Sunday, January 21, 2018

Linda Hepner breaks the law

Well this comes as no surprise. Linda Hepner has kept stalling off the environmental report on the road through Hawthorne park. They have a draft report but the final report won't be ready until the end of January. So why are they cutting down trees in Hawthorne park before the environmental report has even been completed? That is illegal.

Roslyn Cassells applied for a court injunction to stop the road through Hawthorne park until the city has done its due diligence in researching the environmental impact on wildlife protected by law. The court dismissed her case because she did not have standing. This is why I have zero respect for and zero confidence in the BC Judicial system. There is no justice in it. What the city is doing is WRONG. They are breaking the law.

They have already started cutting down trees on the part of the park on 104th Avenue owned by private investors. They have NO legal right to cut down any more trees on actual park land until the environmental report has been completed and released to the public. None whatsoever.

This is a copy of the Draft report dated October 26th 2017 which was not released until Dec. 20, 2017 - 5 days before Christmas. It is obviously incomplete. It makes absolutely no reference to the endangered species Roslyn Cassells mentioned in her court application. The Kangaroo courts have once again failed the public that pays their wages. The City of Surrey is breaking the law which comes as no surprise. I just wanted to make that clear.

The previous "Draft" environmental report dated April 21st 2017 made reference to the presence of a Red-Tailed Hawk in the park which is protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The "revised" Draft report dated October 26 2017 makes no reference to the presence of a Red-Tailed Hawk or any other endangered species mentioned in the April 21st Draft report. Just sayn.

Hawthorne Park Fraud Exposed ~ Infrastructure expert gives Surrey LRT poor score

Gatineau strip club sprayed with bullets

CBC is reporting that "Gatineau police are investigating after a strip club was hit with a hail of bullets Saurday evening. Police say that at around 7:30 p.m., shots were fired at Le Pigale from a car driving by on Gréber Boulevard. Officers found bullet holes in the side of the building, police said. At 9 p.m., major crime investigators were still on the scene. No injuries have been reported. A stretch of Gréber Boulevard was closed Saturday night near Le Pigale for the investigation. The strip club, however, remained open."

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Tom Petty's Cause of Death: Accidental Overdose

The Rolling Stone is reporting that "After months of speculation, a medical examiner has ruled that Tom Petty died of an accidental overdose, according to a statement from the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner. The Hall of Fame musician had taken several pain medications, including Fentanyl, oxycodone and generic Xanax."

Steppenwolf - God dam the Pusher

Macklemore - My drug dealer was a doctor

Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - I Won't Back Down

Tom Petty - You Don't Know How It Feels

Tom Petty - Free Fallin'

Stiff Gritty has potential

A lot of people have been very interested in this new video of HA associates trashing Madchild. I think Stiff Gritty has potential. His reference to Madchild carrying around a stuffed animal like a Yaletown slut was rather amusing. His reference to Madchild being a GHB predator nailed it. One has to remember who sold him the GHB but it is good to recognize that being a GHB predator is not a good thing. Tupac Shakur left us with the Ghetto Gospel after he died.

Tupac made reference to a homeless lady and another woman addicted to crack then said, "Tell me do you see that old lady, Ain't it sad, Living out of bags, Plus she's glad for the little things she has, And over there there's a lady, Crack got her crazy, Guess who's giving birth to a baby, I don't trip or let it fade me, From out of the fryin' pan, We jump into another form of slavery."

In another song called Changes Tupac responds to a crack dealer who said "I made a G today," then said "but you made it in a sleazy way Sellin' crack to the kids." Tupac didn't have a problem with pot, he had a problem with crack cocaine. So do I. We both saw what it does to people.

Trailrunner said that no one in the Madchild Diss video will ever amount to anything. Aside from being a tad harsh, I don't believe that is true. I think they all show potential. Speaking out against being an oxy junkie and a GHB predator shows potential.

Stiff Gritty's manger has a reputation for being a good guy. He sold pot in high school and was fair in his business dealings. No one cares about pot. It will soon be legal. Crack, fentanyl and crystal meth are the drugs that are killing society.

I would however caution them as to what they aspire to. The young girls in bikinis at the pool in the video look like normal girls who were simply their friends from high school. I dont want to be mean but the girls sitting on the bed in lingerie kinda looked like strippers or prostitutes. There isn't much of a long term future in that and I'm not sure that is where you want some of your female high school friends to end up.

We all know the pattern. First they recruit the girls to be strippers and invite them to parties where its all about strippers and blow. Then they get them hooked on harder drugs and get them working in the sex trade industry to pay for the drugs. After the drugs eat them alive and they can no longer make money in the industry they end up dead on the Picton Farm.

Jesse Hadden is a good guy. The after hours he ran across the street from the Pickton farm was fine. People would go there after Roosters closed. Piggy's Palace down the street was not. The members involved in that dive are pieces of garbage. They weren't just GHB predators, they would gang rape crack hos and kill them for drug debts.

Watch your ladies. Be careful what happens to your young female friends you introduce to club members. Make sure they don't end up crack hos dead on the Pickton farm. That wouldn't be loyal to your friendships. The reason why the old men on Viagra want you around is so you can bring young girls around their daughters age so they can sleep with them. Mind how you go.

Snak the Ripper also has potential. Repping the Stop down crew yo. I'm not saying we should all jump on the bandwagon and trash Madchild for being a b*tch. Like Fat Joe, his response to 50 Cent was a one time one time only. Fat Joe just set the record straight then moved on to other things. Likewise, these young guns can move on to other things after setting the record straight.

Where do we go from here?

Sometimes we find ourselves at a crossroads in life and we are forced to ask where do we go from here? This blog has evolved over the years and like Goldie Locks and the Three bears, I've finally found my place so to speak. I'm just doing my own thing. I have distanced myself from police officers who infiltrate biker gangs under cover for several reasons.

A lot of the cops that go under cover to infiltrate the Hells Angels do so because they covet the life like the former Victoria police chief from Sudbury. I do not. There is nothing in that world that appeals to me. The whole point of this blog is to encourage people to leave the life. The safest way to do that is to stop selling drugs and not become a police informant.

I have also distanced myself from drug dealers that have gone under cover to infiltrate biker gangs so they can avoid jail time. Being a drug dealer is bad enough. Ratting out your friends for doing the same thing so you don't have to go to jail is just plain dirty.

TBM is a support group for former gang members in Scandinavia. Micheal Green, the International spokesperson for that group is a good guy. He has a difficult job keeping the peace between a bunch of former gang members who would normally be trying to shoot each other in the real world. I have also distanced myself from drug dealers like Walter Stadnick for obvious reasons. Hells Angels who sell drugs are not trust worthy. They have an agenda which always revolves around them. My history is different. I was never a cop, gang member or a drug dealer. That's why I don't covet that life. I was never a part of it and never wanted to be.

I saw the US crack epidemic in the 1980's. Curtis Sliwa was on the front line leading the crack down on crack campaign in New York City and across the US. I saw it in New York and helped confront it in South Seattle. Before crack the Guardian Angels never used to get invoked in drug enforcement. They just kept the peace and stopped violent crime. When crack hit the streets everything changed. Crack was so invasive and had such a dramatic effect on violent crime Curtis Sliwa started to confront the crack dealers on the street head on.

Crack is a horrible drug. Seeing our government hand out free crack pipes and setting up safe inhalation sites for people to smoke crack is the epitome of evil. It has caused addiction to spread completely out of control and as a result criminals are shooting each other over the profits to be had from the drug trade. CTV just reported that "The number of overdose deaths in Vancouver increased by 43 per cent last year compared with 2016." Once again that is proof that Insite has been a colossal failure. Insite does not save lives. It promotes addiction and increases fatalities.

These lethal injection sites and the lawlessness that surrounds them are part of the problem. They are not part of the solution. Anyone who argues against that is either stupid or evil. I can confront evil but I can't fix stupid. They say the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. When it comes to handing out free crack pipes and setting up safe inhalation sites, that is certainly true.

On a side note, this is a picture of Lisa and Tut back in the day. Lisa was the National Director at the time and Tut was the NYC Chapter president out of the 155th street Headquarters in Harlem. I mentioned them in chapter one and ten of my free ebook.

Lisa Evers on The Morton Downey Jr Show

When I first met Lisa in New York I had a button on the front of my beret that said "My Karma ran over my Dogma." She took one look at me, rolled her eyes and said to the other guys how is it that I can tell which one is the Canadian? I responded with something polite and respectful and her hard New York heart melted and she said "Awe, that's why I like Canadians so much." Lisa was the real deal. She wasn't from the ivory tower. She was a front line street soldier for real.

Right before I retired from the group I met Lisa in Seattle and introduced her to my fiancee. She shook her hand with a big smile on her face and gave my fiancee her condolences for getting married to me. Lisa was hilarious. She was a good person. I was really sad to hear things didn't work out between her and Curtis. They were the perfect couple we all looked up to. Like Tut said, that's the America way. 50% of marriages don't work out. It is what it is.

Tut was a real life superhero. He was short but he was incredibly lean, flexible and competent in the martial arts. I saw him easily take out guys twice his size in sparring and he could ground and pound before they invented it. One time it was just me and him on the subway platform. He was watching my back and I was watching his. All of a sudden Tut starts giving a guy behind me the look and started aggressively walking towards him saying excuse me? like he was going to rip the guy's eyes out. The guy promptly ran away and Tut said yeah that's what I thought.

The guy had pulled out a throwing star and was flashing it threatening to throw it at us to see what Tut would do. Tut would have disarmed the guy and crammed it up his ass before the guy could say ouch. He was wise to leave the scene before Tut got to him.

Another time a bunch of us were on a subway platform waiting for a train. Some crackhead had taken a dump and I stepped in it. The guys all stepped back and started laughing. I looked down and tried not to let it phase me then said, "Yo I have one question. What is a dog doing on the subway?" Tut was holding back his smile and said "Yo bro, that wasn't a dog." I was like "Damn."

I know what the New York Model is. Linda Hepner's Fail Army is Not it.

The bottom line is that I have always aspired to something higher.

Larry Campbell is as dirty as they come. He is the one that conned us into adopting the four pillars program. After we adopted the four pillars, extremists threw away the three crucial pillars - enforcement, treatment, prevention and thereby turned harm reduction into harm promotion which greatly increased addiction and supported organized crime. Larry Campbell is just another dirty lobbyist profiting from the Pharmaceutical Fraud.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Fatal shooting in Abbotsford - Upate

The Surrey Now Leader is reporting that "A man has been killed in a shooting tonight in Abbotsford. The incident took place at about 6:30 p.m. on Promontory Court just off of Ridgeview Drive in west Abbotsford. The victim was shot while he was in a vehicle."

Tom Zytaruk from the Surrey Now Leader claims "Drive-by shootings have become a part of our social fabric here in the Lower Mainland." Why is that? Because the police have stopped enforcing the law when it comes to street level drug trafficking. As a result the criminals are shooting each other to fight for the profits from that illicit gold mine our apathy has created.

Update: CTV is reporting that the victim in the Abbotsford fatal shooting was Lovepreet "Jason" Dhaliwal. "According to IHIT, Dhaliwal was trying to leave a criminal lifestyle."

Surrey Teen found murdered in the trunk of a stolen car

CTV is reporting that "Residents of an East Vancouver neighbourhood are on edge after a young man was found murdered in the trunk of an abandoned car Thursday afternoon. The blue Ponatiac Sunfire had been parked at Fairmont Street near Vanness Avenue for days and had a ticket on the windshield by the time the grim discovery was made at around 4 p.m. On Friday, police confirmed the deceased's identity as 18-year-old Sachdeep Singh Dhoot, a Surrey resident who had been missing since Jan. 9. His death marks Vancouver's third homicide of 2018."

Masked man walks into Richmond Pub with a shotgun

Global is reporting that a masked man walked into the Pioneer Pub in Richmond during a memorial service with a shotgun last night and pistol whipped what the Richmond News claims was a suspected drug dealer. The Richmond News claims it as a riffle not a shotgun. Hey, if the PoPo wont do it, why not?

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Michael B. Jordan in Black Panther and Creed II

Well this is exciting, Michael B. Jordan, the talented young gun who gave an award winning performance in the last Rocky Movie called Creed is stepping up for a sequel. Before that he is rocking the big screen as a villain in Black Panther. Now that is fresh.

The Independent is reporting that "Black Panther reaches cinemas on the 12 February in the UK, touching down across the pond in the US on the 16 February." It's about time they had a brother step up to be the super hero. Michael B. Jordan doesn't have the lead role. In the Black Panther he plays a villain. That'll be worth seeing. Michael B. is rock solid.

Get this, in the Movie Creed, Michael B. Jordan played Apollo Creed's son. The whole thing was a masterpiece. Well in Creed 2 Apollo's son squares off against Drago's son. Drago was the one that killed his father in the ring. How do they keep coming up with this sh*t? That is awesome. The Den of Geek is reporting that Romanian fighter Florian Munteanu, known as the ‘Big Nasty’ will play the son of Ivan Drago. Now that's what I'm talking about. This is as real as it gets.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Missing Hamilton woman found dead

Metro News is reporting that "Hope of family and friends that Holly Hamilton would be found alive came to a tragic end Wednesday, with the discovery of the 29-year-old woman's body. Hamilton police homicide unit Staff Sgt. Dave Oleniuk confirmed Hamilton's body had been found and that she is the city's first homicide victim of 2018. One man has been arrested in connection with her death, he said. But police have not yet released his name or any information on charges."

CBC is reporting that "A man has been arrested in connection with her death, police said, adding that the investigation is still ongoing." Metro News reported that "Detectives had been looking for Hamilton's 30-year-old ex boyfriend, including searching and canvassing in the neighbourhood around his Barton Street East and Fairfield Avenue apartment - the last place Hamilton was seen on Sunday night. She was found along with her white, four-door Ford Escort in an east Hamilton parking garage."

Dead body recovered from Landner slough

The Delta Police are reporting that "At approximately 9:45 am this morning Delta Police were contacted by a person out walking their dog near Ladner Harbour Park, who reported seeing a body in the water. Delta Police attended to the scene immediately. With the assistance of the Delta Fire Department and the New Westminster Police boat, police were able to recover the body." The Delta Optimist is also covering the story.

North and South Korea will march under a single flag at the Winter Olympics

The BBC is reporting that "North and South Korea have agreed to march together under a single 'unified Korea' flag at next month's Winter Olympics in the South. They also agreed to field a joint women's ice hockey team in rare talks at the truce village of Panmunjom. These are the first high-level talks between the countries in more than two years. It marks a thaw in relations that began in the new year when North Korea offered to send a team to the games. The games will take place between 9 and 25 February in Pyeongchang in South Korea."

The New York Times posted a picture of North and South Korean athletes marching together during the opening ceremony of the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy. J'imagine yo.

Like I said before, provoking war in a time of peace is not noble. If Canada and the US want to boycott North Korea they are free to do so. If China and Russia are willing to sell North Korea oil, they are free to do so. Canada and the United States do not have the right to ban other countries from doing business with North Korea nor do they have the right to board their vessels.

Canada needs to stop selling China nuclear reactors and needs to take back it's oil rights. We are the ones supporting North Korea's nuclear expansion through China. SNC-Lavalin is the most corrupt construction company on the planet. Word.

Walter Stadnick is a B*tch

Just so we're clear on where we all stand. Walter Stadnick is a b*tch ass weasel. He is a 5' 4" drug dealer. That is all. I cannot support ANY organization he is involved with. The whole purpose of my website and blog is to encourage people to leave the life. Riding motorcycles is great. Selling drugs is not. Living the dream is not Pimping the dream. There is a big difference.

Wally Stadnick is all "My friend Mom Boucher." I'm like F*ck your friend Mom Boucher. Boucher was a rapist and a petty thief who became a big drug dealer by betraying people on a regular basis. Wally has small man syndrome and still brags about his friendship with a drug dealing rapist. He is a snake in the grass and cannot be trusted. I have a great deal of respect for the French members in Quebec. Wally isn't French and he isn't from Quebec. He's an Anglophone from Ontario that supported the Calabrians in Hamilton over the Rizzutos in Montreal. F*ck him.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Kill the Messenger now on Netflix

Kill the Messenger with Jeremy Renner is now on Netflix. It's a true story based on the life of Gary Webb who was an award wining investigative reporter murdered for exposing the CIA's connection to Blandon and Freeway Ricky causing the US crack epidemic in the /80's.

Gary Webb is my hero. I released my free ebook on the 10th anniversary of his murder. Like I said in the beginning, the CIA is a criminal organization deeply involved with drug trafficking throughout Iran Contra from Vietnam to Operation Fast and Furious. When it comes to criminal activity, the CIA makes the Hells Angels look like boy scouts. They are the enemy within.

Three men charged in Michael Bonin's murder

Global is reporting that "Three men have now been charged in the death of a 20-year-old man from Alberta last year. The body of Michael Bonin, from Rycroft Alberta, was discovered on a rural forest service road north of Hope, B.C. on April 20, 2017. This past weekend, the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT) and partner agencies arrested 26-year-old Ryan Watt, 20-year-old Joshua Fleurant and 27-year-old Jared Jorgenson. All three have now been charged with first-degree murder, and will appear in a court in B.C. on Monday."

In 2015 Castanet reported that Joshua Fleurant was arrested in a Kelowna car theft ring. Johnny Newcome was busted in Kelowna for a huge stolen car ring tied to the HAs. CBC is reporting that Michael Bonin was a native of Prince George. We know the HAs control the drug trade in PG.

Kamloops Info News is reporting that the three men charged in Micheal's murder will be appearing in Kelowna court. "Fleurant also appears to have known Bonin. They were both charged with theft of a vehicle from Kamloops among other charges."

The 15 year old bystander hit in a Vancouver shooting has died.

The Dalai Lama tweets common sense

The Dalai Lama recently tweeted "I really feel that some people neglect and overlook compassion because they associate it with religion. Of course, everyone is free to choose whether they pay religion any regard, but to neglect compassion is a mistake because it is the source of our own well-being." Truth. You don't need religion to have compassion. Compassion is common sense. Life without compassion is like life without a heart or soul. It is empty and meaningless.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

81 Madchild Diss

Well it looks like the Big Red Machine have sucked out all the money they can from Madchild and have cast him aside like an old shoe. When the money is gone so are they. With friends like that, who needs enemies. GHB predator? Who the f*ck do you think sold it to him? The Battle Axe Barbies have left the house. The new kids are on the block.

This is what I mean about fake news. The police brag about busting a tiny rival with one SKS, a shotgun and a spudun when they stand by and watch this stash of weapons. Do the math. The PoPo haven't lifted a finger to bust the HAs since the OMGU was disbanded.

Spike's place made the video yo - Haney Hawgs.

They even have the Haney Clubhouse at the end of a video.

From Haney to Hellside, Alberta the PoPo suck. F*ck Ktown.

Update: It appears that Stiff Gritty was friends with Ricco, the HA associate that was recently murdered in Haney. They were all wearing Ricco dog tags at the memorial. That was respectful. It's possible Ricco was one of the guys waving a gun in the video but I have to check to see which one. I have a name of a possible shooter but I'm not going to post it because the guy has kids of his own and claims it was a case of mistaken identity. I find that hard to believe. Stiff Gritty confirms that Ricco was the nicest guy in his crew. Killing him was senseless.

RCMP vehicle crashes into hydro pole and storefront in Surrey

Global is reporting that "RCMP are investigating after one of their vehicles crashed into a hydro pole and a business in Surrey early Sunday morning. Mounties said a white Ford pickup belonging to the Lower Mainland RCMP was travelling westbound on Fraser Highway around 7 a.m., when the driver lost control after the vehicle’s left rear wheels dropped into a manhole. The pickup veered off the road and struck a hydro pole before colliding into a storefront in the 18500-block of Fraser Highway. The police vehicle caught fire and flames spread to the business."

Not to worry. He was just on his way home from an all nighter at the bar in police headquaters. No blood alcohol samples will be taken of course.

Body Cam Footage Showing Cops Plant Drugs

The Activist Post is reporting that "A Los Angeles man has escaped serious charges after being exonerated by police body camera footage which showed officers planting a baggy of cocaine into his wallet." CBS2 New released the body cam footage and Complex News on Youtube picked up on the story.

Although this incident happened in LA, the land of the Rodney King incident, the same thing happened in Toronto. 4 Toronto cops were accused of planting heroin on a suspect and they got off due to trial delays they created. The "crown" simply withdrew the charges.

15 year old bystander hit in Vancouver Shooting - Update

The Peace arch News is reporting that "Three people have been sent to hospital following a shooting in Vancouver Saturday night. In a news release, Vancouver Police said they responded to a reports of shots fired near East Broadway and Ontario Street shortly after 9 p.m. Police found three people injured. A 15-year-old Coquitlam teenager driving by the area was sent to hospital with serious injuries. Police believe that a man in his 20s, who received life-threatening injuries, was the target of the shooting. Another man in his 30s was treated for minor injuries and then released." CBC is reporting that the 15 year old was a bystander.

Global is reporting that "BC Coroners Service says a 15-year-old boy from Coquitlam who was an innocent bystander, struck by a bullet during a shooting Saturday night, has died. The teenager was inside a car driving by when shots rang out just after 9 p.m. at Broadway and Ontario Street."

Fake Terror attacks promote organized crime

Speaking of RCMP corruption, this case is the prime example. 1130 News is reporting that the Crown is appealing a court decision where the judge exposed RCMP corruption. That means the crown supports the corruption. Catherine Bruce was not wrong. She was a saint for confronting police corruption. Bob Paulson's exit interview revelaed their connection to organized crime.

Every crime has a means and a motive. When the police provide either of those in a sting operation then that is entrapment. In this case they provided both. I'm referring to the ridiculously fake Surrey Pressure cooker bomb plot. Without the police there was no means or motive to commit that crime. There has never been a more clear case of entrapment in recorded history.

I was present when the crown pulled their last dirty stunt. The accused were in my car at the time SWAT pulled us over. I'm like why didn't you serve us at the courthouse before we left or at the jail we are on our way to pick up their stuff from? The reason is because they filed an ex parte application without notifying the other lawyers so they could get a different judge as the judge who was seized on the matter and had seen the evidence would have seen through the fraud.

The RCMP spend millions of tax dollars to create fake terrorist attacks so they can divert ALL the officers investigating organized crime away from organized crime and have them on these insane task forces that lose billions of tax dollars from their budget to promote terrorist attacks. When you bribe or threaten a drug addict to commit a terrorist attack, you haven't save the world from a terrorist, you have created one. That is an obscene waste of tax dollars.

When you then stop investigating organized crime so you can perpetuate your fraud you are clearly supporting organized crime. The solution is simple. Since the RCMP clearly do not want to investigate organized crime, then give that jurisdiction someone who will.

RCMP spent $1M on Victoria terror plot investigation, including $90K on Nuttall and Korody

Not including court costs. Not including the cost of an appeal.

Hawaii receives fake missile threat

The BBC is reporting that "It was a mistake by an employee at Hawaii's Emergency Management Agency (EMA) who "pushed the wrong button" during procedures that occur during the handover of a shift. Mobile phone users received the message at 08:07 (18:07 GMT): "Ballistic missile threat inbound to Hawaii. Seek immediate shelter. This is not a drill." The alert was corrected by email 18 minutes later but there was no follow-up mobile text for 38 minutes, the Honolulu Star-Advertiser reports. The alert system is in place because of the potential proximity of Hawaii to North Korean missiles." This is taking the term fake news to a whole new level.

It shows why we need to step back from military action in North Korea at this time. Defending freedom is noble. Provoking war in a time of peace is not. The Pentagon loses billions of dollars from it's budget every year. That is organized crime. The most proactive way to deal with a missile threat is by building Iron dome missile defense systems not by provoking mass hysteria.

China and Russia are speaking out against a joint US Canada summit on Korea hosted in Vancouver this week for good reason. It will indeed do more harm than good. It is in fact a farce.

The Vancouver summit "is expected to put a heavy emphasis on finding ways to crack down on the many smuggling and money-laundering schemes that Pyongyang has employed to sidestep sanctions and pay for its nuclear program." AYFKM? Canada is to blame. They are selling Communist China CANDU reactors which gives them the materials and the technology to make and export nuclear missiles. Instead of provoking war by boarding foreign vessels they need to stop selling China Canadian nuclear reactors. It's as simple as that.

You want to know who is financing North Korea's nuclear missile program? WE ARE. Every time we fill up with gas at the pumps thanks to Stephen Harper who gave the monopoly on our oil rights to Communist China. Fixing that the way Norway did would be a lot simpler than provoking a war that we created. Excessive sanctions after the first wold war caused the second world war.

The best way to ensure a peaceful Winter Olympics is by inviting North Korea.

We need to be more concerned with confronting organized crime here at home.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Fatal shooting in Nanaimo - Update

Global is reporting that "RCMP are investigating a deadly shooting in Nanaimo on Saturday morning. Officers were called to a housing complex at the intersection of Wakesiah Avenue and Second Street just before 11 a.m., Mounties said. An adult male was found dead in the parking lot. Police said the man was known to police and they believe the shooting was targeted. The victim’s identity will not be released until next of kin are notified."

"Police said they are also investigating a vehicle fire reported shortly after the incident, which may be related to the shooting."

Update: The Nainamo buletin is reporting that "Nanaimo RCMP released the name of the person killed in yesterday’s shooting as they continue to investigate the crime. Nanaimo man Troy McKinnon, 34, was shot and killed Saturday morning in the area of Wakesiah Avenue and Jingle Pot Road."

Friday, January 12, 2018

Inmate dies of fentanyl overdose in Drumheller

Global is reporting that "As the country grapples with the opioid crisis, an Alberta man is speaking out after his son overdosed on fentanyl while in segregation at the Drumheller Institution." WTF?

David Eby's speech on white collar crime - Update

Everyone is raving about BC's new Attorney General's recent speech on political corruption and white collar crime. Although I admit it clearly is a step forward, I will caution that is it only a baby step and if not followed up with two other crucial steps, it will represent one step forward two steps back. Everyone knows money laundering is a problem at BC's casinos. This is nothing new.

When a RCMP task force on organized crime issued a report exposing that fact, the BC Liberals disbanded the RCMP task force. You want to know the truth? You can't handle the truth. BC Rail wasn't just about laundering public assets at fire sale prices to campaign contributors like they did in Campbell Heights. It was about money laundering in real estate from drug trafficking. The RCMP know that. They are the ones that said we'll drop the drug trafficking charges if you renew our contract. I kid you not. The criminal culpability in BC's white collar crime runs deep.

The problem with David Eby's speech on white collar crime is that it focuses on money laundering not on drug trafficking. This is exactly what the compromised BC Gang task Force wants. Instead of confronting drug trafficking, they simply want to focus on seizing the proceeds of crime.

Operation Phoenix Revisited

To understand organized crime in Canada we need to reexamine the RCMP's involvement in Operation Phoenix. Operation Phoenix was a regional task in BC that targeted the Hells Angels. One of the targets in that task force was Weird Hal Porteous, the flaming idiot in the ridiculous music videos that featured Rob Shannon and Jody York.

The RCMP sabotaged the operation preventing any convictions because it was jealous their jurisdiction was given to a provincial task force and they wanted the jurisdiction back which they succeeded in doing. Only after they got the organized crime jurisdiction back, they stopped pursuing organized crime just like Bob Paulson admitted in his exit interview.

Allen Dalstrom was the Canadian version of Chuck Pillon. They were both police officers who objected to upper management's refusal to confront drug trafficking. They were both fired as a result. Only Allen Dalstrom received a 2 million dollar settlement to ensure a gag order was in place preventing him from discussing the police misconduct he discovered.

I have never spoken with Allen Dalstrom but I don't have to. The facts are there for everyone to see. Julian Sher's book The Road to Hell: How the Biker Gangs Are Conquering Canada said it all. Dalstrom was fired after it became known that he was one of the sources in that book. In it he said when it came to organized-crime investigations, the RCMP had done “f--- all here for 25 years”. So once again we see someone fired for telling the truth. The Ontario Biker Enforcement Unit is successful because the RCMP doesn’t have anything to do with it’s administration.

So after the RCMP successfully sabotaged Operation Phoenix and prevented any Hells Angels from being charged, what have they done to confront organized crime? Absolutely nothing. In fact, they have done the opposite. They interfered with the Western Wind bust and prevented David Giles from being prosecuted. Then came the Kelowna Summer Jam.

Pat Fogarty was a literal Buffoon in charge of the BC Gang task force. He went to the media and said the Hells Angels aren't the problem, it's the other guys we have to worry about. Afer the OMGU and the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit proved him wrong the BC Liberals disbanded the OMGU and reorganized the CFSEU. The RCMP have not touched the Hells Angels after the Kelowna Summer Jam when the OMGU was disbanded.

If David Eby and the new NDP government are sincere about their desire to confront organized crime they need to bring back the OMGU and put organized crime under provincial jurisdiction. If they don't do that, all the dramatic fake news will simply be sound and fury signifying nothing. Seizing the proceeds of crime without confronting drug trafficking is just another aspect of the organized crime fraud that we currently face.

Confronting the Octopus

Danny Casolaro was an American Journalist that investigated how organized crime tied in with the government and referred to what he found as an octopus with tentacles reaching everywhere. He was murdered just like Gary Webb. Michael Riconosciuto worked for the CIA and became their fall guy when he exposed the CIAs connection to the Octopus.

Two officers from the RCMP investigated Michael Riconosciuto's case and said "We got further than anyone else ever did on this case," he says, "and nobody outside of law enforcement will ever know what we found because no one in law enforcement can ever tell anyone what we found." Michael was finally released from prison June 2017 but re incarcerated in August 2017.

If David Eby and the new NDP government are sincere about their desire to confront organized crime they need to create a provincial task force that investigates organized crime and their connection to the RCMP. The only difference between BC and Quebec is that Quebec has a task force that investigates organized crime while BC doesn't.

The New York Model was simple and was executed on two different levels. First they launched the Mollen Commission to investigate police corruption. Then they confronted drug trafficking on the street. It was successful. I saw it. That is the model I support.

BTW the police finally released the name of the associate murdered in Maple Ridge.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Adam Strong implicated in Rori Hache's murder

City news is reporting that "Police are treating the death of Dionne’s daughter, 18-year-old Rori Hache, as a homicide but have not yet laid murder charges in the case. Adam Strong, a 45-year-old charged in the case with indecent interference to a body, made a brief video appearance in an Oshawa court." The Toronto Sun is reporting that Cops were tipped off that there were body parts in Strong’s basement apartment and he was arrested Dec. 29.

A shout out to all those who suffer

As I prepare my next post on white collar crime, I just wanted to pause and give a shout out to all those who suffer. Times are tough. The cost of housing really makes it tough to get by. Sometimes you just keep working and working and working and you just don't seem to be getting any further ahead. The straight life is the hard life but it comes with inner peace and righteous pride also known as self respect.

Jamel Shabazz was a photogrpher from Brooklyn, New York and wrote a book A Time Before Crack. "A Time Before Crack documents Shabazz's memories of the people he's lost to a hopeless addiction." I still believe in the New York model. I saw it so I did.