Friday, December 2, 2022

Klaus Schwab has a Knighthood

In 2006 Klaus Schwab was knighted by H.M. Queen Elizabeth II. In the picture we see Kalus Schwab with Jack Straw who was the British foreign secretary under globalist Tony Blair founder of the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. MI6 lied about Iraq's WMD. WEF: George Bush.
George Bush was the one that coined the phrase New World Order as did his father before him.
Barack Obama eagerly embraced this safe and secure New World Order as well.


  1. Unbelieveable. Blair is globalist scum as well, so "rats of a feather" as it were.

  2. Klaus kristia soros. Nazis. Unbelievable!

  3. Google indicates that Klaus Schwab was born in Nazi Germany in 1938, where his Swiss father ran a factory for the Nazi's.

  4. Don't blame them it's us fools that put up with this shit.
    We are the problem.

    The problem doesn't go away until we wake up and do something about it.

    1. When party a can print counter fit money from thin air and buy up planet earths assets. It’s pretty hard to mount a resistance lol

    2. Or should I say party z for you guessed it lol

  5. True but we can still blame them, this shit is their idea. It's their "religion", that why Commies hate churches, they can't have you listening to anyone but them.

  6. People in the militaries and law enforcement across the planet need to step up and remove there compromised and bribed leaders and this nightmare could end quickly. Long way past overdue we’re literally living through genocide as we speak. This ends when the 98 percent of the good people in military and law enforcement remove the cancerous 2 percent that are compliant in the worse war crime in human history. Start with the Epstein island list!!

    1. Nope. Coups are the problem. That's how Communism takes hold. That's the CIA's MO. That's why Q is pushing it. Q is CIA. We need to support the democratic process and preserve the intergrity of elections with judicial recounts of physical ballots.

    2. Agreed. No Coups. It may well go that way, history has many examples, but it's not a great idea. How much difference between "Left" Communism" and "Right" Fascism? None worth mentioning. That's why they are all in league for the same goals these days. The CCP, Justin et al, WEF, the Bush's ALL of them worship power and control, they all want to rule. Right now we have the military in Brazil backing the right horse against their stolen election but this isn't over yet, and even if things go as they should there it's no guarantee of the same results here. You would have to have a military that has not been infected and neither we nor the Americans have that.

  7. That only works if the judges are honest

    1. Bad judges are indeed a problem but we don't fix that problem by throwing the baby out with the bath water and abandoning democracy. Judges are appoint by elected officials. Elect better officials and you appoint better judges.

      People who call for military intervention or the overthrowing of elected governments are agent provocateurs planted by the CIA to justify banning protests and lawful assembly which is exactly what Communism does.

  8. These vaccines are an act of war and judges don’t seem to be doing anything about it.

  9. General Flynn has a good new book on 5th generation warfare. Really interesting especially since the USA military commercial the ghosts in the machine. After reading I immediately thought of Hillary Clinton’s fainting spell at the 911 ceremony in 2016. Slow down the cnn or bbc footage and watch carefully.

  10. If you look around in Canada we are literally a communist nation literally have ccp police stations on Canadian soil. Communism has only ever been defeated by use of force. As long Dominion voting machines are used in Canada we are literally communist.

    1. Once freedom is lost only split blood will bring it back but we're not there yet and the ones calling for violence are part of the problem not part of the solution. Dominion voting machines are indeed a valid concern but again we can't fall for their problem, reaction, solution ploy. As soon as we use violence they will ban lawful assembly which is their real intent. That's why they plant agent provocateurs.

  11. Not violence but coordinated special ops to remove criminals in power and new worldwide honest and transparent election. Sorry but people like fauci need to be held to account in military tribunals and executed for all of humanity to witness so this will never happen again in the future. No vigilantly bs

    1. Yeah good luck with that. You all had Trump and Trump didn't fire him. Just like Trump didn't pardon Edward Snowden or Julian Assange. That whole coordinated special ops nonsense is ridiculous. That's Q talking and Q is CIA. The same ones behind the Dominion voter fraud.

  12. The whole Covid crime was to allow mail in ballots to steal the election from Trump the machines alone were no longer able to flip enough votes because patriots flooded the booths on voting day. If you look at Hobbs in Arizona’s election won with only 17 percent of Democrats voting on election day lol real time fuckery in your face. Elon has the recipets of all this coordinated theft after he aquired Twitter. Interesting that Elon was the department of defences biggest contractor under the trump administration. While all this is happening the Supreme Court is hearing the Brunson case to remove all 300 plus members of Congress for election fraud treason. Crossing my fingers we are witnessing 5th generation warfare in real time and the good guys are winning.

    1. OMG "Trust the plan." Voter fraud was their plan and the CIA was behind it.

    2. Arizona was clearly rigged both elections.

    3. Agreed on both.

  13. The Bolsheviks did operation trust. I believe trump and his team are using the arragence of the bad actors against them by actually doing a real covert military operation. All off trumps statements and rallies along with Elon force the evil actors to make desperate moves to reveal themselves as traitors are in both parties. The recent pelosi fiasco and Mario park county fraud come to mind.

  14. Suppression of votes is a coup!
    You expect democracy to prevail under these conditions?
    The bad actors absolutely must be removed for democracy to work.
    They who provide last minute mail in votes or digital rewrite algorithms to switch votes are the enemies of democracy.
    Vote them out you say.....insane!

    1. I'm saying we need to preserve the integrity of elections. Getting rid of Dominion Voting machines is a step in the right direction. So is the ability to have these kind of conversations. The anomalies in Arizona are obvious. We have every right to discuss them and strive to rectify them.

  15. Also when Trump said he was gonna make a big announcement and then when the announcement day comes and he announces his candidacy for president , they try and start ww3 over the bogus Russia bombing Poland that ended up being a Ukrainian missle. If you pay attention there are instances like this happening all the time now. Suddenly hunter bidens labtop isn’t a conspiracy it’s real.


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