Friday, December 10, 2021

Coquihalla repairs under way

Looks like the NDP are going a good job getting the Coquihalla up and running again. Paula Cousins, the Regional Executive Director of the ministry of transportation and infrastructure said "This is the response phase so the priority right now is just to get the economy and the trucks moving again." Wow. Someone with a brain. Let's hear more from her.

Transportation minister Rob Fleming said "This is important for the country as well because this is our main transportation route that makes sure goods get to the country." (Coming from the port.) Exactly. A good economy means more tax revenue.

We also need to raise the Sumas dike and put a second pump at Barrowtown station. The dike was below specs and more water is coming down the Nooksack river because the Americans removed the diversion dam last year. We need to plan for that increased water volume.

Doug McCallum is still under attack

The vultures are relentless and shameless. Post Media Trash is reporting that the police are charging Surrey Mayor Doug McCallum for public mischief because he filed a harassment complaint with the RCMP when he was verbally assaulted by the Save the RCMP freaks outside Save on Foods. When they say stand up to bullies, that's exactly what we should do.
Post Media Trash posted this picture with the caption "Keep the RCMP in Surrey photo - Ivan Scott of Keep the RCMP in Surrey and Surrey Mayor Doug McCallum, right, have a heated conversation in a grocery store parking lot in September 2021."

How is that a heated conversation? Doug McCallum is leaving the grocery store and one of the RCMP freaks gets all up in his grill. Obviously there was more than one of them because they took the picture. This is what they wanted you to see. They didn't take pictures of what they didn't want you to see. There is no question these are bullies harassing the mayor when he is out doing grocery shopping. Any other police force on this continent would have charged the bullies. But no, the conflicted Surrey RCMP charged the mayor instead. Ivan Scott's son is RCMP.

Brenda Locke is exploiting the opportunity to call for the Mayor to resign. That is ridiculous. She is the one who should resign for flipping on her election promise as soon as she was elected. Brenda Locke is a skank. I'm sorry but there is no other adjective that adequately describes her. She is a dirty politician who lied to get elected. There needs to be some kind of moral accountability for breaking her election promise. A recall petition should be launched.

Brenda Locke is a bully. She's mad at the Mayor because he stands up to bullies. Brenda Locke was a Surrey MP during Gordon Campbell's era of arrogance railroading the HST and steam rolling over voters. That is why she was not re elected.

She sucked up to Doug McCallum so she could run on his ticket. He ran on a law and order fiscal responsibility platform and Surrey First was wiped off the map. All of the incumbents were defeated because of their tax and spend junket obsession. The only one that was elected was a newcomer from crime prevention. She had no idea how bad Linda Hepner and Dianne Watts were. Dianne Watts was a liar and a bully. She trained Botox Betty well. Brenda is their protege.

Aside from crime and fiscal responsibility, Doug McCallum ran on two main platforms. Skytrain over LRT and Municipal police over RCMP. He wasn't saying defund the police. He said municipal police accountable to Surrey not Ottawa. Brenda Locke joined that platform to get elected. Then a soon as she was elected she broke her election promise and started ruthlessly campaigning against a municipal force for the RCMP. That was a breach of contract. She should resign.

The RCMP have continued to fight the democratic will of Surrey relentlessly. The father of an RCMP officer launched a petition and the RCMP Union posted adds all over the Internet. That is a conflict of interest. The Save the RCMP in Surrey group are absolute bullies.

Any other police force in North America would have charged the stalkers with harassment for harassing the mayor while he was out grocery shopping. The fact that the RCMP has charged the mayor not them is evidence they need to be replaced. The vultures are desperate because Municipal police already have boots on the ground.

While we're on the subject of RCMP dirty tricks we need to talk about Operation Phoenix. That was a task force mandated to go after the Hells Angels in BC though a Regional Task force. The RCMP wanted that jurisdiction back so they sabotaged the mission and got the Hells Angels off.

Once they got that jurisdiction back, what did they do with it? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.RCMP in other provinces make Hells Angels drug busts. The RCMP in BC do not. Allen Dalstrom was a member of the Regional Task Force involved with Operation Phoenix. He was fired for telling a reporter the truth. One of the reasons cited by Douglas for firing Dalstrom is that he believed Dalstrom was the “OCA insider” quoted in Julian Sher’s book about the Angels, The Road To Hell, How the Biker Gangs Are Conquering Canada, who said that, when it came to organized-crime investigations, the RCMP had done “f--- all here for 25 years”. So once again we see someone fired for telling the truth. The Ontario Biker Enforcement Unit is successful because the RCMP doesn’t have anything to do with it’s administration.

Richard Barszczewski was a RCMP officer in BC who prevented the BC Hells Angels from getting arrested in the Western Wind bust when the US authorities seized a boat with 2 1/2 tons of cocaine en route to them. Can we see the pattern yet? The investigation of organized crime in BC should be regional like it is in Ontario, Alberta and Quebec. It should be completely separate from the RCMP because E Division is corrupt. Unfortunately, so is the NDP.

As for Doug McCallum, Surrey has greatly benefitted from his leadership in this current term. LRT on the ground down 104th Avenue would have been an infrastructure nightmare. Turning those four lanes into one lane each way with no left turns would have been insane. The clowns pushing that did not live in the area and had no idea what kind of chaos that would have created. Perhaps they did but didn't care because of the dirty money in their pocket.

Forming a municipal force in Surrey is a clear step forward. Surrey is the largest city in Canada without its own police force. Brenda clueless and the Surrey first leftovers are defiantly standing in the way of progress. Doug McCallum is fiscally responsible. Surrey First was anything but. Tax and spend junkets out the city in record debt. Surrey's budget is a lot better than Vancouver's. Kennedy Stewart is not fiscally responsible. He came from the NDP and has no party behind him. All he does is raise taxes which drives away business. Doug McCallum is doing a lot better.

BC has highest overdose deaths ever under NDP Mismanagement

The results are in. Last month BC had the highest overdose rate in history proving to the world that the NPD’s model doesn’t work. The problem is that Vancovuer adapted the Four Pillars then threw away three of the crucial pillars turning harm reduction into harm promotion. Clearly the lethal injection site isn’t working because it has created more addicts and more fatal overdoses.

Once again we see the problem, reaction and bad solution paradigm at work. Vancouver’s drug problem is like LA’s crime problem. It’s the result of failed liberal policies. Instead of saying hey look, the NDP is obviously screwing this up, the liberal media is calling for a safe supply of illicit drugs at the taxpayers expense. Oh the cunning plan of the evil one.

You can't get an MRI or cancer treatment but you can get free heroin. That satanic plot will bankrupt our public medical system faster than you can say organized crime. The Portugal model succeeded because they made treatment mandatory. The liberal extremists refuse to tell you that part because they have an agenda. Reducing addiction and saving lives is not part of it.

Kennedy Stewart has become a Sith Lord. Like Snoop dog said, clean this sh*t up .

Thursday, December 9, 2021

California Liberals Create LA Lawlessness

Agent 22 revealed the Hells Angels plan for Surrey

I have a long weekend ahead of me and I’m feeling like a bat outta Hell so I'm going to take another walk down memory lane and recount the facts sitting on the table in plain view for the world to see. It brings us back to Agent 22’s visit to Surrey around 2009.

Agent 22 was a member of the Zig Zag Crew in Winnipeg who became a police agent. He caught Famous Amos, another Zig Zag Crew member, cooking crack cocaine on video for the Hells Angels. The Zig Zag crew was a puppet club for the Hells Angels that sold their drugs and paid the Hells Angels for protection from rival drug dealers.

The Hells Angels use puppet clubs to create plausible deniability. When they get caught they say it wasn’t us, it was them. Then they just create another puppet club. Sean Wolfe and Dale Donavan from the Winnipeg Hells Angels were convicted as were Shane Kirton and Anthony McLennan. They were the ones collecting the tax from the Zig Zag Crew out of their drug sales.

Dale was the Winnipeg Hells Angels president. Ernie Dew, the president before him and Dale Sweeney, the president after him have also been convicted of drug trafficking. That is their MO in Winnipeg. Winnipeg still has a gang problem and the Hells Angels are still at the root of it. They blame it on the new puppet clubs but those clubs work for them. Just like the Brother’s Keepers work for the Edmonton Hells Angels in Surrey. Too bad ALERT couldn’t do something about that.

Agent 22 started working as a police agent in November 2008. Most of the arrests took place in December 2009. That’s when Eric Sandberg of Surrey was arrested along with the rest.

During the investigation, Agent 22 came to Vancovuer and met with two Hells Angels associates in a restaurant. One of them was Eric Sandberg. Eric told Agent 22 he could get him any gun he wanted and that they were ready to wipe out all the competition in Surrey. Let’s reflect on that.

The Hells Angels presence in Surrey was nothing new. They had been running the drugs out of the Dell, the Byrd and Pancho Lefties for years. The Dell was the official address for the Hells Angels stripper agency in BC. It’s still being done out of Shakerz through Randy Jones. A leopard doesn’t change its spots. They just change directions. The police know and they don’t care.
Robert Picton was arrested in 2002. A retired nurse who worked in the DTES reported that one of the women she worked with “went to a well-known Hells Angels spot located on the King George Highway, just before it enters Surrey: a rental house they called the House of Pain.” From there they were bussed over to the Pickton Farm for a biker party with free booze and free drugs.

The House of Pain referred to was known locally as the Surrey House of Horrors. Everyone from Surrey knew it was run by the Hells Angels. Blaze recently lied and said it was run by the UN. Piggy's Palace was run by the Hells Angels though Tony Terezakis who was executed Dec 2020.

The Hells Angels had already taken over a big chunk of the drug trafficking in Surrey after the Surrey Six murder in October 2007. Yet in 2009 they told Agent 22 they were ready to wipe out all the competition in Surrey. The rest of it. September 2013 the police found a bag of guns in Surrey that was tied to the Hells Angels.

Red Scorpions, Wolf Pack, Independent Soldiers, Redd Alert, Brother's Keepers and the Driftwood Crips all worked for the Hells Angels just like the Zig Zag Crew. It all falls under plausible deniability yet we all know where the taxes go. Surrey is just like Winnipeg. Here, the Hells Angels are the root of all the gang violence and the CFSEU is completely compromised.

Man injured in Surrey shooting

CTV is reporting that "A man in his 20s was taken to hospital early Thursday morning following a shooting in Surrey. The 26-year-old was injured in an incident on 60 Avenue, west of 176 Street, reported to police shortly after 1 a.m. The Surrey RCMP detachment said in a statement that officers found the man inside a home, and that his injuries are not life-threatening. He'd been released from hospital by 10 a.m. the same day."

"The victim, they said, is known to local police and is not co-operating with their investigation. The motive in the shooting is unclear. Police said information does not suggest any links to the ongoing gang conflict in B.C.'s Lower Mainland." GMAFB.

He was shot inside a house in Cloverdale, is not cooperating with the investigation and is known to the police. Yet it’s not related to the gang conflict. If these guys had half a brain they’d be dangerous. If it was crime related in Cloverdale, it was drug related. If it was drug related it’s gang related because the gangs are the ones selling the drugs. Gang enforcement in BC is compromised. We need to contract that out to Alberta. They still enforce the law.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Canada joins US, UK & Australia in diplomatic boycott of Beijing Olympics

The National Post is reporting that "Canada will not be sending diplomats to the Beijing Olympics in early February, effectively joining a diplomatic boycott with the United States, United Kingdom and Australia denouncing China’s alleged human rights violations." Human rights matter.

Sikh motorcycle club help flood victims in Fraser Valley

Global reported that the Sikh motorcycle club stepped up to help flood victims in the Fraser Valley. Those guys are awesome. They ride motorcycles and they don't sell drugs. Imagine that.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Derek Brassington's Surrey Six Affidavit

As I have previously mentioned, I have in my possession the transcript to Derek Brassington's misconduct interview with the Ontario Provincial Police regarding the Surrey Six investigation. It is 447 pages long. There are too many names mentioned in it for me to black out, so instead of posting the document I was simply summarize it and give you the readers digest version.

As we go through it I want to highlight three things. 1) There is a huge difference between Anton and DK. 2) There is an even bigger difference between Derek Brassington and Corporal Bulford. 3) Larry Amero's associations with Jonathon and Jamie Bacon predated the Surrey Six.

The first 50 pages are bullsh*t. It's a pity party for the drama queen who goes off on his life story staring about how he desperately wanted to become a police officer ever since Grade 3. He took French in grade eight because he wanted to become a cop. He did work experience with the police because he wanted to become a cop. He enrolled in a criminology diploma at SFU because he wanted to become a cop. When he was kicked out of SFU for bad grades he enrolled in a two year criminology degree at college because he wanted to become a cop. We get it.

Page 51 he is asked to give an overview of the Surrey Six investigation. He gets it part right. He remembers Cory Lal, Chris Mohan and Ed Schellenberg, forgets some of the others and apologizes to the family if they read his deposition. That explains the pity party. He's trying to rationalize his misconduct for the families of the victims.

Aside from Porky Pig's GF and the threesomes, it appears that Derek Brassington first had an affair with DK's GF. Since Porky Pig's GF is of most significance I will refer to her as Person J.

Before I critique his version of events in the Surrey Six, I will point out an observation he made while at Depot training to become an RCMP officer. He claimed that there were a lot of guys from different backgrounds at Depot. Some were married some were single. He said that he would hear some of the married guys on the phone talking to their wife and kids at home then call up their Regina flings and be all oh baby. He said he did not think that was very appropriate. Yet that's exactly what he did when he got out of Depot.

This is not the first time we have heard about sexual misconduct in the RCMP or at Depot. In fact, during the sexual harassment class action lawsuit, we even heard of inappropriate relationships between trainers at Depot and cadets. It doesn't get any more unprofessional that that. That is completely unacceptable. Don't get me startled on Bill Fordy and the Friends of Craig Callen.

In his deposition, Derek Brassington said that DK killed three and Cody Haevischer killed three. That was correct. However, the circumstances surrounding Chris Mohan's murder was false. He said that Chris happened to look inside the suite and saw what was going on so they pulled him in and killed him. Derek admitted that didn't make sense. Surely if you plan on killing someone, you're going to shut the door. So where did he get that information from? He obviously got it from DK who wanted to rationalize his murder of Chris Mohan.

Chris was at home on his way to a basketball game. He was not the type to look into someone else's suit. It's far more likely that he simply witnessed them enter the suite. It's even possible that Chris only witnessed DK and for that reason DK dragged him in. Chris kept saying I don't know these guys. He has nothing to do with them. That didn't matter. They shot him anyways.

I will point out that DK started working for the police after Anton so the information Derek got about Anton from DK was tainted. DK told Derrick that Anton started working for the police because he was upset about not getting invited on a trip afterwards. That is ridiculous.

Anton decided to work for the police because he was moved by Chris Mohan's mother's grief as we all were. Anton was Jamie's original bodyguard. Jamie couldn't go to the gym without a bodyguard. Jamie wanted Anton to kill Cory becasue Cory thought Jamie was an idiot and Anton said no. That's why he wasn't there. He agreed to confiscate the gun from Cory which he did.

When DK said he and Jamie were there he lied. Anton has street cred. DK did not. All DK did was play ice hockey in Abbotsford with old timers and earn a reputation for roid rage. DK was the POS that killed Chris Mohan for no reason. That speaks to his character or lack thereof. It appears that Derek was DK's handler. That would explain how he became acquainted with DK's GF before sleeping with her. Somehow I doubt that Derek was Anton's handler. That wouldn't have worked. Derek and DK were a better fit. Birds of a feather.

In his deposition, Derek Brassington said that Jamie Bacon ordered the hit. That was correct. That brings us to the dubious nature of the current Surrey Six Appeals. In January of this year, Dr Spin reported that "Cody Haevischer and Matthew Johnston have had their convictions set aside, even though the court also upheld the 2014 guilty verdict against them." This was done in secret.

Last week CTV reported that "The Appeal Court didn't order a new trial, concluding a B.C. Supreme Court judge did not err in excluding Haevischer and Johnston from a pretrial hearing in which a key witness testified behind closed doors. However, the court ruled the trial judge did make a mistake in dismissing an application from the two men for a hearing that would have allowed them to contend their rights were violated by police misconduct and by a lengthy period of solitary confinement before trial." AYFKM? Uphold the guilty verdict but set their sentence aside because they spent time in solitary. That would be obscene.

Personally, I think this is a farce. Upholding the guilty verdict while setting aside the sentence is exactly what happened to the Bobsy Twins before they started cooperating with the police.

May of 2020 the Castlegar News reported that "Jamie Bacon will be tried, again, on charges of murder and conspiracy in connection to the Surrey Six killings. Charges of first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder in connection with the 2007 Surrey Six massacre were stayed against Bacon in December 2017. The reasons the judge granted the stayed ruling remain sealed. Crown Counsel appealed that decision shortly after. On Thursday (May 21), the BC Court of Appeal announced it had granted Crown’s appeal following an in-camera hearing."

There's a lot of shady sh*t going on right now. Blaze is still trying to spam my blog wit ridiculous comments. Who is Blaze? Donnie McWhirter. He is not in prison. He blew his own cover because he can't keep his mouth shut. He is a compulsive liar and false accuser. The fact that he's still on the police's payroll means gang enforcement in BC is completely compromised.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

OPP Interview of Surrey Six IHITit investigator

Update: Derek Brassington's Surrey Six Affidavit

An interesting document recently came across my desk. It's Derek Brassington's interview with the OPP who were conducting an investigation into his misconduct during the Surrey Six Investigation. It's freaking 147 pages long. I'm going through it blacking out names before I post it but I hesitate to do so until Jammie Bacon's appeal is heard.

Let's face it, Derek Brassington and Jamie Bacon are both POS. I don't give a f*ck about Derek's grade three dream to become a police officer. He was a married man having threesomes with witnesses. Oh but he fell in love with the witness. Oh really? Which one? Both of them? GMAFB. Did he also fall in love with DK's GF as well? Bullsh*t.
I don't want to disrespect Derek's wife or his kids. More importantly I don't want to disrespect Chris Mohan's mother. I saw the sorrow in her eyes when they shot her innocent son dead. That's what moved me to start this blog. Jammie Bacon ordered the hit on Cory Lal because Cory thought he was an idiot and refused to pay tax to the Red and White.

Anton wouldn't do it so he got his new bodyguard DK to do it after Anthon confiscated the gun from the victims so they knew the people they were sent in to shoot were not armed. Then Jammie turned on DK and ordered a hit on him because that's the way they roll.

Letting Jammie Bacon off because an investigator slept with a witness would be a gross miscarriage of justice. He plead guilty. This case isn't about a criminal versus the police. It's about a criminal against the mother of an innocent son they murdered and the wife and children of an innocent man they murdered simply because they were potential witnesses to their crime.

Chris Mohan and Ed Schellenberg weren't in the wrong place at the wrong time. Ed was at work doing his job. Chris was at home leaving to go to a basketball game. They were doing what they were supposed to be doing. The outrage over their murder continues to this day.

Natural Justice cries out for vindication. No doubt the court will see the interview I have in my possession. I want to see what the court decides. The interview claims the witness gave her statement before she started sleeping with the investigator. The Supreme Court stated that "Public interest requires an appeal." That is a true statement. This is about the public interest. It's not about an unprofessional cop. We don't need to know all the gory details of the sealed documents. We need justice for Chris Mohan, Ed Schellenberg and their families as well as justice for the people of Surrey who abhor that ruthless act happening in their community.
The most outrageous breach of justice is the fact that Jamie Bacon is still allowed to traffic drugs in prison. The Red Scorpions is predominantly a prison gang now. The Hells Angels are paying the Brothers Keepers to cap the Kang group so Jamie Bacon aka Porky Pig, the horder of pumpkin pie, can have complete control of the RS. The HAs are putting him in charge because he's an idiot and can't make it on his own. That way he pays more tax to them.