Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Sea to Sky highway is open

It cleared up this afternoon so I took the bike along the sea to sky highway to Squamish today. There was talk about forest fires but it rained yesterday and there was no smoke in sight. Shannon Falls was closed. The Gondola was closed. The Chief was closed. There were a lot of bikes out on the highway though which was nice to see. Lots of bikes at Horseshoe bay as well. The public washrooms are open there. White cliff is closed to traffic. You have to park and hike in.

I drove past the Chief which is an iconic local hike.

Some people rope up and scale the face but there's also a trail around the back.

It's a very scenic ride especial the way back from Squamish to Vancouver along the water.

There's a youtube video of a bird's eye view from a drone. The go pro videos don't seem to cut it. It's just something you'll have to experience for yourself so get out there and seize the day.

I taped a small Canadian flag from Canadian Tire to my front mirror with silver duck tape. Just my way of saying I support the Mobility rights within the Canadian Charter of Rights. Wave your flag. Getting fresh air and sunshine is essential to my mental health.

James Connolly and Che Guevara

I will now set the stage for part two. Many people wear T-shirts with Che Guevara on it as though he was a rock star. Che Guevara was sincere. He was sincerely deceived. People claim the CIA killed him. I kinda think it was Castro. After Castro used him he had to dispose of him since he was such a huge political threat. After all, Che actually believed in the lies of socialism.

That's why the UN agreed to topple Gaddafi. Gaddafi actually did share the oil profits with the people. That was forbidden in Communism. Their vision of social justice is just a lie. They aren't supposed to actually implement it. Castro recruited Christian Marxists to help him overthrow the corrupt Batista government. After he seized power he formed a Marxist Leninist atheist state. People were allowed to practice religion but they weren't allowed to run for office.

James Connolly was the man who understood the keystone of the dream. True socialism can only exist within a free republic that guarantees civil liberty for everyone as defined in the Irish Proclamation. This communist paramilitary group the director of the WHO led in Ethiopia had the term liberation in it's name similar to North Korea. North Korea calls itself the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Only it isn't a free republic and there is absolutely nothing democratic about it. Their use of the words democracy and republic is a ridiculous lie. Everyone knows that.

So here we are. The US is liberating one state at a time. Alright soldiers, Raise your flag.

Facing the truth about Communism

My Easter Rising message this year ended up getting replaced with my COVID-19 Mystery Solved message. Yet it has become necessary to look at the truth behind the mystery.

Communism is the Mother of all lies because it was created by the father of all lies. God is the author of liberty and Satan is the author of slavery. Mark my word. God is the author of the Constitution and Satan is the author of the Manifesto. I'm certainly not saying America is perfect. Far from it. I'm saying that the Constitution is inspired and it is still under attack from enemies outside the United States and from enemies within. That same crazy old man that warned us about the UN being run by Communists predicted that one day the Constitution will hang by a thread. Well that day has come and it behooves us to befriend the Constitution to save it and the free republic it creates from complete annihilation.

Alexandre Soljenitsyne quoted the slogan of the Communist Manifesto and exposed that as the primary lie. "Workers of the world Unite" it cries. Alexandre Soljenitsyne declared that was the first lie. Communism infiltrates the trade union movement and exploits it for it's own political gain. There are no real Trade unions within Communism. There is no right to strike within Communism. Alexandre Soljenitsyne declared that Lenin was not the leader of the workers movement, Shliapnikov was. Lenin hijacked the workers movement and when the trade unions went on strike, Lenin sent in the machine guns. Their families were too scared to collect their dead.

Likewise Communism will lie to the poor and exploit them to fight for them then turn them into complete slaves once they have obtained their political objectives. Chairman Mao starved millions. Yet people still starve in China while the Communist politicians are the richest in the world. Mark my word, there is no social justice with Communism.

Do you think there are any Gay or Transgender rights within Communism? There are none. Communism will lie to and exploit anyone and everyone to obtain it's primary objective: slavery and the complete destruction of civil liberty. The creation of a totalitarian state.

As Wisconsin Senate President Roger Roth declared "the Chinese people are a great people, and heirs to one of the greatest civilizations in human history, held hostage by a brutal and oppressive regime these past 70 years." Chinese culture and history predates Communism by thousands of years. Ip Man left China and moved to Hong Kong after the Communist revolution because he was a member of the opposing political party. Ip Man was not a Communist.

I have more to say about the deceits of Socialism but I will pause there and simply reaffirm that Communism is tyranny imposed by force while Socialism is tyranny imposed by lies. Word.

Facebook censorship controlled by China

Joshua Philipp from Crossroads and the Epoch Times is reporting that people who shared a link to his documentary about the origin of the corona Virus in Wuhan started to receive a message from Facebook stating "False information found in your post. Independent fact checkers from Science Feedback say information in your post is false." This is Orwellian. Be advised that false allegations of defamation constitute defamation.

There is absolutely nothing untrue in that factual mainstream documentary. In contrast their fake fact checker worked at the Wuhan lab and is therefore in a conflict of interest. This is the original documentary that everyone should watch. This returns us to the concern of China's censorship.

We all know that the Communist Party of China censors the internet within China. People who live in China have no idea that the Communist party used live ammunition on protesters at Tiananmen square. Those true facts including this true documentary are blocked in China.

We also know that Google, Youtube and Facebook are starting to censor the truth by claiming real news is fake while it promotes fake news as real. Google and Youtube censor this by burying truthful news reports in it's search results. This brings us back to media mergers.

One of the primary concerns with all these media mergers is that once you merge all the media outlets into one, it becomes easier to control. At first it was Conrad Black. Now although he is allegorically dead and buried, it shows us how the concern became real.

Conrad Black was right wing and started buying up all the newspapers and media outlet then started firing any journalist that wrote a labour friendly report. Now that he's gone, the media has been hijacked by the other guys. It's like Eric Prince of Darkness' mercenary armies.

At first Eric Prince tried to start another crusade against Mulsims and created a mercenary army. We said go f*ck yourself. Then when he was accused of arms dealing and murdering whistle blowers, he took off to the United Arab Emirates and created a mercenary army for the Muslims. After that he went over to China and created yet another mercenary army for the Communists. Eric Prince is a bad man and creating mercenary armies is a bad idea.

Likewise media mergers are not good. China controls the UN and the World Health Organization. They also have a colossal amount of influence over our media and now that most media outlets are all owned by the same entity, that means China is controlling the news we watch. That reinforces the need to seek out independent media outlets like the Epoch Times.

Another planetary alignment this weekend

There's another planetary alignment this weekend just before sunrise. Jupiter, Saturn and Mars will line up with the moon. I'm not sure why Venus isn't there this time. Venus is normally the first and last star you see on the horizon before sunrise and after sunset. I haven't been able to spot it before sunrise these last couple of days. Today was cloudy but Sunday will be clear.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Dr. Phil addresses the anxiety pandemic

Laura Ingraham’s interview with Dr. Phil is going viral. As I have consistently said, more people are going to die from losing their job then from the virus. It's just a coronavirus. Even without the vaccine it would have been over by summer. China has a vaccine. They stole it from the Americans before they launched this chemical attack on the world's economy and our civil liberty. That's why China was so confident in lifting the lock down in Wuhan.

Dr Phil nailed it. 38,000 people die from car accidents every year in the United States. That's just over the number of people who have died of Covid-19 in the US. In 2018, there were 48,344 recorded suicides in the United States. That more than the 37,000 covid-19 deaths in the US and the suicide rate is going to increase with economic anxiety and uncertainty.

Jan 2018 80,000 people died in the United States of the flu. That's more than twice the number of people who have died from Covid-19 in the US. We need to fight the fraud.

It's time to get back to business. Communist China, the UN and the World Health Organization all have a dark agenda that we must recognize and oppose. Putting a leader of a Communist paramilitary organization in charge of the WHO is Orwellian. We CAN exit the UN. Yes we can.

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID Gave $3.7 Million to Scientists at the Chinese Wuhan Lab

The Daily Mail reported that it has uncovered documents showing that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) gave $3.7 million to scientists at the Wuhan Lab at the center of coronavirus leak scrutiny. According to the British paper, “the federal grant funded experiments on bats from the caves where the virus is believed to have originated.”

Since Dr Fauci’s institute gave the Wuhan lab $3.7 million to study bats with coronavirus and launch this pandemic on the world, he needs to be charged with accessory to murder.

There were no bats sold at the Huanan Seafood Market.

COVID 2020 theme song: We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore

Wisconsin Senate President Roger Roth's Resolution on the CPC Virus

Whereas, the Chinese people are a great people, and heirs to one of the greatest civilizations in human history, held hostage by a brutal and oppressive regime these past 70 years; and

Whereas, the Communist Party of China has engaged in a continued pattern of human and natural rights abuses perpetrated by the country's communist administration, including the Communist Party's treatment of Tibet, the internment and “reeducation” of 1.5 million Muslim Uyghurs in concentration camps, the enactment of a one-child policy responsible for aborting hundreds of millions of children, the majority of them female, a record of organ harvesting and forced sterilization, crackdown on the Tiananmen protests, and restrictions on individual expression and religious practice; and

Resolved by the senate, That the Wisconsin Senate acknowledges that the Communist Party of China has deliberately and intentionally misled the world, suppressed vital information on the statistics and spread of the Wuhan Coronavirus both domestically and abroad, allowed millions of individuals to travel outside of the province and country despite clear warnings that the virus could be transmitted person-to-person, and engaged in active suppression and persecution of individuals looking to truthfully discuss information related to the Coronavirus, which has led to a global pandemic the likes of which has not been seen for generations; and, be it further

Resolved, That the Wisconsin Senate hereby stands in solidarity with the Chinese people, condemning the actions of the Communist Party of China in the strongest possible terms, and acknowledges that millions, both in China and around the world, are at risk of illness and death due to the negligence and hostile actions of the Chinese Communist Party.

COVID-19 is the CPC Virus. Chairman Mao was a bad man.

My blog in now blocked in Communist China just like the truth about Tiananmen square is.

Perhaps they can access it through Anonymouse. That's probably blocked as well.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Canada's Budget Deficit to Grow at Fastest Pace of any Developed Country: Who we borrow money from.

The Huffington Post is reporting that "Canada’s stellar credit rating could be at risk as the country racks up new government debt faster than any other developed country, economists have warned." South Korea are the best on the list because they confronted COVID-19 without a lock down. There IS a vaccine. That's why the lockdown in Wuhan is over.

Justin Trudeau is sabotaging the Canadian economy because he is in bed with China and wants a seat on the UN Security council at a time when we should be pulling out of the UN.

The UN gave Communist China a seat on the human rights council. China used live ammunition on protesters in Tienanmen square and execute political prisoners to order for organ harvesting. China should not be on a human rights council. The UN's global agenda is Communism. The Director of the WHO was a leader in an Ethiopian Communist paramilitary organization. We should cut all funding to the WHO and pull out of the UN completely.

Justin's father was a civil rights super hero. He gave us the Canadian Charter of Rights which protected civil liberty and mobility rights for everyone. None of those rights exist in Communist China or in the UN's vision of globalism. Justin Trudeau is like unto Commodus in the movie Gladiator. His own father, Marcus Aurelius knew his son was not a moral man and would not establish a free republic. Commodus wanted a totalitarian government just like Justin does.

All Justin Trudeau does is spend money. It's not his money. Justin is spending our money, our children's money and our grandchildren's money all to appease China and the UN so he can get his seat on the security council. In so doing he is selling us into slavery. Not on my watch. We need to reopen business. We Can stop Justin Trudeau and we CAN exit the UN. Yes we can.

Budget watchdog urges Ottawa to trim spending

The key question is who we borrow money from.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Genocide and the director of the WHO

The National Interest is reporting that "World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus won his post after China backed him in the May 2017 election. Now, Tedros is leading the WHO, an arm of the United Nations, in providing cover for China’s oppressive regime as it attempts to shirk responsibility for the global coronavirus pandemic."

The New York Times is reporting that Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was accused of covering up three cholera epidemics in his home country, Ethiopia, when he was health minister.

Ethiopians protested against Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus' candidacy to lead the WHO because his cover up of the cholera epidemics in Ethiopia meant the WHO did not send the vaccines and no one got the treatment they needed so 60,000 people died.

When Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was Ethiopia's Foreign Affairs (and former Health) Minister, he and the government of Ethiopia promoted a tobacco poster campaign targeting the poor in Ethiopia with the health warnings written in English which they did not speak. Promoting tobacco consumption does not promote health. Rebel News claims Tedros doesn't even have a medical degree but he does have a global agenda in support of Communism. Stop funding the WHO.

It comes as no surprise to discover that Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was a member of an Ethiopian Communist Paramilitary organization called Tigray People’s Liberation Front. That's the Ethiopian equivalent to FARC. A Communist paramilitary supporting a Communist chemical attack on the global economy and human rights around the world. Stop funding the WHO.

Angry Crowd Surrounds Capitol, Demands Michigan Governor Reopen Economy

We CAN stop Justin Trudeau and we CAN exit the UN. Yes we can.

Nancy Pelosi is an Anti Christ

Being as nonpartisan as I am, I need to make this clear, Nancy Pelosi is an Anti Christ. I totally supported Tulsi Gabard and totally oppose Joe Biden for obvious reasons. Yet this Nancy Pelosi takes the cake. She is absolutely toxic. There is nothing constructive about her. Everything she says and does is vile partisan excrement. Nancy Pelosi doesn't give a rat's a*s about the American economy or the American people. She has a partisan agenda that surpasses all else.

That whole Russia hacked the election nonsense was ridiculous. Hilary Clinton sold Russia weapons grade Uranium for nuclear missiles. Russia had no reason to prefer Trump over Hilary. Yet she kept going on and on with her vile circus side show and kept trying to reintroduce impeachment proceedings for anything conceivable. Yet when the world wanted to impeach George Bush for deceiving the nation about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, Nancy Pelosi said impeachment of George Bush was off the table. Can we see the pattern yet?

Nancy Pelosi supported the Bush Clinton fraud but she opposes Donald Trump because he is not part of it. Nancy Pelosi supports Joe Biden. Joe Biden was tied to William Casey and the CIA. William Casey was tied to the October Surprise. These Republican and Democrat spooks are enemies of the Constitution and enemies of civil liberty. That corruption is nonpartisan.

Now she's says don't believe Trump believe the scientists. Which scientists? The NYC Doctor that said ventilators are damaging the lungs of COVID-19 patients? Donald Trump is trying to save the American economy and Nancy Pelosi is trying to sabotage it just like CBS is.

Believe the scientists? Like who? The Director General of the World Health Organization doesn't have a medical degree. Instead he has an agenda of Globalism that Pelosi the Anti Christ and the Joe Biden coup are promoting. China launched this chemical attack against the world's economies but the WHO and Nancy Pelosi are promoting it to push their hidden agenda which is the destruction of civil liberty and financial independence in favor of a global government.

I used to think Donald Trump was a hillbilly. Turns out he's not a hillbilly, he's a New York City cowboy and everyone wants to be a cowboy. Donald Trump is trying to save the American economy and the US Constitution while Pelosi is trying to destroy them both. Buyer Beware.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Donald Trump wants to reopen the United States May 1st

The Washington Post is reporting that "A team of government officials — led by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — has created a public health strategy to combat the novel coronavirus and reopen parts of the country. Their strategy, obtained by The Washington Post, is part of a larger White House effort to draft a national plan to get Americans out of their homes and back to work. It gives guidance to state and local governments on how they can ease mitigation efforts, moving from drastic restrictions such as stay-at-home orders in a phased way to support a safe reopening."

"President Trump wants a final plan on reopening the country ready within days so he can issue suggestions for some states to reopen May 1, officials said. He said he planned to speak with all 50 governors 'very shortly' and would then begin authorizing individual governors to implement 'a very powerful reopening plan' at a specific time and date for each state."

"He said roughly 20 states have avoided the crippling outbreaks that have affected others, and he hinted that some could begin restarting their economies even before May 1. 'We think we’re going to be able to get them open very quickly,' Trump said."

Trump says first US states could reopen soon, halts WHO funds over transparency

Now that's what I'm talking about. Hail to the Chief yo.

The Guardian is reporting that "New Zealand’s prime minister has said she and other ministers will take a 20% pay cut lasting six months to show solidarity with those affected by the coronavirus outbreak, as the death toll continues to rise." Not like Justin Trudeau and all the Canadian Members of Parliament who just gave themselves a raise and raised the carbon tax.

Donald Trump cuts funding for the WHO and so he should. The UN put Communist China on the human rights panel. Justin Trudeau should not be be trying to get a seat on the security council. We should leave the UN because it's Orwellian agenda has been revealed.

Angry Crowd Surrounds Capitol, Demands Michigan Governor Reopen Economy