Thursday, May 21, 2020

BC Schools reopen June 1st: Update

Well this is good news. BC Schools reopen for 4 weeks June 1st. John Horgan states that it will be a trial run for September. He is the voice of reason. John Horgan's government is handling this situation a lot better than the Alberta government is which goes to show you, just because you have a Conservative government, does not necessarily mean you will have more civil liberty. It's being done on a volunteer basis. If you are a fear freak, don't participate.

I can tell you right now, if my kids were young enough to be in school, they would be attending in June. This virus does not effect children the same way it affects the elderly. The New York City numbers confirm the numbers we originally posted. In New York City, the epicenter of the fraud, children under 17 years old accounted for 0.06% of the fatalities. That was when the virus was at it's peak. Remember, it's a coroavirus. It does not thrive in the heat and humidity.

The teachers Union does not care about the children's education or safety. The teachers Union's mandate is to get more money for the teachers for doing less work. That is their purpose as their representatives at the bargaining table. How much online education has your child been doing for the past two months? None. Most teachers, not all, are very unorganized with the Zoom classes and most kids in BC have done virtually no school work for the past two months. So what are we supposed to do, let every kid fail a grade over this stupid virus? Not on my watch.

If you're a parent and you're afraid, then don't send your kid to school but don't hold back other kids who aren't afraid and want to learn. Homeschooling is always an option. Surrey Connect is now called Surrey Academy of Innovated Learning (SAIL) and they are very organized with online courses. Have at it but do something. Having your kids stay home and do nothing is not responsible. Raising your kids in fear is not responsible. For God's sake grow a pair.

Update: The Vancouver Sun is reporting that "The provincial health officer says worldwide studies continue to show that children are at low risk to contract COVID-19 or to spread it."

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Mitch McConnell's Communist Collusion

I just received a copy of Secret Empires by Peter Schweizer in the mail and it is very timely. This is a nonpartisan look at how the Communist Party of China is corrupting American politicians. It talks about the private equity firm run by Joe Biden and John Kerry's sons but it also talks about how the Republican Senate Leader and his wife are financially tied to the Communist Party of China. This is another snake in the grass like Mitt Romney who publicly denounces the civil rights violations of Communist China while he profits from business with them at the same time.

As I previously said, Republican globalists and Democrat globalists are teaming up to create one party: the Communist Party of China. Buyer Beware. Human rights and the Constitution matter.

40 kilos of cocaine were found on Mitch McConnell's father in law's vessel.

Coal and cocaine- now that's conflicted. Natural gas is a lot cleaner than coal.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Now is the time for Surrey's own Police Force

In February the BC Government announced that "Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, has granted approval to create a municipal police board for the City of Surrey - the next stage in the plan to transition from the RCMP to a municipal police department."

Notwithstanding that fact, the Union representing the RCMP is still running paid ads on facebook trying to overthrow the democratic will of the residents. F*ck off. I live here. I say it's time. We had an election. You lost. Get over it. It's time to move forward and address crime. If you had arrested the drug dealers out of Shakerz this might not have been necessary. You refused so it's time for us to get a police force that is accountable to the citizens that pay their wages. Finish them.

The Union that currently represents the Surrey RCMP does not care about crime in Surrey or Surrey's tax dollars at work. They only care about THEIR Union dues. That is all they care about. There is no reason the Union that represents the RCMP in Surrey cannot represent Surrey's Municipal police force. That is what they should be working on. Surrey is the largest city in Canada without it's own police force. We all need to move forward.

4 Arrested after Surrey shooting - Update

CBC is reporting that "Surrey RCMP have arrested four people after a shooting in the Bridgeview area of Surrey on Monday afternoon. According to a written statement from police, officers responded to reports of shots fired coming from a residence in the 12900-block of 111 Avenue at around 3:30 p.m. on Monday. Police said they contained the residence and arrested those inside. They said no one was injured as a result of the shooting, but one person was taken to hospital with a non-life threatening arm injury, believed to have been sustained during an altercation inside the residence. This residence is known to police, who say the shooting was a result of a dispute between parties who know each other. The public is not believed to be at risk."

Bridgeview is a toilet. The residence is known to the police. No doubt.

Update: The Surrey Now Leader is reporting that "A 54-year-old Surrey man is facing charges after a shooting in Bridgeview on Victoria Day, police say. Surrey RCMP say Clinton Gascho has been charged with assault with a weapon and assault causing bodily harm in what was the city’s 11th “shots fired” case of the year."

Cameron Ortis is innocent

I just want to clarify what I recently figured out. This civilian RCMP officer, Cameron Ortis, charged with spying is innocent. You heard it here first. The charges against him are a scam. Brad Johnson is a shyster as is the agency he represents.

Recently former CIA officer Brad Johnson wrote a disinformation article about Cameron Ortis that simply did not make sense. Not only was it a violation of Cameron's right to a fair and impartial trial, it was a bold faced lie. After all, that is the CIA's Method of Operation.

Last year Dr Kim reported on the Vincent Ramos bust. Kim prints anything the compromised BC Gang Task force asks her to and I can assure you that the BC Gang Task force is indeed compromised. I didn't think much about it at the time but with BJ's bullsh*t it all makes sense.

BJ claims that Cameron Ortis was a spy for China. Bullsh*t. He was arrested when police found confidential RCMP documents in Vincent Ramos' possession. China had nothing to do with it. Vincent Ramos had confidential RCMP files in his possession because he was working for the RCMP undercover. He provided drug dealers with encrypted blackberries that the RCMP could trace so the RCMP could bust them. Only the CIA pulled the plug on their investigation.

The CIA said you can't bust our guys. The CIA were the ones supplying the Sinola cartel in Mexico guns and bringing back tons of cocaine as payment. That is what Operation Fast and Furious was all about. Gary Webb was right. Iran Contra never stopped.

The CIA said you can't bust our guys, you have to bust your guy so they did. Vincent Ramos was sentenced to nine years in prison for supplying organized crime groups encrypted blackberries when the RCMP put him up to it. That's pretty f*cked up but that is what we are dealing with.

BJ's recent defamatory article about Cameron Ortis is a distraction and a warning to all the local law enforcement that was involved with that operation. The CIA wants to make them think that Cameron was a spy for China and that charges against Ramos had nothing to do with it. For those who realize that is not true, it is a warning that if they don't keep their mouth shut the CIA will say they were part of the spy ring as well. Oh the cunning plan of the evil one. A bitter tree cannot bring forth good fruit. The CIA is a bitter tree. It's roots are evil.

So I just want to take this opportunity to say a big F*ck you to the CIA. Cameron Ortis is innocent. You set him up and you charged Vincent Ramos when he was working for the police so your drug traffickers would get off Scott free just like Blandon in the days of Freeway Ricky. You're a POS.

Michael Kramer: Pimping for the ATF

Fatal shooting in Oakville, Ontario

CBC is reporting that "Police west of Toronto have identified two men killed in what is believed to be a "targeted" shooting in an Oakville, Ont. parking lot early Saturday. The men have been identified as Afheed (Al) Rehmtulla, 43, and Kareem Wade, 34. In a news release on Sunday, Halton Regional Police said two other people wounded in the shooting will not be identified. Police said the two are expected to make a full recovery. They are currently in hospital. Officers have not yet determined a motive for the double homicide and no arrests have been made."

Sunday, May 17, 2020

CIA claims China infiltrated RCMP Intelligence

Update: Brad Johnson is a spin doctor for the CIA's criminal network. Cameron Ortis is innocent.

Former CIA officer Brad Johnson recently wrote an article for the American Military News and claims that Cameron Ortis, the director-general of the RCMP’s National Intelligence Coordination Centre arrested last September was a spy for Communist China.

Although this is entirely possible, I am somewhat concerned with any intel coming out of the CIA since we now know they are a criminal organization whose mandate is murder to get gain. Lying is their MO. There currently exists three inherit problems within the CIA.

1) The CIA have been deeply involved with drug trafficking since the Vietnam War. Gary Webb was right. Iran contra never stopped. What the CIA did secretly in Vietnam they are now doing openly in Afghanistan. Libya did not murder Major Charles McKee, the CIA did.

2) The CIA were the inventors of Operation Northwoods and practice false flag attacks.

3) The CIA's control of the MSM has been promoting the damage caused by COVID-1984 in support of Joe Biden who is a globalist tied to Communist China.

If Cameron Ortis was a spy for Communist China, then that is a huge concern. However, it is not the only concern. The CIA's obsessive control of the MSM promoting globalism is the primary concern on the table. Globalism is Communism so the CIA's opposition to Communism is fake. They don't oppose Communism they simply want to take it over like the Rothschilds of old.

Justin Trudeau's public support of Communist China and their forced organ harvesting of political prisoners is a concern for everyone with a moral conscience. Justin Trudeau giving millions of tax dollars to the WHO to be laundered for Revolutionary Communism while he racks up record debt is a criminal act equivalent to treason. That is what we need to face.

Update: Last year global reported that "Sources told Global News that many RCMP members came under suspicion after highly sensitive operational police documents were found during an investigation of a Vancouver-based company. The documents turned up during police searches of Vincent Ramos, the CEO of Phantom Secure, a company that sold encrypted phones to transnational crime groups."

"Ramos’ company sold 20,000 phones to criminals worldwide so that they could conduct drug and money laundering transactions, and cartels were also using the phones for “planning hits,” according to sources. Although Ramos made tens of millions, he was seen as a low-level facilitator for the major criminals that used his service, sources said."

Since the CIA is the largest transnational drug trafficking network in the world, any smear campaign they conduct of potential whistleblowers is suspect.

He Was Canada’s ‘Clark Kent.’ Then Police Say He Went Rogue but did he?

"Those who knew Mr. Ortis said they were shocked to learn of the charges against him."

“The behavior he’s alleged to have engaged in would go against everything we ever saw of him,” said Chris Parry, a journalist who met Mr. Ortis while he was a graduate student. “This guy worked 15 years in the service of the country when he could easily have taken well-paid corporate positions at any time. Clark Kent is the best way to describe him,” he said. “In looks and physique, but also in terms of secrecy and genuine dedication to work for the public good.”

Sounds like a CIA set up to me. Ortis was working under cover. If he had posed as a drug dealer from Panama, that wouldn't mean he was corrupt. It meant he was under cover trying to uncover corruption. Sounds like he did. That's what got him on the CIA's hit list.

Years ago I received a tip claiming that the police had a guy that was providing Larry Amero with encrypted blackberries and had access to all of Larry Amero's encrypted communications. The source claimed that the police had damning evidence on Larry Amero ordering numerous murders yet nothing ever came of it. The RCMP corruption did nothing with that evidence.

Instead they charged their own guy that supplied the encrypted blackberries and the Clark Kent that was ready to take down Larry Amero. Go figure. An evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Justan Idiot cuts a scary deal with Communist China to make a coronavirus vaccine - stop him

WIWON is reporting that "Canada's National Council has joined hands with China to develop a vaccine against the deadly coronavirus. The trials will bring to Canadian soil Ad5-nCoV, a vaccine candidate under joint development by a Chinese company and the country’s military." Go F*ck yourself. I do not trust or want anything from Communist China. They are the ones that launched this. Justin Trudeau is a f*cking idiot. He is criminally insane.

Remdesivir from Gilead is a much more trusted source. Communist China and Bill Gates are not trusted sources of anything. Find some self respect. Stop shaking hands with the Devil.

Obamagate and Money Laundering in the Ukraine

Obamagate is a scam. Eric Holder took the fall for Operation Fast and Furious. Obama used executive privilege to hide Hillary Clinton's involvement in Operation Fast and Furious. That's the scandal. Everything else is small change in comparison. Iran Contra never stopped.

Joe Biden's Ukraine China Collusion is as damning as you can get. Mitt Romney and Joe Biden's ties to the CIA make them dirty. That is the root of the problem - the CIA. Republican Globalists and Democrat Globalists are teaming up to form one party: the Communist Party of China.

The tangled web of shell companies Hunter Biden is tied to in China is 50 shades of the CIA.

A bitter tree cannot bring forth good fruit. If the roots are evil, the entire tree is evil.

Ride Free 2020: National Road Trip Day

Today represents a turning point in the COVID War. "Most" BC parks have reopened. They never should have shut down. You can practice safe social distance in the back country. We need fresh air and exercise. Lock downs are fatal. In Fleetwood there was a sign outside the rec centre that said If you're sick, stay home. I accept that. What I do not accept is all these other offensive signs the provincial government has posted all over the freeway that says COVID-19 Stay Home. Avoid unnecessary travel. I cannot accept that. Mobility rights are an important part of the Canadian Charter of Rights because that is something a Communist government takes away from you.

We have learned many things from COVID1984. We found out who the leader of the World Health Organization is. He's not a medical doctor, he's a revolutionary Communist and we should have absolutely nothing to do with him or the UN's New World Order. Globalism is Communism and I reject it. The Main Stream Media is criminally insane. They are flooding the airways with fear and propaganda in support of Globalism. We need to find alternate news sources.

Dr Phil spoke on the anxiety pandemic that we need to address since the media is fueling it. Manulife has posted some council on how to keep a healthy outlook through the COVID-19 crisis. "When it feels like bad news is happening every day, it can be very difficult and challenging. For many, stress and anxiety are accompanied by a sense of losing control. According to MindBeacon, provider of one of the leading digital mental health therapy services BEACON, when the news is bleak, it’s important to keep a sense of perspective."

"MindBeacon recommends these ways to keep a healthy outlook: 1) Compare your troubling thoughts with reality 2) Focus your attention elsewhere 3) Don’t overwhelm yourself with news." Especially Fake News. CBS showing an overcrowded hospital in Italy claiming it was in Queens New York was criminally insane. The media kept bombarding us with images of line ups outside hospitals in California and New York while locals would video the same hospitals with no line ups whatsoever. The Fake News was toxic. Local protesters were right. We need to choose freedom over fear. The governments "cure" was worse than the disease. Sweden was right.

On Tuesday retail stores reopen. They never should have shut down. We need to move forward. So today marks a turning point in the COVID War. Today we are free. We are free to move. If you're sick stay home. If you're not sick, get out there and move. It's your God given right.

Speaking of mental health, anyone with real mental health issues has been put on the back burner along with everyone else during the COVID1984 circus side show. Time to Move forward.

National Road Trip Day is on May 24th 2020. The freedom to move. Celebrate it.