Friday, June 12, 2020

Alberta Chief assault misrepresented

OK I want to make two points here. The main stream media is completely f*cked. During COVID1984 they bent over backwards to promote fear to damage our economy and they used fake news reports to do it. Now they are scouring the globe for videos of police using excessive force. Right now the MSM is trying to promote division with the dynamically insane mandate of defunding the police. That is f*cking insane. No really.

We won't be defunding the police in Surrey. Here we believe in law and order. In fact I'd like to take this opportunity to salute all the honest hard working police officers out there that risk their lives to keep us safe. Think about it. When sh*t gets real, who do you call? You call 911. When there is a legitimate emergency and your life is at risk, you call 911 and they come. They risk their lives to help keep you safe. That is what they do. Anarchists are f*cking retarded.

The RCMP has had a past history with sexual harassment and bullying from within their ranks. Likewise, police on occasion have used excessive force when making an arrest. The taser incident at the airport was a national tragedy. However, the police make thousands of arrests every day breaking up fights and stopping violent crime. It is a difficult and often thankless job. Yet somebody has to do it. Like any profession, there are good cops and bad cops.

Often the mob takes a short video clip completely out of context and dramatize it to promote an extreme political agenda. A police officer walks up to the driver of a vehicle with expired insurance. The male passenger gets out of the vehicle yelling at the police officer and walks up to him in an aggressive manner taking his jacket off and challenges him to a fight. Pause right there. Has he been drinking because something is not right here.

The vehicle he is in has expired insurance. The officer is quite justified inquiring about it to at least notify the driver in case they are unaware the insurance has expired. If they get in a motor vehicle accident with no insurance, that's pretty serious.

The aggressive manner in which the male passenger charges the police officer challenging him to a fight is completely unaceptable. A second officer arrives on scene and tackles him to the ground. He resists so the officer gives him a couple of shots to the head. This all falls within the legal realm of reasonable force. The media misrepresenting this is uncredible.

For the most part, none of us like cops. Yet they do have a job to do and they do put their life at risk keeping us safe. Disrespecting that cop the way the male passenger did when he was in a vehicle with expired insurance is unacceptable. Challenging someone to a fight then crying to the press when you lose that fight is pathetic. They didn't tag team him and give him the boots.

The officer took him down hard and he landed on the right side of his face. The other officer stood up to do crowd control. The officer on top of the male passenger punched him twice on the left side because he was resisting. The other officer put the handcuffs on and as soon as they lifted him up you could see the right side of his face was bleeding from hitting the ground.

If you claim this incident is police brutality I say you are an idiot. I do not agree. There are many other incidents where I'd say yeah, that was excessive force but this is not one of them. You can't run around like a raging lunatic threatening and swearing at the police when they pull you over for a serious breech of the law. I believe in law and order. Maintain the Right means uphold the law.

Why do you think they want to defund the police? So they can riot and loot. Buyer Beware.

Increasing police public accountability with a civilian watchdog oversight committee, by all means.

Defunding the police? GMAFB.

Zoom censors video talks on Hong Kong and Tiananmen

We figured this would happen. Just not this fast. The Washington Post is reporting that "Several prominent critics of the Chinese government, including protest leaders in Hong Kong and pro-democracy activists in the United States, have accused Zoom of shutting their accounts and severing live events in recent weeks under pressure from Beijing."

Quartz is reporting that "In a statement yesterday, the US-based video-conferencing company admitted to shutting down meetings held to commemorate those who died during the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown in China, and suspending the accounts of two activists and Humanitarian China, a US-based organization of exiled Chinese activists at the direct request of Beijing, who said the meetings were illegal. There are no Chinese laws stipulating that activities related to the June 4 massacre are illegal, but people in China, except Hong Kong, have been banned from holding any vigils or posting words related to the incident online. The accounts were suspended between late May and early June, according to the activists.'

The Communist party of China is behind the censorship on Facebook and YouTube. Facebook's fact checkers is false partisan censorship. They portray real news as fake and fake news as real. Welcome to George Orwell 1984. Caving in to Beijing's demands to censor the truth about the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre is satanic. God damn you all.

China's censorship has crossed the line

The Communist party of China censoring the Tiananmen massacre from the Internet in China is dirty but to be expected of a totalitarian dictatorship. However, censoring the truth from the Internet in North America crosses the line and is totally unacceptable. Free speech is guaranteed by the US Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights. Censorship is therefore illegal.

Donald Trump needs to revoke Zoom and Facebook's business licence until they stop the censorship. If you want to do business in Canada or the United States you have to obey the law. Censorship is illegal here and voids their business licence to operate here.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Fatal shooting in Calgary

CTV is reporting that " The Calgary Police Service has identified the victim of Friday night's shooting in the parking lot of Eau Claire Market as the search for two additional suspects continues. An autopsy confirmed Benjamin Virtucio, 29, was the man found dead in the market's parkade following reports of gunshots. According to police, the shooting was targeted and is believed to be tied to drug trafficking."

"Officers arrested Abdullahi Barakobe the following day and the 26-year-old was subsequently charged with second-degree murder and kidnapping with a firearm in connection with Virtucio's death. As part of the investigation, officers searched a home in the Airdrie neighbourhood of Hillcrest Square. Police continue to search for two other men and a suspect vehicle that were seen in the area of Eau Claire near the time of the shooting."

BC loses court case to seize Hells Angels clubhouses in Kelowna, Nanaimo, Vancouver

WTF? Kelowna Cap News is reporting that "The province has lost a lengthy legal battle in which it was attempting to seize Hells Angels clubhouses in Kelowna, Nanaimo and Vancouver’s east end. The proceedings, some of which date back to 2007, finally came to a close on June 11, with Supreme Court Justice Barry Davies ruling “it cannot be proven the clubhouses will be used unlawfully in the future.” This ruling dismisses the claims of the director of the Civil Forfeiture Office." AYFKM? Criminal activity is all the Kelowna chapter did. Court Jester Barry Davies - hang him! This decision needs to be appealed. It is Orwellian.

That's like saying you cannot prove beyond a shadow of doubt that a murderer won't commit murder again. You don't have to. He already committed the crime. Proceeds of crime legislation asks was this property purchased through the proceeds of crime? It doesn't say well ya know guys, there is a remote possibility they will stop selling crack and stop pimping crack hoes.

Giles is dead yet he said not every member is involved with criminal activity but anyone who uses the name of the club for criminal activity (including murder) must have that activity approved though the local executive. That local executive meeting would have been held in the clubhouse. I told you ya should have cut a deal and made a consent order.

Now you have nothing except a bad precedent. I was the one that said you should have given the Nanaimo clubhouse back and seized the Kelwona clubhouse instead by way of a consent order and let the East Van clubhouse go to trial. This Barry Davies freak is a complete f*ck up. Fire him. Don't wait until he ages out like Peter Leask.

Having said that, people claim that Goldammer is the new president of the Kelwona Hells Angels. If that is true, I do not have beef with him. Everyone knows who I have beef with. History has recorded that. If Goldammer is the new president then he was the one that cut Arnie loose and closed the Garden of Eden, not the compromised BC Gang Task force. They are completely useless. Goldammer's brother Roger makes awesome custom motorcycles that are way above my pay grade. He isn't just notorious he is a legend in the field.

Moving forward, I am not a fan of criminal organization legislation. That is not the New York Model, that is the corrupt LA model during the time of Freeway Ricky. Seizing the proceeds of crime legislation removes the incentive to stop crime. It becomes a tax grab where the government and the police profit from crime. In contrast, I support the New York model.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Racists and Feminists - exposing the truth

Time to right dive in. Following Rex Murphy's model logical progression, let's ask when is a racist not a racist and when is a feminist not a feminist? Wait 'till I tell ye. Communists use the word feminist to con women into helping them with THEIR cause. It's their cause not the women's cause because there are no woman's rights within Communism. Just like there are no trade union rights within Communism simply because within Communism, no one has any rights.

Ladies first. Let's start with the feminists. Before we look at women's rights in Communist China lets look at them within the local Communist con artists here in Canada. Let's turn back the clock to the last con right before COVID1984 when the Communists were blocking trains in support of the destruction of democracy on the Wet’suwet’en reservation. The man who would be king.

Since natural gas is clean burning and is a huge step forward for the environment over industrial coal, the band members of the Wet’suwet’en nation as well as their elected chiefs approved the natural gas pipeline through their territory. In addition to that, 8 of the 13 hereditary chiefs approved it. There is not one hereditary chief on the Wet’suwet’en, there are 13. Those hereditary titles are given to them by the band members and can be taken away just as easily.

So the majority of the band members along with the majority of their elected chiefs and their hereditary chiefs approved the pipeline. Yet Rasputin had a plan to overturn democracy. Wanting to overrule the democratic decision of their people, three female hereditary chiefs who approved the plan were stripped of their title and replaced with three males who support the plan

Here the Communists fired the women who disagreed with them and replaced them with men who agreed with them. This is one of many examples of how Communism is fake feminism just like Justin Trudeau. The old boys club sent female agitators to abuse aboriginal women who disagreed with them. Communists only want women who do as they are told. Communists claim that the bourgeois sees women as property they can own yet in reality, it is the Communists who want women to serve them. This is the difference between what they say and what they do.

In Communist China feminists and woman's rights activists are put in jail. I guess you didn't see that on Bill Gates' state run media. Next, lets look at who the racists really are. Remember the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics? All of us who were here remember that well as it was such a colossally positive event. Right before that there was a group of Anarchists and Communists trying to overthrow the democratic will of Vancouver and stop that magnificent event.

I attended a pre Olympic function at Vancouver City hall with my daughter and a friend. It was a family event. The Anti Poverty Committee in the DTES were throwing rocks at women and children who attended these events and I wanted to make sure that did not happen at this one. There was a large police presence. Chiefs from the three First Nation bands the Olympics were to be hosted on were present to give their blessing on the event.

One of the hereditary chiefs was performing a song on his prayer drum and the POS Anarchists started booing him and heckling him. I was astounded at the public level of disrespect and outright racism. I shouted out real Natives respect their elders. A couple of the First Nations guys they had with them started to feel guilty and stopped but the white trash anarchists kept booing and heckling the Elder during his drumming.

They were shouting no Olympics on stolen Native land. I was like WTF are you talking about? Everyone is in agreement with this. They were booing Squamish Nation hereditary Chief Gibby Jacob. The Anarchists and the Communists did not care or respect the hereditary chiefs then. Just like their fake feminism, they only want women or Natives who do as they're told.

The coronavirus crisis has exposed China's long history of racism. Communism is a lie.

Dr Leslyn Lewis made a post on Twitter stating that the Liberals aren't the natural home for people of colour. She has Conservative values which are genuine. Others aren't.

Likewise this also relates to some misunderstood history in the US. Several years ago I was debating politics on Dr Dray's forum. Several brothers on there were Republican. I said I thought Republicans had a history of being racist. Not so they said. They told me that historically the Democrats were KKK members. I said no way and checked it out. He was right. I had no idea.

That was then and this is now. Now the Democrats are pimping the cause just like the Communists. Only the Communists are proven liars. The way the Democrats are sensationalizing everything now makes them difficult to trust. Joe Biden's ties to John Brenan and the CIA make him dirty. Trump appears to be more trustworthy because he doesn't suck up.

Leroy Smith thinking Outside of the Box

"Out of the Box is the story of Leroy Smith, who was sentenced to 25 years’ imprisonment, for the shooting of two police officers in Brixton in 1993. Out of the Box will take you on a tour of the gangster lands of London, New York and Kingston, Jamaica, before showing you inside the Box that is the British prison system today. Sounds interesting. Brixton, Brixton.

I'm told Brixton is getting posh now and is an experience place to live. I was there in the /80's after the previous riots created the Front line. A long line of boaded up businesses that left and never returned for many years. Instead the outdoor market thrived. It was awesome. Idris Elba and Anthony Joshua are from Brixton and they're rock solid. Caribbean food is awesome.

Speaking of social injustice, why is it that we can't but Dragon Stout in BC any more? Guinness owns the market, fair enough but this is one astounding beer that deserves a piece of the pie.

Update: Leroy Smith's book - Out of the Box is referring to how he is out of prison as in England they refer to jail as the box. However, thinking outside the box is a saying that "simply means that you’re willing to consider different solutions and methods for reaching your desired outcome." Put the two together and Leroy Smith is thinking outside of prison life. Peace.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Joe Biden exploits George Floyd's funeral

The Communist party of China's State run media is reporting that Joe Biden spoke at George Floyd's funeral. AYFKM? Exploiting a human tragedy for your political gain? That is beyond bizarre. This is George Orwell. It's not Donald Trump's fault a POS cop murdered someone. Law enforcement is important. Corruption is always something we have to investigate. The Seven Five confirmed that. Dr. Leslyn Lewis speaks out on the Stockwell Day double standard.

Man shot in Whalley

The Peace Arch News is reporting that "The Surrey RCMP is investigating a shooting in Whalley after a man was found suffering from a gunshot wound. He was taken to hospital and his injury is not believed to be life-threatening. At about 8:30 a.m. Tuesday police were alerted to a “disturbance” at a residence in the 12700-block of 104th Avenue. “Responding officers located two men fleeing from the home,” Corporal Joanie Sidhu said. She said further investigation revealed a third man fled prior to police arriving at the scene, and hasn’t been found. She said the “initial indications are that this incident was a dispute between parties known to one another."

Monday, June 8, 2020

Rex Murphy: when is a pandemic not a pandemic?

Rex Murphy has an interesting point. "Fairly straightforward stuff today. Just basic logic. Or maybe an elementary riddle. Like - when is a pandemic not a pandemic? Is a gathering of more than six people dangerous and forbidden, but at over 1,000 does all risk disappear? Is the new law of viral spread the bigger the crowd the less chance of infection? The bluntest question may be the most engaging, however. Is the pandemic over?"

"I circulate these questions because public events of the last few days have exposed serious contradictions, what my good friends in the media are given to calling a disconnect."

"So now comes the logic test. If a dozen young people can’t gather for a soccer game, or 15 can’t hook up for a backyard barbecue, because it is dangerous and a real threat to public health - how can thousands of people congregate in protest on a city’s streets without barely a whimper from the authorities, health or political, about the 'threat to public health' such numbers ineluctably contain. The paradox here is not without poignancy. "

"Civil authorities have kept people from their closest loved ones in times of the greatest emotional stress. You cannot visit. There are limits placed on funeral visitations. Daughter has not been able to visit mother, and forced to lip-speak through a window — and even that pathetic gesture has been frowned upon (Ottawa briefly banned it altogether). All in the name, I note again, of a greater good. We must not spread the virus, and if that means real pain for individual people, we’re sorry for it, but it must be the case. But protest marches fall outside these rigours?"

Here's the point. Doug Ford called anti lockdown protesters a bunch of yahoos but Justin Trudeau and the MSM are promoting ANTIFA. Can we not see what the root of this brazen contradiction really is? Leslyn Lewis recently made similar observations.

"Over the past week we saw the same health officials and political leaders that wouldn’t allow churches to meet in parked cars expressing that mass gatherings and protests should not just be allowed, but encouraged. The Prime Minister himself ignored social distancing guidelines to take a knee at a demonstration in Ottawa, surrounded by thousands of protesters. Watching health officials and politicians reverse course so swiftly this week leads us to conclude:"

"Either their recommendations and guidelines were heavy handed and unnecessary, OR they were so eager to gain the approval of a large electoral block of voters, many of whom are people of colour, that they were dishonest with them about the health risks of the protests and demonstrations. If these protests are not a danger to the public health and those participating, then our officials owe an apology not only to people of faith who are still prohibited from gathering in any meaningful way, but also every Canadian who has been kept from the bedside of a dying loved one." Well said. The contradiction is too extreme to ignore.

To this end, Leslyn Lewis has launched a petition which reads: "We are asking for the public release of the scientific information used by the Government of Canada to determine that large-scale protests are not a health concern, but attending a wedding or a funeral is less safe."

It is obvious that the double standard is political and it does not lean towards freedom and justice. It leans in the other direction in support of the same political party that launched the pandemic.

Justin Trudeau is a fake feminist, a fake environmentalist and a fake socialist. Justin Trudeau is Justan Idiot. The people want something different than George Orwell 1984. Wind of Change.

Racism in other communities

My daughter used to volunteer teaching English to refugees in Vancouver. She is fluent in Spanish and has visited Colombia and Honduras many times. One time there was a refugee family from Colombia and Honduras with two young children that needed a place to stay so they stayed with us until they could get housing. They both had green cards in the US and had been working in Texas but Trump revoked their green cards so they came to Canada with their two adorable young children homeless. In Texas they owned a home, rented a bouncy castle for their young daughter's birthday and both had jobs. They came to Canada with nothing.

The father was Black and the mother was Latino. I didn't know what race they were before they arrived and when I saw the father inside the doorway of our home he looked at me with anticipation in his eyes wondering how he would be received. I took one look at him, smiled and said out loud que pasa parcero? Which means what's up homeboy in Colombian Spanish. He took one look at me as if to say, I can't believe a white guy just called me parcero.

The father had to leave Colombia because FARC murdered his brother. He fled to Honduras, met his wife and together they fled to Mexico. Tragically the mother explained her husband faced severe racism in Mexico. She said they'd be walking down the street and people would attack him physically. I was shocked to hear that. It appears that Mexico has a problem with racism.

Here we would go to the supermarket and black guys would some up to him, shake his hand and say it's really nice to see you. I joked and said, see, here you're a celebrity.

I have a friend in Canada who is Latino and described to me an experience he had several years ago in LA. He and his friend were in a black area. A woman told him they had to leave. What do you mean he asked? Then he saw that they were surrounded by an angry mob of black youth. This was two Hispanic guys surrounded by a mob of Black guys. My friend said that he bowed his head and closed his eyes bracing for the beating of his life. At that point he felt the wind rush up from under him. He opened his eyes and looked up. A police helicopter spotted the mob and was hovering above them which dispersed the mob and saved his life.

LA was different than New York. When I was in New York there was none of that. Most of the guys in the group were Black or Hispanic and they certainly got alone well with each other. The Hispanic guys there were mostly from Puerto Rico. I had no problem. We would walk from Harlem over to Spanish Harlem and there was no racial tension. In fact Tupac sang about the good times he had walking over to Spanish Harlem in New York. LA was much more racial. That Rodney King beating was nasty and apparently exemplified the tensions that existed at that time.

My point here is simply that all racism is bad and we have to be honest about what is and isn't going on. We also need to be mindful of stereotypes which are promoted to fit political agendas. ANTIFA claims everyone who isn't Communist is a racist and a Fascist and that is ridiculous.