Sunday, January 1, 2023

A New Year of Conflict in the Middle East

Someone sent me a link to this cool video of fireworks going off to celebrate the New Year in Nazareth. That's kind of what it sounded like last night outside my window here in Surrey. I didn't hear any yelling or pots and pans but I heard a ton of fireworks from many different locations.

I clicked on a link in one of the videos and found a pro Palestinian site reporting "Breaking Media coverage: Palestinian resistance fighters target Israeli occupation forces with gunfire as military patrols storm the town of Kafr Dan, north of the occupied West Bank." It's a recent post about an event that appears to have happened three weeks ago.

The headline admits Palestinian resistance fighters target Israeli occupation forces with gunfire. Maybe that's why the Israeli military returned fire. Then I see another inflammatory headline which reads "Watch: Israel’s new Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu breaks into the Al-Buraq wall, the western portion of Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque and performs Talmudic rituals, right now." He's a Jew going to the Western Wall to pray. WTF?

That's a Jewish holy site. We need to take a deep breath and calm the f*ck down. We need to calmly and rationally sift through the fake news so we can discern the truth amidst the lies. I don't have blind obedience to either side. Personally I think you are all crazy and I'll explain why later. I just want to sift through all the bullsh*t first.

I want to address the two conflicts in Israel and the media's deliberate misrepresentation of Benjamin Netanyahu. The fake news keeps going off about how far right he is. They deliberately use and misrepresent that term because they have an agenda. To the fake news, if you're on the right side of the Berlin wall you're far right. In reality, you're normal.

That brings us to the two separate conflicts in Israel. The fist is Israeli versus Palestinian. The other is the Israelis and the Palestinians against themselves. As we know, the UN has been taken over by Communists. Benjamin Netanyahu is opposing a UN resolution trying to interfere with Israel's sovereignty. He stated that "Jews cannot be occupiers in their own land." Actually they can because historically, Joshua did not conquer the entire land. God forbade that and said "Thou shalt neither vex a stranger, nor oppress him: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt."

It was kind of a cruel gift. Here's your land but you can't have all of it and you're going to be surrounded by enemies who want to drive you off the face of the earth. He did that to try them and to humble them. If you get too high and mighty, I'm going to let them kick your a*s.

So that's one aspect of the conflict in the Middle East. Two groups of people who both want total control over the same land and refuse to share. That's basically what it all boils down to. However there's another conflict within the conflict just like Poland saw being liberated by Communists after they were invaded by Fascists. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

The second conflict in the Middle East is the same conflict the rest of the world faces and that is the misrepresentation of Communism and their New World Order of slavery. If the Palestinians think the Jews are bad, wait until they see Klaus Schwab. None of you will own any land or anything else and none of you will be allowed to practice your religion. Buyer Beware.

When I was young I really wanted to visit the Holy Land do I did. I toured Israel, worked on a kibbutz and became acquainted with the great work they do at the Oasis of Peace. I had a really positive experience back then but for the most part, the feelings I have for Israel now are the same as the feelings Gandalf had about Moria. Israel is a place of extremism.

The Bible says where two or three are gathered in my name, there I will be also. I'm different. I say, wherever there is a struggle between good and evil, there I will be also. That's my thing.

The Times of Israel is reporting that "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu harshly criticized a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) resolution from last week in which Jewish ties to the Temple Mount and the Western Wall area in Jerusalem’s Old City are wholly ignored." That is true. The Jews definitely have a historical connection to the Dome of the Rock. It is the site of Mohammad's ascension into heaven but it is also the site where Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice. I've already said my piece on that.

The Wailing Wall and the Dome of the Rock is God's cruel paradox of making the same place holy for two different world religions. It is a simple puzzle you've all failed. The Western Wall was called the Wailing Wall because it was a holy site for the Jews who were commissioned to rebuild the Temple before the Messiah Ben David returns. The problem is they don't own the property. It's owned by another major religion and to take the land by force would start a world war.

The simple solution is pick another site for your Temple. It's not rocket science. Moses had the tabernacle in the wilderness where the children of Israel were brought into the bond of the covenant. Pick another site. Don't you think that would be the godly thing to do? I have a lot of Muslin neighbors from Syria. They're not perfect. No one is but they're good neighbors. In fact their religion teaches them to be good neighbors.

Christ taught many parables and one was about the good Samaritan answering the question who is my neighbor? Jews are also taught to be good neighbors. Religion isn't the problem, hypocrisy is. I don't support banning all religions or the formation of a single state religion. I support what Paul described as pure religion. If you're a Muslim, be a good Muslim. If you're a Christian, be a good Christian. If you're a Jew, be a good Jew. It really is that simple.

If there's a dispute with your neighbor, don't you think God would want you to take the higher road and be the bigger man? He'd want you to make a compromise. That's not idolatry, that's pure religion. It's the spirit of the law as opposed to the letter of the law. I don't even think you have the right site. The Mormons probably have the right site and I have no doubt they will let you use it so the sons of Levi can one day offer a sacrifice in righteousness.

Say what you want about Christ but Jesus was a Jew. Muslims don't believe he was the Messiah but they do believe he was a prophet. Jesus made a prophecy about the Temple. He said the Temple would be destroyed and one stone would not be left standing upon the other. I see a lot of stones standing on top of each other in your Wailing Wall. Jesus was standing at the Temple site when he said that - on the Mount of Olives. Right beside the Dome of the Rock.
BTW I do not support evicting Palestinians out of their homes and building new Jewish homes in their place. That has nothing to do with left wing or right wing. That is haram. It is unneighborly and ungodly. It is also a violation of Jewish law. I am not from Israel. I'm from Vancouver where Muslims and Jews get along just fine. As they should. So mote it be.

Catching the Rise on the Ridge

I snowshoed up Holyburn this morning to catch the sunrise from the ridge. Only it was a bit cloudy so there was no visible sunrise. Conditions were perfect for crampons. Hard packed ice. The Caribbean brothers use to say catch you on the rise meaning see you tomorrow after the sunrise. For me New Years doesn't start at the stroke of midnight. It starts when the rising sun breaks the horizon. Snowshoeing up in the dark with a headlamp to catch the sunrise from the mountain top is somewhat inspiring. Better than getting pissed drunk at a party. This is the way up:
And this is the actual sunrise behind the clouds. It reminds me of a saying by Mother Teresa: Behind the dark clouds the sun is still shining. Indeed it is. The road up doesn't open until 7 AM.
This year we keep our eyes on the road ahead so we don't take any wrong turns.

Theme for 2023: The Struggle between Good and Evil continues because it's always misrepresented.

Since the credibility meltdown of the mainstream media became painfully obvious in 2022, I'd like to establish a new theme for 2023. "The Struggle between good and evil continues because it's always misrepresented." They say the truth is the first casualty of war and we have clearly seen that to be the case. Let's start with Hitler. Hitler was an expert manipulator. He conned the Germans back then just like the New World Order is conning us now. Nobody knew he was gassing Jews at the time. He kept that hidden. His rise to power was the result of deception.

Hitler burned down Parliament and blamed it on terrorists so he could suspend civil liberty and become chancellor. Then he bombed a German radio station and blamed it on Poland to justify invading Poland. The rest is history. Fascism is not a threat any more because everyone opposes it. Communism is a threat because everyone misrepresents it. Communism is an Empire of Lies.

The misrepresentation of the struggle between good and evil is not new nor is the misrepresentation of Communism. In fact, it dates back to the war in heaven. We don't know much about the war in heaven other than the fact that there was one where Lucifer, the son of the morning, was cast out along with one third of the host of heaven. That's significant and clearly shows how deceptive the misrepresentation of that struggle really was.
That's pretty extreeme. One minute you're an angel doing this and the next minute your a devil doing that. There is no lie that can rationalize that. The end does not justify the means and actions speak louder than words. By their fruits ye shall know them. Satan wanted to take our free agency away from us. Of course he claimed it was in our best interest. The inherit problem is that progression cannot occur without free agency. Without free agency our progression stops and we become a damned soul in hell so to speak or more simply a slave of the state.

Satan used to be known as Lucifer. He was a high ranking arch angel who rejected God's plan that included free agency. Likewise Communism claims that taking away our freedom is also in our best interest. They claim in so doing they can create social justice. Only that too is a lie. There is no social justice in Communism. People get conned into supporting evil because they are lied to and use lies to con others into joining them. This is why the truth will set you free. This is also why evil constantly misrepresents truth. It is a deception based on lies.

The humorous YouTuber who goes by the name Whatsherface stated that "The purpose of controlled opposition is to lump factual information in with nonsense." She nailed it. They do that to discredit criticism. They will have someone make true statements then go off on nonsense. That way when people hear true facts they will think of the nonsense instead of the true facts.

So what I'd like to do is play a little pinball. Remember that old song Pinball Wizard? Let's set the nonsense aside and take a look at some of the facts that clearly reveal an uncomfortable truth. First, let's identify the nonsense. Flat Earthers, Holocaust Deniers and Lizard people, that's nonsense. So let's set that aside and see what the facts reveal.

Let's begin with Operation Northwoods. No Conspiracy Theorist made up Operation Northwoods. That was a declassified document proposed by Allen Dulles director of the CIA. The purpose of 9/11 was the introduction of the Patriot act that removed civil liberty.
Let's talk about Gary Webb. The CIA was responsible for the US crack epidemic back in the /80's. This goes back to Bo Grits discovery in Vietnam. George Bush Sr was the Globalist that got the CIA addicted to drug trafficking in the first place. The propose of the CIA's drug trafficking is to raise money to erode the Constitution and our civil liberty. That is their real motive. It has nothing to do with fighting Communism. It is simply about hijacking Communism. The lie the CIA consistently uses is that they are doing evil to raise money for good. No there's not. They are doing evil to raise money for evil and help hide and fund their lies.

Someone tried to post a comment on another thread asking for links to the CIA's drug trafficking. I deleted the comment because I assumed it was just more of Blaze's never ending spam but in the rare event it was someone new to this blog, I'll add a few links here. First we can start with the big screen. The Gary Webb story was covered in the movie Kill the Messenger.

Garry Webb was an award winning investigative journalist who published a series called Dark Alliance documenting the CIA's involvement with the US crack epidemic back in the /80's. The story went viral and the mainstream media freaked claiming the story had no merit. That's when Garry Webb documented everything in a book also called Dark Alliance. After that he committed suicide. He shot himself in the head twice. Gary Webb did not commit suicide any more that Dr David Kelly did. They were both assassinated by the intelligence community for revealing unlawful state secrets. Just like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange.

The allegations had already been confirmed by the Kerry Committee. Gary Webb found the connection between the CIA's Oscar Blandon and Freeway Ricky. Freeway Ricky didn't realize he was working for the CIA at the time. When the DEA busted Oscar Blandon, the CIA pulled the plug and said you can't bust him, he works for us. So they made Blandon a protected police informant who testified against Freeway Ricky who was a drug dealer that worked for him.

Freeway Ricky made a documentary called Crack in the System that had a former DEA agent on who admitted that when the CIA pulled the plug on the Blandon bust, the DEA became corrupted. Instead of trying to stop drug trafficking they just started seizing the proceeds of crime and pocketed finders fees. This was also confirmed by former LA Police Detective Mike Ruppert.

This was all part of Iran Contra but it didn't start or stop there. Vietnam war hero Bo Grits caught the CIA trafficking drugs during Vietnam. The movie Air America with Mel Gibson was a comedy based on a true story that was confirmed by Terry Reed's book Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA. Chip Tatum was another witness confirming the CIA's drug trafficking out of Meena. The CIA created the Golden Triangle. That was documented by Jonathan Kwitny in his book the Crimes of Patriots. Operation Fast and Furious sowed us that Iran contra never stopped.

Judge Bonner was head of the DEA when the CIA were caught bringing a ton of cocaine into Florida. The CIA kept denying it over and over until Judge Bonner went on 60 minutes and documented everything. Retired Navy Intelligence officer Al Martin, describes the CIA's drug traficking under Operation Watchtower in his book The Conspirators. Colonel Edward P. Cutolo confirmed everything and claimed that Col. Tony Noriega helped the CIA smuggle cociane.

Al Martin also explained that in addition to drug trafficking the CIA also use investment fraud as part of their fund raising efforts. We saw Earl Brian do that for them in Canada. Al Martin explained how they would frequently crash banks in Texas with the promise of a government bailout. The CIA crash of the BCCI was tied to Saudi Arabia, their arms dealing kingpins. They also crashed the Nugan Hand in Australia. Both banks collapse because of the CIAs arms dealing, drug smuggling and money laundering. Who do you think is behind all this ransomware that target large companies in Canada? It's the CIA. That's their MO.

OK so moving ahead and deciphering the fake news in 2023, let's look at China Uncensored. For the most part, China Uncensored is a good source of news that Communist China doesn't want you to know. However, it's clearly influenced by the CIA and for that reason also contains some fake news to fulfill the CIA's agenda. The CIA doesn't want to stop Communism, they want to hijack it. They want to control it. They don't want to stop Mao, they want to be Mao.

We all saw the insane agenda behind Communist China's zero Covid policy over Omicron and the introduction of their QR Codes. Banning travel had nothing to do with having Covid, it was about banning people who protested from traveling. We all know that when a virus replicates itself it gets weaker not stronger. Omicron was less severe than the seasonal flu. Locking down over Omicron was a criminal act and Communist China did exactly that. Even they couldn't withstand the push back. Yet look at how the CIA and the fake news are spinning it.

During Covid the CIA and the fake news falsified Covid deaths. People who died of cancer, heart disease or the flu were all listed as having died from Covid. They also lied about and misrepresented the hospitalization rates especially during Omicron.

We saw the selective way Communist China implemented and regulated QR codes. The CIA supports that and wants to implement that in North America. So now the CIA is using China Uncensored to claim Communist China is hiding Covid death rates. That is a bold faced lie with an agenda. If China did have a spike in death rates they would be flaunting that on their State run media to justify their ridiculous zero Covid policy. They have no motive to lie about that. The CIA is lying about it to try and rebuild the fake hype about another weaker variant because they want us to accept QR codes, RNA Vaccines and more lockdowns.

In fact since I wrote this, China Uncensored's lies about Covid in China have become ridiculous. The CIA control the fake news. They're connected at the hip. There is another media outlet I often quote that reports true information about China's organ harvesting. They are also tied to the CIA so some of their reports are also compromised. Yet I will not name them because they still have some good information we can use. It's like Fox News. Fox News is better than CNN but it's still compromised. They want to cater to Conservatives and then lead them astray by promoting Republican Globalists like Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell.

The moral of the story is don't put all your eggs in one basket. Question everything. No single person or single media outlet is infallible. Blind faith in anyone or anything is blind.

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Robert Kennedy and Simone Gold set the record straight

Erin O'Toole is a Globalist

Global Fake News is reporting that "Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre doesn't like rage, and he doesn't like profanity-laden flags about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, he told reporters on Friday. But that anger is because people are hurting, he added, as a result of cost-of-living struggles and leaders that talk down to them." That is very true.

There is a reason Justin Trudeau hate is on the rise. His divisive lies are stealing our liberty. The fake news article goes on to state His comment comes on the heels of a Substack post his predecessor, former Conservative leader Erin O'Toole, published Friday morning. In the piece, O'Toole slammed what he called political stunts and "aggressive rhetoric" that he said are proliferating in politics today. O'Toole pointed to the widely used "F--- Trudeau" flags that were a mainstay at the "Freedom Convoy" protests earlier this year as evidence of the issue."

Erin O'Toole is a deranged Globalist just like Justin Trudeau is. That's why Maxime Bernier and the People's Party have dramatically risen in popularity. People oppose the insane agenda of the WEF's brand of Communism. Erin O'Toole should too but doesn't. That is a huge red flag that needs to be addressed. A spokesman for Veterans 4 Freedom spoke in Ottawa against the F Trudeau flags. He said we need to raise the bar which is true. However, the fake news misrepresentation of them fails to admit that a lot of voters oppose lock downs and the insane WEF agenda that goes along with them. Instead of recognizing that fact they obsess over the use of profanity. They are bullies playing the victim which is pathetic.

The Conservatives need to ditch divisive Globalists like Erin O'Toole and bring back Patriots like Maxime Bernier and Derek Sloan. Pierre Poilievre can indeed unite us if he rejects Globalists planted within the party and supports Patriots that have been kicked out of the party.

No jail time for BC man with history of domestic violence who beat ex-wife in front of 5-year-old

CBC is reporting that "A Richmond, B.C., man with a history of intimate partner violence won't have to spend any time in jail following a recent conviction for beating his ex-wife in front of their young child. G.M., whose identity is protected to preserve the privacy of his victim, was sentenced last month to three months of house arrest after a jury found him guilty of assault, according to reasons for sentence posted online Friday."

"It says G.M. punched his ex-wife in the head, neck, shoulders and lower back, and knocked her head against some stairs, all in full view of their five-year-old daughter, on Sept. 16, 2019. The 43-year-old was also found guilty in 2011 of assaulting a previous partner, but because he received a conditional discharge, the conviction does not appear on his criminal record, B.C. Supreme Court Justice Geoffrey Gomery noted. " That is mentally deranged.

Friday, December 30, 2022

EU project sees Police Scotland rebrand paedophiles as 'Minor-Attracted People'

The Sscottish Daily Express is reporting that "A controversial move to label paedophiles as "Minor-Attracted People" in a top-level report has been defended by Police Scotland, with the force suggesting the EU was to blame. Chief Constable Iain Livingstone's annual year end report refers to child abusers as Minor-Attracted People (MAPs).

The move comes amid wider concerns by campaigners over what they see as attempts to rebrand paedophilia as a harmless sexual preference. A spokesman for the force stressed that MAPs is not a term they routinely use to describe child abusers and said that its use in the report had to be understood in context. He explained that the reference to MAPs was in relation to the force's engagement with the European Union's Horizon Europe Project – Prevention of Child Sexual Exploitation." The EU's project supports the promotion not prevention of pedophilia.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Unvaxxed doctors ask for their jobs back in West Kelowna

WWW.HIREBACKOURHEROES.CA Preventing the pharmaceutical companies from being legally liable for adverse reaction from the RNA vaccines was a criminal act. Not everyone who has taken the RNA vaccine has mysteriously dropped dead but every healthy young man and athlete who has mysteriously dropped dead since the vaccine roll out have all taken the RNA vaccine.

Requiring a second shot to be fully vaccinated was a scam for the pharmaceutical companies to double their profit. Requiring a third shot and booster shots proved the vaccine didn't work and that there is no limit to the pharmaceutical companies greed that murdered the Shermans and jack up the price of patented drugs to increase profits. Synthetic RNA vaccines are not traditional vaccines. They don't use a dead virus that stays in your arm. The RNA causes the live virus to bypass the immune system and enter every organ of the body. That's why it causes myocarditis. Omicron is not polio. The mutated variant is less severe than the seasonal flu. The WEF has a bizarre agenda behind RNA vaccines that has nothing to do with promoting health.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Murder charges laid in shooting of Ontario Police Officer

Accused killer of OPP officer was out on bail for assaulting cop

Poilievre says Trudeau sentencing changes make life more dangerous

CP24 is reporting that "New details have been released about the two suspects charged in connection with the fatal shooting of an Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officer near Hagersville, Ont. on Tuesday afternoon. Randall McKenzie, 25, from the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation and Brandi Stewart-Sperry, 30, from Hamilton, are each facing first-degree murder in the shooting death of Const. Grzegorz 'Greg' Pierzchala."

"In an update on Wednesday evening, OPP Commissioner Thomas Carrique said McKenzie had been banned from owning any firearm for life since 2018. Three years later, in 2021, McKenzie was charged with several firearms-related offences and assaulting a police officer."

"Carrique said McKenzie was released on bail on a number of conditions, including remaining in his residence and not possessing any firearms. He was supposed to answer to the charges in September of this year, the commissioner said, but he failed to attend court. A warrant was later issued for his arrest." He was released on bail for murder charges. AYFKM?

He is banned again from possessing any firearms. Is that a joke? I can tell you one thing. He didn't have a valid firearms licence. Legal firearm owners aren't the problem. Justin Trudeau is.
This firearm was not legally obtained. The money is from drugs.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Fake Travel Advisory

I'm riding home from work today on the freeway and I notice a bizarre travel advisory. It's raining and the advisory says storm warning. Essential travel only freezing rain. That is an offensive lie. The government doesn't have the right to tell you what you can or can't do. It's raining, we get it. We live in Vancouver for f*ck sakes. It's always raining. Yet this freezing rain advisory is a bold face lie. Take a look at the temperature. It's well above freezing.

The day before Christmas Eve we had freezing rain but it warmed up the very next day and stayed warm for the entire week just like the forecast said. There was absolutely no need to "cancel" Christmas and this current travel advisory is a bold faced lie. Maybe the Coquihalla but not Vancovuer and the sign was on the Surrey exit heading towards Vancouver.