Update: Hells Angel cocaine dealer's ex wife's house burns down
The Leader Post is reporting that "a massive bust targeting allegedly upper-level drug dealers in two organized crime groups in Regina has led to 12 arrests, 61 charges." 43.8 kilograms of marijuana and 1.7 kilos of cocaine were seized. "The investigation was aimed at two groups suspected of working several rungs above the street-level drug dealers and involved in moving drugs into the city." The police said the organized crime allegations don’t relate to an “identifiable group,” such as a street gang or outlaw motorcycle gang. Oh really?
One source claims Jonathan Joseph Yurkoski, the leader of this drug ring, is high up in the Heretics which is a Hells Angels puppet club in Saskatchewan. In the top picture you see him in his vest. On his right chest are two small patches that say HFFV (Heretics Forever Forever Heretics) and below it Regina. On his right sleeve it says Support Red and White which means the Hells Angels. You'll notice the subliminal advertizing around his neck. He's wearing a gaudy gold chain with a gun in the shape of an L. At least he's wearing it around his neck instead of the finger and thumb on the forehead but it pretty much means the same thing.

In this next picture of Yurkoski which was posted on his public facebook profile he is wearing a Hells Angels support shirt while holding a club in his hand that says Heretics MC. So why are the police so afraid to name the two criminal organizations in this case?
I guess they're trying the same thing they did in Kelowna when they successfully enforced criminal organization convictions for the first time in BC. The Hells Angels connection was difficult to prove but the fact that the drug ring was organized was obvious. In that case they were successful in attaining a criminal organization conviction for the first time without actually naming the organization. However, this case supports my premise that the Hells Angels are a criminal organization and their primary business in Canada is drug trafficking. It should also go towards helping the Saskatchewan case for defining the Hells Angels as a criminal organization there.
In 2010 Trevor Dietz and Chris Stettner were convicted in a BC Saskatchewan drug ring. Truong Nhat LE, who was charged with Yurkoski in this recent bust was charged back in 2005 for the same thing and plead guilty in 2007.
The Edmonton Journal reported that police arrested two men they say are members of an organized crime gang that are prominently involved in Edmonton’s cocaine trade. 1 kilo of cocaine and 8 kilograms of a cutting agent were seized. If the cutting agent was Levamisole, that stuff gives you flesh eating disease. Corey Huff, 26, and Jordan Murray, 24, face eight drug-related charges. Global is reporting that they have been connected to gang-related violence in the past and that the crime group also has ties to British Columbia. Go figure.
BC Local News is reporting that a police search of a Nanaimo home connected to an alleged attempted abduction turned up a large quantity of heroin, crystal methamphetamine, crack cocaine and powdered cocaine. Castanet is reporting that a 25-year-old woman and a 31-year-old man arrested in connection with the attempted abduction also face charges of possession for the purpose of trafficking. Previous drug busts in Nanaimo were tied to the Independent Soldiers who work for the Hells Angels.
Um is it just me or does anyone else see a problem with this story?
ReplyDeleteSince when is 43.8 kg of pot and 1.7 kg of coke a "massive bust"?
Love your stuff K, this is over sensationalizing at its best.
Mainstream media is why I come here for the news, please don't start relying on them for info, they are full of shit and owned by the biggest gang in Canada, our government.
Yes I would hardly call 1.7 kilos massive nowadays. That's why I post amount seized not street value. I think they mean this drug ring went on over a period of time making it a significant bust even though the amount of cocaine seized wasn't.
DeleteIt's big for Saskatchewan. Consider the population numbers of Regina and Saskatoon. Not as many crack heads, I'm thinking many of those who develop the enthusiasm head out to BC. Warmer climes, better supply. Kind of hard to last long sleeping on the street at -20deg.
DeleteAlmost 100 lbs of weed. Not exactly small time out there. Someone's gonna pay for losing that....street value at real wholesale (not inflated LE reported) prices has to be in the neighborhood of $250K? People disappear for a lot less in a Red & White world.....
I think the point is that since Truong Nhat Le was dealing cocaine by the ounce, 1.7 kilos is a fair bit considering the number of transactions that would reflect. He wasn't very high up on the cocaine food chain. The Vietnamese guy ran some grows. The HAs got the pot from him but he got the cocaine from the HAs.
DeleteGo have a good laugh and check out Yurkoski facebook. He is now having a fundraiser steak night and silent auction to help pay for his legal troubles. Standout people who "liked" this idea are Richard bandett prez of the hells angels in regina.
DeleteImpressive tale "Poppa T". Bourassa got what was coming to him and yurkoski hasn't even spoken to Trevor in YEARS. Jon made his own way in the club and it's cute that you've chosen to hide behind a fake name. My name is Tony Gole and I know all of these guys. Jon will not be convicted of this and I will be at any fundraiser that he needs me at.
ReplyDeleteCome on now Anthony you know very well who this is. Won't be convicted? Who gives a fuck, his conditions for bail he might as well be locked up any way. They will do the same they did to my boys, case seems weak? Let's breach his ass and revoke release. Sit in remand and rot for a couple years. You know I never had beef with Jon until he started flapping his lips acting like he made me, when we all know that never was the case. He was a low level weed pushing wanna be until he met me. He didn't say shit till I was locked up, then when I am down, he pulls a bitch move. Yeah I don't have fuck all to brag about, not like I got away with anything, but to pretend like he wrote his own ticket, that's just complete fabrication and you know it.
ReplyDeleteSeems to me that you're pretending to be someone that you're definitely not. You should be careful pretending to be other people. Jons a good guy and we all know exactly who you are and who's name you're pretending to be. Go raise your new baby and grow up. Him getting arrested won't stop the lawsuit he's got against you for all the work he put into your house and for all the years you lived off him.
DeleteSounds like Poppa T does know what's going on and you are trying to silence him.
DeleteHoly!!! Shit got real!!!! Let me grab my popcorn...
ReplyDeletePoppa T? Isn't that Tevor Dietz's name on facebook?
ReplyDeleteYes sir. That's the person that individual was pretending to be because they were too big of a coward to put their own name. Easy enough to weed out though. I encourage the individual that's claiming to be poppa t (we already know who the real author is) to simply write where the last time T saw Jon was and what they did together. If that person is who they're claiming to be then it should be simple. However we ALL know exactly who it really is that's writing behind that name so we're gonna be waiting a very long time for that response lmao.
DeleteToo big of a coward to put their own name? That's somewhat ironic coming from someone who supports bullies who deal drugs and murder women and children. There's nothing more cowardly than that. This drug bust was once again tied to the Hells Angels. Trevor Dietz is a person of interest who was previously convicted and has some interesting associations of his own that are worth looking into.
DeleteThere's no possible chance that that person is in fact Dietz. It's an individual pretending to be him in an attempt at trying to stir up drama and express opinions of their own without having to take ownership of it. This fraudulent person has a history of doing this because they've got no life of their own and no backbone to talk trash from their own name. They just haven't understood yet that no one believes the things they post under T's name and that everyone does know who's really behind the posts.
DeleteI never implied that the person who posted under the name Poppa T was in fact Trevor Dietz. I said that Trevor Dietz was arrested in a previous drug bust and that his associations are worth looking into. I think someone who knows a fair bit of what's going on locally posted under that name and you called him a coward for posting anonymously which is somewhat ironic when you look and the long list of murders the Hells Angels have committed including women and children. The whole idea behind the Hells Angels is fight me fight my gang. People who support crack dealers are the real rats not the ones that report them to the police.
DeleteThese so called 1%ers walk around in packs bullying people, selling drugs and committing crimes. They say their are "tough guys"... I wanna see these "tough guys" waking up everyday at 5:00am to go to work 6 days a week to put food on their table and take care of their wives and kids. Try doing that tough guys!
ReplyDeleteRegina is a bunch of bullies and liars. Regina is a joke. 60 pot plants the crown will say 'Huge bust 4 hundred thousand dollars worth." Bullshit I say.