Sunday, June 7, 2020

The Perversion of Justice

I'm glad to see Curtis Sliwa is bringing the team back and throwing down with the looters in NYC. Now that's what I'm talking about. They say the first casualty of war is the truth. That is what we are now witnessing in the media. What happened to George Floyd was outrageous. That is the truth. Yet how Anarchists and Communists are exploiting that is almost as outrageous.

Black lives matter. They most certainly do. So what do we want? We want justice for George Floyd. The cop has been charged with murder and the other cops present have been charged with accessory to murder. That is a step in the right direction. Looting and rioting is inexcusable. End of story. Anarchists are brain dead bullies that feed off of violence and theft. The Communists are bat sh*t crazy. Tiananmen square and Chairman Mao is evidence of that. Even the Beatles recognized that Chairman Mao was out to lunch and said if you are calling for violence and destruction, you can count me out. Not completely. I'll be on the other side.

Many years ago, women were not allowed to vote. It's hard for us to understand that now. The thought seems so absurd. Why weren't they allowed to vote? I don't understand. Likewise there was a time in the past where black people, male or female were not allowed to vote.

It is difficult for us to comprehend now why that happened then. Martin Luther King rose up and said he had a dream. His dream was that one day, this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of it's creed we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal.

Martin Luther King believed in the Constitution and dreamt of the day when the Constitution would become more than a nice piece of paper hanging on the wall. He dreamed of the day when the Constitution would be implemented not just talked about. For the most part, that day has come. Yet today there are liars and criminals who want to destroy the Constitution because it stands as a roadblock for them to accomplish their hidden agenda.

Nelson Mandela was a nationalist and a socialist. Yet when he became president he pulled a George Washington and protected human rights by law in an eloquent Constitution. Chairman Mao and the Communist party of China have done the exact opposite. The hammer represents how they crush civil liberty and the sickle represents how they commit mass murder once they have crushed civil liberty. History has recorded that. That's why the Beatles said If you're carrying pictures of Chairman Mao you can count me out. They knew where that road really leads.

Dan Dicks has finally seen the Anarchists true colours. This other video shows white trash anarchists verbally abusing a senior citizen with a walker yelling fascist scum get off the street. The elderly woman's husband fought the Nazis in the war. These white trash anarchists believe that anyone who is not Communist is a fascist and they need to smash them.

In Dan Dick's case a protester showed him his picture on her phone and said is this you? He said yes that is me. That is when I was surrounded by ANTIFA thugs who falsely accused me of being a racist. The protester said well according to our information you're a white supremacist. Now we all know that is a ridiculous lie but that is what they claimed and was the reason they claimed why they attacked him. The real reason was because he was taking their picture.

The ANTIFA scum are not there to promote social justice. They are there to commit crime. That is why they cover their faces. In all fairness the cop that was pushing him and arrested him was doing Dan a favor. The cop saw the mob swarming and as soon as they started throwing things he was trying to get Dan to pick up the pace a bit as they escorted him to safety.

Dan was like hold on here, as he continued his live commentary. Dan didn't understand what that cop understood. That mob was going to f*ck him up, steal his gopro and destroy his phone so there would have been no evidence and no way to prosecute them for giving him the boots and perhaps fatally assaulting him. That cop saved his life.

What we need to do is shun extremism and promote something positive. Dr. Leslyn Lewis is something positive. That girl is true blue. She is a real conservative not a corporate communist like Stephen Harper or Brian Mulroney. Leslyn Lewis is a bright light. Support her.

Andrew Sheer made big gains for the party at the last election. He didn't lose, he won. He received more votes then Justin Trudeau did. Justin was fortunate enough to get more seats. Peter McKay will lose those gains and then some. He is no better then Justin Trudeau. Leslyn Lewis is exactly what we need right now to unite the people and take us over the top. Justin Trudeau hate is off the charts. People hate him now. He is a fake feminist. He's a fake everything in bed with the WHO. People want something different and Justin Trudeau is not it.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Anarchists want to defund the police

Right now the main stream media run by the Communist party of China is so absurd it's not worth watching let alone commenting on. However, on this matter I will. Recent calls to defund the police are so absurd we need to look at where that road really leads.

I am the first one to admit that the police need to be publicly accountable. In Surrey the local mayor has launched a campaign to fulfill his election promise to form a municipal police force over the RCMP so that it is more accountable to local needs and concerns. I completely support that. Yet when anarchists make calls to defund the police it does cause me to roll my eyes.

We've been through this all before. I support law and order. "Caring About the Climate Crisis Means Supporting the Demand to Defund the Police." GMAFB. Greta Thurnberg is a Communist not an environmentalist. If the whacked out anarchists and communists gave a rat's ass about the environment they would be supporting natural gas over industrial coal but they're not because they don't care about the environment they care about Communism. That's what Agenda 21 is.

Anarchists look for opportunities to fight with the police because they support lawlessness. The tent city on the Surrey strip was like the rape camp at Oppenheimer park in the DTES. They said they were protesting for social housing but when the Province called their bluff and gave them social housing they still refused to leave. That exposed their real agenda which had nothing to do with social justice. They were simply promoting lawlessness and they were teaming up with the Communists because slavery to them was their endgame.

If you defund the police then the looters can run free and steal as much as they want. We need to balance the extremes. What happened to George Floyd was outrageous. Yet that does not excuse looting and it certainly does not mean that what the Communist party of China did at Tienanmen square and are doing in Hong Kong is acceptable because it's not. Communism is the Mother of all Lies because they will lie to every social group to try and trick them into fighting for them so that you will hand over all your civil liberty to them.

Communism claims that you have to give up individual rights to support collective rights. That is a lie. Once you give up individual rights, there are no collective rights. This is George Orwell 1984. The media is not objective. It is brainwashing us with the lies of Socialism. 2020 is the new era where we can clearly see that. It is a tale of two cities. These are the best of times or the worst of times, depending on how we react to it. Will we question the narrative?

Funding the police to take away civil liberty is a bad investment. Funding the police to stop looters, crime and anarchy is not. We find peace and justice by balancing the extremes.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Curtis Sliwa and the Guardian Angels confront looters is reporting that " Members of the Guardian Angels got into a confrontation with looters at a Foot Locker in NoHo Tuesday night—a clash that ended with Guardian Angels founder Curtis Sliwa possibly suffering a broken jaw. Sliwa told the Daily News dozens of looters entered the Foot Locker at 716 Broadway before 10:25 p.m. He said the Guardian Angels, a volunteer organization of unarmed citizens, “started throwing guys out the door” but that more looters—he said hundreds—returned, prompting a larger confrontation. 'Once they were inside, they summoned others with their smartphones. It was like flashmobbing,' Sliwa said."

It didn't sound like Curtis' jaw was actually broken but one member did receive a serious eye injury and looks like he will lose that eye. Now that is f*cked up. Does this mean the alumni will have to come out of retirement to kick Communist ass? Is that what this means? Looters are sh*t. F*ck them. One of the protesters took a video of the Guardian Angels before the looting took place and put Curtis on the mic at 2:19. The Epoch Times has posted an interview with Curtis.

For the record, the Guardian Angels are a multicultural organization. When I was in New York during the crack epidemic I was one of the only white members. Everyone else was black or hispanic. When I went there the first time, Thomas Hunt aka Tut was the chapter leader. The second time when we were on the Deuce Fox was in charge. Fox is Latino. Tut was known as the New York City secret weapon. After leading a crack down on crack campaign with Paul Martinelli in Florida West Palm Beach and ripping it up in Atlanta, Tut settled down in Chicago.

After New York I did some groundbreaking work for the group in London, England. I ended up signing on for a two year commitment in Ireland before a chapter was established. While I was in Ireland Curtis went back to London with a few Caribbean brothers and some racist football hooligans came up to Curtis and stabbed him in the face with a dart. Those POS throw darts into crowds at soccer games. They do not fight one on one.

I wrote Curtis and said hold on. Wait till I finish my commitment in Ireland. I'll be there with you. They're not keen on Americans in London. He was like, aint no white boy from Canada gonna tell me what to do. He went right back there and started a chapter himself. Sebastian joined him for that and ended up starting chapters in Europe including Berlin.

Curtis is tough as nails. He's not the best martial artist, he's just the toughest. The brothers would tell me about stunts Curtis pulled in LA after one of their guys got beat up. Curtis marched right in there with a small solid crew and kicked ass. This is how sh*t gets done when there are no witnesses, police or cameras. These looters exploiting a valid cause need to get their ass kicked. Gentlemen may cry peace, peace but there is no peace. The war is already begun.

This is a video of a white trash looter writing Black Lives Matters while a black woman says get the f*ck out of our neighborhood. Read between the lines soldier. You're on the wrong side.

BTW Curtis Sliwa isn't afraid of COVID1984 and he defied the ban to go swimming.

Give it up for King Neptune. The General lives. I like the beard. It's got that poseidon look.

WHO launches Ebola outbreak in the Congo

The World Health Organization is reporting that there has been a new outbreak of Ebola in the Congo. "Initial information from the Ministry of Health is that six Ebola cases have so far been detected in Wangata, of which four have died and two are alive and under care. Three of these six cases have been confirmed with laboratory testing. It is likely more people will be identified with the disease as surveillance activities increase."

“This is a reminder that COVID-19 is not the only health threat people face,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “Although much of our attention is on the pandemic, WHO is continuing to monitor and respond to many other health emergencies.”

This is also a reminder of who Tedros Ghebreyesus really is. He's not a medical doctor, he is a leader in a violent Communist paramilitary organization. This is also a reminder that the Communist Party of China stole Ebola samples from a Canadian lab in Winnipeg and the scientist who helped develop an Ebola vaccine.

The National Post is reporting that "The shipment of Ebola and henipavirus samples to Wuhan has given rise to groundless conspiracy theories involving Xiangguo Qiu. But there is no evidence whatsoever tying her to COVID-19." I wouldn't say it's a groundless theory. Great Game India has a lot of credible information posted. It is quite plausible. I just don't think the Canadian lab was studying the coronavirus. The Wuhan lab was.

Dr Fauci's foundation gave the Wuhan lab the grant to study COVID-1984 in Chinese bats. There were no bats sold at the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to do the math. The virus the Wuhan lab was studying was released right after Bill Gates coronavirus patent in Europe was approved. That is no theory. That is the truth.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Hells Angels President convicted of forced prostitution

TBM is reporting that "The Rosenheim Hells Angels President is said to have brought a young single parent into prostitution and massive financial difficulties - in order to finance his luxurious lifestyle. He was sentenced to 1 year and 8 months in prison." Rosenheim is in Germany.

This is a guy who was living with a prostitute since 2018. He was not working and she gave him her money. Then he finds another single parent and has an affair with her on the side. He then forces her into prostitution as well. Ladies, let me tell you one thing. If you are in a relationship with a man and he asks you to have sex with another man, he does not love you end of story. You are being conned. That's all there is to it. Living off the avails is a low life parasite. Just sayn.

Lets not forget Frank Hanebuth president of the Hanover Hells Angels in Germany who was charged with prostitution and drug trafficking in Spain. He had a very public wedding last year. One again, I was never, ever a part of that life and never wanted to be. Ever.

Speaking of drug trafficking in Spain, let's not forget the local yahoo Canadian members of the Hells Angels who were busted for smuggling 300 kilos of cocaine in Spain. They were convicted of smuggling 300 kilos of cocaine but didn't have to serve their time, instead they were kicked out of Spain and banned from returning for seven years. Why do you think these POS keep getting off? What agency do you think they really work for? I'll give you three guesses.

Michael Kramer: Pimping for the ATF

Stockwell Day fired for not towing the CPC party line

Update: Dr. Leslyn Lewis speaks out on the Stockwell Day double standard.

Blazing cat fur is reporting that "Former Conservative cabinet minister Stockwell Day has stepped down from his role as a commentator on CBC News Network’s Power & Politics - and has left senior positions at two major companies - after making comments on Tuesday’s show about racism in Canada he later admitted were insensitive and hurtful”.

So what did he say? CBC is reporting that Day said "We have to recognize that our system is not perfect in Canada," Day said during the panel discussion. "Yes, there's a few idiot racists hanging around but Canada is not a racist country and most Canadians are not racist. And our system, that always needs to be improved, is not systemically racist." And?

"Day went on to compare the bullying he endured as a child with the discrimination faced by visible minorities across the country. 'Should I have gone through school and been mocked because I had glasses and was called four-eyes and because of the occupation of my parents?' Day asked. "Should I have been mocked for all that? No, of course not. But are Canadians largely and in majority racist? No, we are not." That's it? That's all he said?

OK so this is bat sh*t crazy. He doesn't think Canada as a whole is racist. I thought the same thing growing up until I lived in Harlem, Brixton and South Seattle for a year. When I came back after that experience I started to see things I hadn't really noticed before.

I didn't experience any mistreatment or racism during that year. I just became a bit more sensitive to what was happening to others that I didn't really notice before. I do agree that over all, Canadian police are far less racist then they are in the US. Obviously nothing is perfect. We did have those drunken idiot cops locally that beat up an Indo Canadian delivering newspapers and made racial slurs against him. Yet we have many Indo Canadians in our law enforcement now so I would say those racist cops were in the minority. Likewise not all cops in the US are racist.

Stockwell Day comparing the bullying he received in school to racism is kinda dumb but would shed light on the fact that he might indeed have experienced fairly serious bullying for being such an idiot growing up. Yet him being fired for making those comments is insane.

Blazing cat fur pointed out that Day's comments were not nearly as bad as Justan Idiot's black face escapades. Alex Haley, powerful author of the devastating series Roots, gave an interview where he said while writing the novel he hit a creative roadblock. He said in all fairness couldn't justify him writing about the hardships his ancestors experienced from his comfortable condo.

So he took a journey and recreated the experience crossing the ocean on a slave ship. He booked passage on a freighter from Liberia to the United States. He said that experience profoundly affected him and helped him write that section of the book.

We need to remember what slavery was. These guys would be at home, chilling in their crib and someone would come, rip them from their family and kidnap them. They were free, kidnapped and forced to become slaves. It was the epitome of evil. We need to remember this because before the African slave ships slavery was previously practiced in North America.

Some indigenous tribes would raid other tribes and make them slaves. The reason the First Nations community in Fort Langley got along so well with the British fur traders was because the British had guns and protected them from other tribes who would raid them and kidnap slaves. This is why I do not support the inherit right to self government and why the communist extremists do. The inherit right to self government means that a hereditary chief could declare himself king and start taking slaves again. That's what communism wants. I oppose that.

Slavery and serfdom existed within the Roman empire as well as England for many years. The Jews were slaves in Egypt and Babylon. Moses helped liberate them from slavery in Egypt while Cyrus the Great set them free in Babylon. I think we all agree slavery and racism is bad.

The mainstream media has lost touch with reality. They are fanning the flames of racism and division through misleading advertising. They promote the Smash Fascism violence because they are funded by Communist China. Smash Fascism really means Smash anyone who isn't Communist. Smash anyone who disagrees with them. That is exactly what they did 31 years ago in Tiananmen square and that is exactly what they are trying to do now in Hong Kong.

The current main stream media under the control of the Communist Party of China reminds me of the Irish Proclamation which states "The Republic guarantees religious and civil liberty, equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens, and declares its resolve to pursue the happiness and prosperity of the whole nation and of all its parts, cherishing all of the children of the nation equally, and oblivious of the differences carefully fostered by an alien Government, which have divided a minority from the majority in the past." In this case it's the MSM.

The mainstream media, funded by the Communist party of China claims that if you have a religious affiliation you are right wing. If you are right wing you are racist. In essence they are claiming if you are not Communist you are Fascist and we must smash you. That is their end game and I completely oppose it. Stockwell Day was fired because he is a Conservative.

Update: Evidently after the Reform Party merged back with the Mulroneyites, Stockwell Day became a Corporate Communist supporting the Communist Party of China just like Stephen Harper. He is a Communist but he's not a racist. Just sayn. I guess he forgot to tow the party line. The Communist Party of China is trying to portray Canada as racist to distract us from Tiananmen square and Hong Kong. Stockwell Day was supposed to help them with that. He was also opposing China's cover up of the covid fraud and rightfully observed it started in Wuhan.

John Brennan is a professional liar

John Brennan is the devil. I just want to make that clear. Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell and John Brennan. Profiting from and laundering money for the Communist Party of China. Saying one thing while doing another. It's all there in black and white. God Damn you all.

John Brennan claims that "Joe Biden is one of the most honest, decent, practical, & experienced individuals with whom I have ever worked." That is laughable. Lying is the CIA's method of operation. They go under cover, pretend to be something they are not and consistently lie. That's all they do. So when John Brennan says Joe Biden is honest he really means Joe Biden is the best liar he has ever lied with. When a liar calls someone a liar, that's a double negative. That means the person he is accusing of being a liar is telling the truth.

The CIA have been deeply involved with drug trafficking since the Vietnam war. Gary Webb was right. Iran contra never stopped. Jesse Ventura was also right. The CIA interfere with American elections when they are not mandated to operate on American soil. That is illegal. Joe Biden is a lying POS who wants to take away our guns to promote Communist China's take over of the United States of America and John Brennan is a traitor assisting him. Just sayn.

The Guardian reported that "As reports emerged Thursday that an internal investigation by the Central Intelligence Agency’s inspector general found that the CIA “improperly” spied on US Senate staffers when researching the CIA’s dark history of torture, it was hard to conclude anything but the obvious: John Brennan blatantly lied to the American public. Again."

CIA wanted to build up Hezbollah moderates

"The Obama administration is looking for ways to build up “moderate elements” within the Lebanese Hezbollah guerrilla movement and to diminish the influence of hard-liners, a top White House official said on Tuesday. John Brennan, assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism, met with Lebanese leaders during a recent visit."

“Hezbollah is a very interesting organization,” Brennan told a Washington conference, citing its evolution from “purely a terrorist organization” to a militia to an organization that now has members within the parliament and the cabinet."

“There is certainly the elements of Hezbollah that are truly a concern to us what they’re doing. And what we need to do is to find ways to diminish their influence within the organization and to try to build up the more moderate elements,” Brennan said.

The Lawfare blog reported that "the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah."

"Project Cassandra was an effort led by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to undercut Hezbollah funding from illicit drug sources. Launched in 2008, the project was said to be investigating the terrorist organization's funding. According to the DEA, Hezbollah has become increasingly involved with drug trafficking and organized crime as a method of funding its activities. The investigation was tracking how large sums of money were being laundered from the Americas, through Africa, and to Lebanon into Hezbollah's coffers."

"The Obama administration halted Project Cassandra as it was approaching the upper echelons of Hezbollah's conspiracy in order to seal a nuclear deal with Iran, even though Hezbollah was still funneling cocaine into America. Josh Meyer wrote an investigative report published by Politico in December 2017, described how, during the Obama administration, concerns regarding the Iran nuclear deal took precedence over the DEA project."

That's not exactly what happened. The DEA's investigation into drug trafficking in Lebanon was halted by John Brennan and the CIA because they were the authors of it. Libya didn't kill major Charles Dennis McKee, they had no motive to stop him from testifying on the CIA's drug trafficking in Lebanon. The only agency that had a motive to kill him was the CIA.

The same agency that stopped the Project Cassandra investigation was also hiding Hilary Clinton's involvement in Operation Fast and Furious. John Brennan was Obama's CIA liaison at the time on both counts. So Brennan's railing against Trump is an example of what Shakespeare meant when he said me thinks the lady doth protest too much.

John Brennan was tied to Project Cassandra as well as Operation Fast and Furious.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Hong Kong protesters defy Tiananmen vigil ban

The New York Times is reporting that "Hong Kong on Monday prohibited for the first time the annual June 4 vigil to honor victims of the pro-democracy Tiananmen Square protests in 1989, which the Chinese government crushed with deadly force. The prohibition order was issued by the Hong Kong police force, and came less than a week after the Chinese Communist authorities in Beijing moved to enact new security laws on the former British colony."

"The gathering to remember Tiananmen, held annually since 1990, had become a major rallying point for Hong Kongers worried about what they see as China’s rising repression. In the crackdown 31 years ago on the demonstrations in Tiananmen Square in Beijing and other cities, Chinese soldiers killed hundreds, and possibly thousands, of protesters."

AP News is reporting that "Thousands of people in Hong Kong defied a police ban Thursday evening, breaking through barricades to hold a candlelight vigil on the 31st anniversary of China’s crushing of a democracy movement centered on Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. With democracy all but snuffed out in mainland China, the focus has shifted increasingly to semi-autonomous Hong Kong, where authorities for the first time banned the annual vigil to remember victims of the 1989 crackdown." Hundreds and possibly thousands of people were killed when tanks and troops moved in on the night of June 3-4, 1989, to break up weeks of student-led protests that had spread to other cities and were seen as a threat to Communist Party rule."

The Chinese Communists want us all to forget about what happened 31 years ago,” Wu’er told the AP in Taiwan, where he lives. “But it is the Chinese government themselves reminding the whole world that they are the same government ... doing the same in Hong Kong.”

The BBC is reporting that "Tens of thousands of demonstrators in Hong Kong have defied a ban to stage a mass vigil for the victims of the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown in Beijing."

The Hong Kong Free Press is reporting that "Thousands gathered in Victoria Park in Causeway Bay to attend an annual candlelight vigil to mark 31 years since the Tiananmen Massacre on Thursday in defiance of a police ban. It is estimated that hundreds, perhaps thousands, died as the People’s Liberation Army cracked down on the student-led movement in Beijing on June 4, 1989." The Communist party of china blocks that true information from the internet in China and want to block that true information from the internet in Hong Kong. My blog can no longer be accessed from Communist China. It can still be accessed from Hong Kong and that is what the Communist party of China wants to stop. The want to cut Hong Kong off from the free world.

Hong Kong students wash Tiananmen Massacre statue during annual ritual

The Hong Kong Free Press is reporting that "The eight-metre tall Pillar of Shame statue was created by Danish artist Jens Galschiøt in 1996, was moved to the University of Hong Kong campus by students in 1997 right after being exhibited at the annual candlelight vigil in Victoria Park. It was repainted orange in 2018 as part of a 'Free Tibet' campaign."

The Goddess of Democracy at UBC is a memorial to the Tiananmen square massacre.

The Murder of George Floyd

Update: Derek Chauvin and George knew Floyd knew each other

Now that I have clearly defined the insanity of looting and exposed the dark agenda behind it, I will now address the actual murder of George Floyd because his life did matter. Everyone's does. Drea James from Hungry for Truth posted a link to the Huffington Post article which gave the autopsy results and said that Derek "Chauvin, the officer who knelt on Floyd’s neck, was taken into custody last Friday by the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and has been charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter."

CTV is now reporting that "The former Minneapolis Police officer who pressed his knee into George Floyd's neck was charged on Wednesday with a new, more serious count of second-degree murder, and the three other officers on scene during his killing were charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder." The document I have states there are two counts.

They say where there is no justice, there will be no peace. This is a small step forward but there is a long road ahead. The point is, this happens far too often. We do have a problem with police accountability in Canada but it does not appear to be as bad as it is in the US and it does not appear to be racially motivated. Here they will taser you regardless of race, colour or creed.

I did volunteer work in New York City with the Guardian Angels at the peak of the crack epidemic in the /80's. We were poor inner city kids volunteering our time. Sometimes we would jump the subway turn-styles since we were providing a free community service. You didn't have to actually jump the turn-style. If you pulled it towards you half a turn you could squeeze through without jumping over. One time I did that and got caught by an undercover cop who gave me a ticket.

After the cop left the other member with me visiting from Queens came up to me and said what the hell was that? What do you mean I asked. He said I saw you. You were going to run. I shrugged and said yeah I thought about it, but I thought it was just a ticket so who cares. Then he says to me. You don't run from a New York City cop. Why not I asked. He said because they will shoot your ass dead. Yeah? I guess it was a good thing I didn't run then.

I don't understand racial discrimination. When I was in New York they asked me, yo Dennis, are there many brothers up there in Canada? What do you mean I said. Black people. Are there any black people up in Canada? Of course I said. I went to school with one. Then I thought about it and said, well not like here. Where I was staying everyone was black. I was the minority. The movie Roots was a bit too traumatic for me to watch. It was difficult for me to comprehend. Why would people do that? I don't understand. Yet this was part of their history.

When I worked on a kibbutz in Israel, they had a special meal during Passover celebrating their freedom from slavery in Egypt. I asked the leader of the volunteers, I thought you said this was a nonreligious kibbutz. It is he replied. This is a part of our history. I was starting to understand.

It's like that Irish song, I have always hated slavery since the day that I was born. Although the anarchists and communists are trying to bring back slavery, racial discrimination is apparently something we still need to address. The football players in the US tried to make a statement by taking a knee during the national anthem and y'all lost it. Taking a knee is not disrespectful.

I think in George Floyd's memory we should all take a knee - During our protests.

However, now taking a knee has a new meaning and it hurts. Before taking a knee meant humbling yourself and calling upon a higher power for assistance. Now it represents how Derek Chauvin knelt on George Floyd's neck until he was unconscious and then kept kneeing on his neck until he was dead. That was evil. It was murder with intent.

The last line in the last paragraph of the court complaint states "Police are trained that this type of restraint with a subject in the prone position is inherently dangerous." Indeed they are.

When I was with the Vancouver Guardian Angels we took a use of force course with John McKay from the VPD. He said that choke holds are considered a lethal restraint and may only be used against a lethal attack. At the time I objected and said but that's my favorite move. A rear naked choke ends the conflict instantly and is much less violent then punching a guy in the head 15 times. It's very common in jujitsu. He said doesn't matter, that's what the law states.

So kneeling on George Floyd neck was in itself excessive force because it most certainly was not a response to a lethal attack. However, kneeling on George Floyd's neck for two minutes and 53 seconds after he was choked out was a deliberate act of murder. The other police officers who stood by and watched are accessories to murder.

Martin Luther King declared that "it is as necessary for me to be as vigorous in condemning the conditions which caused persons to feel that they must engage in riotous activity as it is for me to condemn riots." So mote it be. Peace is found by shunning extremism in perfect balance.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The Beatles Revolution - All Lives Matter

"You say you want a revolution Well, you know We all want to change the world But when you talk about destruction Don't you know that you can count me out You say you got a real solution We'd all love to see the plan You ask me for a contribution We're doing what we can But if you want money for people with minds that hate All I can tell is brother you have to wait."

"You say you'll change the constitution Well, you know We all want to change your head You tell me it's the institution Well, you know You better free your mind instead But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow."

The New York Times showed a picture of two armed white men in Minneapolis defending businesses against looters and referred to them as rednecks. Shore News, which I'm assuming is from across the water in Jersey, showed the original picture the New York Post edited. The original picture showed two white men and two black men armed standing shoulder to shoulder defending small business. The Communist News Network is trying to create racial tensions in the hope that people will support Communism over Fascism. How about neither.

We will stand shoulder to shoulder in defense of civil liberty and the Constitution. Sailors rights. Protection of persons and property. Defend your community. Protect small business from thieves and criminals. Communists steal and loot because they want to rob your economic prosperity and your financial independence so they can make you slaves of the state. Not on my watch.

Here's some Vancouver white trash anarchists trying to exploit a cause to steal and loot.

This is a brother in Vancouver defending Dan Dicks from a white trash anarchist.

I see that white trash tramp at these things all the time. Dan Dicks used to support the Anarchists. I guess he's going to have to reassess that now that he has seen what they are really about.

This is what the anarchist weasels in Vancouver do. They show up at a protest and challenge the police physically. When the police defend themselves they play the victim and cry police brutality. They are lame ass losers. The anarchists support the Communists. Bilderberg funds Communism so they can hijack the movement and make everyone slaves. I support law and order.

White trash anarchists abusing an elderly woman whose husband fought the Nazis in the war. This is what Greta the mentally challenged supports. I do not. Communists are liars and bullies.

These white trash anarchists are yelling fascist scum get off the street to this frail senior citizen. She is not a fascist, her husband fought the Nazis in the war. This reveals their real definition of fascism. When they say Smash the Fascists they mean smash everyone who is not Communist. Smash anyone who disagrees with them. That is what they mean.