Friday, January 27, 2023

Why is Excess All Cause Mortality a Cause for Concern?

The Canadian Covid Care Alliance is reporting that "All Cause Mortality (ACM) refers to the number of deaths in a population from any cause. It is a useful tool to look at the impact of an intervention. ACM does not change much from year to year for the general population."

"Excess mortality describes the number of deaths from all causes above what would be expected in a given year. In this issue, we present some research from around the world looking at the trends in excess mortality over the past couple of years and the challenges researchers face in analyzing this data. Are the excess mortality rates an indicator of an issue that warrants further investigation?" As Dr. Robert Malone explains "unanticipated adverse reactions sometimes can only be identified by examining all case mortality." They have several interesting videos about it.

Likewise, the Counter Signal is reporting that "Canada’s 2022 excess deaths trajectory is on pace to shatter the total from 2021 – and obliterate that from 2020." This is exactly what I was getting at in my post about how the pendulum has swung on overall death rates.

Several medical doctors said when you look at the overall death rates, there was no pandemic. They were falsifying Covid deaths by stating people who died of cancer or heart disease died of Covid. When you look at the overall death rates during that time, there was no increase. Even with Seniors in care homes. We were told that over 10,000 seniors died in Canadian Care Homes from Covid yet the same number of seniors died that year as the year before and the year before that. However, since the vaccine roll out, the overall death rates have indeed increased.

Censorship of Death Rates: The Pendulum Swings

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