Saturday, November 14, 2020

Dominion Voting Systems faults and flaws

Seemingly Dominion Voting Systems is a Canadian company tied to Venezuela. Documented voter fraud in the US is the biggest news story ever. The Mainstream media isn't covering it because they are part of it. That means they have no credibility. Defy the lie.

The Causes and Consequences of Voter Fraud

The next thing we need to examine is the causes and consequences of voter fraud. Voter fraud is a serious offense. It's worse than drug trafficking and ranks right up there with murder. Stealing someone's vote and falsifying an election rocks the very heart of democracy. This is what wars are fought over. The right to vote. Killing that right is a very serious offense.

Back in September a video was posted of a guy bragging about how much money he was making from all the absentee ballots on the dash of his car. The question we need to ask is who was paying him all that money? The coordination of this operation was a well organized event.

On one level we have a guy making some money stealing a few votes. On another level we have someone organizing all these minions in a coordinated effort to throw an election. This isn't a third world country. This is the United States of America. We need to examine the how and why.

Election fraud is a coup against democracy. That's when a group of thugs use violence to overthrow the democratic will of the majority. In 1953 the CIA supported a coup against democracy in Iran under Operation Ajax. This BBC article highlights it but they left out one important detail. The CIA was only 6 years old. The Operation was initiated by MI6 to protect British interests in Iran's oil.

Since then, the CIA has been well trained in supporting coupes against democracy around the world in defiant violation of the US Constitution which pledges to provide for the common defense (of Democracy). This disturbing trend of the CIA's campaigns against democracy has led us to John Brenen the professed Communist.

Up until now, we were told all the CIA's drug trafficking and their dirty tricks were the result of the end justified the means. They were to save us all from the evils of Communism. But were they really? All the CIA's attempts to prevent Communism in Cuba failed. The Bay of Pigs invasion failed because the CIA told Castro before hand.​ Ultimately the Communist revolution in Cuba was successful because of the CIA.

The Communist invasion of Vietnam was successful because of the CIA. John Brennan forces us to ask which side is the CIA really on? Evidently, Joseph McCarthy was right. That is why the CIA endorsed Joe Biden in this recent US election fraud. Corporate Communism is Communism.

Up until recently I've was unable to connect the last few dots. I could not understand why the rich fund Communism. I only knew that they did. The Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, George Soros, Bill Gates. These rich anti Christs fund Communism and it's not to share their wealth, it's to secure their wealth by bringing back slavery. They fund the best media outlets and propaganda specialists to sell their lies but slavery to protect their interests is always their end game.

Bernie Saunders wanted to do away with the CIA just like JFK did. The Dominion voting software saw him defeated over the CIA's candidate. Joe Biden supported Iran Contra. Bernie Saunders opposed it. The Shadow Party by David Horowitz and Richard Poe explains how George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party.
This isn't about Republican vs Democrat. Tuli Gabard is a good person. Joe Biden is a bad man. So was George Bush Jr and Sr. Geroge Bush Sr was the one that got the CIA addicted to drug trafficking in Vietnam. War hero Bo Gritz discovered that and told Morton Downey Jr. It was all confirmed by insider Terry Reed. Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas when the CIA was drug trafficking out of Mena under George Bush Sr.

Friday, November 13, 2020

12 year old boy dies from crossfire in Toronto shooting

Global is reporting that "Toronto police say a 12-year-old boy who was shot in a hail of gunfire at a residential complex over the weekend has died from his injuries. Police said the boy, who was walking with his mother during the day at the time of the shooting, was an innocent bystander. Officers were called to Stong Court, north of Jane Street and Finch Avenue, at 2:22 p.m. Saturday for multiple reports of the sound of gunshots. Police at the time said two vehicles were in a parking lot when two occupants from one car got out and “ran towards the second vehicle and started firing.” City News is reporting that two suspects have been arrested in the shooting.

None of those guns were registered or legally obtained. That is the problem.

COVID Mink slaughterer in Denmark

OK I'm just starting on this but TBM Nation is reporting that the government of Denmark has ordered the slaughter off all the mink due to covid. That is ridiculous. Where are all you animal rights activists now? The needless extermination of an entire species adversely affect the entire ecosystem. This is what Michael Green had to say on the matter. Use Google Translate.

What about bats? You are going to kill all the mink and leave all the bats that started it? BTW the virus did not come from eating a cooked bat. The research lab in Wuhan was studying the virus in bats and contaminated the Wuhan Seafood market. No bats were sold there.

Mink-sagen viser med klar og tydelig evidens, at loven ikke er lige for alle. Man er, som Dansk Regeringspolitiker åbenbart lovmæssigt fritstillet, og kan efter velbehag tilsidesætte Retsplejeloven og skide højt og flot på Grundloven, og frifinde sig selv for lovbrud med, at påråbe sig kommunikationsfejl og teknisk fejl, som sit forsvar/alibi.

At danske regeringspolitikere kan omgås Retsplejeloven og Grundloven er, at fjerne den danske borgers retssikkerhed og bombe demokratiet i atomer. At den danske Regering består af mennesker, som dikterer retningslinjer og forlanger de danske borgere SKAL udvise samfundssind, samfundsvilje og stå sammen side og side, for selv kun, at udvise alt andet, er et klart bevis på- og for, at regeringspolitikerne er en sand flok NARCISSISTISKE TOP PSYKOPATER. Fællesnævneren for narcissisten og psykopaten er, at de begge mangler empati, udnytter og manipulerer og kan reagere med vrede og social kontrol, hvis de ikke får, hvad de vil have. De kan også være selvcentrerede og charmerende.

En Narcissist er afhængig af beundring, og det er lige præcis dét, du skal bruges til. Nemlig, at puste hans/hendes grandiose forestilling om egen betydning op i et show, som han/hun styrer. Du skal blot agere tilskuer og beundre alt, hvad han/hun gør. Bliver hans/huns behov ikke dækket, kan det have store konsekvenser for dig. En Psykopat derimod er ligeglad med, hvad andre tænker om ham/hende. Han/hun kan godt leve med, at andre synes, han/hun er et dårligt eller farligt menneske. Dette kan endda være en fordel, hvis det betyder, at han/hun kan opnå magt og social kontrol over andre.

NARCISSISTISKE TOP PSYKOPATER hører ikke til på Christiansborg, men på en lukket psykiatrisk afdeling - så måske skulle man begynde med, at tvangsmedicinere, tvangsvaccinere- og tvangsanbringe de NARCISSISTISKE TOP PSYKOPATER, som af en eller anden uforklarlig grund fortsat regerer i DANMARK. I morgen er det Epidemiloven de NARCISSISTISKE TOP PSYKOPATER vil tvinge ned over vores HOVEDER og FRIHED⛔ VI BLIVER NØD TIL AT VÅGNE OP!! Vi må- og skal have vores grundlovssikrede rettigheder og demokratiet tilbage i Danmark. Det her er hvad Folketinget skal stemme om den 13. november!!

🚨 dine børn, din familie og du selv kan blive tvangsvaccineret, tvangsmedicineret og tvangsindlagt? 🚨 hvis du nægter at blive testet, kan du blive hentet (ikke nødvendigvis af politiet, måske af private udenlandske vagtværn) og tvunget i isolation – muligvis på en militærbase (i lovforslaget står der “egnet facilitet”) – og med egenbetaling? 🚨 du kan blive udelukket fra samfundet, hvis du nægter at blive testet eller vaccineret? 🚨 staten kommer til at kunne sælge din private ejendom, hvis du nægter at blive testet eller vaccineret? 🚨 det er ene og alene Sundheds- og ældreministeren, som fastsætter hvilke sygdomme, der skal betegnes som en “samfundskritisk sygdom”? 🚨 den nye epidemilov også gælder for fremtidige epidemier, og at det er en ‘politisk’ beslutning, hvornår en epidemi er farlig?

Punkterne er citat fra Vi tager lige et par citater fra lovforslaget: §15 ”Sundheds- og ældreministeren kan efter indstilling fra Sundhedsstyrelsen fastsætte regler om vaccination af nærmere bestemte persongrupper for at udrydde eller inddæmme udbredelse af en alment farlig eller samfundskritisk sygdom, når der er tale om særligt skærpende omstændigheder med overhængende fare eller trussel mod folkesundheden.”

§17 ”Styrelsen for Patientsikkerhed kan efter anmodning fra myndigheden eller ejeren af den institution, som styrelsen efter § 8, stk. 3, har anmodet om at gennemføre en foranstaltning efter §§ 9-11, 14, og 16, træffe afgørelse om at tillade, at der med henblik på at gennemføre og opretholde en sådan foranstaltning anvendes følgende former for magtanvendelse over for den person, som foranstaltningen retter sig mod: 1) Fysisk fastholdelse, tilbageholdelse og tilbageførsel af den pågældende. 2) Aflåsning af lokaler, hvori den pågældende befinder sig.” COME ON, DET KAN JO IKKE PASSE?! Det er nu engang det, som står i lovforslaget til epidemiloven. Du kan selv læse det her:

Måske tænker du, at selv om det står i loven, kommer det aldrig til at ske i Danmark? Men prøv så lige at tænke et år tilbage. November 2019: Hvis nogen dengang havde sagt, at om et år: - er alle tvunget til at gå rundt med mundbind i det offentlige rum - kan man ikke rejse nogen steder hen i verden - tager regeringen afgørende samfundsindgribende beslutninger uden om Folketing og fagvidenskab - bliver der set skævt til dig, hvis du inviterer din bedstemor, din ven eller din nabo til et kram Så ville vi nok begge have grinet overbærende og tænkt “Det sker jo aldrig i lille Danmark”. Men, der er intet morsomt over noget af det der sker lige nu, og hvis vi ikke vågner op og står sammen, så bliver flere af vores rettigheder taget fra os.

Fight For Your Rights And Life So You And Your Children Can Live In Freedom


MC & Gjengkriminalitet

Denmark, Sweden, Germany, USA & Canada

Mainstream Media lies about Election fraud evidence

It's one thing for the media to be obscenely biased. It's quite another thing for them to print bold face lies. This is why local activists carry signs that say the Corporate media lies to you.

The media is claiming that there is no evidence of election fraud in the last US election. That is a bold-faced lie. Kayleigh McEnany, the Whitehouse press secretary showed them 234 pages of sworn affidavits submitted to the court itemizing election fraud. Those court documents are evidence. The media is lying. Again. Still. Well quite frankly, they never stopped.

The Red Elephants is reporitng that "The Philadelphia Republican Party alleges that hundreds of dead people voted during the 2020 presidential election. The allegations arose after an amended lawsuit filed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) asserted that at least 21,000 dead people are registered on Pennsylvania’s voter file and were not taken down before the election transpired."

Previously we reported on two colossal concerns that point to election fraud. 1) the number of ballots cast in Wisconsin and 2) the percentage of mail in votes that went to Biden.

The number of people who voted in Wisconsin is a concern because it point to voter fraud. There wasn't more people who voted than the nuber of people on the voter roles but 89.49 % voter turnout is abnormally high. Considerably higher than any other previous year. So much higher than previous years and so much higher than any other region, it points to voter fraud.

The percentage of votes that went to Biden point to voter fraud if they were abnormally above the average in poll stations. Equal number of Republican's and Democrats requested mail in ballots. If Joe Biden received 87% or 100% of the mail in votes, that would point to voter fraud. The next thing we need to examine is who lead this coordinated operation?

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Mongols in Thailand

TBM Nation posted a video of the Mongols in Thailand. That actually looks pretty cool. It doesn't look like they are pimping out toy boys like Errol Gildea. Errol has made the red and white pink.

Cypress Mountain opens Friday November 13 2020

Cypress Mountain is reporting that "Cypress Mountain is very excited to announce that we will be opening for the season this Friday, November 13th at 10am! Our Snowmaking and Snow Grooming team have done a superb job with the recent cold weather and natural snowfall, which demonstrates our continued commitment to our guests to provide the best possible snow conditions whenever possible with the most terrain on the North Shore. On Friday, we will be operating the Downhill area from 10am to 3pm and then switch to our regular early season operating hours from 9am to 4pm for the weekend."

We didn't get any snow in the city of Vancouver Monday night like they forecast but we sure did in the mountains. All this rain in the city this week has been snow on the mountains. This year is La Nina the opposite of El Nino. El Nino is the warm winter for the west coast while La Nina is the cold winter brining lots of snow on the mountains. Bring it!

Chinese Troops in Canada, Facts and Fantasy - Update

OK I'm going to combine two posts. One about the real threat and the other about the fake threat. First the fake one. Hal Turner, a conspiracy theorist from Jersey posted a bizarre article claiming that "Under a Treaty signed in late 2019 with Canada, the People's Liberation Army of China has been quietly massing military troops in Canada since the beginning of 2020 and those troops are believed to be readying for an actual military invasion of the United States." GMAFB.

The article claimed that Stanley Park is an island, and that the public were not allowed in because of military troops from China stationed there preparing for a US invasion. Stanley Park is not an island, the public is allowed in and there are no military troops from Communist China stationed there. As evidence the article posted a link to the video of the boot camp on Salt Spring Island. The Salt Spring Island video was not of PLA troops. It was a boot camp of women from a religious group some refer to as a cult. False statements supported by false evidence.
After that was debunked, Hal Turner posted a following up claiming the US were moving tanks into position in preparation for an invasion from uniformed Chinese troops stationed in Quebec. There were no Chinese troops in Quebec preparing for a US invasion. Even if that was true, the US moving tanks into position to repel that invasion would be a good thing.

This is an example of the boy who cried wolf. It's part of the Agency's disinformation campaign. China invading the US with ground forces is unrealistic. Americans own guns and they have air support. There is absolutely no need whatsoever for the Chinese Communist Party to physically invade Canada or the US when they already own and control Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden.
That is the fake threat but there is a very real threat that we should be concerned about. Ezra Levant from Rebel Media has spelled out the absurdity of Agenda 2030. It's tied to George Sorrows, the World Economic Forum, the UN and the World Health Organization. The Communist Party of China's influence over these organizations is very real.
"You'll own nothing and you'll be happy." then it goes off on how you won't die waiting for an organ. Human organs will be created by 3D printers. You're going to print a human heart on a laser printer? Not only is that ridiculous, it is highly suspicious. The whole promise that you won't die waiting for an organ ties in with their current program of organ harvesting from political prisoners. That's why Hong Kong opposes extradition to China. They don't want their activists murdered for their organs like the Falun Gong are.

Ezra Ezra pointed out that video was posted online for four years. As soon as Rebel Media made a report on it, the video mysteriously disappeared just like the UN New World Order website after I reported on it. I didn't create this logo. It was posted on that website.
George Bush was the one that coined the phrase New World Order. He was a globalist like Mitt Romney. Globalist is another world for Communist. Now we see how that New World Order is tied to the UN's Agenda 2030 which Anonymous reported on.

"The United Nations New World Order Project is a global, high-level initiative founded in 2008, and led by Jayme Illien, and Ndaba Mandela, to advance a new economic paradigm, and a new world order for humankind, which achieves the UN’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development by 2030, and the happiness, well-being, and freedom of all life on Earth by 2050." I didn't make that quote up. It was posted on that website and was taken down after I reported on it.
Hapitalism is a poorly translated scene from the Brave New World novel / movie. Political prisoners are not happy. Especially when they are tortured and executed for their organs.

Happiness comes from protecting civil liberty by law like George Washington and Nelson Mandella did. It does not come from stealing every possession anyone has and murdering political prisoners. Buyer Beware. That foreign invasion is almost complete.

The Chinese Communist Party doesn't need to invade Canada. They already have the Canadian police enforicng lockdowns for them.

Update: Justin Trudeau did train and wanted to train PLA troops in Canada. Jail him.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Rebel Media Exposes World Economic Forum 2030

United Nations New World Order - Website has gone underground. Big surprise.

A Declaration of War: Defy the Lie

Gentlemen may cry peace, peace, but there is no peace. The war is already begun. In Canada, Remembrance Day is celebrated on November 11th in remembrance of the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 when the First World War came to an end. It is only fitting that on November 11th 2020 the Provisional Government of Canada makes a formal declaration of war against the global fraud that seeks to destroy our economy and rob our liberty.

John Horgan is a scoundrel just like Jason Kenny and Rob Ford. These villains have forgotten who pays their wages. They work for us. We do not work for them. They are all bound by the Canadian Charter of Rights which is the highest law of this land. In Canada, civil liberty is protected by law. Rocco Galati is a Constitutional lawyer leading the legal challenge to the lockdowns through the Constitutional Rights Centre.

Rebel Media is leading the legal challenge to Covid fines at In Ontario we have patriots like Chris Sky and The Line leading the ground assault, while here in BC we have patriots like Ryan Kulbaba and Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson. We will not accept another lockdown. We will fight it and defy it because the cure is worse than the virus.

Earlier this month Drea Humphries from Rebel Media reported on a protest in Victoria outside Bonnie Henry's office calling to Ban Bonnie. I second that motion. This is a woman who used to work for the World Health Organization which is not run by a medical doctor. It's run by a leader of a violent Communist Paramilitary Organization. You can't get any more George Orwell than that. Bonnie Henry is in a conflict of interest. Another lockdown is not acceptable.

Businesses need to operate. The bold faced lie about the medical system becoming over run is ridiculous. Covid swept over us in February. Now we are getting a mild watered down remix of a replicated virus that has lost it's strength. When Covid was at it's peak, hospitals were empty. People were dying from having surgeries cancelled. The medical system was certainly not being over run by covid patients and in Edmonton the media lied about ICU numbers.

Banning nonessential travel is not acceptable. It is a violation of the Mobility Rights protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights which is the highest law of the land. I am quite capable of socially distancing while driving on the freeway. People need exercise and fresh air to stay healthy.

Therefore, be it resolved that the Provisional government of British Colombia in conjunction with the Provisional Government of Alberta, Ontario and Quebec, officially declares war are on these villains who are attempting to steal our civil liberty and destroy our economic prosperity. From Vancouver to Montreal, this is a 1965 remix. Liberté, égalité, fraternité. Je me souviens.

A Quebec politician who is leading the cause is Maxime Bernier. In Ontario it's Randy Hiller. He publicly defied Rob Ford's insanity to test the law in court and Ford wouldn't charge him.

Canada is run by the people not politicians who break the law. They are bound by the law just like everyone else. They want to wage war? We will wage that war. We did not fight a war on foreign soil to bend over and cower to the exact same tyrants here at home on our own soil. Defy the lie. Defy the lockdown. Assert the rights and freedoms protect by law.

Listing the lies to see the truth. Civil disobedience is defying the unjust law to challenge it in court.