Thursday, February 27, 2020

Toronto filmmaker makes BC debut of Confucius Institute documentary in Coquitlam

CBC is reporting that "A documentary tackling the issue of the Confucius Institute in Canada is screening Thursday night in Coquitlam, B.C. Toronto-based filmmaker Doris Liu says the core nature of the Confucius Institute - Chinese government-funded language schools - is to propagate the Chinese government's ideology behind the facade of a cultural organization."

The purpose of the Confucius Institute is to promote Communism. It is not a cultural revolution, it is a cultural genocide. Shen Yun is a Chinese cultural extravaganza that is banned in Communist China. The Communist Party of China opposes the virtues of Confucius In Real Life. IP Man left China after the Communist revolution because he was a member of the opposing party.

Indigenous leader supports the natural gas pipeline

Mike Smyth is reporting that "As anti-pipeline blockades snarl the movement of people and products and damage the economy, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of angry voices. But if you want to listen to one guy who speaks truth to power like no other, check out Liberal MLA Ellis Ross, the former chief of the Haisla First Nation. Ross is a big supporter of the Coastal GasLink pipeline and the LNG Canada megaproject it would supply in his home riding of Skeena."

“I can guarantee right now that there’s a 14-year-old Aboriginal kid out there taking his first drink of alcohol or sucking on his first joint,” Ross said in a Facebook video. “He’s on his way to prison. That’s his road map. But I guarantee you those activists who are going to stop development in your territory do not care about that kid. They don’t care if that kid commits suicide.”

“But if you save that kid, show that kid there’s a better future out there, get him into a trade, get him into a course, show him a work site, show him there’s a better future in terms of getting a house, a job, going on vacation, buying a truck, then you’ve done your job.”

Likewise, Wet’suwet’en Nation member Shirley Wilson supports the pipeline and states that we had to take it upon ourselves to help bring progress to our people. Marion Tiljoe Shepherd, another member of the Wet’suwet’en First Nation says our people have to go to work.

The Haisla Nation chief and council have been working hard for 15 years to bring an end to the social issues that plague not only our own band but bands all across B.C. and Canada,” Ross told the legislature. “We’ve been successful over the last 15 years. Through hard work, we now have jobs. We have training programs. And we have taken the real first steps 15 years ago to break the cycle of poverty. But now you see these groups, funded by American money, coming in and trying to tell my people that they’re ignorant and don’t know what’s best for them.”

The Liberals released documents tracing US$4.2 million in funding to B.C. environmental groups.

Burning natural gas is a lot better for the environment than burning coal.

Burning tires is bad for the environment

CBC is reporting that "Canada's minister of public safety is urging protesters near Belleville, Ont., to stop setting tires on fire around rail tracks as freight trains move through. "I think it's terribly unsafe and inappropriate," Bill Blair told reporters on Wednesday. "I would, again, continue to urge people to take the barricades down, to obey the law, and encourage the dialogue that we know is so important to continue." AYFKM? Please don't do that it's not nice. What a f*cking loser. Don't dialogue with those idiots, arrest them.

These clowns are fighting against the democratic will of the Wet’suwet’en First Nation. The Red Braid Alliance for Decolonial Socialism are straight up Communists. This is a coup against democracy. There is nothing to negotiate. Arrest them. Lawlessness has consequences.

These mental rejects were burning tires. Your supposed to be environmentalists. Burning tires is bad for the environment. We have our share of Surrey trash on the West Coast but since Ontario has a larger over all population than we do, they have a lot more village idiots out there.

"Emissions from open tire burning include criteria pollutants, such as particulates, carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur oxides (SOx), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). They also include “non-criteria” hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), such as polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, dioxins, furans, hydrogen chloride, benzene, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); and metals such as cadmium, nickel, zinc, mercury, chromium, and vanadium."

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Julian Assange denied the right to a fair trial in England

AFP is reporting that "WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Wednesday briefly disrupted his extradition hearing in Britain to complain about being forced to sit away from his lawyers. The 48-year-old Australian stood up and launched an impromptu courtroom address from inside the glass-panelled dock of the court during the third day of the hearing, being held in southeast London. "I can't speak to my lawyers with any proper confidentiality," he complained, noting microphones near the dock could pick up conversations."

That is deplorable. This is England not Communist China. It's not the Gulag for f*ck's sake. The right to legal representation is a fundamental right in any democratic society. The right to consult counsel in confidence is a fundamental right. Shameful just doesn't cover this. It is disgusting.

Trump should be pardoning Julian Assange. Oh but wait, the NZ Scoop is reporting that "Ever since WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was slammed by Trump’s Justice Department with a mountain of espionage charges carrying a possible sentence of 175 years in prison, QAnon acolytes have been showing up in my social media mentions with screenshots of a new post from the mysterious 8chan anon assuring us all that Assange is actually being protected by Trump.

So let me get this right. Donald Trump's Justice Department charged Julian Assange with 17 counts of violating the Espionage Act, carrying a maximum sentence of 175 years in prison. The Espionage Act for f*ck's sake. While this is happening, QTip claims everything's OK Trump is really protecting Julian. Not. Q is CIA. Q is leading the way and spinning the quest to lynch Julian.

The charges that Julian Assange is now facing are because of Donald Trump. Now England is denying him the right to a fair trial in his extradition hearing. That is disgusting.

Tulsi Gabbard states that she would drop the charges against Julian Assange and Pardon Edward Snowden. It's that simple. Anyone have to wonder why I'm endorsing Tulsi Gabbard for President? She is the one that will drain the swamp. The rest of you have been conned.

Julian Assange helped Donald Trump get elected. Now Donald Trump is f*cking him over.

Adrian Dix discriminates against religion

The Vancouver Sun i reporting that "Delta’s 10-bed hospice facility is losing its provincial funding and may have its building claimed by the Fraser Health Authority, after refusing to allow medically assisted dying. Health Minister Adrian Dix said Tuesday he’s instructed Fraser Health to stop paying $1.5 million annually to the Delta Hospice Society within the next year because it is violating federal law and B.C. government policy that requires medically assisted dying be made allowed at non-denominational facilities that receive more than half their funding from the province." That is sadly unfortunate.

“What this means is that the Delta Hospice Society will have no role to play in publicly funded hospice care again after this 365-day period,” said Dix. “We now have 365 days to determine how we can ensure hospice services can remain in Delta. We may take over the existing site. We may find another site. These beds will not move out of Delta.” The government may at the end of the year take possession of the building, which is on Fraser Health Authority land rented for $1 a year to the hospice society, said Dix."

On the right we can have religious extremists. On the left we can have religious haters. One is no better than the other. Hospice provides a vital service to families as they deal with death and go through the grieving process. If someone is uncomfortable performing assisted suicide, you can't force them to do it. Or at least you shouldn't be allowed to as that is a clear violation of their Charter right. You don't have to be religious to be uncomfortable with assisted suicide. I'm not against allowing it because I concede that there may be some instances where someone might say let me die with dignity. I get it.

However, suicide is a big problem in Ireland and the UK. Under normal circumstances we are morally bound to discourage suicide not encourage it. I have a huge concern with assisted suicide as it could easily become a money matter. Someone could say, look you're costing your family money, kill yourself. Adrian Dix says if someone is uncomfortable with that they will lose government funding. To me, that is extremism. I will liken it to the Gay marriage legislation.

When debating the Gay marriage legislation, some people were for, some were against. The United Church of Canada had the perfect compromise. They said allow Gay marriage civilly and allow religious institutions to perform Gay marriage if they chose but don't force them against their will as that would inhibit their religious freedom. It was the perfect balance because if two Gay people want to get married, no one really has the right to stop them.

Yet you can't say to the Catholics, Muslims or Jews that they have to perform Gay marriage in their places of worship if they don't agree with it. Religious freedom is a fundamental right. Religious haters who then turn around and say well if you don't perform Gay marriage in your places of worship, we'll remove your charitable status. That would be petty and vindictive.

Likewise, what Adrian Dix and the NDP's hanging by a threat minority government is doing to the Delta Hospice facility is petty and vindictive. I do not agree with it. Shame on you.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Communists block Mission to Vancouver commuter train

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that "A blockade by Coastal GasLink protesters at Canadian Pacific’s Port Coquitlam rail yard ended early Friday, but not before shutting down the West Coast Express, and stranding thousands of morning commuters."

"TransLink confirmed early Friday morning that the West Coast Express service leaving Mission City Station was suspended because of protesters blocking the railway adjacent to the Pitt River Bridge. A bus bridge was set up to help commuters travelling from Mission to Coquitlam Central Station. However, after the five morning West Coast Express trains ended, the protesters packed up and left the protest camp, according to Port Coquitlam Mayor Brad West. It’s unknown whether the protesters plan to return to the blockade."

"A group calling itself Red Braid Alliance for Decolonial Socialism took credit for the blockade, citing support of rail blockades and sovereignty struggles by Indigenous nations throughout Canada." Alliance for Decolonial Socialism wtf do you think that it? It's Communism.

That is why they oppose the democratic will of the Aboriginal members of the Wet’suwet’en First Nation. It's because they are Communists not environmentalists. Generating electricity by burning natural gas is far better for the environment then burning coal.

The freedom of association means they are allowed to be Communists but they are not allowed to break the law and stop me or anyone else from going to work. People have the right to hold a sign beside a bridge but they do not have the right to block the bridge. Arrests need to be made.

It's a good thing I wasn't on that train. If any of these freaks try and stop me from going to work there's going to be a fight. The police need to arrest them but we need to do our part as well since the police can't be everywhere. As Jesse Ventura said, the right to bear arms has nothing to do with hunting. It's not just to fight against a corrupt government either. It's also to fight against an invading army or a domestic coup against democracy. Oath keepers arise.

Communists don't have the right to restrict your mobility rights which is protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights. If they block your way you have a legal right to press past them. If they use physical force to stop you you are legally permitted to use physical force to move past them. That is what this is going to take. We need to outflank them. They can fight with the police on one side but they are going to have to fight with us on the other side. Sling shots are a good start.

It was in Haney. Jesse, that's your side of the river bro. That's your crib. Get your sh*t together. I don't think the Red and White supports that. Unlike these welfare Communists, the Haney members have jobs. This needs to be dealt with. We need to support law and order.

This is not about white supremacy. This is about equality and democracy. Communists hate Fascists but they are the exact same thing, just another dictatorship that opposes democracy. The real name of the Nazi party in Germany was the the National Socialist German Workers' Party. This is a coup against democracy and we need to oppose it with a passion.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Surrey applies for an injunction to evict the Hells Angels

Dr Kim is reporting that "The City of Surrey is seeking an injunction to stop a rented rural property in Anniedale from being used as a clubhouse for the Hells Angels’ newest chapter. Surrey filed the lawsuit in B.C. Supreme Court on Jan. 31, claiming the clubhouse contravenes city bylaws and had renovations done without building permits." I told ya Thor would take care of this.

As I said, Doug McCallum will evict their a*s on zoning violations. I'm just surprised he asked the court first. The City has the jurisdiction for zoning. The City doesn't even have to prove criminal organization. It's just a Motorcycle club so they say. Even if that's all they are, residential areas are not zoned for Motorcycle clubs. End of story. They don't have a liquor license either.

I was slightly more receptive to the Softside since they were affiliated with Haney and I've kinda made the peace with Haney in some respects. I have no problem with Jesse. The Surrey girls on the other hand aren't just heatbags, they've lost their mind. The Walrus is fine but Larry Amero ordered the hit on two coaccused from Quebec because they didn't let him in on the dirty cop's intel. Capping Quebec members with get the Three Stooges capped - Larry, Robby and Damion.

However, the Hardside, locally known as the Softside, totally f*cked up. Let's take Huey, Dewey and Louie in the picture. Three softside members and two of them are dead. Although the club capped Ali, at first I thought a rival did Chad. I was wrong. Chad owed money too, the club capped him as well. We don't need that kind of Bullsh*t in our crib. Get lost. All of ya.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

David Eby drops the ball on drug trafficking

The Canadian Press is reporting that "British Columbia's attorney general hopes an inquiry into money laundering will answer lingering questions about how the criminal activity flourished in the province and identify those who allowed it to happen. David Eby's government commissioned three reports that revealed B.C.'s gambling, real estate and luxury car industries were hotbeds for dirty money, but he said an inquiry will be able to dig deeper because it can compel witnesses to speak." This is ridiculous. This is partisan smoke and mirrors.

David Eby is like salt that's lost it's flavor - good for nothing. We all know that money laundering in BC Casinos is a big problem and that Rich Coleman is at the root of it. However, David Eby has no desire to solve the problem, he just wants to profit from it. If David Eby wanted to solve the problem he'd bring back the Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Unit and put Organized crime back under Provincial Jurisdiction. He won't do that because he's part of the problem not part of the solution. He just wants to seize the proceeds of crime without lifting a finger to stop it.

When you make a big song and dance announcing that you are *going* to start addressing money laundering in BC Casinos, that's just like publicly announcing you are going to do a drug raid before you do it. It tips off the drug dealers so they can move their money somewhere else. Money laundering in BC Casinos is a problem but it's also a problem in real estate and nightclubs especially on Vancouver Island.

The police in BC have stopped doing undercover drug trafficking investigations ever since the Kelowna Summer Jam back in 2012. All the other provinces do. BC doesn't. That's why all the other provinces make drug busts and BC doesn't. The recent VPD bust was an accident. It wasn't the result of an undercover investigation. The police are supposed to stop crime not profit from it.

Petition: Lindsay Buziak's murder investigation needs to be taken out of the hands of Saanich PD

Saanich PD petition on CTV - Saanich PD petition in the Peace Arch News

Jeff Buziak has added some interesting comments on this post over on the Lindsay Buziak blog.

I'm somewhat disappointed Mike Farnworth said his hands are tied with regards to transferring the file for the Lindsey Buziak murder investigation out of the hands of Saanich and into the hands of the Integrated unit. He's their boss for f*ck sakes. He needs to grow a pair. The Saanich PD has to be accountable to someone other than themselves and he's the AG.

Chris Horsely should not be involved with that investigation and the file should be handed over to IHIT. The RCMP keep lobbying for more work. Here's their opportunity.

Evidently, Shirley Zailo manages Remax Camosun Westshore on Goldstream Avenue in Langford which is in John Horgan's riding right around the corner from his office. Perhaps that's what Mike Farnworth meant when he said his hands were tied. BC Rail deja vu.

Tyson Fury defeats Deontay Wilder to win WBC heavyweight crown

The Guardian is reporting that "Tyson Fury completed one of the greatest comebacks in modern sports history on Saturday night when he knocked out Deontay Wilder in the seventh round to add the WBC’s version of the world heavyweight championship to his own lineal claim to the title, delivering the definitive outcome their first encounter failed to produce."

I was rooting for Deontay Wilder. Tyson Fury has a pretty bizarre fashion statement but he did dominate the fight. Both men are very tall. 6' 9" and 6' 7". Fury sang American Pie afterwards.

So now we will have a showdown between Anthony Joshua and Tyson Fury. Let's see it. England's at the plate so it is. Actions speak louder than words. 21:28 was kinda creepy though. For a homophobe it kinda looked like something out of 50 Shades of Grey. Oh Jimmy.

I do think he was just joking around. He's a showboat. A white version of Apollo Creed. That's not my style but he has a right to his. His talent as a boxer is indisputable. I think deep down he is a good man that is sincere and genuine. Despite the fact that I can't stand the Chelsea or the Man United football hooligans, he seems to be trying to raise the bar for those clowns and give them some self respect. Something they desperately need. Joshua / Fury should be in Vegas as well just to keep the peace. In the States the cops will shoot the hooligans dead.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Justin Trudeau makes an impressive recovery

Well that was fast. After initially dropping the ball on the natural gas blockade, Justin Trudeau recovered the ball and ran with it. Right into the end zone. Well played.

Justin Trudeau said enough is enough. It's time for the blockade to come down. They served the blockade the court order and on Friday they sent in the riot police to enforce the injunction. That's when the protesters said see ya later. It was that simple. Alberta did the same. They need to do the same thing in Ontario and Saskatchewan as well. It's that simple.

The Ontario blockade came down after several arrests were made. That is the right thing to do. Smaller blockades are cropping up but are resulting in arrests which is the right thing to do. People have the right to protest but they don't have the right to prevent people from going to work. We need to confront the spoilt brat me first millennials. That is in their best interest.

Green Justice calls for the Canadian Rangers to Keep the Peace

Marion Tiljoe Shepherd, a member of the Wet’suwet’en First Nation in northwestern British Columbia, spoke at a recent community event in support of the natural gas pipeline Wednesday and said to the protesters: “Go away. I want them to leave. It’s none of their business.” That's what she told CBC following the event. “All of these protesters don’t have the right to close down railways and ships. It’s not right.”

People have a right to protest but they don't have the right to stop other people from going to work. They don't have the right to break the law. Jagmeet Singh believes in lawlessness and anarchy. I do not. Jagmeet Singh believes in the legalization of all drugs. I do not. If Justin Trudeau leans towards Andrew Sheer and away from Jagmeet Singh, then the country will be in good hands. That balance will preserve peace and prosperity.

Natural gas is a huge step forward for the environment. The industrial coal plants in Germany and China are the biggest sources of CO2 emissions on the planet. Replacing those with natural gas will result in a colossal reduction in world CO2 emissions.

China is reversing it's coal phase out. They are even starting to build more industrial coal plants around the world. China is building or planning more than 300 coal plants in places as widely spread as Turkey, Vietnam, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Egypt and the Philippines. If these mental cases gave a rat's a*s about the environment, they' be talking about that. China is even reversing it's position of replacing home heating with natural gas. That decision is having a horrific effect on CO2 emissions and the environment.

You want to burn coal to generate electricity instead of natural gas or build hydro electric dams. You are f*cking stupid. Greta Thunberg is a freak. I do not support her.

The Oppenheimer Rape camp are not environmentalists. They're just mental. They do not support the Wet'suwet'en people. I do. If a couple of hereditary chiefs from a small tribe refuse to listen to their own elders and their own clan members, then f*ck them. They want the white man to help them oppress their people. That is ridiculous. We support democracies not dictatorships.

The Oppenheimer Rape camp needs to be shut down. The city needs to enforce the court order. F*ck the parks board. We need to uphold the law. That is what we need to do.

Surrey had the same problem. After the NDP provided housing for the people on the Surrey Strip the police said it's time for you to leave. You either take the housing or leave. A handful of anarchists defiantly refused the housing and said we're not leaving. That's when they outed themselves. Up until that time the claimed they were poverty advocates wanting housing. When the Provincial government called their bluff and gave them housing they said we don't want it. That exposed their real agenda. They didn't want housing, they wanted lawlessness.

The police said take the housing or leave. They enforced the law. That problem has now been solved. Vancouver needs to do the same thing in Oppenheimer park. That lawlessness needs to come to an end. Rape and public drug use with all the violent crime serves no one.

I will also take this opportunity to say that Justin's father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau was a pillar in Canadian history. He wasn't a one trick pony like Joe Clark, who pulled off a minority government for a year until he raised gas taxes and fell to a non confidence vote. Pierre Elliott Trudeau was the Prime minister of Canada from 1968 to 1984, with a brief period as Leader of the Opposition, from 1979 to 1980. His tenure of 15 years and 164 days makes him Canada's third longest-serving Prime Minister, behind William Lyon Mackenzie King and John A. Macdonald.

He led us through a national crisis, confronted the FLQ and gave us the Charter of Rights. That sacred document is something every Canadian can be proud of and should have hanging on their wall. Stephen Harper hated the Charter of Rights because he was not a Conservative, he was a Corporate Communist. Harper was a public enemy of civil liberty. Harper called Pierre Elliott Trudeau a Communist but Pierre Elliott Trudeau didn't sell our oil rights to Communist China, Stephen Harper did. Pierre Elliott Trudeau defended civil liberty in Canada and entrenched that protection into law. Stephen Harper did everything he could to destroy it.

Pierre Elliott Trudeau had one flaw. He over spent and created excessive debt. Brian Mulroney and Stephen Harper weren't much better. Aside from that, his tenure was flawless. Now we all understand that unnecessary debt is not good. The trickle down economy does not work. The government is not responsible to create jobs. The government is responsible to reduce taxes so business can thrive. That's what Ireland did. When the people are working, the tax revenue increases. We will have everything we need if we can only conquer greed.