Sunday, August 12, 2018

China's Space Station in Argentina

The New York Times is reporting that China has built a space station in Argentina. It wouldn't be a space station if it was in Argentina. It would be a space station if it was in space. "the way the base was negotiated - in secret, at a time when Argentina desperately needed investment - and concerns that it could enhance China’s intelligence-gathering capabilities in the Western Hemisphere have set off a debate in Argentina about the risks and benefits of being pulled into China’s orbit." It's OK. China will piggy back off of all the stingray antennas they have set up all over North America for their warrantless surveillance. Nothing to worry about here. Much.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Wikileaks Served With Democrats Lawsuit Over Twitter

Why is this not surprising? I was just thinking about the CIA's recent censorship of Alex Jones on Facebook and Youtube and was wondering about Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Gizmodo is reporting that "In what may be a first for the American legal system, Wikileaks - the radical transparency organization turned Russia propaganda cell run - was served a lawsuit today in a tweet by law firm Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC. The firm, which has not tweeted from this account before or since, appears to have created it specifically for this purpose." The Firm? That was a Freudian slip. Of course, everyone who opposes Hilary Clinton's arms dealing and drug trafficking is part of a Russia propaganda cell. That makes perfect sense. Not.

"Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll is retained on behalf of the Democratic National Committee, which had troves of information exfiltrated during the 2016 election that was then strategically disseminated by Wikileaks and its self-exiled leader Julian Assange."

Julian Asange exposed Hilary Clinton's arms deals with ISIS through Quatar. Now he is being sued by the Democratic National Committee. This fake lawsuit is served over twitter the day after Julian states he is considering testifying before a Senate committee.

Come on guys, Edward Snowdon has to be involved in this as well. This is what's wrong with the world today: Edward Snowden exposes illegal activity within the CIA and the NSA and instead of arresting the criminals breaking the law, they want to arrest the whistle blower for exposing it. Likewise, Julian Assange exposed the fact that Hilary Clinton profited from selling arms to ISIS through Saudi Arabia and Quatar. Instead of arresting Hillary Clinton they want to sue Julian for exposing that. Now Alex Jones has been banned from Facebook and Youtube because he opposes Hilary Clinton's criminal activity. God help us. No one else will.

Free Edward Snowden - Wikileaks web site - Wikileaks on Twitter - Free Julian Assange

Toronto police use ISMI - ISMI Catcher outside my house - ISMI Catcher outside Surrey Pretrial

Fake Terror plot thwarted in London

Speaking of fake news, this is as fake as it gets. The Telegraph is reporting that "Muslim convert radicalised by Anjem Choudary plotted to kill 100 people in a terror attack outside the Disney store on Oxford Street. Lewis Ludlow, 26, who swore allegiance to Islamic State, also plotted to target tourist attractions such as Madame Tussauds and St Paul’s Cathedral by ramming a van into tourist crowds in a lone wolf attack." Another white guy plotting another attack without a motive. Fishy as f*ck. MI 6 is really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one.

The Edmonton "Attack" and Project Argus

Catherine Bruce sets the record straight

Friday, August 10, 2018

Kang gang bust: Biggest case of fake news in BC history

Unbelievable. The front page of today's Vancouver Province is the headline Kang Gang Bust. Kim Bolan wrote an article referring to the "notorious" Kang gang. AYFKM? The Bacon brothers were not notorious. That claim was ridiculous. Calling the Kang Gang notorious is absurd. She is trying to promote them to sell newspapers. That is shameful. BTW you can't even buy newspapers anywhere around here any more. Post Media News is virtually worthless now.

Among the list of items seized is a pressure cooker bomb. AYFKM? That is as fake as it gets. That was planted there by the RCMP just like it was in the John Nuttal case.

The Kang gang used to sell drugs for the Brothers Keepers who were finger puppets for the Red Scorpions who in turn sell drugs for the Hells Angels. As soon as the Kang gang leave the brother's keepers and start working for the UN instead of the Hells Angels, the police bust them and seize massive amounts of money after planting a fake pressure cooker bomb and a ridiculous giant scorpion statue. This is as fake as it gets. It's not even red.

Ever since the Kelowna Summer Jam in 2012 the BC Gang Task force has been compromised. That is when they stopped arresting Hells Angels for drug trafficking. The David Giles bust and the Johnny Newcome bust, that was real. This is not. This is why gang enforcement in BC has to be taken away from the RCMP and given to a regional task force. That is obvious.

Kim's article was a day before today's press conference. The BC Gang Task force gave her an exclusive because she spins for them. In turn they give her access to bar watch.

I always know I've hit the nail on the head when Blaze starts spamming my blog with bullsh*t. I thought those new profiles he created sounded like Blaze. When he slipped up and used one of his old profiles that clinched it. So either Blaze is surfing from prison or that prison sentence was a fake cover in exchange for him testifying in that other bogus case.

The police totally f*cked up the case against Jamie Bacon in the Surrey Six. Literally. IHIT slept with witnesses. It wasn't just one of them it was a climate of unprofessionalism that permeated the force. Excessive trial delays occurred as they frantically tried to cover it up and Jamie eventually got off Scot free for murder because of trial delays.

That was something the RCMP did. Now they are making up these new charges to make up for it. Any Red Scorpion bust is a Hells Angels bust because after the Surrey six the Red Scorpions started working for the Hells Angels. Jamie isn't planning sh*t from prison. The guy is an ork not a leader. His dead preppy brother was the leader through his pal Larry Amero.

With regards to the John Nuttall pressure cooker fraud, what reporter was right there leading the way with another fraud exclusive? Kim Bolan. She was given an inside tour of the home by the police's fraud squad that fabricated the whole lie. "See my exclusive video inside the apartment here." I went for lunch with John's mother and Grandmother. His grandmother was living in the basement suit. She told me that many of the items the media said were used to make bombs were her items that had nothing to do with making bombs. She was an elderly Caucasian Christian. Thankfully, Catherine Bruce set the record straight on that RCMP fraud.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Rina Gill runs for Surrey city council

It is with great pleasure that I report Rina Gill is running for Surrey City council. Three Cheers! Rina is a local business woman who has been active in her community for many years. Most recently she organized a Surrey Health Expo and a Community Gang forum in Surrey.

Rina was actually born and raised in Toronto. When she came to Surrey she was active in the South Asian business community and was introduced to politics though Sue Hammel and Bruce Ralston. Two iconic pillars in our community. That's when she ran along side Bob Bose for Surrey City Council. Rina speaks very highly of Bob. Coming from Toronto, Rina had no idea about the polarized politics that dominated Surrey for so many years.

After Bob Bose retired, the Surrey Civic Coalition ceased to exist. Surrey First was trying to recruit Rina but Tom Gill wouldn't have it. Tom wanted to be the only South Asian on the team. Kinda weird how he then pissed off the entire south Asian community by voting for the mega casino on rural land when they staunchly opposed it. C'est la vie.

Last election Rina joined Doug McCallum's Safe Surrey coalition which obviously raised eyebrows with her NDP friends and supporters. Some people just can't see past race, religion or creed. Again Rina had no idea about the polarized politics in Surrey. She said working with Doug was a great experience. She decided to run with Bruce Hayne this time because he didn't have past history like Bob and Doug did. She committed to working with Bruce before she knew Doug was going to run. That is why, even though I am supporting Doug McCallum for Mayor, I am also supporting Rina Gill for council. She is competent, genuine and sincere.

Rina's motto is Loyalty, Bravery, Integrity. Unlike most other politicians, Rina embodies those values. Doug McCallum is considered right wing. Some of Rina's NDP friends simply cannot see past that. Laila Yule referred to a dark undertow within the NDP which is no different than Christy Clark's liberals. A lot of that undertow is dragging down the Surrey Community Alliance. Rina is not political in the dirty sense of the word. She is a politician like unto Chuck Cadman who genuinely cared about his community. Sadly Barbara Steele is not.

Barbara Steele embodied everything that was wrong with Surrey First from the money laundering at Campbell Heights, to the dirty Casino on rural land to the road through Hawthorne Park and Hjorth Road elementary. Barbara Steel embodies arrogance and misrepresentation. Bruce Hayne has all that and more to overcome.

Bruce Hayne claims that the first phase of LRT can't be stopped. That is simply untrue which automatically puts into question anything else that comes out of his mouth. My agenda is clear. I will support anyone that will stop the LRT on 104th and the road through Hjorth Road elementary and I will support anyone that will implement the New York Crime Reduction model.

Rina supports Bruce for Mayor. I do not. That is one area we do not agree on. However, there are many other areas that we do agree on and because she is completely genuine, I wholeheartedly endorse her candidacy for Surrey council. It's time to come together and do what's right.

Dennis Watson speaking on the New York Model

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Alex Jones Banned from Facebook and Youtube

In all honesty I'm not sure what's going on. Seemingly Alex Jones had some material taken off facebook and youtube that was deemed hate speech. Seemingly that has created a tsunami of take downs of material going back a few years. Yes it does sound very suspect. The New York Times ran a poll that said Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest and Apple have removed Alex Jones and Info Wars from their platforms. Should twitter follow suit? That is absolutely bizarre.

Why would all those platforms remove Inforwars? That is complete censorship. Why would the New York Times run a poll asking Americans if Infowars should be banned from Twitter? Surveying public opinion on violating the First Amendment is straight out of the Twilight zone.

This is a video discussing what is going on posted not on Youtube but a new platform called This is Alex Jones official statement on the Internet purge posted on Infowars.

Usually when a large corporation censors or bans someone, that causes everyone to find out why they were banned. It increases traffic and exposure. Deleting a video or a blog post for being hateful is one thing but removing an entire news syndicate is off the wall.

One of the main stream media outlets tried to belittle Info wars because they believe 9/11 was an inside job. AYFKM? Anyone who thinks the third tower fell due to heat and fire is a brain dead idiot. Operation Northwoords was real. So was Operation Fast and Furious. We need to talk about those documents. 9/11 Lose Change and 9/11 Explosive Evidence are documentaries we all need to watch. We need to talk about the USS Liberty. That was real

Alex Jones did an excellent job on a documentary about the USS Liberty with an intro about Operation Northwoords and Hitler's use of False Flag attacks before the war showing President Johnston recalled the air support for the USS Liberty when it was under attack. Now that video has been deleted from Youtube. That is f*cked up.

Alex Jones has become known as a truther. One who exposes the false flag inconsistencies. Yet somewhere along the line he lost that vision. If 9/11 was an inside job along with the attack on the USS Liberty and if a lot of the mass shootings are orchestrated, then why on earth does he buy into the raping refugee false flag attacks? It makes no sense whatsoever. His refugee hate is feeding the false flag attacks objective. The CIA created ISIS. Literally.

With regards to the tsunami of censorship towards Alex Jones and Infowars, Facebook sucks. If Youtube is going to practice that kind of censorship then we need to find and promote other platforms that promote free speech. As consumers we need to show the monopolies that if they practice censorship, we will not use their services. We will go somewhere else.

Blow The Whistle on Chinese Communist Infiltration Of Silicon Valley

Fake News targets Russia as a smoke and mirrors distraction from China

Looking at the Confucius Institute in North America

Hillary Clinton was the author of Operation Fast and Furious

Hillary Clinton sold weapons grdae Uranium to Russia

Hillary Clinton armed ISIS - Julian Assange confirmed it.

That's why the MSM is attacking Alex Jones and Julian Assange.

Fatal Assault in Surrey

The Peace Arch News is reporting that "One man is dead and one injured following events Surrey RCMP believe to be related. On Monday afternoon (August 6), at about 4:30 p.m., police responded to a report of a man being stabbed in the 10800-block of 152nd Street. He was transported to the hospital in stable condition. Shortly after, a second man was dropped off at a hospital suffering from serious injuries, and later died. The two incidents are believed to be related. The Surrey Serious Crime Unit and the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team have taken over the investigations."

Monday, August 6, 2018

Norm Farrell for North Vancouver School Trustee

Norm Farrell is running for School Trustee in the North Vancouver School district. Three cheers! Norm Farrell is the infamous local blogger that has been a stalwart defender of the faith blogging about the BC Hydro fraud and other BC Liberals scams. He and his wife raised three children in North Vancouver and has seven grandchildren all still living in the North Vancouver School district. I was born in North Van. My father was an elementary school principle in the North Vancouver School district. I joyfully endorse Norm's candidacy.

The King of Saudi Arabia has lost his mind

Well this is tragic. One of Justin Trudeau's feminists makes a simple comment about women's rights in Saudi Arabia which is nonexistent, and calls for the release of a couple of peaceful human rights activists and Saudi Arabia comes unglued. They expel Canada's diplomat, suspend flights to Toronto and starts withdrawing students from Canadian schools.

All they had to do was say yeah whatever like everyone else. This flury of insanity shows the validity of the request. A youth organization even went so far as to post an image on Twitter appearing to show an Air Canada plane heading toward the CN Tower in a way that is reminiscent of the 9/11 attacks in the US. Really?

Most of the 9/11 terrorists came in through Saudi Arabia. Their passports were denied but the CIA over ruled the denial and let them in for obvious reasons. Saudi Arabia has been the hub of arms dealing for generations. Maybe we shouldn't be selling them arms. They were supplying ISIS.

I might add that the human rights violations in China are much worse. Maybe we shouldn't be selling China nuclear reactors so they can export nuclear missiles all over the planet.

Carrie Underwood attacked by trolls as fake news dramatizes nonsense

This isn't news but because it made the news, I will comment on it. US Magazine is reporting that "Carrie Underwood isn’t known for being controversial. But the country singer angered some parents when she said that at age 35, she and husband Mike Fisher won’t be able to give their son, Isaiah, 3, many biological siblings. The comments came rolling in on Facebook. “I’m 38 and just had a baby . . . she’s being ridiculous,” wrote one woman. Added another: “You do know that everyone’s body is different, right?” AYFKM?

She didn't say she wasn't able to have any more kids, she simply said at 35 she past the age of giving her child many biological siblings. She might have more kids she might not. She might adopt some she might not. That's her choice. The absurdity of the frenzy clearly shows that the mob is fickle and the news is fake. People are dying and this is all they have to say about it.

Reporters are not enemies of the people but their employers are. The New York Times and the LA Times still has credibility but most of the others don't. The Washington Post sucks. Even the New York Times and the LA Times joined in on the slagging of Gary Webb who rightfully exposed the CIA's involvement in the US crack epidemic. Gary Webb was right.

Corporate mergers means the media is easier to control and the press is no loner free. Whoever owns the paper controls it's content. Just ask Dan Rather and Rupert Murdoch.

Obviously Donald Trump's sweeping statements are creating a knee jerk reaction within the Main Stream Media who are desperate to protect the credibility of their craft. Yet the underlining concerns about the MSM are very real. For the most part, Global is great. Yet their Post Media ownership has clearly diminished their credibility and has flushed the Vancouver Sun / Province's credibility right down the toilet. CBC is better. They still do investigative reporting but obviously no outlet is perfect. That is why we need diversity which has been killed by the media mergers.