Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Steve Nash Fitness World acquires new owners

SNClubs.com is reporting that "Steve Nash Fitness World, Crunch Fitness, and UFC GYM locations in British Columbia have been acquired by a new group of investors. Chris Smith will remain as CEO to navigate the return of the fitness centers for members, employees, and partners." Good news. I was hoping that was going to happen. Interesting timing though.

May 21st they announced that they were looking to sell business with goal of re-opening. Business Vancouver announced that "the board of SNFW Fitness B.C. Ltd. boasted two fitness industry titans who ceased serving on the board near the end of March 2020."

July 2019 Global reported that "B.C. whistleblower leads $20-million class-action suit against Steve Nash Fitness World." More recently Global reported that "Terminated employees file class action against Steve Nash Fitness World." The Georgia Straight is confirming the acquisition.

Sounds like some changes were made to avoid lawsuits. Let's get back to business.

The Believe BC campaign celebrates the innovative minds working to reimagine, rebuild and reignite businesses in our province. Now that's what I'm talking about. Move forward.

Calls for RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki's resignation are Ridiculous and Shameful

This is ridiculous. No really. The leftist extremists are calling for RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki's resignation because she said that although the RCMP does have a problem with isolated incidents of racism like anywhere else, she said systematic racism does not exist within the RCMP. That is a true statement and calling for her resignation is shameful. Racism in Canada does exist but it is not systematic and it is not as bad as Mexico or LA. The ridiculous claim shows why we need to defund the leftist extremists and find independent media outlets.

The taser incident at the airport was a national tragedy but it was not based on racism it was the result of bad training. The arrest of the chief in Alberta who was ragefully swearing at an RCMP officer and challenged him to a fight was a textbook example of reasonable force. It is unfortunate that when the officer tackled him he landed on his face. However, that is a natural consequence of his unacceptable behavior. These leftist extremists are promoting disrespect for the law and abuse of police officers. That is wrong. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect, including police officers who risk their lives to keep people safe.

I have more to say on this matter but will pause there since I have other things to do. This kind of extremism is shameful. It is, as Candace Owen would declare, a narrative with a political agenda. A narrative is a polite way of saying con job.

All people are equal. All people deserve to be treated with respect. All people - black, white, red, yellow, brown and even blue. There are many police officers of diverse ethnicity.

The police deserve to be treated with respect just like anyone else. ANTIFA refuse to do that. They abuse the police just like they abuse the elderly or anyone else who disagrees with them. That needs to stop and we need to stop pandering to these extremists political agenda. We all know where that road leads and it does not lead to civil liberty and mutual respect. Brenda Lucki is a huge step forward for the RCMP. We need to keep moving forward not backward.

Since ANTIFA refuses to obey the law we should hire and train auxiliary police for riot control like the army reserves. No tear gas or peper spray. Just shields and night sticks. Old school tactical containment. Reasonable force defending the rule of law. Maintain the right - Uphold the law.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Candace Owens leads the exodus from Slavery

Candace Owens is leading the Black Exit from the Democratic party but she is also leading the Exodus from the Slavery of Communism into a Free Republic on dry ground. I shall explain.

Globalism is Communism. ANFIFA is Communism. ANTIFA declares that if your not a Communist you are a racist Fascist. That is ridiculous. Candace Owens is leading everyone away from the slavery of Communism into the light of free thought. This is her mountaintop.

My mountaintop is on the other side of the abyss - Finian's Inferno. I have seen what Communism has done and how they do it. We have talked about the global conspiracy and the enemy from within. COVID 1984 was a wake up call for all of us. It was an attack on civil liberty. It was an attack on the Constitution and the Charter of Rights. Communism will lie to everyone.

There are no transgender rights in Communism because within Communism no one has any rights. There is no diversity of thought within Communism because Communism is a single party system. It is very single minded. Communism's end game is slavery - of everyone.

Slavery is what this new civil war is really about. Only this time it's not about making backs slaves, it's about making everyone slaves. So while Candace Owens leads Black Exit, she also leads the way for all of us to escape the dark deception that is trying to enslave us. The flaxen cords of ANTIIFA and the MSM. This is George Orwell 1984 but if we are willing to resist it could also be a tale of two cities. Communist totalitarianism versus a Free Republic. In Ireland a Republican is someone who beleives in a free republic. That is what I believe in.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Defunding the DTES Anarchists and Communists

I see the Oppenheimer rape camp has moved over to the Georgia Street viaduct. Now they are out of their territory. Today I drove into Vancouver to drop off some groceries for my brother who just got out of the hospital. Only these bags of sh*t had tents set up on the road blocking my access to the Georgia Street viaduct. Tents on a city street is a violation of the Vancouver city bylaws and I object to them. They have a Charter right to protest but they do not have the right to break the law and take away my right of safe passage. They aren't the only people on the planet.

Shutting down the Rape camp at Oppenheimer park was a step forward for the city but letting these criminals promote lawlessness and take away other law biding citizens rights is completely unacceptable. The Oppenheimer park rape camp did not advocate for woman's rights, they exploited them. They demanded lawlessness so they could continue to rape women in those tents. These are the same people a few blocks over. No one should support that. No one.

On my way in there were a handful of political extremists and several tents set up on the road. One white girl had a sign that said Black Trans Lives Matter. I shouted out that I do not support Anarchists and Communists. They said that's not what they represent. Yes it is I exclaimed. That is exactly what you represent. You have been conned by liars with a political agenda.

On my way back more people had joined them including several drug addicts and criminals who brought pallets to block the road. People have the right to go to work. They are violating that right. They say sh*t attracts flies, well right there you can see a big pile of sh*t and a huge swarm of flies. It's time to bring in the sanitation department and flush that toilet once and for all.

All of these POS who are breaking the law and violating my rights, cut them off welfare. Every last one of them. It's time to defund the Anarchists and the Communists. You want Communism? Lets put you all in work camps because that's what Communism is. There are no trans rights in Communism. Last year I buried my mother and my sister. Soon I'll have to bury my brother. I don't need your sh*t. No one does. The city needs to take this down before someone gets hurt.

What happened to George Floyd was horrible but that had nothing to do with the police here and it had nothing to do with me. Candice Owen is leading Black Exist in the United States and I do support her. Locally Leslyn Lewis has a different platform than the Anarchists and the Communsits and I support her. Black Conservatives are on the rise to support law and order.

The criminals and the drug addicts in the DTES have become far too loud and proud. They think they are better than anyone else and that only they matter. When I was at Main and Hastings the light changed and a zombie transient started walking on the red slowly and intentionally blocking my access. After I yelled at him and turned the corner another zombie transient did the exact same thing. They cross on red lights intentionally going slow to block cars because they believe only they matter. They have no regard for anyone else other then themselves.

This is what happens when you coddle and spoon feed spoilt brat criminals. They turn into arrogant monsters because they face no consequences for their unlawful conduct.

BTW since there is such a huge shortfall in the City of Vancouver's budget afer the COVID lockdown, we need to cut all funding to VANDU. The Vancouver Drug Users Network is a criminal organization that should not be funded with tax dollars by the city.

Candace Owens leads Black Exit

Dude, we see a star rise in the east now we see another star rise in the south. South of the 49th parallel. Black Conservatism is on the rise. Signs in the heavens yo. I found this awesome video on YouTube and checked it out. Fox News is reporting that "Conservative activist Candace Owens says she wants to free black voters from the decades-long grip of the Democratic Party – and is urging them to support a new movement she’s calling Blexit.” Awesome. We Canexit too.

The Washington Post is reporting that "Candace Owens Is the New Face of Black Conservatism" and Leonard Cohen said hallelujah. Love is not a victory march, it a cold and broken hallelujah.

ABC is reporting that "Danielle Robinson is a newly registered Republican in Raleigh. 'I'm tired of the idea that the Left thinks that they can have black people in their pocket.' Raleigh said. Nearly 1.5 million black voters are registered in North Carolina, and nearly 80 percent of them are Democrats, according to the State Board of Elections. But there's a movement afoot to get black voters to leave the Democratic Party, one that has fueled voters such as Robinson to abandon politics as usual. It's Blexit -- also known as Black Exit." Thank God. Help is on the way.

Blackout: How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape from the Democrat Plantation

The Candace Owens Show on PragerU and on Sound Cloud. Her Twitter and her Instagram.

Brace yourselves for Blexit. Rocking the crib yo. This is the next generation. Word.

This is George Orwel's 1984 but it is also a Tale of two Cities: Communist Totalitarianism versus a Free Republic where civil liberty and human rights are protected by law. This is the new Animal Farm where free speech has gone underground and the MSM has become absurd.

IHIT investigating fatality in Langley house fire

Global is reporting that "One person is dead and others are unaccounted for after a house fire in the Willowbrook neighbourhood of Langley. Langley Township deputy fire chief Bruce Ferguson said crews were still searching the home as of 8 p.m. Saturday night. Investigators from the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team arrived on scene late Saturday night as well."

Update: Three bodies found in suspicious house fire

More info on the Canadian lab's shipment to Wuhan

CBC is reporting that "Newly-released access to information documents reveal details about a shipment of deadly pathogens last year from Canada's National Microbiology Lab to China - confirming for the first time who sent them, what exactly was shipped, and where it went."

"CBC News had already reported about the shipment of Ebola and Henipah viruses but there's now confirmation one of the scientists escorted from the lab in Winnipeg amid an RCMP investigation last July was responsible for exporting the pathogens to the Wuhan Institute of Virology four months earlier. The virus shipments are not related to the outbreak of COVID-19 or research into the pandemic, Canadian officials said."

"However, experts are concerned. 'It is suspicious. It is alarming. It is potentially life-threatening,' said Amir Attaran, a law professor and epidemiologist at the University of Ottawa."

"We have a researcher who was removed by the RCMP from the highest security laboratory that Canada has for reasons that government is unwilling to disclose. The intelligence remains secret. But what we know is that before she was removed, she sent one of the deadliest viruses on Earth, and multiple varieties of it to maximize the genetic diversity and maximize what experimenters in China could do with it, to a laboratory in China that does dangerous gain of function experiments. And that has links to the Chinese military."

Gain of function experiments are when a natural pathogen is taken into the lab, made to mutate, and then assessed to see if it has become more deadly or infectious. Most countries, including Canada, don't do these kinds of experiments - because they're considered too dangerous, Attaran said. "The Wuhan lab does them and we have now supplied them with Ebola and Nipah viruses. It does not take a genius to understand that this is an unwise decision," he said. "I am extremely unhappy to see that the Canadian government shared that genetic material."

WHO launches Ebola outbreak in the Congo

Bills Gates Coronavirus patent granted November 11th 2019

Dr Fauci's foundation gave the Wuhan lab the grant to study COVID-1984 in Chinese bats. There were no bats sold at the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to do the math. The virus the Wuhan lab was studying was released right after Bill Gates coronavirus patent in Europe was approved. That is no theory. That is the truth.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Fatal shooting in Edmonton

Global is reporting that "One man has died following a shooting shortly after midnight in Edmonton on Saturday, according to police. Officers said they were called to a parking lot of an apartment building on Brintnell Boulevard near 167 Avenue around 12:25 a.m. The man was taken to hospital with life-threatening gunshot wounds and was declared dead upon his arrival, police said. He has been identified by police as Samer Farzat Chehimi. His death is being considered suspicious." Yeah it's usually a suspicious death when they get shot first.

Leslyn Lewis speaks out on law enforcement

A society that seeks to instill good laws, must have an institution which can enforce them in a fair and just manner.

In Canada, calls to “defund the police” have begun to grow, echoing similar demands being put forward by activists in the United States following the horrific and tragic death of George Floyd.

According to CTV, two Toronto city councillors even put forward a motion to slash the city’s police budget by 10% - despite the fact that Toronto’s murder rates have hit historic highs in recent years. Politicians in other cities are following suit.

It has been disturbing to see that so few politicians are willing to come forward and state an essential truth: bad police officers are a small minority, and the vast majority serve, night and day, in dangerous situations to keep the public safe.

When everyone is running away from violence, police officers are running towards danger to help. When people are in danger, they call the police.

It must be incredibly demoralizing for our law enforcement officers - and their families - who face danger on our behalf, to be condemned universally for the bad actions of a few.

Conservatives believe the rule of law applies to everyone. It should go without saying that officers who do commit crimes must be prosecuted for those crimes to the full extent of the law.

Activists on the left continually call for more laws to deal with everything they believe to be unjust. So we need to ask them the question: who would enforce these laws, if they defund the police?

Canadians living in cities have legitimate concerns about gang violence and the smuggling of illegal guns, drugs and people into our country. How does defunding the police protect victims of human trafficking, or stop gangs from expanding?

If not the police, then who? Are they suggesting an anarchist society? A national military that rules over our citizens? A surveillance state based on social credit scores like in China? If so, who do these new law enforcement agencies report to? Real problems need real solutions. Dismantling law and order in our country is not a viable solution.

Slogans and hashtags are at best empty virtue signalling, and at worst, expressions of some people’s true desire to see the law and order of our society overthrown.

Serious conversations during these difficult times are essential. Let’s move past the cheap sloganeering and the collective smearing of our brave men and women in uniform.

How do you feel about the “Defund The Police” movement? Let me know here.


Leslyn Lewis

Errol Gildea is on the run

Errol toy boy Gildea, one of the three Australian Hells Angels charged with drug trafficking in Thailand appears to be on the run. This is a picture of Errol with the Eight Demons MC Indonesia as they went from being a support club to a hangaround club to a prospect country in HAMC: I wonder what they had to do to earn their stripes? With Erol's preferences, one can never be sure.

Errol Gildea is on the left, Oeh is on the right (he's in a Thai prison now for crystal the meth bust) and a member of the Eight Demons MC in the middle. An Errol sandwich. Now that is scary.

According to the HAMC official website, Indonesia is a prospect country and Philippines is a hangaround country. The pictures above and below confirms that Indonesia is a hangaround country. What a f*cking ponzi scheme. Kiss our ass and who knows what else, and we'll let you sell our drugs as long as you pay a tax. They take all the prostitutes money so these guys are just waiting for the dog to be thrown a bone. So if the Hells Angels openly run prostitution now, are Erol's boy toys sanctioned? You're running that kind of prostitution now too? Wow.

The boy toys that wear lipstick Errol is giving patches to in Thailand is none of my business. If the homophobes in the club cap them like they did Ali, that won't solve the problem. If you don't want them in the club, don't let them in. Letting them in and then capping them because you changed your mind is bad business. Then lying about it after the fact is sleazy.

Bandung is a city in Indonesia. Word is Cambodia is next on Erol's wish list because of the prostitution and corrupt police. So not only are the Hells Angels living off the avails, now they appear to be running under age gay prostitutes in Asia. Anything to make a buck. Anything? How low will you go? What consenting adults do behind closed doors is their business. The key words there are consenting adults. Prostituting minors is human trafficking and Errol is at the root of it.

Is the local clown Blair Curtis Stephens involved with all that? He does look a little creepy.

The Eight Demons MC has charters in Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia and Philippines.