Someone was having trouble posting to the blog and asked me to post this on their behalf. I didn't write it but am keenly interested in it. If anyone knows anything about Geoff's dissapearence please call Crimestoppers. You certainly could contact me.
The ONE YEAR anniversary date of the disappearance of Geoff Meisner is nearing. You would think a year would be plenty of time for someone to at least make an anonymous tip to Crime Stoppers to bring Geoff home to his girls. Whatever happened these four children and their mother are the ones that have paid the real price and will be scarred for the rest of their lives. Now standing alone as the rest of the Meisner family has also disappeared from their lives.
Do the people involved in Geoff’s disappearance have no family…. No innocent children that will be affected if you are sitting in jail. You have no value in human life - would that still be true if something was to happen to one of your family members.
Mr. H your large family of brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, nieces and nephews - some already pals with the Kelowna under world. Do you worry about their life span? One seems to be pals with KKuntz are they friends or just stocking each other.
Who did you hire this time after you convinced Geoff to do those runs for you??
That brings us to the replacement laundry man and auto broker….. Does cutting edge have a family?? You didn’t think as a major player you would get off ‘scott’ free LOL. Shouldn’t you be paying child maintenance for these girls?
Do you do the laundry for all the organizations in Kelowna so feel protected from your name used in a sentence with the Meisner case. You are the only business in Kelowna that would not hang a ‘Missing’ poster of Geoff yet you had just had property conversations and auto broking deals with him. Are you the one that actually set Geoff up??
He was caught off guard by the too good to be true business deals. Calgary, Las Vegas . .. . . . . . Ken.
You are all so intertwined in Kelowna property, transport, warehousing, lawyers, accountants, etc etc even though you have different affiliations. How will the truth bring everyone down??
You could run and hide in California or only as far as Maple Ridge. Who is Riley?? Until the facts come out all the puzzle pieces will be put on the table, you could stop it by giving up the relevant pieces.
The H/A in Kelowna seem to have become nothing more than a club of HAS BEENS that have totally lost control of this town. The Geriatrics H/B Forever Club.
With both Geoff and Britney's blogs someone has posted comments :
ReplyDelete- A Bayliner boat
- A friend of Britney's that has a helicopter
Does anyone know who this person is ??
hey leb heard we got you in bad with your dad by typing this. you know D she always has a spot for the under dog didn't like the conversation at jgs she remembers seeing the father coming into the shop a few times with a little and felt bad
ReplyDeleteno more to be said meet me at the lanes
Young girls that hang with the gangs are in danger as well as their guys. If people are being shot all around you then it only makes sense that someone may shoot you - wrong place, wrong time. You may not be involved yourself but you will be with H/A, Scorpion or UN and when one gang wants more business they target their competition in the opposing gang.
ReplyDeletePLEASE do not assume that you will never be a victim. Remember the amount of information you
have heard could be a dangerous thing as well.
OK I’m getting names a bit mixed up. Someone posted something about a Hells Angel with gold in the name. I’m assuming they were referring to Richard Goldammer who is listed as the owner of the Kelowna Hells Angels clubhouse. However, one would assume that since East Vancouver Hells Angel Hans Kurt owns waterfront property at 179 Vimy Avenue in Kelowna that he would likely own a Bayliner or similar type of pleasure craft. http://gangstersout.blogspot.com/2010/05/hells-angels-retirement-village.html
ReplyDeleteI believe Colin Martin owns a helicopter: http://gangstersout.blogspot.com/2010/06/drug-smuggler-reported-other-operations.html