that Cole Wyatt Smith was an associate of the Red Scorpions in Vancouver.

In September 2010 Abbotsford Police arrested Michael O'Brien and Mohamed Amarhoun who were linked to the Red Scorpions and were suspected of supplying drugs to the street-level crews in Abbotsford. In October 2013 Nanaimo RCMP announced they had arrested five men believed to have links to the Red Scorpions for selling crack and heroin. Somehow I don't think the Red Lobsters are all gone yet.

Before the Surrey Six the Red Scorpions were selling crack for the UN. After the Surrey Six they started selling for the Hells Angels. The Bacon Brothers used to be affiliated with the UN but broke off to sell drugs "on their own." Yet they didn't have the resources the UN did go on their own. They needed a supplier.

I personally think the UN's denial that Larry Amero and the Hells Angels were ultimately behind the Surrey Six is somewhat astounding. Larry Amero didn't all of a sudden become friends with Jonathon Bacon when he was shot with him in Kelowna. That's when they thought the time was right to come out of the closet with their endorsement. We knew Larry was friends with Jonathon Bacon at the time. He was partying with them. We only had pictures of their girlfriends hanging out together. That would clearly imply Larry Amero and Jonathon Bacon had an association long before the Kelowna shooting despite the fact that Larry the lying sack of sh*t passionately denied it.

Listen to the tapes they say. I listened to the tapes of John Punko saying the UN and not welcome in BC and they will oppose anyone who does business with them. That was way back when the UN kicked their ass in Brandy's. You think the Hells Angels are just going to suck that up and forget about it? Hell no. They will shoot them in the back until it's done with like they always do.

Jamie Bacon can't go to the bathroom by himself. Where do you think a mentally diminished idiot like that gets the idea to extort Corry Lal for selling drugs in "his" turf? The mental midget was from Abbotsford not Surrey. He had to have been extorting Lal for someone further up the food chain. The Hells Angels have been supplying drugs in Surrey since the Surrey House of Horrors.

Drug related violence outside the Front Room

When I first started writing about the predatory drug dealers outside the Front Room one blog reader commented on how the "Front" Room was such a strange name for a homeless shelter. How obvious can you get? It's a front for something else just like how some businesses are fronts for laundering drug money. The Front Room is the epicenter for drug related violence in Surrey.

My problem is two fold. I have a problems with the police and the city letting crack dealers sell crack outside the Front Room. I also have a problem with the predatory violent nature of those crack dealers who bully the homeless and exploit them.

When Janice Shore was brutally beaten to death for a drug debt near the Front Room one local activist I spoke with said it couldn't have been a large debt because Janice was a user not a dealer. No doubt. Janice was used as an example just like Bob Roth was in Edmonton who was decapitated for a drug debt owed to the Whiteboy Posse who in turn sold crack for the Hells Angels. Anthony Terezakis videotaped himself laughing while he beat the life out of addicts who owned him money. He sold drugs for the Hells Angels in East Vancouver.

Likewise when Ashley Machiskinic was pushed out of a window for a drug debt in East Vancouver it couldn't have been a large debt because she was a user not a dealer. Carol Martin of the Downtown East side Women's Centre said "Women get their heads shaved for a $30 drug debt, they're killed for $50." It's no different outside the Front Room in Surrey. Only the level of violence there is even worse than the DTES.

Last thanksgiving my daughter bought an extra turkey to feed some homeless. We had everything prepared in the trunk of our car and parked it in an alley right beside Pidgeon corner and handed out a few plates to those who might have missed a turkey dinner at a food line. One guy who claimed he was recently out of jail came back for seconds. As we were dishing up his plate the Front Room in Surrey came in our conversation. He said he had just come from there. He said he found it too violent there that's why he returned to the DTES. He said there if you don't join in giving someone the boots, they'll give you the boots. I found it incredibly ironic that an ex con came back to the DTES because he thought the Front Room was too violent.

The drug dealers outside the Front Room are pretty obvious. There's nothing discreet about them. I remember driving my car by there at night with my window open and having someone sitting in the shadows scream "Crack!" He was literally screaming it to get my attention to buy some crack. That happens all the time there. It would be pretty easy for an under cover cop to buy crack there.

The cleaner young guys standing outside the Front Room selling crack aren't there because they're homeless. They should be moved on. Instead they are allowed to bully the homeless. The crack dealers across the street from the Front Room are predatory. They are in your face "Crack?! Crack?! Wanna buy some Crack?!" No thanks I reply. "Are you sure? I have some really good stuff." Really good stuff alright it's cut with Levamisole also known a superbuff and will give you flesh eating disease. Handing out free crack pipes or mouth pieces to help people get flesh eating disease is in opposition to medical treatment. People who use harm reduction to promote addiction are raging lunatics.

No doubt the police are aware of the problem and have made some arrests in the area. No doubt they are frustrated with the magnitude of the problem and no doubt they have been told to contain the problem to certain areas. Yet as long as we let those drug dealers make that kind of profit by exploiting the homeless and selling crack publicly, we are contributing to the violence that killed Janice Shore. If Janice Shore was killed for a drug debt then anyone who sells crack outside the Front Room is a suspect in her murder and should be moved on. Even the prostitutes are bullied there by aggressive pimps demanding their percentage of every trick.

I do not support the legalization of pot I support the decriminalization of pot. When we prioritize busting pot use we prevent us from being able to stop the crack dealers which is a much more serious problem. It's like the VPD issuing jay walking tickets to the homeless in East Vancouver but not arresting the predatory drug dealers selling crack there. It is disproportionate application of the law and is inhumane because of the violence it creates.

Yes we need mandatory minimum sentences. For selling crack not for the possession of pot.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

A much better place

Today I made it up snowshoeing on Seymour. It was awesome. Finally. It has been such a lousy year for snow on the coastal mountains. It reminded me of the Vancouver Olympics which was an el Nino only worse. I checked the weather and it called for sun after fresh snow Thursday night.

Not only was it a sunny day but there was an awesome inversion happening. That's when the clouds hang low so that you're above the clouds in the mountains as though you're flying above them in an airplane. I've uploaded a bunch more pictures to Flickr. This is what I mean when I say a better place. This is where I find my own peace of mind. Getting the heart pumping and the lungs working scaling the mountains and enjoying the view. It helps me put everything in perspective.

They say crack gets you high. No it doesn't. It doesn't get you this high. No drug can do that. And there's no crash afterwards. Just a mental and physical peacefulness that lingers for days. Now that's what I'm talking about. In the Surrey Winterfest I wanted to highlight the drug related violence outside the Front room in Whalley and Janice Shore's brutal murder. I also wanted to highlight a kaleidoscope of other things. Better things. Things you just can't find in a crack pipe. High above the desert plain where the street have no name.

With the return of the el nino that just means I'm going to have to go east. When we have an el nino Eastern Canada and United States gets nailed with a very cold winter. I'm going to discover some new peaks this year for the climax of the Surrey Winterfest. A little surprise for later on.

The Vancouver Sun drops the ball

I have a ton of things to catch up on but I just wanted this said. First we have an unprecedented break through when the Vancouver Province nailed the Surrey issue in their front page article on January 2nd. Then low an behold the next day the Vancouver Sun prints an absurd Laura Balance Hail Mary interference play to once again spin that truth and prevent it from being addressed.

I was rather shocked because I thought the same publisher runs both papers. It's as though he wants the Province to appeal to readers who are a little left while he wants the Sun to appeal to readers who are a little right. I doubt that is the case but that is what it appears. The point I want to make is that Dianne Watts is not right wing. She is not pro business. Being pro business means arresting the crack dealers outside the Newton businesses and the Whalley businesses whose complaints have been falling of deaf ears. That's not happening. That's the problem.

Being right wing is supposed to mean being fiscally responsible and opposing excessive consumer taxes and tolls on everything. That is the exact opposite of what Dianne Watts actually does and wants. She is not right wing so don't even pretend she is. By their definition she is a leftist tax and spend kook. That is why I keep saying we have to lose the old left and right stereotypes because they do not hold up to public scrutiny. We need to debate issues and leave the false stereotypes behind because they are being used to promote a very dishonest campaign that says one thing and does the exact opposite.

They are not cracking down on the drug houses in Surrey. McCallum did that while Dianne Watts rode his coattails. She is spending all the city's resources busting grow ops. She is doing nothing to stop crack dealers selling on the street in Whalley or Newton. She is stopping it outside her new Ivory tower but letting it continue unbridled in Whalley outside the Front Room and in Newton.

That is the truth. Spinning that truth is a lie. Just ask the businesses in Newton and Whalley as well as the residents of Newton and Whalley or the residents outside the illegal booze can there was a homicide in.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Body found in Lynn Creek

CTV is confirming a body has been found in Lynn Creek earlier this evening. An extensive search was conducted in the area recently for missing British tourist Tom Billings, but there is no indication the remains are his. OK so Lynn Creek runs under the Lynn Canyon suspension Bridge in North Vancouver.

The missing British hiker was reported to have embarked on a hike from the Lynn Headwaters trying to do Crown mountain then over to Grouse mountain. That's further up stream in Lynn Creek thus the name Lynn Headwaters. It's physically possible to hike to Grouse mountain from the Lynn Headwaters. It's long and flat except for the last part up the other side of Dam mountain which you then climb down to get to the top of Grouse. Doing Crown mountain before that is possible but it is one long ass hike. You have ot go all the way up Crown mountain, all the way down it again, then all the way up Dam mountain only to climb down it to get to the gondola on grouse. It's a summer hike not a winter hike. I've done Coliseum mountain from there and that is a all day hike.

Durring the summer lots of people drown in Lynn Creek. They go swimming and get swept under by an undertow. The only safe spot to swim is the 30 foot pool. But even there you have to be careful wading across the creek in the spring melt off. The water is higher and faster then. The 30 foot pool part is fine for diving in but the rest of the creek is a bit dodgy that time of year.

The Vancouver Province also reported that a woman's body was pulled out of the Fraser River near Knight Street Bridge Thursday morning. Police have not identified the remains or learned circumstances of death but claim there is no indication of a suspicious death at this point. How on earth can you say that when you haven't determined the cause of death? We'd be a little more confident it's not a suspicious death when they release the id of the body.

It's like all those human feet that were washing up on shore but they said they weren't suspicious. What the hell isn't suspicious about a human foot washing up on shore? They all committed suicide and wore shoes that floated. Yeah right. Suicide is not new. Feet washing up on shore is.

Abbotsford Homicide - Red Scorpion Dead

Global is reporting that a man in his thirties walked into the Abbotsford Automall with a stab wound to his neck 3:45 PM on Tuesday. The man died in the hospital from his injuries. A blog reader sent in a page load of stabbings from Scan BC we don't even hear about if there's no fatality. CTV is reporting a source claims the victim is a well known local gang member.

Global is reporting the name of the victim is Matthew Campbell. Kim Bolan is confirming the gang link and refers to him as the "leader" of the Red Scorpions. The puppet club the Bacon Brothers took over for the Hells Angels in the Surrey Six.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Vancouver Province nails it

Front page of today’s Vancouver Province was the headline “It’s Just Not Safe” and the caption “Newton residents and business owners say their Surrey neighbourhood has become plagued by drug dealers and violent criminals. Not even Laura Balance’s bullsh*t machine can spin that.

Inside the paper they expound a bit more on an interview with a local business owner in Newton that has expressed frustration with the city’s lack of response to the drug dealers killing her business. We don’t need a task force to figure out what the problem is. We know what the problem is. The problem is Dianne Watts and her Surrey First political party’s refusal to do anything about it.

In the article “It's just horrible, the things we see” Diane MacDermot, the local business owner in Newton describes the struggle she had with drug dealers outside her business. “For a couple of years, Diane MacDermott had battled a drug dealer who had set up shop outside her popular gift store, Beach Basket Giftware, across from the Newton bus exchange and Newton Wave Pool and Recreation Centre.”

She had politely asked him to leave because he was blocking the store door and scaring off customers. He didn’t like that. “He said this was his turf and his territory and he wasn’t going away.” This went on for years. The only thing that got rid of the drug dealer was the fact that he started using the product and turned into a crackhead then disappeared on his own accord.

This is not a new problem. The businesses have complaining about it for years just like the residents were complaining about the illegal booze can in Surrey that the city refused to do anything about which resulted in yet another homicide. What’s new is the fact that the media are now finally reporting it. Up until now if you had any criticism of Dianne Watts you were censored.

In contrast the Vancouver Province ran another article about how Kingsway in Burnaby had similar problems and explains how they solved the problem. One local activist said business owners and residents had to be prodded to report each and every crime they saw. The reason is two-fold. You can’t let criminals get comfortable. And it is statistics that count with authorities. There is a sad truth in the adage, ‘the squeaky wheel gets the oil.’

“It’s your backyard, so you can’t turn a blind eye,” Kumagai said. “Basically you have to take back your area, and get people out walking and going into shops. When everyone comes together, that is when you see the big impacts.” That is what I’m talking about. That is the New York model. That is what we are not doing in Surrey. Remember back in the day we used to have Block Watch and ideas like crime prevention? Those are gone because people have given up. They call the police and the police don’t do anything because city hall has given them different priorities.

If drug dealers are selling drugs outside a business and that business calls the police and the police don’t do anything, that results in criminal negligence. It is inherently hypocritical to pretend that Dianne Watts’ political party supports business when in reality that is the last thing they do. They support flipping agricultural land into industrial for dirty developers that contribute to their campaign. That’s the only business they do.

We need to arrest the crack dealers that are selling crack in public. It is that simple. Failing to do that creates a flood of drug related crime and violence which is what we are now seeing.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year Homicide in Surrey

A tragic start to the New Year. News 1130 is reporting that a woman fell to her death from a tower in Surrey and that the police are treating it as a homicide. The tower is located on 100th Avenue off Whalley Boulevard and the woman fell to her death at 1:00 AM New Years day. News 1130 is reporting that an arrest has already been made. Another homicide one hour into the New Year. Another blog reader said other cities focus on the first bay of the new year while we in surrey focus on the first homicide in the year. Very sad indeed.

I took some pictures from the scene and a man asked me what happened so I told him what I knew. Someone asked what floor she fell from and I said I didn’t know. The man said the 26th floor and I asked who said that. He replied I did. I kind of hesitated as he kept repeating I did. Then as he got into his car he broke down in tears and said it was his daughter. I was stunned and said I’m sorry for your loss.

I spoke with some reporters on scene and they confirmed it was from the 26th floor. This is absolutely tragic. Another horrible loss. Another horrible tragedy. This was a really nice man who really cared about his daughter. I am so sorry for your loss.

IHIT was on scene later on in the afternoon.

The first flowers showed up this afternoon to pay their respects.

More flowers and candles by early evening. Let's hope the city doesn't take these ones away. We need some of these at the Newton Arena site. Looks like they already have.

Update: Global is reporting that the victim was 19 years old and that police were on their way to a domestic dispute call at the apartment between the woman and a 23-year-old male when they saw her fall to her death from 26th floor. Seemingly it wasn’t the first time the police had been to the apartment.

The 23-year-old male is currently in custody but police have not laid any charges in the incident yet. Global is reporting that the police claim “We have gotten cooperation from one person who was inside,” said Dan Splinter, Surrey RCMP. “We believe there were more people inside at the time and would like to speak to them.”

New Years Day: Another Blood Red Sky

I'm not much of a New Years eve kind of guy. My father used to be an elementary school principle in North Vancouver. When I was very young, I remember my father and I stopping off at his staff Christmas or New Years party. When he saw what it was like we quickly left. My father was not a drinker. I saw an older man chasing a younger woman around the house with a shoe and they were both drunk acting like idiots. I remember being in shock. These are adults? I thought to myself. Then I thought these are teachers? God help us. Even a primary student could see that.

I'm more of a New Years day kind of guy. There's nothing like snowshoeing up a mountain with a headlamp before dawn only to catch the first sunrise of the year from the peak of a snow covered ridge. For me the new year doesn't begin at midnight new years eve. It begins at sunrise new years day. Today it's another blood red sky.

The build up to dawn was dark and dreary. Yet behind the dark clouds, the sun is still shining. A new day has dawned and a new year is before us. Last year was pretty much the same as the year before that. Even worse. Only now the data has revealed some root causes of the violence. Last year Surrey had a record number of homicides while Vancouver had the least ever. Something is wrong in Surrey and I'd be happy to tell you what it is.

Everyone knows whenever a crack house moves into town the whole neighborhood goes to pot. Well it's the same thing when you let them sell crack publicly in a particular area. The trickle down violence from that act is off the hook. One activist recently complained about Dianne Watt's trips to Israel and enforcing the law around her new city hall when they don't do the same thing in Newton. Whalley is still a problem that is not being addressed. All they care about is crime in their little bubble. It's as though they made a deal with the crack dealers telling them you can sell in Newton and at the Front Room as long as you don't sell outside the new City Hall. Surely they would never make a deal like that but when you see that happen it sure makes you wonder.

Deal or no deal, they are clearly letting them sell crack in Newton and outside the Front Room. They have prioritized their policing and clearly think that containing it to those areas is OK when it most certainly is not. I can't stress this enough. Letting them sell crack in Newton and outside the Front Room is the problem. All the talk forces and media spin doctors can not change that simple fact. Until we address that issue, we are wasting our time.

A lot of people have been complaining about Dianne Watt's genefication of the city centre. I don't have a problem with genefication. Genefication is part of the New York model but so is enforcement. Enforcement is a vital part of the New York model just like it is a vital part of the Four Pillars program. Extremists quote the Four Pillars and cry about a distorted definition of harm reduction while they completely ignore and oppose enforcement. Those lunatics are not supporting the Four Pillars program. Their twisted definition of harm reduction is in opposition to the Four Pillars program and is in opposition to public health and safety.

I oppose Dianne Watt's selective genefication and selective enforcement. In Whalley the businesses were complaining about how the crack addicts were destroying their business from theft. In Newton the businesses are complaining about how the drug dealers are destroying their business by taking their customers away. Not arresting the crack dealers in Newton and Whalley is destroying business there. That is what we see happening. The businesses need to sue Dianne Watts and Bill Fordy civilly for not enforcing the law equally. They have suffered business losses as a result and have thereby incurred legal damages.

It's not a matter of kicking the cat. Bullying the homeless is not part of the New York model. Arresting the predatory drug dealers is. I saw it. Spreading chicken manure where the homeless live is not part of the New York model. It's kicking the cat by bullying the bullied. We need to arrest the crack dealers. It really is that simple. Nothing has changed from the crime prevention meeting in Surrey years ago Mike Farnworth and Bruce Ralston hosted back in 2008.

Something needs to change because the city of Surrey and the RCMP aren't listening. It is the public that pays their wages. The public is the one that has to pay for Dianne Watts new ivory tower and all her extravagant trips everywhere promoting herself while she neglects the city that elected her. The residents of Whalley where Janice Shore was murdered refer to their neighborhood as the dead zone because police tolerate crime there. That needs to change.

E-mail Campaign:

One blog reader who expressed a mutual frustration with the political corruption surrounding this issue suggested we launch an e-mail campaign to encourage city council to address the issue. They weren't sure if I'd support an e-mail campaign given the fact that I have obviously given up on Diane Watts after she bullied me at the mega casino meeting.

I think an e-mail campaign is a good start. She flipped when she saw the public outrage about the mega casino in a residential area she gave to her dirty developers. Maybe she'll cave in on crime and get Bill Fordy to start enforcing the law equally in Newton and outside the Front Room. Sadly she just turned around and approved the casino locals opposed for Newton instead of Semiahmoo to oppress the seniors there.

Personally I think we need to elect a new city council who aren't clone drones of the mayor's financial self indulgence and we need to trade Bill Fordy and Don Ray for someone else. Anyone else. Trained monkeys perhaps who don't steam roll over the democratic will of the people and the local businesses. As the blog reader pointed out, "Don't tell your dog to shit in your neighbors backyard so you won't have to pick it up. That is not proper nor political etiquette. Even In Surrey!"

Update: Another homicide in Surrey as we speak.