Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Firefighters form Florian's Knights

People have been asking me my opinion about the new firefighters MC called Florian's Knights. I don't have a problem with them. If the firefighters want to form an MC then let them. What concerns me is the smoke and mirror drama objecting to them.

For the most part, firefighters are well respected. Much more so than cops. Firefighters in Vancouver have always had a history of getting along with the Hells Angels. Yet they don't have a history of selling drugs for the Hells Angels.

The police are concerned and when the dust of their frenzy settles the root of the problem is revealed. Normally the Hells Angels form puppet clubs like the Zig Zag crew to sell drugs. When one puppet club gets busted they quickly form another. However, it is highly unlikely that firemen will sell drugs for the Hells Angels. Entirely possible but highly likely.

Nevertheless, members of the Veterens MC in Langford have been busted for drug trafficking. That is concerning. Locally we have the Shadow club right beside Gus' shop and the Jesters on Scott Road near the Park and Ride. Neither groups have been busted for drug trafficking yet. The Shadow club has a cool logo, the Jesters do not. Their logo is a bit juvenile.

Although I do ride a motorcycle and have done so for many years, I have never had a desire to wear a MC patch. I understand what the ideology aspires to but recognize that as George Christie pointed out, those attempts almost always fall short. As I have said before I have never been a part of *that* life and I have never had a desire to. I march to the beat of my own drum.

I find it highly suspicious that the police would send out press releases sounding the alarm about the founder of Florian's Knights posing with members of the Hells Angels when at the same time the police watch the drug trafficking out of Shakerz and on the Surrey Strip. Why would they watch drug dealers sell fentanyl on the Surrey Strip without arresting them but cry the blues when a fireman poses with someone who knows someone who was involved with someone who once sold drugs. It's far too hypocritical for me to stomach. It's as though they are trying to convince the public they are targeting street level drug trafficking when in fact they aren't.

It's like the Teamsters Horsemen. I don't have a problem with them. I respect them and what they do. Did they have permission from the Hells Angels to form? Of course they did. That doesn't mean they sell drugs for them. When the police obsesse over eliminating all MCs while they ignore and promote drug trafficking, I am forced to ask why?

So the compromised BC Gang task force is concerned about a firefighter who posed with a few Hells Angels that don't sell drugs but the compromised BC Gang Task force is not concerned about aresting the Hells Angels that actually do sell drugs. What's wrong with that picture?

Two teens shot dead in Surrey

The Peaearch News is reporting that "Integrated Homicide Investigation Team has confirmed two Surrey teenagers are dead, following a late-night shooting in South Surrey’s Campbell Heights neighbourhood that police believe was targeted. 16-year-old Jaskarn (Jason) Singh Jhutty and 17-year-old Jaskaran (Jesse) Singh Bhangal were found dead just after 10:30 p.m. Monday near 192 Street and 40 Avenue. The victims had sustained gunshot wounds and were declared dead at scene. The discovery came less than an hour after Surrey RCMP were alerted to a burning car in the area of 184 Street and 29A Avenue, and just a half hour before police were notified of a second burned car, at 172 Street and 93 Avenue." Highschool students. Tragic.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Surrey Businesses want Skytrain not LRT

Today a coworker said they saw a No LRT sign on King George Hwy and asked if it was me. Not on King George I said. I put one up on 104th but the city took it down. So I checked it out and sure enough a local business had two large signs that said No Light Rail We Want Skytrain. I stopped in and had a chat with the local business and they were livid with City Hall. Their business is on King George Hwy and they realize an on ground train with create traffic gridlock and adversely affect their business. That is why we need to elect a new city council in Surrey on October 20. Like everyone points out, Surrey Council does not listen.

Roslyn Cassells turns up the heat on BTK

Roslyn Cassells and a few supporters were raising public awareness in Surrey yesterday about the harmful effects of BTK, the aerial spraying pesticide for gypsy moths. Instead of using the small gypsy moth traps the City has decided to aerial spray pesticide that kills all moths, butterflies and caterpillars. Consequently it also adversely effects all the animals that eat moths and caterpillars. If a songbird feeds it's baby a caterpillar that has been sprayed with the pesticide, the baby songbird dies. Killing all the butterflies in Surrey is somewhat tyrannical.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

The George Christie story hits the road

I just checked out George Christie's web site to see if he has any new projects under way and I see that he has. The former president of the Ventura Hells Angels put out in bad for beefing with Sonny Barger after 40 years of service has a new stage show on the road called Outlaw. The world premier was April 11th in Ventura California.

May 2018 the production hit Santa Barbara and Palm Desert but June 22nd, 23rd, 24th 2018 it will be in Las Vegas. Outlaw is a one-man show, starring George Christie, written and directed by Richard La Plante. "OUTLAW chronicles the rise and fall of a man, from celebrity parties to solitary confinement in federal prison. It is the story of an era in America that has come and gone, with all its myth, magic, music and harsh reality. OUTLAW is also the story of redemption, human spirit and the will to survive." Good on ya.

Like Ralph Natale, George concludes that “For me, the club, with all its back biting and hypocrisy, had become the people we’d once rebelled against,” He says. “Brotherhood didn’t exist. Not like it used to.” Maybe if he applies for a pardon he can bring the show north of the 49.

The controversial DVD The last American Outlaw is epic.

His life story is also chronicled in the book Exile on Front Street.

Police charge Toronto lawyer with Perjury

The Toronto Star is reporting that "It sounds like something out of a John Grisham novel. Allegations of a dirty cop, and prosecutors trying to cover up and bring down the lawyer who exposed the corruption, according to a factum filed in court by defence lawyers Marie Henein and Christine Mainville. Her Majesty the Queen vs. Leora Shemesh moves into a Kitchener court Monday in a case that will be closely watched by the criminal legal community. Shemesh is a well-known Toronto defence lawyer charged with perjury and attempt to obstruct justice in relation to her work as defence counsel in a Brampton drug case."

Here's the deal. Leora Shemesh is a prominent defense lawyer in Toronto. In 2012 the Toronto Star referred to her as the police force’s enemy No. 1 in court. "She has built a reputation alleging officers lie in court to support the charges they have laid." That article was published after "her full-frontal attack on the conduct of Peel Region police officers against her cocaine-dealing client led a judge to deliver a scathing rebuke to the force’s drug squad. Superior Court Justice Deena Baltman found the officers beat Tan-Hung Dinh, searched his home illegally, then lied about it all in court." We have seen a history of corruption in the Toronto and Hamilton drug squads.

In the recent case in question the police claim she said she was in possession a video showing a police officer, Peel police Const. Ian Dann, of stealing money from her client Ha Tran’s residence, when no such video existed then in their opinion committed perjury when she told the court that she never said she was in actual possession of the video.

We did recently see a video of an Abbotsford cop stuffing money into his sock from a local drug bust. Nothing would surprise us. The question we need to ask is did Peel police Const. Ian Dann steal the money, yes or no and did such a video actually exist? Stay tuned.

Will the banks rip off Europe again?

Italy and Spain are in the news. Or so the corporate media would have us believe. After elections is Spain and Italy CNN is speculating that those elections could trigger another financial meltdown in Europe. Where have we heard that before? Another Brexit sky is falling trap.

The first thing we need to realize is that the financial meltdown in Greece was the result of investment fraud. What was public money became private then disappeared.

Now the MSM is citing a European bank meltdown in 2012 preparing the stage for a 2018 remake of the same fraud. They say the best way to rob a bank is to own it. When we see a bank fail, we don't have to look far to see the intelligence community behind it. The BCCI and the Nugan Hand bank in Australia both failed because of money laundering and drug trafficking through the CIA. History has recorded that. Who was responsible for the Texas banking fraud back in the /80's? It was the CIA. The CIA used investment fraud as well as drug trafficking to raise money for Iran Contra. Retired Navy Intelligence Officer Al Martin has confirmed that.

It comes as no surprise to hear that Brussels in Belgium is considered the de facto capital of the European Union seeings how Brussels is the focal point of the new world order's false flag attacks. Terrorism without a motive is always suspect. Operation Gladio is still in effect.

All the absurd drama trying to oppose Brexit is suspect as is this new drama about democratic elections in Italy and Spain. Now I am not anti immigration. I am Canadian. We are all immigrants here and we seek to establish a free republic based on diversity and racial unity. However, I can understand how the French would like France to remain French and how the Irish would like Ireland to remain Irish. I get that. That does not mean I support Fascism because clearly I do not. It means I recognize that Canada and Europe are different.

Italy's history with Fascism makes us concerned when they take steps in that direction again under the guise of anti immigration. In Spain a corruption scandal after a bank bail out has seen an interim Socialist government take over after a non confidence vote in the current Prime Minister. From one extreme to the other. We need to balance the extremes not run with them because both extremes lead to the same place.

My position on the European Union is neutral. If Europe wants to form one country then let them. If individual countries don't then don't force them. It's that simple. I think England is wise for pulling out of the European Union because of the banking fraud tied to the intelligence community. Forming a United States of Europe without a Constitution or Charter of Rights protecting civil liberty could in fact become another take over by Stalin or Hitler all over again. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right but the worst enemy of all is the enemy from within.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Paolo Violi sentenced for drug trafficking

The Montreal Gazzette is reporting that "The son of murdered Montreal Mafia boss Paolo Violi has been sentenced to a 16-year prison term for drug trafficking. According to the Toronto Star, Giuseppe (Joe) Violi, who lived in Hamilton, was sentenced Friday for trafficking fentanyl and cocaine. Violi was reportedly arrested in an extensive investigation into drug trades across southwestern Ontario and New York. His older brother, Domenico Paolo Violi, has also been charged, but is yet to stand trial."

"According to the agreed statement of facts, Violi was involved in a scheme to import 200 to 300 kilograms of cocaine into Canada. Paolo Violi was the powerful Calabrian boss of Montreal’s Mafia until he was murdered in 1978 by members of the Rizzuto crime family. Violi’s death cleared the path for the Rizzutos to take control of the Montreal Mafia for decades. After his death, his widow and two sons fled to Hamilton, a region that belongs to the Calabrian Mafia."

The Calabrians of Hamilton were warring with the Rizzutos in Montreal when Vito's Father Nic was shot in his own home by a sniper in front of his family at the age of 86 and when his funeral home was firebombed. Both barbaric acts crossed the line and broke all rules of engagement.

Ralph Natale was right. The new kids on the block have lost their way. The Last Don Standing.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Translink's LRT Twilight Zone in Surrey

Harold Munro's cheap tabloid of corporate trash is reporting that "Prompted by public pressure, TransLink and the city have restored lanes of traffic along much of 104th Avenue as part of the design for the $1.65 billion Surrey light rail transit project, officials said in a technical briefing Thursday. Instead of crimping lanes of traffic down to one in either direction of tram tracks running down the centre of 104th Avenue, TransLink project director Stephan Mehr said there will be two lanes wherever the existing right-of-way will allow, which will be about 70 per cent of the route."

First things first. Translink is now admitting that the original plan for the Surrey LRT would cripple traffic along 104th down to one lane in either direction. Doing that would be completely insane. It would be an infrastructure nightmare. 104th is a main transportation route for traffic. 108th backs up in the afternoon because it is two lanes with no turning lane. People making a left hand turn cause traffic to back up in the afternoons. Reverting 104th to a single lane each way with no left hand turning lanes is completely insane. So is their revised corporate spin.

Their new plan states there will be two lanes wherever the existing right-of-way will allow, which will be about 70 per cent of the route. How insane is that? Let me count the ways. There is no room for two lanes and a LRT on the ground unless they chop off everyone's from yard like they did along 160th and anywhere else they see fit. Having a road go from one lane to two lanes back and forth is virtually useless. It will bottleneck every time it goes to a single lane. This still does not resolve the problem of making a left hand turn on 104th after an LRT is in place. If you want to make a left hand turn and hold up traffic, you have to wait for oncoming traffic then look in your rear view mirror to make sure a train isn't roaring up behind you. It is structurally unsafe as the Skytrain for Surrey videos clearly show.

People who drive cars prefer Skytrain because Skytrain does not impede traffic. Newton will have the exact same problem. Although King George Hwy is much wider that 104th putting an on ground train down the middle of it will dramatically reduce the room available for the current lanes of traffic. There is no way they will be able to maintain 2 lanes of traffic at King George and 72nd Avenue. That will create colossal bottlenecks of traffic all along King George Hwy. This insane plan is not a step forward it is a giant leap back into the dark ages.

In addition to the same structurally dangerous task of making a left hand turn between trains, the other obvious problem is timing all the traffic lights to coordinate with the trains for traffic crossing the system. You think 88th crossing King George backs up now, wait until a LRT is in place. This whole plan is STUPID. Extending Skytrain to Newton would be far simpler, is would cost a lot less money and it wouldn't create the same infrastructure nightmare a LRT would.

The tax and spend mayor's glutton council needs to be replaced because they simply do not listen. Linda Hepner isn't running for Mayor because she knows her approval rating is at the lowest ever. We have them on the run. Now is the time to finish them.

As for Harold Munro's cheap tabloid of corporate propaganda, that isn't even worth lining the bird cage with. Harold Munro has destroyed a generation of credible news reporting. That is his legacy. God Bless Wayne Moriarty. May he Rest in Peace but God damn Harold Munro.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Hamilton cop sentenced to 12 and a half years

CBC is reporting that "Craig Ruthowsky, a Hamilton cop who was found guilty in a pay-for-protection scheme with a crew of Hamilton drug dealers, has been sentenced to 12-and-a-half years in a federal penitentiary. Justice Robert Clark handed down his ruling in Superior Court in Toronto Tuesday. The sentence includes six months credit for time served. Ruthowsky was also ordered to pay a $250,000 fine — the amount Clark said Ruthowsky took in bribes. If Ruthowsky doesn't pay that fine within a year, three more years are tacked on to his sentence. "

This is in addition to the allegations of police corruption in Hamilton by Paul Manning who was an under cover Hamilton police officer. Court documents filed by Manning claim that "Hamilton police officers fraudulently claimed reward money from Crime Stoppers, and others were involved in “ripping off” drug dealers and marijuana grow operations. Two officers have been ‘on the take’ since the ’80s. They would pay reward money to a relative and then split the proceeds."

"A senior Hamilton officer sold information about the investigation into the unsolved 1998 murders of criminal lawyer Lynn Gilbank and her husband, Fred. It’s believed Gilbank may have been the subject of a gangland hit at her Ancaster home. Several Hamilton police officers have ties to organized crime and the Hells Angels. Manning also names a Toronto officer he alleges was selling guns to Toronto gang members."

This is in addition to former Niagara Regional Police constable Frank Dean Rudge and Montreal cop Benoît Roberge who were both accused of leaking information to the Hells Angels. Or the saga of police corruption in a Toronto drug squad reported in the Toronto Star.

This is why Post Media News mergers are bad for business. Harold Munro doesn't report police corruption like the independent newspapers do. He runs interference for the cops instead. Harold Munro never reported on Kamloops cop Randi Love who was caught selling cocaine on duty. That was local rock star Tim Petruk. The one who brought us the story of Peter Leask in Kamloops when Harold Monro folded like a cheap tent.

The Vancouver Sun didn't report on the Abbotsford cop caught on video putting drug money in his sock during a police raid. That was the Abby news and Global. The Vancouver sun did put out few full page adds saying we can trust them. Not. This is why obsessing over seizing the proceeds for crime without addressing street level drug trafficking is the wrong road to take.

The New York Model confronted police corruption and targeted street level drug trafficking. BC is worse than Hamilton because they keep letting career criminals like Blaze and Len Pelletier off in exchange for tainted intel. The 44 kilos of pig deworming cutting agent Lenny was caught with is specifically used to cut crack. Lenny was supplying Surrey crack shacks during the peak of the Surrey House of Horrors. He and Blaze are the root of the problem. No justice, no peace.