Saturday, December 3, 2022

Gangbuster: One man's battle against Crime, Corruption and the Klan by Alan Prendergast

I received a prerelease copy of the book Gangbuster by Alan Prendergast. The book states that it's about one man's battle against crime, corruption and the Klan. It's set in Denver, Colorado back in the 1920's. We all know about Eliot Ness and Al Capone in Chicago during that time period. Well this one is about another district attorney named Philip Van Cise in Colorado.

The only thing I know about Colorado is John Denver and the Rocky Mountain high. I hear it has great skiing. I have a friend named Sebastian Metz who moved to Colorado and spent a considerable amount of time there. He was the chapter leader of the Vancouver Guardian Angels when I joined the group in Surrey and became a bit of a mentor in teaching me how to deal with the media and with criminals when you're alone in a back alley on late night patrols.

If the book is talking about the KKK in the 1920's then it must be talking about the Democrat party which was deeply rooted in the clan as confirmed by Candace Owens infamous book Blackout.

Here's my spin on crime, corruption and the Klan. The new kids on the bloc are involved with a new klan called the New World Order and it promotes crime and corruption to justify it's agenda.

I'm not a fan of Donald Trump but I'm not a Donald Trump hater either. I hate Communism, the UN and the World Economic Forum. That is what I hate and I hate the media's malicious misrepresentation of what's really going on in the world. I support civil liberty protected by law.

When I see the obsession of the fake news I am reminded of a quote by Martin Luther King which states "It is still one of the tragedies of human history that the children of darkness are frequently more determined and zealous than the children of light." Lest we forget.


  1. I noticed that lots of big wigs at cnn had resigned over the past couple of years. Elon having a blast a Twitter lol
    Things are gonna get interesting.

  2. "It is still one of the tragedies of human history that the children of darkness are frequently more determined and zealous than the children of light."

    So true. It seems that part of the problem is that there is no easy way to deal with such people. It requires the same time and effort that they put in. But it must be done. We have to keep cranking on the generator that provides the light, or the light goes out and darkness wins. When we see evil, we must squash it, or it will squash us.

    1. Indeed. "Noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good. - The belief that God will do everything for man while he himself does nothing is not faith but superstition." Martin Luther King.

    2. Awesome quote, I was not familiar with that one.

      "The Lord helps those that helps themselves".


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