Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve 2022

Well I made it out to the gym on my motorcycle today but the gym was closed because it sprung a leak in the roof. It has warmed up considerably so the freezing rain is past us but there's a lot of water out there. That heavy rain is washing all the snow on the streets away. There's still some snow and slush on the side streets but the main roads are fine.

I stopped off at the grocery store to pick up a few items but when I saw the long lines I said nope. I don't really need anything for the short term. I'll pick a few items up on Boxing Day when the supermarket lines thin out. It's just nice to know we're all back to normal after the freezing rain.

I was going to head up the mountains tomorrow but it's warmed up so much it's even raining on the mountain. So after running around like a maniac I'm just gonna relax and pull a Bruno Mars for a day. A co worker asked me if I was still going to make a Christmas dinner this year since my kids are out of the county and I was like of course.

My brother used to buy turkeys on sale and cook them up so he'd have lots of left overs. Growing up we always had glazed ham on Christmas Eve and turkey on Christmas day. Now that I'm doing my intermittent fasting I made my glazed ham a few days ago. It's pretty simple. Ya just get a bottle of Dijon mustard and mix it with equal amounts of brown sugar and cover the ham then throw it in the same covered roasting pan you use for the turkey. I always serve it with mash potatoes and cream corn. This year I'm trying something different with the veggies for the turkey.

I saw it on a cooking show the other day on a break at work. The guy blanched potatoes, carrots and parsnips. That means you bring it to a boil without cooking it all the way through. Drain it and throw it in the oven on a roasting pan with lots of olive oil and season salt. You bake it for quite a while and squish it with a spatula before it's finished cooking. Looks good. I'll have a go. I already did the mash potatoes with the ham. I like this Swedishtorch idea. They're really cool.

Most of my family have all passed away. I don't see Christmas as a sad time I see it as a quiet and peaceful time. Getting away from all the hustle and bustle and all the stupidity accompanying the noise that unfortunately goes along with it. Peace and quiet. It's refreshing.


  1. Merry Christmas! I just wanted to confirm that your veggie recipe is awesome. I've been baking them that way ever since I read about that technique 6 or 7 years ago. A couple of key points: don't "over-blanch", lightly salt your water, and make sure the oven is hot enough (375 seems to be perfect for us). When done just right, the potatoes will come out better than any french fry you've ever tasted! The crust that forms because of the blanching, smushing, heat and olive oil is pure culinary alchemy. All the best...

    1. Merry Christmas. Thanks for the feedback. I guess it's a British tradition. I'm familiar with roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding. I just never thought to throw parsnips in.

  2. Merry Christmas Dennis. If I was closer I’d stop by and visit. Maybe even try your culinary Christmas feast. LOL. It sounds good although parsnips aren’t my favourite. Cheers to your holidays!!!

    1. No worries. It's all good in the hood yo. I need some quiet time this year. I'm grateful my court stuff is over. Onward and upward. Merry Christmas.

  3. Merry Christmas Dennis.

  4. Merry Christmas Dennis!

  5. Have a peaceful and a Merry Christmas!

    Christmas is what you make of it.
    Reflect and be greatful for what we still have.

    We are in a spiritual war, and you are a REAL warrior of truth.

    Take this time to rest the mind, body and soul.

    2023 will make 2022 look like a walk in the park!

  6. Merry Christmas Dennis. Praying 2023 brings hope & good for mankind !

    1. Yes, we always have hope. Behind the dark clouds the sun is still shining. The struggle between good and evil will continue in the New Year and will continue to be misrepresented. That's why it continues.

  7. I hope you enjoy the Christmas holidays Dennis.

    1. I am thanks, you too. It's always nice to take a break and reassess.


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