Sunday, May 24, 2020

Hells Angel busted for crystal meth in New Zealand

TBM is reporting that "A patched Hells Angels member from Auckland was allegedly caught with $500,000 worth of methamphetamine on the West Coast. The man was arrested in Kumara last Friday, and reportedly found with cash, ammunition, and a pistol, as well as the drugs. The arrest is one of several related to the West Coast drug trade in recent weeks."

The Hells Angels have been deeply involved in the crystal meth or ice drug trade in Australia as well as in Thailand where they killed one of their own guys so another member could take over the drug trafficking network from him. Crystal meth isn't speed. It's made with Drano. That sh*t will eat you alive. Last week I saw a girl light up a crystal meth pipe outside Superstore.

A straight glass pipe is crack but a straight glass pipe with a glass ball on the end is for crystal meth. Hopefully a municipal police force in Surrey won't give police escorts to Hells Angels associates in the Witness Protection Program to sell drugs. The crystal meth in Surrey comes from the Hells Angels. Straight out of Shakerz. The Hells Angels also run the crystal meth in NB.

Communist China crushes Hong Kong's Constitution

The Communist Party of China is cracking down on protesters as they try to break the Hong Kong Constitution and crush civil liberty. The BBC is reporting that "Thousands of demonstrators have been marching through the city centre. Police say 120 have been arrested. Earlier, 200 senior politicians from around the world issued a joint statement criticising China's plan. But China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the legislation should be brought in "without the slightest delay". China is seeking to pass a law that would ban "treason, secession, sedition and subversion" in the territory. Activists fear it is an attempt to limit freedoms and silence Beijing's opponents." City News posted a video of the protest.

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that "Around 200 people gathered outside the Chinese Consulate in Vancouver and across the road on Sunday to protest a proposed security law that would crack down on the Hong Kong independence movement." Oh now all of a sudden you're starting to wake up about Communism in China. Communism is the Mother of all Lies.

When Nelson Mandela became president he created a Constitution and Bill of Rights that protected civil liberty. That is the exact opposite of what the Communist Party of China is doing. Hong Kong has a Constitution and the Communist Party of China is crushing it.

Hong Kong first started protesting when the Communist Party of China created a law that would extradite political prisoners from Hong Kong to mainland China where they could be executed to order for their organs. This is something Justan Idiot admires about the Communist Dictatorship. This is something civilized society needs to passionately oppose.

Now, the Communist Party of China is trying to break the British Agreement and kill the Hong Kong Constitution. We need to oppose this. We need to oppose China's seat on the UN's human rights council and oppose their barbaric practice of murdering political prisoners to make money from their organs. We need to stop funding the World Health Organization because they are simply not promoting health. They are supporting a political agenda that crushes clvi liberty. Justin Trudeau isn't Justan Idiot. He is a traitor to the Canadian Charter of Rights.

Humpback whale sighted in Vancouver

Global is reporting that "A B.C. researcher is urging boaters to exercise extreme caution after a young humpback whale turned up under the Lions Gate Bridge on Friday. Marine Education and Research Society co-founder Jackie Hildering says the whale has been identified as a one-year-old humpback nicknamed "Halfpipe" due to unique markings on its tail.

"The whale had been previously sighted feeding near Bowen Island on May 11, but researchers weren't able to identify it because its tail remained submerged. Humpbacks do not have biosonar -- the ability to use sound to map their environments -- the way orcas do, making them particularly vulnerable to ship strike, Hildering said. 'If they're feeding, they are feeding and they can be oblivious of boats,' she said."

That's pretty cool. We normally just see okras. I've been kayaking with Grey whales in Tofino.

Hungry for Truth addresses Facebook Censorship

Drea James from Hungry for Truth has a new YouTube channel and is addressing censorship of medical doctors on Facebook. This is why we need alternate platforms. Free speech matters.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Plandemic censored by YouTube and Facebook

CBC is reporting that "Although social media giants such as Facebook and YouTube have largely removed a debunked documentary about the COVID-19 pandemic from their platforms, copies and variations of the video are still up on alternative social media sites where hundreds of thousands of people are watching them." The problem is that Youtube and Facebook promote fake news as real and real news as fake. CBC has joined the MSM by claiming the video was debunked. That simply means the MSM opposes it which is why people want to watch it.

Natural News is reporting that "Facebook is trying to intimidate into censoring the Plandemic video from its platform, and as part of the intimidation by Facebook, they’ve banned the sharing of all links from (and, including in private Facebook messaging. For our part, we are doubling down on free speech and the Brighteon platform, reassuring our users that we will NOT comply with the censorship demands of the evil, communist China-run tech giants like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter."

Facebook and Youtube have lost their credibility like CBS has. That is why we need to support alternative video sharing web sites. Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are controlled by Communist China. BitChute and Brighteon are alternate video sharing platforms we can support.

Surrey Lockdown Protest

There was a socially distanced gathering to celebrate our freedom outside Guildford Mall today. I rode by on my motorcycle and stopped in for a visit. It was nice to see the opposition to Justin Trudeau and the World Health Organization so eloquently voiced. Give it up for Surrey yo.

Hungry for Truth reported on the May 2nd event. It's nice to see intelligent youthful vitality raising the title of liberty. We do need a government that will protect the economy and civil liberty.

There were lots of people there expressing valid concerns.

Drea from Hungry for Truth posted a new YouTube video of the day's event. I'm at 6:45 in the video. Drea points out how Justin Trudeau supports Communist China's human rights violations.

Ryan, the organizer of the rally interviewed Tanya from Action for Canada who was also present.

Kayleigh McEnany rips it up

Kayleigh McEnany is rock solid. The main stream media sucks. Completely. The media wants to promote fear and extend the lock down so it does more damage to our economy and our civil liberty. That is irresponsible. Communism is the mother of all lies and the MSM is it's agent.

Update: Restrictions eased while virus deaths decline in New York

Principia Scientific is reporting that "It’s official. Most people are more likely to wind up six feet under because of almost anything else under the sun other than COVID-19. The CDC just came out with a report that should be earth-shattering to the narrative of the political class, yet it will go into the thick pile of vital data and information about the virus that is not getting out to the public."

"For the first time, the CDC has attempted to offer a real estimate of the overall death rate for COVID-19, and under its most likely scenario, the number is 0.26%. Officials estimate a 0.4% fatality rate among those who are symptomatic and project a 35% rate of asymptomatic cases among those infected, which drops the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) to just 0.26% - almost exactly where Stanford researchers pegged it a month ago."

Just like what the doctors from California said that were censored from YouTube.

Dr. Jeffrey I. Barke MD spoke out at a California rally. He declares real doctors are being censored from YouTube. The Director of the WHO is not a medical doctor he's a Communist.

Next year there's going to be a kid that dies in an automobile accident. As tragic as that it, we cannot ban all cars. That is unrealistic. Even though the UN would like us to. Next year there's going to be a kid that dies crossing the street. As tragic as that is, we cannot stay home forever. Freedom over fear will see us through this. Fear prevents us from thinking clearly.

Laura Hollis explains why we don't want Globalism

Tanzania submits fake COVID-1984 samples for testing

NPR is reporting that "Tanzania's president John Magufuli, who holds a doctorate in chemistry, is denying a spike in the country's coronavirus cases, claiming that positive COVID-19 tests are fake." The Youtube video is a clip from a press conference the president held after fake samples from goats and fruit came back positive for coronavirus.

The Guardian is reporting that "“We have had a number of viral diseases, including Aids and measles. Our economy must come first. It must not sleep. If we allow our economy to sleep, we will not receive salaries … Life must go on,” he added. Indeed it does. Defy the lie.

Principia Scientific is reporting that "It’s official. Most people are more likely to wind up six feet under because of almost anything else under the sun other than COVID-19. The CDC just came out with a report that should be earth-shattering to the narrative of the political class, yet it will go into the thick pile of vital data and information about the virus that is not getting out to the public."

"For the first time, the CDC has attempted to offer a real estimate of the overall death rate for COVID-19, and under its most likely scenario, the number is 0.26%. Officials estimate a 0.4% fatality rate among those who are symptomatic and project a 35% rate of asymptomatic cases among those infected, which drops the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) to just 0.26% - almost exactly where Stanford researchers pegged it a month ago."

Just like what the doctors from California said that were censored from YouTube.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Appeal granted: Jamie Bacon to be tried for murder and conspiracy to commit murder in Surrey Six killings

The Golden Star is reporting that "Jamie Bacon will be tried, again, on charges of murder and conspiracy in connection to the Surrey Six killings. Charges of first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder in connection with the 2007 Surrey Six massacre were stayed against Bacon in December 2017. The reasons the judge granted the stayed ruling remain sealed. Crown Counsel appealed that decision shortly after. On Thursday (May 21), the BC Court of Appeal announced it had granted Crown’s appeal following an in-camera hearing."

This is good news and shows why the apeal process is a worthy avenue in the pursuit of justice. Jamie Bacon ordered the Surrey Six. He wanted Anton to do it but Anton refused. Anton just confiscated their gun from them so the shooters Jamie did hire would know they were going against unarmed victims. They are worthless.

In 2017, the charges against Jamie Bacon for ordering the Surrey Six were stayed over trial delays and the Crown rightfully appealed that stay. It's not Eileen Mohan's fault IHIT was having threesomes with Jamie Bacon's GF and delayed the trial trying to cover that up. Natural justice declares the trial should proceed and in this case it will. Thankfully.

The other trial, where Jamie Bacon ordered the hit on one of the guy's he hired to commit the Surrey Six was adjourned until April 6th over COVID concerns. A mistrial was declared in that case last year. The Bacon brothers were suburban losers who lived with their parents. They were empowered by the Hells Angels and received 24 hour police protection when the police installed a security camera outside their house. F*ck them.

Sometime between 2009-2011 transcripts revealed that the cops pulled over Jamie Bacon and he told them they had pulled over the wrong guy and should be going after Anton. Anton was Jamie's bodyguard. Although Anton refused to do the Surrey Six, he did confiscate the gun from their guys they killed so that the losers who did go in would be going against unarmed victims.

Jamie rolled on Anton in a heartbeat. Just goes to show ya how pathetic it is when pigs roll.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Billy McCabe from Westridge Hells Angels funeral

Dignity Memorial is reporting that "William James McCabe was born on July 20, 1971 and passed away on May 14, 2020 and is under the care of Parkland Funeral Services." Sounds like it was cancer and he had the opportunity to deliver a catered Mother's Day meal to his mother May 11 three days before he passed away. He claims he rode a motorcycle but didn't run guns, sell drugs or work hookers. However, he was charged with cocaine trafficking August of 2018.

David Giles said not every member is involved with criminal activity but anyone who uses the name of the club for criminal activity needs to have that activity approved by the local executive. George Christy said the Hells Angels are not a criminal organization because the members who are involved with criminal activity are stingy and don't share the proceeds of crime with the rest of the chapter. Westridge is dirty. Just a bunch of wannabe hillbillies. Not my cup of tea.

McCabe and Daly are both listed as owners of Three Monkeys Tattoo where Dustin POS Swanson works. Glad I'm not part of that life. Sorry to hear about the cancer.

In lieu of flowers please make a donation to your local drug addiction treatment centre. Better yet, send a donation to the widow and children of the Greek father Westridge chapter beat to death. Nick Dragich, Dusty Swanson and Brent Koziak beat the father to death because they are worthless POS. In lieu of flowers make a donation to the widow and the children of the father they senselessly murdered. What we do in life, echoes in eternity.