CBC is reporting that members of the Soldiers of Odin have been seen patrolling in Edmonton which comes as no surprise given the Whiteboy Posse and the hillbilly neo Nazi mentality of some who live there. Supporting that insanity is pissing on a good soldier's grave.
It started off as a good idea that went bad. Patrolling the streets to help stop violent crime is a good thing. Supporting racism and opposing immigration is not. They claim they are not Nazis but their actions contradict those words. Unless you're First Nations, we are all immigrants.
Europe has been plagued by two extremes. Hitler's Fascism on one side and Stalin's Communism on the other. Despite the fact that both extremes hate each other, when push comes to shove one is really no different from the other. It is tragic how many people in Europe believe the Operation Gladio bullsh*t. Tragically since the freedom of the press in North America has been outsourced, so do many people here. I believe in the Hamilton model.
I do not support the Soldiers of Odin. Here in Surrey the Syrian Refugees are welcome but the Soldiers of Odin are not. We need to rise above hate and intolerance. Peace.
Update: North America is different than Europe in the sense that here we are all immigrants. No single group has the right to persecute another. When people make hateful statements it is well within reason to ask where do those kind of statements lead? Hitler's anti Semitism lead to the holocaust. China's slander about the Falun Gong has lead the the secret holocaust where they are imprisoned, tortured and executed for their organs. That is contrary to the principles of a free republic as defined in the Irish Proclamation from the 1916 Easter Uprising.
when you have people running for the leadership of the federal Conservatives, like Kellie Leitch, who wants people to be tested for "Canadian values", it brings the rest of the nut bars out into the open.
ReplyDeleteIn the U.S.A. with Trump and his mouth, there has been an increase in racist comments and attacks. Some of it spills over into Canada.
Today's news also informs us that Chancellor Merkel's party was out voted by a "racist" group in Germany.
Its like it just takes one nut bar to get the ball rolling during difficult times and they all come out of the closet.
Ah yes but we fought them then and we will again. The South shall rise again and the North will stand against them. Again.
Delete"Chancellor Merkel's party was out voted by a "racist" group in Germany."
DeleteAh, you mean the AfD party, which stands for "Alternative fur Deutschland"? They are described as a Nationalist, Anti-Immigration Party.
So basically, anyone who wants to preserve their national culture and limit immigration from countries that are poor candidates for assimilation are racists? Got it.
Listen, if Canada wants, or can let itself be talked into cultural suicide, ( basically a "fait de accompli" at this point) that is Canada's privilege. But don't presume to tell others how they have to run their country. "If you're not for open borders you're a racist". Right.....
Hitler was anti immigration too. It was all a farce just to feed the hate. I have to agree with eaf on that one. The great Canadian mosaic is far from cultural suicide. It is in my opinion the ideal society which I much rather live in. You can have the American melting pot. That's just not my cup of tea.
DeleteSince e.a.f. didn't read the article all the way through, let me point out that it referred to an election in only one of the German states, and virtually none of the other political parties have any plans to work together with the AfD party.
DeleteGreat. Germany votes Nazis back in. That's like Russia voting Communism back in. It is a step backwards not forwards. They say oh we're not Nazi's but they teach the same thing. Hate is too great a burden to bear.
Deletealbatrossking: If you read the post you will understand why I did not approve your comment. That was me not Google. There's' nothing scary about you being an asshole. You just aren't welcome here. We fought the Nazi's in the war for a reason. You spewing that toxic bullsh*t is just pissng on a good soldiers grave. Here in Canada we respect our soldiers. You obviously do not. Our soldiers fought for the freedom of minorities because it was the right thing to do. If they are free, we all are. There is nothing noble or admirable about being a racist. This is Canada. The sons of Odin aren't from here and have no right to tell anyone migrants aren't welcome because they themselves are migrants. You just need to grow up that's all.
ReplyDeletealbatrossking: Hitler's death camps did not represent freedom nor did the hate and propaganda that created them. We're from the west side. West side of the wall. Berlin Wall. You're on the wrong side.
Deleteall people in all countries are migrants, humans migrate, thats what we do...
ReplyDeleteborders are but lines on a map drawn by egomaniacs for power and control...
read some books people..
DeleteThe soldiers of Odin in Edmonton "claim" to be multicultural and against racism. Their m.o is the public safety of women.