Saturday, June 20, 2020

The Nova Scotia shooter case has hallmarks of an undercover operation according to Macleans

Update: Was Canadian Mass Shooting That Led to Instant Gun Control Laws a False Flag?

Macleans is reporting that "The withdrawal of $475,000 in cash by the man who killed 22 Nova Scotians in April matches the method the RCMP uses to send money to confidential informants and agents, sources say. Gabriel Wortman, who is responsible for the largest mass killing in Canadian history, withdrew the money from a Brink’s depot in Dartmouth, N.S., on March 30, stashing a carryall filled with hundred-dollar bills in the trunk of his car."

"According to a source close to the police investigation the money came from CIBC Intria, a subsidiary of the chartered bank that handles currency transactions. Sources in both banking and the RCMP say the transaction is consistent with how the RCMP funnels money to its confidential informants and agents, and is not an option available to private banking customers. The RCMP has repeatedly said that it had no special relationship with Wortman."

So what do we learn from this? The mysterious money that the police claim was deposited in Wortman's account came from the RCMP. Wortman wasn't the shooter. He was set up and executed. That is why the police did not notify the public it was someone dressed like a police officer shooting people. "The RCMP Operations Manual, a copy of which was obtained by Maclean’s, authorizes the force to mislead all but the courts in order to conceal the identity of confidential informants and agent sources." Including Blackwater.

So if they are authorized to lie to the media and the public about CIs and agents, what else are they authorized to lie to the media and public about? Operation gun Control is now in effect.

Rural shooting in Nova Scotia didn't have a motive

Communism needs gun control to commit murder.

This previous press release the police sent out to the media tried to claim that Gabriel Wortman got his illegal guns from the Hells Angels. That is ridiculous. He was a mild mannered good Samaritan denturist. The Hells Angels would not sell him guns because he was not working for them and selling drugs for them. The Hells Angels aren't going to sell guns to some random lunatic to commit a mass shooting. That's not their MO.

The Hells Angles are shrewd businessmen. If they sell you a gun and you do something stupid with it to bring the heat on them, you will face hash discipline for doing so. Gabe Wortman did not work for the Hells Angels nor did he have a relationship of trust built up with them. They do not do business with people they do not trust.

"However, according to one law-enforcement source, Wortman often spent time with Hells Angels, and he had at least one associate with links to organized crime." According to one law enforcement source who has been authorized to lie to the media. "Sources say he was friendly with Peter Alan Griffon, a Portapique neighbor linked to a Mexican drug cartel." That is ridiculous.

"Officers are struck by a speeding ticket the RCMP issued Wortman at 5:58 pm on Feb. 12, 2020, on Portapique Beach Road. Wortman was driving one of the former police vehicles in his collection. At the time the ticket was issued, the RCMP was in the midst of undertaking multiple arrests of Hell’s Angels and their associates in Halifax and New Brunswick. Officers speculate that if Wortman was a confidential informant that his cover had been blown." Nope.

There's still no motive. If Gabe Wortman was an under cover police agent investigating the Hells Angels and his cover was blown, why would he shoot 22 random people? There is no motive yet every crime has a motive. Again, the only motive for these murders is Justin Trudeau's gun control targeting long guns in accordance with his UN's Communist agenda.

UN New World Order website has gone underground

May 10th 2020 I reported on the United Nation's New world Order web site with it's logo and Orwellian objective. Only the logo and the objective has been taken down. This is all that's left:

Yet this press release about their Orwellian Hapitalism still contains their logo. For now. Their ten steps to slavery, I mean soma, include: 1) Lets' stick together. 2) Follow WHO advice.

Why would we follow the advice of the World Health Organization when they spiked a tetanus vaccine in Kenya with a sterilization drug? The World Health Organization is not lead by a medical doctor, they are led by a member of a violent Communist Paramilitary organization.

Happytalism is a new economic system that represents a paradigm shift from Democracy. Nelson Mandela and George Washington protected civil liberty and human rights by law in eloquent Constitutions. Happytalism is a paradigm shift away from that. It uses the same socialist lie about a fake Utopian state to remove individual rights to promote collective rights. Only as soon as you give up individual rights, there are no collective rights. We've been through this all before.

The political prisoners in Communist China that are executed to order for their organs are not happy. The UN's Hapitalism is a poorly translated sappy sell for the slavery of Communism just like George Orwell 1984. These are the UN's ten steps to global domination.

That whole list is sounding an awfully lot like Bonnie Henry's sappy commercials. Be kind to each other and do as we tell you. Bonnie Henry is the WHO's soft sell but she's on the wrong side and is still selling the same bad deal. The government needs to stop talking and start listening.

Number 10 on their list is Think about systematic change so we can make sure this never happens again. Great idea. I know what kind of changes we need to make sure this never happens again. 1) Cut all funding to the WHO. 2) Pull out of the UN. A bitter tree cannot bring forth good fruit. 3) Uphold the Constitution and the Charter of Rights and don't let the government take away our civil liberty ever again. A free republic where civil liberty and human rights are protected by law not crushed by a deceptive manifesto. Communism is the mother of all lies.

More voices on Blexit - Freedom, Redemption and Victory

Lisa Matthews my Blexit is about freedom.

My BLEXIT is the American Dream - hard work, perseverance, family values.

Kingface: I support a movement that actually help builds our communities instead of destroying it.

Kingface on Crossroads: "So why are we focus on things that don't matter? That goes to show you they don't want us to change. They don't want us to get better because if you want us to get better you'd talk about those problems - create jobs, create opportunity.

BLACK LIVES MAGA: "If you get a strong economy, blacks will be a part of that economy."

Blexit is about redemption. Take that mentality of freedom and move forward. Run with it."

Before it was "I'll give you this but I'm not really helping you get out of the situation your're in. What have they done to better our community? Nothing. It's only getting worse. If they keep you poor what are the able to do to you now? Control you. This is not the time to sower. This is not the time to back in a corner. This is the time to stand. Blexit is for everybody. Every culture."

"What unites America is a philosophy. Is that if you work hard and you stay out of trouble and you make good decisions, this country will reward you. It is that simple." Changed people can change the world. They set on fire those around them because they themselves are on fire.

BLEXIT Charlotte - Be A VICTOR! The days of excuses are over. Now it's a lion's swag yo.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Blexit is about diversity and free thought

Danielle Robinson states that "Blexit is an exit from status quo and indoctrination. I think about it now and it's a homecoming. It's not what we're walking away from but what we're walking towards and we're walking towards the values that are important for our community. It's walking towards voting those values in that will build our community. When you're deciding who you're going to vote for you're really setting the direction of where you want our community to go and our children's future. A lot of these decisions are made at the ballot box."

Matthew Tharp states that BLEXIT is for Free Thinkers. A vision for Blexit is for the black community to be awakened. People should vote based on values. If you believe in the second amendment and the first amendment, vote based on those values.

BLEXIT Is About Diversity. "We want people to think for themselves."

Katie Pavlich and Candace Owens on why they are conservative.

The Guardian Angels fighting off looters in NYC

Someone sent Curtis a video they took of him and his crew fighting off the sh*tbag looters in NYC. This is the New York Model. F*ck the looters and F*ck ANTIFA. Curtis Sliwa is 66 years old and he's still ripping sh*t up. Back in the day there were no cell phones to record what goes on in back alleys. This brings us back to the original cause. Who is tougher? The POS that mugs an old lady of the guy that takes down the mugger? Here we have a mob of sh*t trying to get past a 66 year old man and a few Spartans who hold the line. The petty thieves didn't get through. This is ANTIFA. F*ck them. Call in the reserves. The use of reasonable force has been authorized.

Look at the smile on Curtis' face. Warriors, come out to play. This other pic was from Minneapolis.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Ontario Police make fentanyl bust

The Star is reporting that "Police said they raided one location in Oakville and four in Burlington. In total, they seized 123,700 fentanyl pills; 70 kg of fentanyl powder; more than 300 kg of bulk powder utilized as binding/cutting agent; one commercial-sized pill press;

"Facing six charges for production, trafficking and possession of a controlled substance is Halid Sefic, 30, of Burlington. Edin Sefic, 34, of Burlington, faces seven charges for production, trafficking and possession of a controlled substance and Richard Atanasoff, 56, of Toronto, was charged with two counts of production of a controlled substance."

"Project Javelin began in April 2020 with an investigation into a suspected methamphetamine production operation in Durham and Halton regions. The OPP said that investigators learned that it was, in fact, an illegal fentanyl tableting operation with connections to criminals in B.C."

"The illegal drugs were counterfeit replicas of legitimate Teva‐Oxycocet 5mg/325mg pills."

The Toronto Sun is reporting that "While executing a search warrant at a Pickering home, officers seized 53 kilograms of the unidentified substance — 42 kilos later confirmed by Health Canada lab results as carfentanil worth $13 million — 33 guns and other prohibited devices, including overcapacity magazines. Maisum Ansari, 33, of Oshawa was charged with 337 firearm-related offences and possession of the drug for the purpose of trafficking."

Maybe BC can contract out it's Gang enforcement to Ontario.

COVID1984 bumper sticker has arrived

My COVID1984 bumper sticker from Rebel Media has arrived. The sea be ours and where we will we'll row. Mobility rights are part of the Canadian Charter of Rights. Ride hard, Die free.

Justin Trudeau loses UN Seat

Justan Idiot lost his coveted seat on the UN security council in the first round to Norway and Ireland. Maybe we can get our money back from the WHO scam. We need to stop funding both.

That grey beard can't hide that femmie ass. I personally have a great deal of respect for Norway and Ireland but I cannot accept the UN. It has fallen and is beyond repair. We need to withdraw from it not suck up for special seats. Communist China should not be on the UN's Human Rights Council. China executes political prisoners for Organ harvesting. We can no longer sit at the same table as the UN in good conscience.

The Oath Keepers exposed UN's Agenda 21 while Anonymous exposed the UN's Agenda 2030 of Global domination. Although this is indeed insane, it is not a theory. The UN had posted it's totalitarian quest online and calls it the United Nations New World Order. That is bat sh*t crazy.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Bonnie Henry's sappy commercials must come to an end

OK I don't watch TV at home but there's a TV in the break room at work and Bonnie Henry's sappy commercials are over the top. This is Christy Clark deja vu. First of all, they don't say anything and are meaningless. There is no need to repeat the same stupid ad over and over again during the same program. That is a waste of tax dollars especially during a time when municipal budgets everywhere are being slashed to make up for the shortfall in property tax.

Although BC's NDP government has done better than Alberta's Conservative government at protecting civil liberty during the COVID1984 fraud it has been far from flawless. These stupid signs all over the Freeway that say COVID 19 Stay home. F*ck off. That is a violation of our mobility rights in the Canadian Charter of Rights. We are opening up for business because we never should have shut down for business. This chemical attack on our economy and economic stability must come to an end. The government needs to talk less and listen more.

Second Wave has been cancelled. If you don't want to go to a restaurant then don't. Stay home. The government has NO Right to shut down business. Especialy over a man launched virus that has a 98% survival rate. 99.8% survival rate it you are under 20. If parents don't want to send their kids to school then don't. Stay home. Stay in the boat. The rest of us will storm the beach and save the economy for you. You can come out when it's safe. I'm 54 years old and have a 98% survival rate if I get COVID. I'm willing to take that chance.

Theresa Tam does not work for Canada she works for the World Health Organization which is a Front for the Communist Party of China. Bonnie Henry is not far behind. We need to sever ties with the WHO completely. The fact that it is lead by a leader in a violent Communist Paramilitary organizations means there is nothing more to discuss. Anyone who quotes the WHO or works for the WHO is not credible. We are getting back to business. Lead, Follow or Get out of the way.

Jagmeet Singh calls a Bloc Quebecois MP racist for disagreeing with him

OMG Jagmeet Singh seemed like such a nice guy until his leftist extremism carried him off into the dark abyss. The Peace arch News is reporting that Jagmeet Singh pulled an ANTIFA and called a Bloc Quebecois MP racist for disagreeing with him. GMAFB. The race card has been over played. Just ask Candace Owens. The French Revolution was built on diversity.

Jagmeet Singh should be a little more concerned with Communist China's bullying India then with fabricated fantasies. What Communist China is doing is real. The systematic racism is not.

The MMIWG report was a political farce. After Wally Oppal committed treason and shut down the Missing Women's inquiry as soon as the Hells Angels were implicated the political remix had an extreme political agenda and refused to address the real issue of murdered and missing Indigenous women. That report referred to " Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA [two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual] people."

The whack jobs that took over the Inquiry had a extremist political agenda to push instead of exposing the root cause of much of the violence against Indigenous Women.

Marilyn Poitras stated why she resigned from the commission: "We've been down this road before... We had people tell us if you want to know who the problems are and how to fix them you go talk to the sex trade workers. They're going to tell you who they are. It's not a mystery. This isn't some person coming out of the blue and randomly taking women off the street. People know who they're threatened by. Lets go talk to them. We weren't doing any of those things."

Director's resignation from MMIWG inquiry a sign of dysfunction

2nd executive director of MMIWG inquiry resigns

Wendy Carlick was murdered before she could testify at the MMIGW Inquiry.

Everett Chief has just been charged in her murder.

There was a spike in Yukon murders after Len Peltier started drug trafficking there.