Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Remember Them - France 2nd Update

In Canada November 11th is Remembrance Day. The day we set aside to remember those who have fought and those who have died in war on our behalf. Canada was deeply involved in the First and Second world war as well as the Korean war. Canada has also been involved in generations of Peace Keeping as well as taking a combat role in Afghanistan. We lost many good soldiers in Afghanistan. Bill Turner was one of them. Trevor Greene survived an axe attack to the back of his head there. He and Bill proved to be the epitome of what a Canadian soldier exemplifies.

In the movie Gladiator, the hero and the villain both lied in the dust dead. The emperor's daughter said of the hero "He was a soldier of Rome. Honour him." Then the pallbearers came and carried the body to a respectful burial. On Remembrance Day 2011 I made a blog post talking about how drastically times have changed and how we have come from Flanders Fields in France to Opium Fields in Afghanistan. Times have certainly changed so they have.

Years ago I dated a German girl and I was a bit worried about what my father was going to say. He served in the Second world war and both his parents served in the First World War. All our ancestors served. When I nervously told him I was dating a German girl without hesitation he looked at me and said "the war is over isn't it?" Shocked and relieved I said yes it is.

The Holocaust was a horrible thing. Opposing that was the right thing to do regardless of the cost. Yet there is one thing we need to remember from that horrific event. We need to remember how Hitler conned the German people. It is what was portrayed in the Star wars saga and was how the evil empire conned and overthrew the free republic. Hitler bombed his own parliament building and blamed it on terrorists to get special powers of Chancellor. Then he bombed a German radio station and blamed it on Poland to justify the invasion of Poland. The rest is history. We need to remember that. We need to remember how Hitler conned the German people so we don't get fooled ourselves by the same con since history repeats itself until we learn from it.

CSIS provided the explosives for the Air India bombing. They still need to be charged for that mass murder. CSIS was caught red handed aiding ISIS in Syria. Stephen Harper's own personal body guard. That still needs to be dealt with. Civil Liberty still needs to be protected. Lest we forget.

France Update: In Flanders's Fields

Remember what Nicolas Sarkozy did to Moammar Gadhafi. He collected campaign contributions from him while he tried to convince the world we should trust Gadafi with nuclear power and weapons because he wanted to sell Gadafi a French reactor. Then when Gadafi decided to buy a reactor from Argentina instead of France, he conned Canada into helping him invade and assassinate Gadafi for that crime. All the bad things Sarkozy claimed Gadafi had done didn't matter when Sarkozy was trying to sell Gadafi a nuclear reactor. They all of a sudden mattered when Gadifi decided not to buy a reactor from Sarkozy. We were conned.

Remember what French Intelligence did for Sarkozy in Pakistan. Sarkozy was accused of getting political kickbacks from an arms deal with Pakistan. When the deal was cancelled and his kickbacks were cut off he was accused of helping organize a terrorist bombing in Pakistan that killed French engineers. That is what the Karachi affair was really about.

Why would terrorists declare war on France now for any reason other than to help Sarkozy get re elected? This is the return of the October Surprise. What kind of person would kill their own people just to get elected? Sarkozy did. So did Adolf Hitler. Lest we forget.

Today we fight a new war in Flander's Fields. Only this war doesn't involve an external enemy. This war involves an enemy from within. Buyer Beware: Operation Gladio is still in effect.

Lyman Lemnitzer was the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Allen Dulles was the Director of the CIA who both signed and approved Operation Northwoods. A sinister plot to kill Americans on American soil and blame it on Cuba to gain public support for an invasion of Cuba during the cold war. If Kennedy hadn't vetoed the idea, they would have implemented it. That is not a conspiracy theory, that is a historical fact. Kennedy fired Allen Dulles and reassigned Lyman Lemnitzer to Europe where he actually implemented that same plan there as Operation Gladio.

Truthers question 9/11 for good reason.

Canadian man's selfie altered to look like Paris suicide bomber

CBC is reporting that "A Spanish newspaper apologized Sunday after it printed the photo of a Canadian Sikh man, which had been altered and presented as the image of a person responsible for the deadly attacks in Paris on Friday. The image appeared to show Jubbal, who was not identified by name, wearing a suicide bomb vest and holding a Qur'an." Sikh are not Muslin. They don't use the Qur'an and they don't speak Arabic they speak Punjabi.

CBC claims "the photo was eventually posted by an unofficial ISIS support group on the social media platform Telegram, the same platform that ISIS used to claim responsibility for the Paris attacks." Gee I wonder if that's the same ISIS support group CSIS was caught funding?

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Lethal Injection sites are not safe

One for the road. The Vancouver Province is reporting that the Vancouver Police Department is asking the public for ideas as it sets its strategic goals for the rest of the decade. “We need input from our community on our priorities, goals and what your police department should be focusing on for the next five years,” Chief Constable Adam Palmer said on Tuesday. What a novel idea. The police are asking the public how they want their tax dollars spent. One step forward. Then the corupt extremists jump on the band wagon calling for an end to the ban on lethal injection sites. Two steps back. Clearly we need a balance between the extremes

Prior to the last election the Vancouver Police Department were in a slight conflict with the Harper government over policing prioritization. With all the lobbying for the legalization of marijuana, the VPD stop cracking down on pot stores so it could focuses on more violent crime. The Harper government didn't like that and sent in the RCMP to enforce their mandatory minimum sentences for possession of pot. From one extreme to the other. It is clear that way too many people here smoke way too much pot. Yet throwing everyone in jail for smoking pot is insane. It prevents us from being bale to confront hard drugs and the violent crime associated with them.

Vancouver's safe injection site has been a complete failure as has the insane policy of abandoning the four pillars program in the DTES. There is nothing safe about injecting poison into human beings. That lethal injection site has created a black hole of crime and violence all around it. It has created more addicts. It has not reduced addiction. John McKay, the VPD ninja, explained what was wrong with the lethal injection site in Vancouver. It caused the police to create a tolerance zone of drug dealing all around it. They let crack dealers sell crack in public all around it. That irresponsible practice has created a toilet of violence, exploitation and misery all around it.

Earlier this year we heard how the methadone program has become a sea of corruption. That pharmaceutical scam ripping off tax dollars has become big business that ties into the pharmacists and the doctors making the prescriptions. The doctors don't reduce the dosages. They turn people into methadone addicts for life all paid with tax dollars. Insite is part of that scam. The Vancouver Province article claimed Vancouver's top doctor is calling for an end to the ban on lethal injection sites. That is obscene. Fire him. He is part of the scam. Ask Dr. Colin Mangham who is an expert in the field of prevention and has worked in the field since 1979. He was fired for telling the truth and speaking out against Insite because he was not part of the scam that ties into the corupt recovery houses that are merely flop houses that exploit the methadone program while addicts stay high and get no treatment. There is an excellent recovery program in Surrey that can't get government funding because it helps get addicts off drugs instead of turning them into methadone addicts for life. I kid you not. Addicts need more than a clean needle.

The Insite scam even went so far as to giving addicts heroin at tax payers expense. The Harper government got a lot of things wrong over the years but opposing the use of tax dollars to buy heroin for drug addicts is one thing they got right. If we are going to move forward as a nation, we need to confront the medical and pharmaceutical scam burning tax dollars and promoting the violence and exploitation of addiction. Handing out free crack pipes is not the New York model. It is social irresponsibility that condones the murder of Janice Shore and Ashely Machiskinic.

So if we want to talk about policing prioritization in Vancouver let's set aside pot and focus in on crack and crystal meth. If we arrest everyone selling crack outside the lethal injection site at Main and Hastings we will see an instant transformation in the violence and exploitation we are currently enabling and promoting there.

Monday, October 19, 2015

The Force has awakened: Trudeaumania has begun

The morning breaks, the shadows flee. Canadians have spoken. Justin Trudeau's campaign was one of hope and tolerance over Harper's hate and fear. One of the slogans on facebook was "I don't hate my neighbors. They make me samosas." Harper's legacy is one of hate, intolerance, fiscal irresponsibility and tax paid propaganda. Stephen Harper abandoned every traditional conservative principle known to man. He took the Reform Party and merged with Mulroneyism, the very entity the Reform Party was created to oppose. Canada is better than that. That's why Dona Cadman pulled her support. Hamilton made us proud to be Canadian. Thomas Mulcair was a good man. It's time for all of us to move forward. Peace.

Update: I will say this: civil liberty is important. Justin's father, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, was the one who gave us the sacred Charter of Rights. That was a good thing. We can debate property rights and gun ownership until the cows come home. The right to a fair trial, the right to have a lawyer, the need to be charged with an offense before being arrested and detained, the protection from unnecessary searches and seizures as well as protection from warantless surveillance are all fundamental rights in any democratic society. Those same rights are found in the US Bill of Rights as well as the Canadian Charter of Rights.

I did not endorse Justin Trudeau during his campaign. At first I was exited about the idea of him running but was shocked when he voted with Harper to throw away the Charter of Rights his own father gave us. In those votes, Thomas Mulcair supported the Charter of Rights, Justin Trudeau did not. Harper was the evil emperor who did everything in his power to crush those rights.

I am encouraged by the fact that Justin is determined to amend the hated Bill C-51 immediately. Amending it isn't good enough. It needs to be thrown out because it is illegal. It violates the Charter of Rights which is the highest law of this land. I am hopeful he is not paying lip service to civil liberty. I am hopeful that we can now celebrate the anniversary of the Canadian Charter of Rights, something Harper refused to do. I am hopeful that now we can once again protect civil liberty after Stephen Harper destroyed it.

I am encouraged Justin has notified Obama that he will keep his campaign promise and end Canada's participation with bombing raids in Syria. Canada had a long history of peace keeping established by Lester B Person who won the Nobel Peace prize in 1957. Before Stephen Harper, Canada never had a reputation for invading other countries. Canadians were always the diplomats trying to keep the peace. We took combat roles in WWI and WWII as well as in the Korean war because we were helping liberate countries who were invaded and oppressed.

During the last US election, Donald Trump stated his position on the war in Libya. He said he would invade them and take their oil. He said when you go to war and you win, that is the spoils of war. Donald Trump was simply an honest George Bush. He was however, not a patriot. The American revolution was about putting an end to imperialism and creating a free republic. It was not about creating a new super power to take over and rob the world. The American Constitution protects a free republic. It does not create an empire that takes over other countries and turns them into colonies. I seem to remember some split tea over taxation without representation.

Chretien was right for not participating in the invasion of Iraq which was based on a premeditated lie. MI 6 gave the media false information about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. The US sold Saddam Hussein chemical weapons to use on Iran just like England sold Chemical weapons to Syria. Canada was wrong for helping Sarkozy, le chien sale, execute Gaddafi for choosing to buy a reactor from Argentina instead of France. History has recorded that.

Justin Trudeau scraping Harper's fleet of F-35's is a good thing. The F-35's are a bad investment. They are expensive to maintain, Canada can't facilitate the air to air refueling and they don't work in Canada's arctic so they aren't for defending Canada, they are for invading other countries for their oil. The Boeing Super hornet is a much better investment. Boeing is good. Lockheed Martin is bad.

If we want to confront ISIS in Syria then we are going to have to explain why Stephen Harper's body guard and CSIS were funding them. If we want to confront terrorism in Canada we need to charge CSIS with murder for supplying the explosives for the Air India bombing. We need to stop spending millions of tax dollars trying to turn drug addicts into terrorists. What happened to John Nuttal in Surrey wasn't just entrapment, it was unethical. I've heard talk about a new missing woman's inquiry. How about a missing money inquiry? How about investigating the billions of dollars CSIS and the RCMP's anti terror unit lose not just spend from their budget every year. That is theft. When you give a drug addict thousands of dollars to commit a terrorist act and the C-4 explosives to do it, you haven't saved the world from a terrorist, you just created one.

So let's hope Justin Trudeau can restore Canadian dignity which Stephen Harper desecrated. The Empire will not strike back on my blog simply because in Canada the Force has awakened. Trudeaumania has begun. Gentlemen may cry conspiracy theory conspiracy theory but there is no theory. The conspiracy has already begun. This is the new Star Wars trailer. Peace.

Happy Halloween! One comment on Justin Trudeau's family Halloween picture was "Canada's own royal family." Young girls on twitter said Canada's new Prime Minister looks like a Disney Prince.

Warning: Attacks on civil liberty disguised as free trade

Justin Trudeau promotes trade agreement with Japan. Is this really a trade agreement or does it really do away with civil liberty like FIPA and all the others? Free trade is good. Compensation awards and removing civil liberty is not. The problem with NAFTA was the chapter 11 compensation awards. It gives corporations the right to sue the government under closed door tribunals not courts, and get financial compensation if the government prevents the corporation from doing something harmful. That is insane. It gave one corporation a lump sum of tax dollars because the government wouldn't let them dump toxic chemicals in Canada.

The compensation awards are bad business for tax payers financially and they remove citizens' democratic rights. Instead of elimination this provision from successive trade agreements, each trade agreement has made this insanity worse. Civil liberty is still under attack.

Update: Snak The Ripper slays Madchild Bitch

Monday, September 7, 2015

Time to shut it down

Today is the day my enemies will rejoice. Today is the day I finally shut down the blog. All good things must come to an end. All the court stuff has been resolved. It's just that I've taken this as far as I think I can and there is no sense in repeating myself over and over. I will simply record my dissent and walk away. The bottom line is that my kids really want me to shut it down.

Although I have always been involved in some form of community service throughout my life I have always believed that no other success compensates for failure in the home. Although my kids are all grown up the back lash from this blog has indeed adversely affected them and it's time for us to move forward. This blog has never been about me. It's always been about the cause.

I was hoping to hold off until Kerri Krysko released her second book but that day has almost come and I will post the link when it is ready. I supported her cause because I believed she could become a powerful influence for good just like I supported TBM Fresh Start in Scandinavian.

Leaving the gang life and having a fresh start is a move in a positive direction. To do that we have to leave the life behind. We don't need to talk about it all the time. We need to talk about other things. We have seen how the gang life is filled with greed and betrayal. There is no loyalty or honour in it. There will always be crime and criminals. We need to be careful what we support.

What they did to Janice Shore was wrong. History has recorded that. As I have said there are many >other bloggers that are prepared to take up the cause. I have said all I had to say. I have posted my e-book for free which basically summarizes my position. Peace. Just remember that life does not end at death and what we do in life echos in eternity. Carry on my wayward son.

Joey Verma killed Britney Irving to pay a debt. He didn't rip her off to pay the debt his debt was forgiven when he did the hit. He was promised the position of Vice President in the Kingpin Crew for murdering her. When that information went public the Kingpin Crew were disbanded.

U2 Pride - Look to the Rainbow - I've been to the mountain top.

Beethoven's Silence - Chopin Spring Waltz - Vivaldi's Spring

Aspiring to something higher. A better world, a better place, a better life.

New: Hiking, Snowshoeing and Kayaking around Vancouver

Sunday, September 6, 2015

New book about the Pickton Investigation

Global is reporting that former Vancouver Police Department detective Lori Shenher has released her book That Lonely Section of Hell: The botched investigation of a serial killer who almost got away. "In her book, Ms. Shenher chronicles the missed opportunities, lack of resources and jurisdictional challenges that plagued her investigation and resulted in more women going missing even as Mr. Pickton was on her – and others’ – radar."

It's all interesting but the main thing we need to remember is that Robert Pickton did not act alone so all the red hearing drama about why it took so long to catch Robert Pickton is pretty irrelevant to the question that asks why are we still refusing to look at other suspects?

The judge gave instructions to the jury that they could convict Robert Pickton of murder even if he wasn't the only person involved in the murders. The judge went so far as to say the jury could convict Robert Pickton even if he wasn't the main person involved just an active participant. The question is, if Robert Pickton didn't act alone, then why are we not looking at other suspects especially when there is a whole list of victims he hasn't even been tried on. That should have been the mandate of the Missing Woman Inquiry.

As soon as the Hells Angels were mentioned in the Missing Woman Inquiry, Wally Oppal shut down the Inquiry and turned it into a less adversarial Panel Discuss where he could more easily censor what evidence was submitted. He ruled out a massive amount of evidence base on his claim that the mandate of the Missing Woman's Inquiry was not to examine the possibility of other suspects. That makes him culpable in the cover up.

It all boils down to the Dianne Rock story. Dianne Rock claimed she was gang raped on the Pickton farm. That implies more then one suspect. Her friend Janice Edwards testified how she picked Dianne up at a gas station hysterical and beaten claiming she had been gang raped on the farm. This was an independent observer who saw the bruises and witnessed her fear and hysteria. I obtained a copy of the court transcript of her testimony at the pre trial and posted it online now that the publication ban has finally been lifted.

In Stevie Cameron's book On the Farm she was very clear about the Hells Angels involvement with Piggy's Palace and the Pickton farm. Page 137 of the book On the Farm states: "But the truth is that almost all the people in the community knew the Palace as a wild party place with drugs and prostitutes. And everyone knew that the bikers who attended usually finished the parties at their own place across from the Pickton farm, a clubhouse that had become infamous as a booze can serving alcohol and drugs to members and friends. By the end of 1996 the neighbourhood became known in criminal circles as a biker area, one controlled by the Hells Angels."

The Globe and Mail reported that the Missing Woman Inquiry was going to hear that off-duty officers “frequented” Piggy’s Palace. Wally Oppal shut down the inquiry before that evidence was submitted. Stevie Cameron's book On the Farm confirmed that allegation about Piggy's Palace and stated that "the place was full of cops too, lots of them, all in plainclothes." (p 138)

Saturday, September 5, 2015

The View from the top of the Chief

Growing up I always had a huge respect for the Chief. A mountain peak outside of Squamish. As a young child the sheer face seemed colossal. My martial arts instructor got into rock climbing and talked about climbing the face. I was like good luck with that. Then a few years ago someone said you know there is a trail to the top you can hike up around back. I had no idea so I decided to check it out. It's awesome. Second peak is a bit better then first peak. The hike is short and steep like the Grouse Grind and the view is indeed awesome. This is where I hiked again today.

When I first heard they were building a gondola at the Chief I thought it was going to suck. Instead of having to hike up you just take the gondola. However, the new Sea to Sky gondola doesn't take you to the top of the Chief. It goes beside it and far above it. So if you want all the breath taking views without the physical exertion, the new gondola is the way to go. It was packed on the long weekend though. If you take the gondola up there are still lots of hiking you can do. Sky Pilot is a good hike that is accessible from the top of the gondola. However several people have died doing it recently slipping on the steep snow pack. Even when there is no snow the summit looks pretty steep. Nevertheless, there are lots of scenic safe hiking trails from the top of the gondola.

Crime Blogs on the Internet

Now that things have settled back to normal on the blog I thought it would be appropriate for me to point out the obvious. There are millions of blogs on the Internet. Everyone and their dog has one. There are travel blogs, crime blogs, cooking blogs, blogs about every subject under the sun.

Michael Geist is a lawyer that blogs about free speech on the Internet. He is very credible and his blog is worth following. With all the gang violence true crime is a subject that is steadily gaining popularity in the book stores. Consequently there are many crime blogs on the Internet. Mine is just one of many. Kim Bolan is a local journalist that has a crime blog. I started my web site and blog shortly after she did in answer to a grieving mother's plea.

Long before Kim and I started, Leo Knight started a popular blog called Prime Time Crime. He is a former police officer. Mike McIntyre is a journalist with the Winnipeg Free Press that runs a blog called Mike on Crime. He has also written a book called True Tales of Law and Disorder summarizing 20 years of crime reporting. Chris Doucette is a crime journalist from Ontario that writes for the Toronto Sun.

The Borderland Beat is an excellent blog about the Mexican drug war. Wikipedia states Borderland Beat is a prominent English language narco blog which is considered a leading source for news on the Mexican Drug War. The blog was started in April 2009 by an anonymous individual using the pseudoynm Buggs, who remains the sole owner. The blog has been referred to and quoted in the New York Times, Small Wars Journal and the Houston Chronicle.

Of course we remember Felina - María del Rosario Fuentes Rubio. She was a courageous blogger who ran a facebook group highlighting missing persons in her community and exposed cartel members in Mexico. When the cartel found out who she was they murdered her and posted a picture of her dead body on her facebbok account. My plea to her follows was to continue posting pictures of missing people but stop posting information about the cartel. It's too dangerous. Like the serenity prayer declares we need to have the serenity to accept things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can and wisdom to know the difference.

When I first started my blog people thought I was Kim Bolan. I was like are you kidding? Kim is a lot nicer than I am. Now my identity has been released and people know who I am. The bottom line is who I am just doesn't matter. Belt Drive Betty and the Aging Rebel have their own blogs about biker issues. No one cares who they are. People just like to read what they have to say. The bottom line is if you don't like what I have to say, don't read my blog. There are millions of other blog out there you can read. So Dennis Watson runs Gangsters out.

Knowing that I was never a cop or a gang member sheds light on my background and perspective. I never sold drugs and I was never a narc. I was a Regional Coordinator with the Guardian Angels not the Hells Angels. I was trained in New York City and traveled around the world with the group starting up new chapters in Canada and the United States. When I was in New York City the first time I lived in a basement in Harlem and worked with Tut, the New York City Secret Weapon. When I came back to New York the second time I worked with Fox busting up crack dealers on the Deuce. Working with the community to get rid of crack dealers is what we did. I know what the New York model is because I was there. I saw it.

The reason I started my blog anonymously is because my blog isn't about me. I'm not trying to promote myself and run for office. I'm trying to promote a cause. Getting rid of crack dealers and the violent crime it brings to our community. I don't have beef with the Hells Angels collectively, I have beef with crack dealers individually. Selling drugs in clubs is none of my business. Giving crack to the homeless for free then beating the life out of them for payment is. That is exploitation. What they did to Janice Shore was wrong. Anyone who cannot see that is blind and heartless.

The other reason I started my blog anonymously is because the first thing these clowns do when they find out who I am is go after my daughter. That is low life. If you have beef with me, face me, don't go after my family. Blaze keeps posting my daughter's picture on the Dirty and repeats the same old lie over and over again thinking if he repeats the same lie enough times someone will eventually believe it. Then he calls me a liar. Blaze is the liar and is a false accuser.

My daughter has worked at various jobs sites over the last few years and tragically someone from each site usually recognizes her from what Blaze has posted on the Dirty. Other times the subject of my blog comes up and she's like F*ck my life. One time someone from her work came up to her and said those are some pretty mean things they are saying about your mother and she asked what things? About how she ran off with a member of the Hells Angels and left your father. She laughed and said that is so not true. My mother is afraid of her own shadow. My parents divorced years ago. The Hells Angels had nothing to do with it.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Burnaby Fentanyl drug lab busted

News 1130 is reporting that "Charges have been laid in relation to a counterfeit Oxycontin production facility. Riley Goodwin will be heading to court after the raid of a lab that was capable for producing 18,000 fake pills laced with Fentanyl per hour. Goodwin is charged with possession for the Purpose of Trafficking. Police found a pill press, a cocaine press, and $35,000 in the home the 26-year-old was renting in Burnaby."

VancityBuzz is reporting that "Police in Metro Vancouver have revealed that they have cracked down on a major fentanyl production operation in Burnaby earlier this year. According to RCMP, a counterfeit oxycontin production facility on the 5900 block of 10th Avenue in Burnaby was dismantled following the execution of a search warrant on January 7. In addition to the drug production equipment, police found a number of press stamp dies of “CDN 80,” the same stamp found on true oxycontin tablets. Pills recovered at the site marked with “CDN 80” have been confirmed by lab tests to contain fentanyl."

"RCMP began their investigation into a fentanyl production facility after the Canada Border Services Agency intercepted a pill press at Vancouver International Airport’s air cargo facilities in November 2014." Fake Oxy made with fentanyl. This is a big bust. Fentanyl is killing people.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Salmon Arm Bust - drugs and stolen property

Deja vu. The Salmon Arm Observer is reporting that "A stolen truck ended up leading the Salmon Arm RCMP to seize $420,000 worth of drugs and recover $300,000 in stolen property on Saturday. On Aug. 29, police received a report of a stolen F-350 with a camper from a residence in White Lake. As the investigation began, police received further information that a truck matching the description was seen traveling on the Trans-Canada Highway towing a black Wells Cargo trailer."

"The trailer was carrying a Harley Davidson motorcycle, which was later confirmed stolen. The motorcycle came loose and crashed into the ditch, while the stolen truck fled the scene. The truck was seen fleeing by Chase RCMP officers, who lost sight of it but was later observed by Salmon Arm members. The truck fled to a rural residence in Tappen with police following it."

"Upon arrival, police arrested the driver, but the other male suspect fled on foot into the woods. A third suspect was also at large and police began a search of the rural property. The search revealed a marijuana grow operation and a prohibited weapon. The second male suspect was quickly located and arrested. Upon searching the property, police located an ATV stolen from Alberta, the F-350 truck and camper stolen from Blind Bay, and a 2011 Kenworth logging truck stolen from 100 Mile House."

"As well as the marijuana grow operation, police seized a substantial amount of drugs including crack, cocaine, hash, heroin, crystal meth, amphetamine, psilocybin (mushrooms) and prescription drugs, as well as cash and drug trafficking paraphernalia. A few hours later, the third male suspect was located by police and arrested."

A stolen vehicle towing a stolen motorcycle that got loose and crashed in the ditch. The suspects ran from the police and led them to a grow op where more stolen property and a variety of drugs including crack cocaine and crystal meth. Who ran the last stolen car, boat and motorcycle ring out of Kelowna that was tied to Alberta. Only rats steal cars and motorcycles. Get off the crack. I wonder if they are friends of Uncle Joe. As Castanet points out "If you are running from police in a stolen vehicle, you may not want to lead them right to your property with a plethora of illegal things for them to find." Are you sure those guys aren't from Surrey originally?

Police seize guns and crack in Langley

News 1130 is reporting that "Three Surrey men suspected of trying to sell drugs have been busted by Langley Mounties after they decided to smoke some pot outside their car loaded full of weapons and drugs." I told you Surrey criminals aren't very bright.

Innocent bystander shot to death in Abbotsford

News 1130 is reporting that a 74-year-old innocent bystander was shot to death in Abbotsford. HomicideTeam taking over the case. Police searching for suspects." Officers found a vehicle struck with several rounds. "MacDonald says it appears the man was just standing by a fence when a targeted shooting happened in the adjacent driveway. He says several homes in the area have security cameras so it’s hoped that footage will help with a suspect description."

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Justice for Hudson Brooks

Finally the Hudson Brooks story is making it's way into the main stream media. Front page of today's Vancouver Province. The headline reads: "Devastated mom demands justice in police shooting death of 20-year-old Hudson Brooks in South Surrey. Jennifer Brooks vehemently disputes the claim that her son was suicidal, calling it completely untrue and a false accusation.” In fact a witness confirms it.

The Vancouver Province explains: "According to the police, a call for service was received shortly before 2:30 a.m. regarding a man who was suicidal, screaming and in significant distress in the 1800-block 152nd Street. Officers who were in the detachment responded, located Hudson Brooks, a struggle ensued and shots were fired. Hudson was shot multiple times and did not survive. An officer sustained a non-life-threatening gunshot wound and was treated and released from hospital the same day. The only physical evidence recovered from the scene was police-issued equipment."

Imagine that. A police officer was shot, the suspect was shot dead and the only guns they found were issued by the police. Do the math. As I explained previously, this case was a tragic accident that has been completely covered up. More power to his mother to find answers on the record. That's not going to happen because of the legal liability that would incur. Perhaps the only way the truth will come out is in a wrongful death suit. The mother at least needs to file a Freedom of Information Act request for documents in the police report.

Hudson was a skateboarder leaving Bakerview park at 2:00 AM. The same park that was a known hang out for youth where Dario Bartoli was assaulted and murdered last December. A witness woke up to sounds of Hudson screaming hysterically "Help me they're trying to kill me" as he was running away from the park towards the cop shop. The witness saw him running and was going to get dressed to see if he needed help. Then heard six or seven gunshots and went back inside.

It is clear that this was not a suicidal youth trying to commit suicide by attacking a cop. This was a young kid hysterically running to the police for help because someone was chasing him. He wanted to live. Another sourced claims a rookie cop pulled out their firearm when the terrified youth failed to obey their direct commands and shot themself by accident while pulling out their gun. This shows the inherit problem of Depot. Brainwashing new recruits into believing that civilians have to obey their direct command at the snap of a finger or else. That has to stop. The police are supposed to serve and protect civilians not control and oppress them.

The public has a right to know who shot the police officer because it was not Hudson.

Two Sisters to be raped as punishment

Amnesty International is reporting that "On 24 May, 23-year-old Meenakshi Kumari and her 15-year-old sister fled the village for fear of reprisals for their brother’s actions – he eloped with a married woman from a dominant caste (Jat). Shortly after they left their house was ransacked. On July 30, members of a village Khap panchayat – an unelected all-male village council – ordered that Meenakshi Kumari and her sister be raped and paraded naked, with their faces blackened, as punishment for the actions of their brother. Punishment was not ordered for male family members – a common practice in this part of India, where village councils are known to order sexually violent punishments against women and girls. Ordering sexual violence against women and girls is caused by deep-rooted gender discrimination and must be stopped."

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

News on the East Coast

A big shout out to the East Coast. I haven't forgotten about ye. There were two smaller stories that I missed while I was preoccupied with local drama but they weren't big stories. Just Bacchus complaining about being discriminated against and a new Gate Keepers clubhouse. I didn't want to give those clowns any more attention but I realize we do have readers from Eastern Canada that do like to see their news posted as well.

The east coast is awesome. It's a lot like the west coast only better. Less noise, less traffic and less pollution. You don't see too many covered bridges on the west coast. We don't get that much snow but they are a historic tradition on the east coast. Here are some nice pictures from a local blogger. As I said before, although I was born in North Vancouver and raised in Surrey, my mother was born in Amherst and my father's mother was a librarian from Woodstock. She became a nurse during the war. That's how she met my grandfather when he was wounded in the trenches. Local villain David Giles is from Halifax so crime on both coasts are tied together.

RCMP charge Syrian officer in Maher Arar torture

CBC is reporting that the RCMP have laid a charge in absentia against a Syrian intelligence officer accused of torturing Syrian-born Canadian Maher Arar, the first-ever charge of its kind in Canada. Arar's lawyer, Paul Champ, said in Ottawa today that RCMP will attempt to extradite Col. George Salloum to Canada to face a charge of torture, which RCMP later confirmed. A Canada-wide warrant and Interpol notice have been issued for his arrest.

I'm a little bit confused about jurisdiction but this certainly opens up Pandora's box and is no doubt driven by Stephen Harper's election campaign. The question we need to now ask is are we going to charge the United States government for torturing a 15 year old Canadian boy and all the others in Guantánamo bay as well as in all the other black CIA torture sites around the world? When George Bush came to Surrey there were many protesters calling for the RCMP to arrest him. Well how about it? Can we do that now finally? Can the RCMP charge Stephen Harper for knowingly handing over prisoners in Afghanistan to be tortured? Please advise.

According to Wikipedia, "Maher Arar is a telecommunications engineer with dual Syrian and Canadian citizenship who has resided in Canada since 1987. Arar was detained during a layover at John F. Kennedy International Airport in September 2002 on his way home to Canada from a family vacation in Tunis. He was held without charges in solitary confinement in the United States for nearly two weeks, questioned, and denied meaningful access to a lawyer. The US government suspected him of being a member of Al Qaeda and deported him, not to Canada, his current home and the passport on which he was traveling, but to Syria, even though its government is known to use torture. He was detained in Syria for almost a year, during which time he was tortured, according to the findings of a commission of inquiry ordered by the Canadian government, until his release to Canada. The Syrian government later stated that Arar was "completely innocent."[8][9] A Canadian commission publicly cleared Arar of any links to terrorism, and the government of Canada later settled out of court with Arar. He received C$10.5 million and Prime Minister Stephen Harper formally apologized to Arar for Canada's role in his terrible ordeal."

So here's the deal. Here's a Canadian with dual citizenship returning home from a holiday in Africa. The plane stops over at JFK on it's way back to Canada and he is unlawfully detained for two weeks. He asks for a lawyer and is told he does not have a right to a lawyer because he is not a US Citizen. That is satanic. I got into the same argument myself with US Border Agents who claimed Canadians randomly detained at the border unlawfully don't have a right to a lawyer because they are governed by Immigration law not the Constitution. That is a heinous lie.

The US Constitution says "No State shall deny to any person within it's jurisdiction equal protection of the law." The US Constitution says all people not all citizens. To claim that Canadians in the US don't have a right to a lawyer because they are not US Citizens is false. That's a Sarah Airhead Palin misinterpretation of the Constitution. The problem is, they disagree and a corrupt court upheld them. God help us. Oath keepers arise.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Homicides in Edmonton, Calgary and Vernon - Update

Prime time Crime is reporting that there has been recent homicides in Calgary and Edmonton. The Edmonton Sun is reporting that Nadine Skow, a 38-year-old employee of the YWCA in Lethbridge, was found stabbed to death in her suite at 104 Street and 106 Avenue in Edmonton this week. CBC is reporting that her ex-boyfriend has been accused of her murder. CBC is also reporting that a dead man was found lying on the road early this morning just off 118th Avenue. Homicide detectives were at the scene investigating what they're calling a "suspicious death."

The Calgary Sun is reporting that Gunfire claimed the life of a man outside his northwest Calgary home Thursday in the city’s third murder in less than a week. The Calgary Herald is reporting that "the man gunned down on a northwest Calgary street was a longtime, influential underworld figure once responsible for bringing large volumes of illegal drugs into the province."

The Vernon Morning Star is reporting that the body of a male in his 40's was found in Vernon at Poulson Park Wednesday morning. Infotel is reporting that police have identified the body as 42-year-old Jason Thomas Hardy, and believe foul play was involved in his death. Hardy has some history with police and was residing in the Vernon area.

Update: The Calgary Sun is reporting that Phillip Tu, who was gunned down in Calgary last week, had a brother named Donny Tu who was killed in like manner May 3 2010.

The Vancouver Province is reporting that police have two suspects in custody already for the Vernon murder - an 18 year old and a 14 year old. Castanet is reporting that the 18 year old is Brandon Joseph Clayton Wellington and that police believe the attack was targeted.

Scientist suspended for expressing political opinion

Once again we have re entered the Twilight Zone. CBC is reporting that Tony Turner, a scientist with Environment Canada, has been suspended from his job and is being investigated because he wrote and performed a political song on Youtube called Harperman. Sounds like something Putin did not long ago. Firing someone for expressing their political opinion. That's not the same Canada I grew up in. MaCleans ran the story as well as The Guardian. This is the video and petition.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Canadian Hells Angels convicted in Spain for smuggling 300 kilos of cocaine

OK so there are two separate cases in Europe involving Canadian members of the Hells Angels that we are following. One is the 300 kilo of cocaine bust in Spain where two full patch members were arrested along with two associates from Haney and Mission City chapters. The other case involves the three full patch members from Edmonton and Red Deer that were charged with beating a guy in Greece to death because they were sitting on his motorcycle and he asked if he could have it back so he could leave. It was deplorable.

One of my blog readers also reads Kim Bolan's blog. He claims that someone commented on Kim Bolan's blog claiming that the Canadian Hells Angels charged in the Spanish cocaine bust are back in Canada already. Kim then confirmed that they are indeed back and cited a Spanish news report which stated:

"The Audiencia Nacional (AN ) imposed four years and seven months in prison on Chad John Wilson, Jason Cyrus Arkinstall, Scott Ryan Smitna and Michael John Drybourgh – four Hells Angels and Canadian citizens arrested in August 2013 in Galicia, when they moved to pick up a shipment of 300 kilos of cocaine. In addition to establishing a fine estimated at 5,250,000 euros, the decision specifies that no convicted would serve their sentences in prison, but they will be expelled from Spain and may not return for a period of seven years."

They were convicted of smuggling 300 kilos of cocaine but didn't have to serve their time, instead they were kicked out of Spain and banned from returning for seven years. That is absolutely bizarre. Let's hope Greece does a better job for murder.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Agent K responds to a Troll

Some obscure troll who looks like a meth head made a video on youtube "calling out" Agent K. It obviously isn't worth my time but since they did ask a question I will answer that question and point out the obvious. As Fat Joe said to 50 Cent this is a one time response only. I aint gonna argue with an idiot. In the video the troll asked me how my court case is going.

Fine. Actually it's over and I'm still here. Defamation is a serious issue. So is free speech. Be advised that false allegations of defamation constitute defamation. All I'm allowed to say about the court case is that a mutual release was entered into by both parties and the matter is resolved. It cost me $1,500. One thousand dollars was raised by private donors. The Gofundme page is still there. I just took down all the posts talking about the trial. My responses are in the court file.

It is pretty obvious that free speech is under fire. Ontario had such a problem with Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation that they enacted legislation to combat frivolous law suits designed to censor free speech. I don't see that happening in BC because there isn't the political will to address the problem within the Christy Clark government. I don't see federal legislation responding to the problem either because Stephen Harper's supporters are the worst offenders.

The whole youtube video doesn't make sense because it doesn't call out Agent K at all. Its big revelation is that Agent K from Gangsters out is Dennis Watson. Very good, Did you read that in the newspaper or did someone have to read that to you? The troll claims that they are not affiliated with any gang yet at the end of the video they claim they have given my name to the "boys" which is a common reference to the Hells Angels. What am I supposed to do? Shake and tremble? Not likely. First of all, just because you buy crack from the Hells Angels doesn't mean you are allowed to use their name to threaten me. Who are you to use the name of the Hells Angels?

Use your brain. How do you think the newspaper found out who I am? They sent a process server to my home and I blogged about it. The boys already know who I am dumbass. You telling them isn't going to make a difference. The bottom line is I don't like crack dealers. I don't care if they're bikers, bankers, politicians or wall street investors, they're all equally to blame for the murder of Janice Shore. If you support that then we have nothing more to discuss. A Dieu.

Don't even get me started on 50 Cent and his Justin Bieber Unit. No one on the street in LA or New York City listens to 50 Cent. His followers, like Justine Bieber, are yuppies from the suburbs. Bieber is rich too. That doesn't make him a G. Gansta you not toy soldier.

The other day I bumped into a guy in Surrey wearing a Wu Tang Clan shirt. I look at him and say ah... Wu Tang Clan. He responds with oh, so you know what's going on. (For an old guy) I'm like yeah they're from New York. He nods then I add, come to think of it, Drake is popular in New York now. That's kind of surprising for a Canadian. He's like don't get me started on Drake. I'm like yeah I know. My daughter likes him. Well that's OK then he says as I nod.

I heard a track of Drake and the Game the other day. Two very different styles. The Game is like hard core inner city while Drake is smoother like a Tribe Called Quest but different. I like a Tribe Called Quest. They're from Queens. I knew a guy from Queens when I was in New York. He was very smooth.

I'll have to admit that Drake's Meek Mills diss Charged up is pretty good. In his second track Back to Back he asks is that your world tour or your girl's tour. Referencing the fact that Meek is the back up band for Nicki Minaj and is riding off her coat tails. In his first track he compares their relationship to Maria Carey and Nick and counsels Nicki to get a prenup. I aint gonna diss the father of Nicki's child. I'll just say that Drake hit him hard and clean. Hats off to Meek though. He's the one that won the Queen of Anaconda's heart. That treasure is priceless.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Body dumped in Prince George

The Vancouver Province is reporting that the body of a 35 year old man was dumped in Prince George. "A police officer found the body of Ian Matthew Begg at the end of Haldi Lake Road at about 8:40 a.m. on Sunday morning."

Canadian lawyers laundering money

Here's an interesting one. Today's Vancouver Province claims "Money laundering experts say there is no way for Canadians to know how much dirty money is being laundered in Vancouver real estate through Canadian lawyers. As a Province investigation revealed Monday, Canada’s financial intelligence unit Fintrac has ramped up an audit of Vancouver’s booming property market because of concerns that realtors may be turning a blind eye to money laundering."

We're going to have to start an online pool. How long do you think it will take Christie Clark to disband Canada’s financial intelligence unit? Historically, every time a police task force found organized crime, a government body disbanded that police task force. They claim "Canada's dirty money detection system broken all the way through." So instead of fixing the broken system what do you think the odd are that they';ll just get rid of the task force that came up with the report? Judging from their past history, I'd say it's guaranteed. So let's have a pool to see who can guess how long it will take.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Shooting in Richmond

CBC is reporting that "a man is in hospital following a serious incident Friday night in Richmond, but police are revealing few details. The incident began around 11 p.m. PT Friday near Number 2 Road and Westminster Highway and closed down nearby Dover Park for hours. A trail of blood could be seen leading from the park to a nearby Chevron gas station. Numerous evidence markers covered the scene."

Yes I remember the Dover Park shoot out in 2007 well. It was before I started the blog. I tied white balloons around the park and held a press conference on site calling for a cease fire. It was a park in the middle of a residential housing complex with a day care on site. A local Persian gang were targeted by another group with automatic weapons.

Update: News 1130 is reporting that "Police say a shooting in Richmond on Friday night appears to be targeted and gang related." The man who was shot is well known to the police, has gang ties and is not cooperating with the investigation.

Surrey Shooting

CBC is reporting that there was a shooting in Surrey 9:00 PM last night. "According to police, witnesses called 911 to report that the drivers of a silver Honda Civic and a Ford Mustang were chasing each other, with gunshots being fired between the cars. Officers located the Mustang, detained its three male occupants and found at least one bullet hole in the car."

Politics of the Pork Barrel

As the Canadian election kicks off the parade of politicians spewing ridiculous campaign promises has begun. Mulclair came to Vancouver and promised more money for Transit. Then he came to Surrey and promised more money for police. Likewise Harper and Justin are promising the moon. I think voters in BC and more specifically here in Surrey, don't want to hear a political promise they are going to spend more money on anything. I think they want politicians to be fiscally responsible and lower taxes for everyone not just for the rich and not just for the poor. When the government is fiscally responsible and taxes are low for everyone, business prospers and tax revenue increases.

Think about it. Many years ago Ireland was poor. Then the government had an idea. They figured that 80% of nothing is nothing while 10% of something is something so they offered a tax incentive to corporations. They gave large corporations huge tax breaks. As a result, large corporation moved in and started doing business in Ireland. The Shannon Industrial Park opened up and all of a sudden all these high tech industries set up shop right beside Paddy and Mic's sheep farm. They began to prosper.

Alberta is an excellent model. It's just unfortunate that Stephen Harper had destroyed that model when he went to Ottawa. Alberta has no sales tax. As a result, businesses are attracted to that province. This creates jobs and tax revenue because people working at those jobs pay income tax. Alberta even went one step further. They were doing so well financially they started paying everyone's medical insurance premiums. That almost a socialist idea yet Alberta is very conservative. For them it's just good business and that it is. It just makes sense.

I like Thomas Mulclair because he's a good guy and he's the only one supporting the Canadian Charter of Rights in defense of civil liberty. That is my primary election issue. However, I recognize that no political party is perfect. The Neo Cons keep parroting the same old stereotype that the NDP will tax and spend. Yet Harper has done a far worse job of spending tax dollars then any NDP government has ever dreamed of. Harper was the driving force behind the HST in BC that voters rejected. That is why Harper gave his buddy Gordon Campbell that offensive job as a high commission. Taxing things that are normally tax exempt is not a reduction in taxes. The HST killed a lot of local restaurants before it was finally over turned.

Conservatives are supposed to support small business and the free market. Stephen Harper does not. Harper supports big business and corporate monopolies which gouge consumers destroy the free market. Stephen Harper is no a conservative. He is a Neo Con and that is something very different as Ron Paul has clearly pointed out.

Yet when Thomas Mulcair comes to Vancouver and promises more money for Transit I'm like hold the door. That might be fine in Ontario but in BC Translink is a fiscal disaster. They already are over budget a billion dollars every year and suck that much money up in a regional gas tax above and beyond all the other gas tax. Consumers pay for the gas tax because everything we buy in stores gets shipped there on trucks. In BC we just had a referendum on raising sales tax to pour even more tax dollars into that fiscal nightmare and the voters said no. So promising more money for transit isn't going to win votes here. Forcing Translink to balance their budget will. The fact that SNC-Lavalin got the contract for the Evergreen line was a criminal act all on it's own.

So Thomas comes to Surrey and offers more money for police. Well that's nice but even Surrey's Worst has promised that finally. We have seen that more police officers is indeed helpful but that is not the solution in itself. If we start arresting crack dealers outside the Front Room in Whalley and in Newton then that would certainly make a huge difference to the violent crime in Surrey but that's not going to happen as long as Bill Fordy is in charge. He needs to be transferred out of the City before we can start finally addressing the violent crime in Surrey like we should. Peace.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Margaret Atwood's Hairgate

Margaret Atwood ran an amusing editorial in the National Post mocking Stephen Harper's attack adds on Justine Trudeau which seem to focus on an obsession with his hair. The controversy arises in how much the National Post ended up editing her article. The editing doesn't seem to be too extreme and has me wondering if it ties in with the subject of SLAPP law suits. Newspapers don't like to waste money on lawsuits. Perhaps they were simply covering their ass so to speak.

In her article she asks: Let’s try this hair quiz:

Of the three national male leaders, which one travels with a personal grooming assistant -lavishly paid for in whole or in part by you, gentle taxpayer—so that none of his hairs will ever be out of place, supposing they are indeed his and not a wig, as some have supposed? (Hint: Initials are S.H.) Which leader, on the other hand, doesn’t need such an assistant because his hair is “nice” enough already? (Hint: initials are J.T.) And which one wouldn’t know what a personal grooming assistant was if he fell over one? (Hint: Initials are T.M.)

Internet Censorship Part 2 SLAPP Suits

As we have discussed, large corporations can sue or threaten to sue individuals based on fraudulent copyright claims to censor the Internet. Likewise, the civil courts can and have been misused to bully and censor the Internet. Previously one blog reader referred to this process as a slap suit. Another way the rich bully the poor. Another blog reader explained from Wikipedia:

"A strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) is a lawsuit that is intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition. The typical SLAPP plaintiff does not normally expect to win the lawsuit. The plaintiff's goals are accomplished if the defendant succumbs to fear, intimidation, mounting legal costs or simple exhaustion and abandons the criticism."

Consequently, the public is engaging in conversations trying to lobby lawmakers to adopt legislation to respond to this kind of censorship. Ontario established an Anti-SLAPP Advisory Panel that the public contacted with their concerns. The panel released it's recommendations in 2010 and the Ontario Government responded by adopting an Ant-SLAPP bill, "The Protection of Public Participation Act" in June 2013. BC needs this. Michael Geist is a good person to follow.

Judges are paid with tax dollars and are employed to protect the public interest not betray that trust. They claim that civilians don't know the law like they do. In reality they elect the governments that make the law. The intent of the law is to protect civilians not enslave them.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Former RCMP officer sentenced for stealing cocaine

The Burnaby Now is reporting that "a former peace officer with the Burnaby RCMP is serving a 14-month jail sentence for stealing a kilogram of cocaine from a police exhibit locker in the spring of 2011. Gary Read, a longtime special constable once in charge of exhibits in Burnaby, was charged with theft in November 2011 after an exhibit audit at the local RCMP detachment in the spring of 2011 revealed some drugs were unaccounted for. Read was found guilty in February 2015." He was recently sentenced this summer. CBC refers to him as a City worker but Vancitybuzz refers to him as a former Burnaby RCMP officer.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Internet Censorship Part 1 Copyright

Today I'm going to launch a two part series on Internet Censorship. For Part 1 we're going to roll back the hands of time and look at Corporate Censorship through fraudulent copyright claims. To being with we'll talk about a case I was personally invoked with about Telus censoring videos on Youtube that Michael Geist wrote about and has now resulted in the Notice and Notice copyright system being implemented in Canada. In the US they have the Notice and Takedown system which as we shall see is filled with problems.

Back in the day I was a bit of a Labour activist so to speak. I supported the Telus employees who went on strike against their employer's use of off shore call centres. Sending Canadian jobs overseas is bad business. I had posted several videos about the dispute on Youtube. Songs employees wrote and performed, a bagpiper leading a picket line and various news reports on the strike. I also posted some exerts of Telus Idol which was a training video filled with sexual harassment. It was a spoof on American Idol and was totally inappropriate. They didn't just film it, they made all their employees watch it as a training video. When I posted it on Youtube they freaked and wanted it off the Internet as soon as possible.

So they contacted Yotube and asked the videos be removed because they violated Telus' copyright. They had all the videos taken off. Even the videos of the picketline and news reports. I complained to Youtube and said come on guys, take a look at the videos. There is no possible way they could own copyright to any of those videos. The only way I could get those videos back on Youtube was by filing a counter notification which I did. That in tern forced Telus to file a copyright claim with the courts which they did. Only they refused to serve me a copy of the claim. They once again tried to go ex parte - without me. It's a lot easier to argue your case when the other party isn't there to defend themselves.

Youtube ended up sending me a copy of their court application and I soon saw why they didn't want me present. They lied. They claimed Telus Idol was called Telus VOIP and was about Telus' voice over Internet protocol and was a copyrighted work. That was a bold faced lie. Telus Idol was a spoof on American Idol full of sexual harassment and had absolutely nothing to do with voice over Internet protocol. Nice try.

So I filled my response to the court objecting to them proceeding ex parte and pointed out that they lied in their application. They also made a fraudulent copyright claim on a whole list of other videos that had nothing to do with Telus Idol which they had no possible copyright claim on. Later I found out that one of their representatives said that the name of the CEO was protected by copyright and that they owned copyright to any video that uttered his name. It was absurd.

To make a long story short, I told the law firm in San Fransisco that they could have Telus Idol as long as I got back all the other videos. They refused and insisted on litigating it to the end. After a full trial against three different law firms they got Telus Idol and I got all the other videos back. Just like I had said.

I remember meeting with a lawyer that represented Telus in Vancouver from the largest firm I had ever seen not to mention gone up against. He was trying to get me to take down another web site I had about the CEO. I said sorry, no can do. He said how about I make that trial in San Fransisco disappear. I laughed and said I'm not to worried about that trial. I filed a Motion to Dismiss on Jurisdiction and had everything in their wish list taken off their application and made sure the case was strictly about videos posted on Youtube. I'm allowed to E-file court documents. I'm allowed to make telephone appearances and I caught them lying in their initial application. Quite frankly, I'm not too worried about that trial. He just kinda looked at me and growled.

I said to him, I fully realize we don't have the same amount of chips on the table here. If the court finds Telus right and I have violated their copyright, I could be fined $500,000 and go to jail. If I'm right and Telus did in fact commit copyfraud, fraudulently claiming copyright to something so they could censor the Internet, they could be fined $2,000 which is nothing for a big corporation. I looked at the lawyer and said I am fully aware I have much more to lose here then your client. He just looked at me in shock as if to say you realize that and you are still going to proceed. I just nodded embarrassed and said yes as his stunned look said you are insane. I felt sorry for him and wrote him a nice tribute. He still uses my quote on his home page. I'm the adversary he quoted.

The point of this tall tale is that one way large corporations censor the Internet is through fraudulent copyright claims. The Notice and Notice copyright system is better than the Notice and Takedown system as Michael Geist has explained. The Notice and Takedown model means as soon as a server gets an allegation that someone might sue, they take down the content to avoid spending money on a trial. The Notice and Notice model means the person who posted the information has a right to go to court without the server being sued. Peace.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Lilyhammer End Game

As I previously mentioned I have been enjoying a Netfilx TV series called Lilyhammer. It's about a New York Mafioso who moves to Norway after getting shafted by a rival. He picked Lilyhammer after seeing it on the Winter Olympics. It's a fun series because it was actually filmed in Norway with a Norwegian cast. Most of it is in English but parts are in Norwegian with English subtitles making it all that more realistic. The Rolling Stone ran and article about it.

Johnny, the New York Mafioso meets a nice Norwegian woman and has a child with her, actually twins. Only she gets fed up with Johnny's secret business transactions and kicks him out. Torgeir is a fun character that rises up to become Johnny's right hand man. He eventually meets a girl and as they prepare for her to have a child he starts to reconsider whether or not he should leave the game so to speak and focus on starting a new life as a Dad.

At first Johny says I'm sorry but I can't accept your resignation at this time. The only way you can get out of this business is horizontally. Then they end up having to kill one of their former associates who screwed up. Killing bad guys is pretty easy but killing an innocent person or a decent guy who screwed up is an entirely different matter. After that incident Torgeir lost the wind in his sails and once again asked Johnny to retire. This time Johnny said yes and let him retire on good terms.

We used to have a saying here. 81 in 86 out. Now that's not so much the case and many people have been able to retire in good standing. The key thing is once you retire, keep your mouth shut and start a new life. If you become an informant no one can protect you.

TBM Fresh Start has a good thing going. They are big in Scandinavia. They are well established in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. They actually have a series of safe houses like the RA in Ireland did to protect people who want to leave the gang life. I had sincerely hoped to be able to get involved with them in Canada. Unfortunately my resources are tapped out and I have to focus on paying my own bills right now. Yet if anyone else wants to rise to the challenge and help them set up here in Canada please feel free. As individuals we can't do everything but we can do something.

Gas prices rise while oil prices drop

Market Watch posted an article running interference for the obvious dilemma: Why gas prices are rising as oil falls to 6-year lows. Gee I wonder. It's because Harper let the oil companies obtain a monopoly on the market then sold that monopoly to Communist China.

The Canadian oil companies are getting screwed over by that monopoly. The Canadian workers in the oil fields are getting screwed over by that monopoly. The Canadian consumers at the gas pumps are getting screwed over by that monopoly.

Years ago, the Rockefellers were using hostile takeovers to obtain a monopoly on the market through Standard oil, the US courts ruled it illegal citing anti trust laws. Now the dirty politicians call it good business as they line their pockets with political contributions. Corporate monopolies are good business because they screw over the consumers and destroy the free market. Welcome to Harper's Corporate Communism.

I noticed that Harpers attack adds have shifted from Justin Trudeau to Thomas Mulclair. They wouldn't have enough air time to put out commercials about Harpers corruption within his caucus.

A friend at work asked me if I saw Harper's trolls heckle the media for asking questions about the Duffy trial. I missed it but it certainly doesn't surprise me. When Harper has a press conference he tries to control what questions are asked. This time he had trolls heckle the media for asking him about the Duffy scandal which is in trial now. The media has every right to ask questions about it. This is another example of the propaganda machine that tries to control the press. Stephen Harper is no Preston Manning.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Struggle between Good and Evil

Lao Tzu said it is better to light one candle then curse all the darkens. He's right. Take it from me, I've cursed a lot of darkness. Yet Martin Luther King taught noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good. Both are inspired.

Lao Tzu is right in that it is a much more positive and productive quest to light candles then be a hater so to speak. Yet there is a time and place for all things. A time for war and a time for peace. You cannot tolerate evil and be good. Duty calls us to shun evil.

When I look at Shane Bunting's video about kidnapping a woman before torturing and killing her, there is nothing good in it. There is absolutely nothing there to be admired or respected. At all. Idolizing evil is ridiculous. There is nothing cool about evil. There's nothing cool about stealing a purse from an old lady and there is nothing cool about murdering a woman to maintain a monopoly on an industry. It is our duty to shun evil and expose the lies that rationalize their dark deeds.

Lao Tzu also said that if you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading. We all know where the gang life leads. The plastic world of materialism and greed leads to selfishness and betrayal. A real jedi seeks none of these things.

I've been really upset about getting screwed over in court. I have lost complete faith in the BC judicial system. It's hard not to have a desire to go Boon Dock Saints and deal with it directly. It takes time to process loss whether that be the loss of a loved one who was murdered or the loss of justice in the court system. Nevertheless justice will not sleep forever.

So what I have done with all this blogging in the face of haters and death threats? I named Bob Roth before the press or the police did as the one who was decapitated by the Whiteboy Posse for a drug debt. The Whiteboy Posse sell drugs for the Edmonton Hells Angels. Flaunting Nazi logos in our day is in essence pissing on a good soldier's grave. It is very disrespectful.

I named the prime suspect in the murder of Janice Shore and who he worked for before they terminated his contract. I also named who was ultimately responsible for the murder of Brittney Irving. All three murders were tied to the Hells Angels. There is nothing noble or admirable about murdering women and children. You cannot tolerate or rationalize evil without becoming an accomplice to it. What they did to Brandy Sarionder was wrong. All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men and women to remain silent and do nothing. Peace.