As everyone here knows, high ranking BC Hells Angel Bob Green was shot dead on Sunday. Although I certainly didn't lose any sleep over the death of Jonathan Bacon, I want to be clear in that I am not happy about this murder and I do not support it.
I always thought Len Peltier would get shot before Bob. CKNW is reporting that 27-year-old Jason Francis Wallace is charged with the second degree murder of Bob Green. Jason was a member of the 856 who work for Len Peltier and Bob Green. Jason was charged with drug trafficking along with Lenny last year. It is highly likely Bob Green wanted him to take the fall for Lenny like many others have in the past and he said no.
This murder represents a crossroad for not only Bob Green but also for myself and the future direction of this blog. Obviously the family is struggling with the loss but also with the why. Instantly we all knew it was related to the drug trade. That was the why. We just didn't know the who or which one. We already have an answer to that question as well. It was not a rival, it was internal. Only it didn't come from above, this time it came from below. No wonder he turned himself into the police so fast. He knew he'd be killed if he wasn't in police custody.
I'm not a reporter, I'm an activist. I'm not here to sell newspapers and make money off of a family's tragedy. I'm here to help people see the consequences of their choices and encourage them to leave the life and have a fresh start on life. As I previously said, Bob Green was not a bad man. There are a lot worse out there. He was a good father, loyal husband and devoted friend. He also profited from the sale of drugs. So does the CIA, Hillary Clinton and Wall street.
Bob was a businessman. Sometimes it's hard to find ethical investments. Often when we invest our money, we don't really want to know about the sweatshops or the exploitation that goes on behind the scenes as long as our investment turns a profit. Lenny and Caylan are pieces of garbage. No disrespect to the family. Every family has black sheep so to speak.
Lenny was supplying crack houses in Surrey back when the Surrey House of Horrors was in existence. Larry Mizen was a debt collector that worked for Lenny. Lenny is a weasel who hides behind John Crowston and uses Bob Green's name. Now that Bob is gone the industry will take care of Lenny themselves. Many sources claim that Len Peltier is a rat. Well, he doesn't call it that. When you get busted and get someone who works for you to take the fall they don't call that being a rat. They call that the price of doing business.
It's pretty obvious that Jason Wallace was expected to take the fall for Lenny again and evidently he did not approve of the idea. Why should Lenny the weasel sell out everyone that works for him over and over again? It's also possible Bob Green said that since the heat was on the 856 it was time to change it up and disband the 856 until the heat is off. It's quite possible that the puppet bit the hand that fed him. Which just goes to show, even a 12 year old kid can pull a trigger.
As for the crossroads and the change in direction of the blog, I will reiterate George Christie and Kerri Krysko have convinced me that not all Hells Angels are bad. Not all of them are involved in criminal activity. Many of them are but many more are not. In this case, Bob Green was. Yet he was not like David Giles who boasted that his friendship was for sale or the many pieces of garbage with patches running around Edmonton.
Bob Green's kids are good. His family wasn't involved in the business. This tragedy reminds me of a mother who spoke at the Gang Violence Rally in Bear Creek Park which inspired me to start this blog. They released doves in memory of loved ones lost to gang violence. One mother stood up and said she lost her son to gang violence. Only unlike Chris Mohan and Ed Schellenberg he was not an innocent victim. He was involved in the drug trade. Yet she was hurting too and grieving the loss of her son just like Bob Green's family is now.
The question is, will the club and the press let the family grieve in peace or will they turn his funeral into another circus side show promoting the drug trade when his family had nothing to do with that life and are suffering now as a result. Peace.
I never thought I'd see the day when you'd have anything good to say about a man who made his money turning people's lives into misery. "His investments", LOL, you make him sound positively respectable.
ReplyDeleteYou KNOW there will be the "standard" funeral....
He was respectable. The Edmonton and Kelowna chapters are not. Since he was a member I have no doubt that his friends in the club will want to give him a respectful burial. Yet his family also needs to grieve privately without the parade. I will not be covering the funeral. I will let his family and friends grieve in peace.
DeleteI so agree with you.
Deletethank you for you condolences Dennis
DeleteBob was respected. Many of the others are not. His family wasn't involved with the business. A friend claims his family was normal just like theirs. Peace.
DeleteR.i.p BOB
ReplyDeleteIs that you Scooby? Xo Bon.
DeleteGreen like any HA made a living destroying other peoples lives,not a bad man you say.Christie another bird who made a living as a HA member and now wants to be the new Sonny Barger telling his tales to the Walt Disney ears.HA kill there own,look at the 2 missed hits on the Ontario Nomads this year.All about money,no respect for one another or the public.Bye Bye Green.
ReplyDeleteI personally like George Christie. He is a voice of reason.
Deletewonder how many familys grieved their loved ones over the poison this guy sold for so many years.
ReplyDeleteyou talk about Janice and other unfortunate addicts who fall prey to these people yet somehow the carnage this guy reeked is not so bad.
seems like they got to you.
to bad.
I guess but if you read the post you will see that I still have beef with some, just not all. There is good and bad in every organization.
DeleteLike good and bad Nazis, I guess. GIVE me a break.
DeleteOMG Not all of them are involved in criminal activity you say? HA members got their patch because they committed crimes ie drug trafficking, human trafficking, and murder. Don't go soft man, it's not who we've been looking up to all these years.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, the sky hasn't fallen. Everybody just wants the dirty laundry as Dire Straights called it but that's not what I'm all about. Everything has it's time and place. Not all cops are dirty but some are. The CIA has been deeply involved in drug trafficking since the Vietnam war. That doesn't mean everyone who works for the CIA are drug traffickers even though many are.
DeleteGeorge Christie hit the nail on the head. He said not all members of the Hells Angels are involved in criminal activity because the ones who are are stingy and don't share the proceeds of crime with everyone in the chapter. That is believable.
For me it's all about Ricky Nelson's Garden Party:
To thine own self be true. I don't support gang violence.
That would be Don Henley not Dire Straights....come on man!!
DeleteDon Henley, right, my bad. My alzheimer's is acting up again. At least you know the song I'm referring to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHimia_Fxzs
DeleteSpeaking of Don Henley, he also wrote a New York minute:
Yeah this one as well
DeleteIn truth Dennis makes a reasonable case. In reverse percentages Doctors whom overprescribe to long term patients are no different. Yet our society doesn't label the entire group of family physicians as careless, incompetent drug dealers.
ReplyDeleteLabeling any group of people as any common name is inaccurate in most cases. Having an open mind to consider an opinion different from yours enables you to grow mentally. Just consider the possibility an opposing idea may have some validity or value and if it does or not you'll be a better person for having done so.
lol and all cops are good guys right hahahaha ya right some are just as bad as any h.a out there
ReplyDeleteYou have missed my point entirely Scooby.
ReplyDeleteThe bottom line is that the real villain in this case is Len Pelletier. He's the reason Bob Green is dead. He keeps f*cking up over and over and Bob has been bailing him out time and time again. If they asked the kid to take the fall for someone like Glen Hehn, he probably would have said yes. Taking the fall for a weasel like Lenny again was just too much for anyone to swallow. It's about time that piece of garbage starting taking responsibility for himself instead of having others take the blame for his screw ups all the time.
ReplyDeleteBill SmithOctober 20, 2016 at 7:57 AM
ReplyDeleteYou have missed my point entirely Scooby.....wasn't commenting on what you said
The safest thing for this guy is to turn Crown evidence. That is what the club will be worried about the most. Secondary will be the fact he did not "play ball".
ReplyDeleteAs for the blog, keep it going but weigh the evidence accordingly.
Two individuals, one who had no real insight into the inner-workings of the club in any way, shape or form (if members are telling Giles they will not even trust his connections they certainly are not going to let her know anything!). These guys are not that dumb - that is one of the reasons they keep getting rid of people for being liabilities.
The other who would never incriminate himself is smart enough not to do so. There is a reason he was charter president in So Cal for so long.
Weigh the evidence whether they are just fun-loving individuals who get branded as the bad guys because they ride motorcycles and want to live exciting lives riding the bikes and pursuing individuality. Or. Is this a group who requires its members to commit crimes in order to be part of the group, lives a lifestyle way beyond their means (how does one do that?), is known as a criminal organization for a reason, any rival MC member will be honest about the dealings of the HA, does not distance itself from any members convicted of the most heinous of crimes, expose after expose on this blog, alone, about their collective activities, ideology and behaviours.
Go beyond the superficial - the slick marketing, photogenic personalities and high-gloss marketing and look at the underlying reality.
Hells Angels that don't support prostitution, drug traffic, guns, etc. dont exist. Someone doesn't support a gang like the Hells Angels without knowing what they are supporting when they do so. Acting like there are Angels that are any better because they are not directly involved is just ignorant.
ReplyDeleteThe ones not directly involved or the "good ones" are THE support for the scumbags. They aren't an excuse for the murderers and drug dealers they are the reason the drug dealers are still around, they cover for the killers, they are all scum.